\";\n return div.innerHTML.indexOf('
') > 0\n}\n\n// #3663: IE encodes newlines inside attribute values while other browsers don't\nvar shouldDecodeNewlines = inBrowser ? getShouldDecode(false) : false;\n// #6828: chrome encodes content in a[href]\nvar shouldDecodeNewlinesForHref = inBrowser ? getShouldDecode(true) : false;\n\n/* */\n\nvar idToTemplate = cached(function (id) {\n var el = query(id);\n return el && el.innerHTML\n});\n\nvar mount = Vue.prototype.$mount;\nVue.prototype.$mount = function (\n el,\n hydrating\n) {\n el = el && query(el);\n\n /* istanbul ignore if */\n if (el === document.body || el === document.documentElement) {\n \"production\" !== 'production' && warn(\n \"Do not mount Vue to or - mount to normal elements instead.\"\n );\n return this\n }\n\n var options = this.$options;\n // resolve template/el and convert to render function\n if (!options.render) {\n var template = options.template;\n if (template) {\n if (typeof template === 'string') {\n if (template.charAt(0) === '#') {\n template = idToTemplate(template);\n /* istanbul ignore if */\n if (false) {\n warn(\n (\"Template element not found or is empty: \" + (options.template)),\n this\n );\n }\n }\n } else if (template.nodeType) {\n template = template.innerHTML;\n } else {\n if (false) {\n warn('invalid template option:' + template, this);\n }\n return this\n }\n } else if (el) {\n template = getOuterHTML(el);\n }\n if (template) {\n /* istanbul ignore if */\n if (false) {\n mark('compile');\n }\n\n var ref = compileToFunctions(template, {\n outputSourceRange: \"production\" !== 'production',\n shouldDecodeNewlines: shouldDecodeNewlines,\n shouldDecodeNewlinesForHref: shouldDecodeNewlinesForHref,\n delimiters: options.delimiters,\n comments: options.comments\n }, this);\n var render = ref.render;\n var staticRenderFns = ref.staticRenderFns;\n options.render = render;\n options.staticRenderFns = staticRenderFns;\n\n /* istanbul ignore if */\n if (false) {\n mark('compile end');\n measure((\"vue \" + (this._name) + \" compile\"), 'compile', 'compile end');\n }\n }\n }\n return mount.call(this, el, hydrating)\n};\n\n/**\n * Get outerHTML of elements, taking care\n * of SVG elements in IE as well.\n */\nfunction getOuterHTML (el) {\n if (el.outerHTML) {\n return el.outerHTML\n } else {\n var container = document.createElement('div');\n container.appendChild(el.cloneNode(true));\n return container.innerHTML\n }\n}\n\nVue.compile = compileToFunctions;\n\n/* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__[\"default\"] = (Vue);\n\n/* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */}.call(__webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__(\"DuR2\"), __webpack_require__(\"162o\").setImmediate))\n\n/***/ }),\n\n/***/ \"77Pl\":\n/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {\n\nvar isObject = __webpack_require__(\"EqjI\");\nmodule.exports = function (it) {\n if (!isObject(it)) throw TypeError(it + ' is not an object!');\n return it;\n};\n\n\n/***/ }),\n\n/***/ \"7GwW\":\n/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {\n\n\"use strict\";\n\n\nvar utils = __webpack_require__(\"cGG2\");\nvar settle = __webpack_require__(\"21It\");\nvar buildURL = __webpack_require__(\"DQCr\");\nvar parseHeaders = __webpack_require__(\"oJlt\");\nvar isURLSameOrigin = __webpack_require__(\"GHBc\");\nvar createError = __webpack_require__(\"FtD3\");\nvar btoa = (typeof window !== 'undefined' && window.btoa && window.btoa.bind(window)) || __webpack_require__(\"thJu\");\n\nmodule.exports = function xhrAdapter(config) {\n return new Promise(function dispatchXhrRequest(resolve, reject) {\n var requestData = config.data;\n var requestHeaders = config.headers;\n\n if (utils.isFormData(requestData)) {\n delete requestHeaders['Content-Type']; // Let the browser set it\n }\n\n var request = new XMLHttpRequest();\n var loadEvent = 'onreadystatechange';\n var xDomain = false;\n\n // For IE 8/9 CORS support\n // Only supports POST and GET calls and doesn't returns the response headers.\n // DON'T do this for testing b/c XMLHttpRequest is mocked, not XDomainRequest.\n if (\"production\" !== 'test' &&\n typeof window !== 'undefined' &&\n window.XDomainRequest && !('withCredentials' in request) &&\n !isURLSameOrigin(config.url)) {\n request = new window.XDomainRequest();\n loadEvent = 'onload';\n xDomain = true;\n request.onprogress = function handleProgress() {};\n request.ontimeout = function handleTimeout() {};\n }\n\n // HTTP basic authentication\n if (config.auth) {\n var username = config.auth.username || '';\n var password = config.auth.password || '';\n requestHeaders.Authorization = 'Basic ' + btoa(username + ':' + password);\n }\n\n request.open(config.method.toUpperCase(), buildURL(config.url, config.params, config.paramsSerializer), true);\n\n // Set the request timeout in MS\n request.timeout = config.timeout;\n\n // Listen for ready state\n request[loadEvent] = function handleLoad() {\n if (!request || (request.readyState !== 4 && !xDomain)) {\n return;\n }\n\n // The request errored out and we didn't get a response, this will be\n // handled by onerror instead\n // With one exception: request that using file: protocol, most browsers\n // will return status as 0 even though it's a successful request\n if (request.status === 0 && !(request.responseURL && request.responseURL.indexOf('file:') === 0)) {\n return;\n }\n\n // Prepare the response\n var responseHeaders = 'getAllResponseHeaders' in request ? parseHeaders(request.getAllResponseHeaders()) : null;\n var responseData = !config.responseType || config.responseType === 'text' ? request.responseText : request.response;\n var response = {\n data: responseData,\n // IE sends 1223 instead of 204 (https://github.com/mzabriskie/axios/issues/201)\n status: request.status === 1223 ? 204 : request.status,\n statusText: request.status === 1223 ? 'No Content' : request.statusText,\n headers: responseHeaders,\n config: config,\n request: request\n };\n\n settle(resolve, reject, response);\n\n // Clean up request\n request = null;\n };\n\n // Handle low level network errors\n request.onerror = function handleError() {\n // Real errors are hidden from us by the browser\n // onerror should only fire if it's a network error\n reject(createError('Network Error', config));\n\n // Clean up request\n request = null;\n };\n\n // Handle timeout\n request.ontimeout = function handleTimeout() {\n reject(createError('timeout of ' + config.timeout + 'ms exceeded', config, 'ECONNABORTED'));\n\n // Clean up request\n request = null;\n };\n\n // Add xsrf header\n // This is only done if running in a standard browser environment.\n // Specifically not if we're in a web worker, or react-native.\n if (utils.isStandardBrowserEnv()) {\n var cookies = __webpack_require__(\"p1b6\");\n\n // Add xsrf header\n var xsrfValue = (config.withCredentials || isURLSameOrigin(config.url)) && config.xsrfCookieName ?\n cookies.read(config.xsrfCookieName) :\n undefined;\n\n if (xsrfValue) {\n requestHeaders[config.xsrfHeaderName] = xsrfValue;\n }\n }\n\n // Add headers to the request\n if ('setRequestHeader' in request) {\n utils.forEach(requestHeaders, function setRequestHeader(val, key) {\n if (typeof requestData === 'undefined' && key.toLowerCase() === 'content-type') {\n // Remove Content-Type if data is undefined\n delete requestHeaders[key];\n } else {\n // Otherwise add header to the request\n request.setRequestHeader(key, val);\n }\n });\n }\n\n // Add withCredentials to request if needed\n if (config.withCredentials) {\n request.withCredentials = true;\n }\n\n // Add responseType to request if needed\n if (config.responseType) {\n try {\n request.responseType = config.responseType;\n } catch (e) {\n if (request.responseType !== 'json') {\n throw e;\n }\n }\n }\n\n // Handle progress if needed\n if (typeof config.onDownloadProgress === 'function') {\n request.addEventListener('progress', config.onDownloadProgress);\n }\n\n // Not all browsers support upload events\n if (typeof config.onUploadProgress === 'function' && request.upload) {\n request.upload.addEventListener('progress', config.onUploadProgress);\n }\n\n if (config.cancelToken) {\n // Handle cancellation\n config.cancelToken.promise.then(function onCanceled(cancel) {\n if (!request) {\n return;\n }\n\n request.abort();\n reject(cancel);\n // Clean up request\n request = null;\n });\n }\n\n if (requestData === undefined) {\n requestData = null;\n }\n\n // Send the request\n request.send(requestData);\n });\n};\n\n\n/***/ }),\n\n/***/ \"7KvD\":\n/***/ (function(module, exports) {\n\n// https://github.com/zloirock/core-js/issues/86#issuecomment-115759028\nvar global = module.exports = typeof window != 'undefined' && window.Math == Math\n ? window : typeof self != 'undefined' && self.Math == Math ? self\n // eslint-disable-next-line no-new-func\n : Function('return this')();\nif (typeof __g == 'number') __g = global; // eslint-disable-line no-undef\n\n\n/***/ }),\n\n/***/ \"7UMu\":\n/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {\n\n// 7.2.2 IsArray(argument)\nvar cof = __webpack_require__(\"R9M2\");\nmodule.exports = Array.isArray || function isArray(arg) {\n return cof(arg) == 'Array';\n};\n\n\n/***/ }),\n\n/***/ \"82Mu\":\n/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {\n\nvar global = __webpack_require__(\"7KvD\");\nvar macrotask = __webpack_require__(\"L42u\").set;\nvar Observer = global.MutationObserver || global.WebKitMutationObserver;\nvar process = global.process;\nvar Promise = global.Promise;\nvar isNode = __webpack_require__(\"R9M2\")(process) == 'process';\n\nmodule.exports = function () {\n var head, last, notify;\n\n var flush = function () {\n var parent, fn;\n if (isNode && (parent = process.domain)) parent.exit();\n while (head) {\n fn = head.fn;\n head = head.next;\n try {\n fn();\n } catch (e) {\n if (head) notify();\n else last = undefined;\n throw e;\n }\n } last = undefined;\n if (parent) parent.enter();\n };\n\n // Node.js\n if (isNode) {\n notify = function () {\n process.nextTick(flush);\n };\n // browsers with MutationObserver, except iOS Safari - https://github.com/zloirock/core-js/issues/339\n } else if (Observer && !(global.navigator && global.navigator.standalone)) {\n var toggle = true;\n var node = document.createTextNode('');\n new Observer(flush).observe(node, { characterData: true }); // eslint-disable-line no-new\n notify = function () {\n node.data = toggle = !toggle;\n };\n // environments with maybe non-completely correct, but existent Promise\n } else if (Promise && Promise.resolve) {\n // Promise.resolve without an argument throws an error in LG WebOS 2\n var promise = Promise.resolve(undefined);\n notify = function () {\n promise.then(flush);\n };\n // for other environments - macrotask based on:\n // - setImmediate\n // - MessageChannel\n // - window.postMessag\n // - onreadystatechange\n // - setTimeout\n } else {\n notify = function () {\n // strange IE + webpack dev server bug - use .call(global)\n macrotask.call(global, flush);\n };\n }\n\n return function (fn) {\n var task = { fn: fn, next: undefined };\n if (last) last.next = task;\n if (!head) {\n head = task;\n notify();\n } last = task;\n };\n};\n\n\n/***/ }),\n\n/***/ \"880/\":\n/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {\n\nmodule.exports = __webpack_require__(\"hJx8\");\n\n\n/***/ }),\n\n/***/ \"8wRb\":\n/***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {\n\n\"use strict\";\n/* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__[\"a\"] = ({\n install: function install(Vue, store) {\n store.registerModule('app', {\n state: {\n deviceready: false\n },\n mutations: {\n updateDiviceReadyStatus: function updateDiviceReadyStatus(state, payload) {\n state.deviceready = payload.isReady;\n }\n }\n });\n\n var fns = [];\n Vue.prototype.$api = {};\n window.apiready = function () {\n store.commit('updateDiviceReadyStatus', {\n isReady: true\n });\n Vue.prototype.$api = window.api;\n while (fns.length) {\n var fn = fns.shift();\n fn();\n }\n };\n\n Vue.prototype.$deviceready = function (fn) {\n if (!fn || typeof fn !== 'function') {\n return;\n }\n if (!store.state.app.deviceready) {\n fns.push(fn);\n } else {\n fn();\n }\n };\n\n /** for reloading page **/\n var count = 0;\n document.addEventListener('click', function () {\n count++;\n if (count === 3) {\n document.location.reload();\n }\n setTimeout(function () {\n count = 0;\n }, 500);\n });\n }\n});\n\n/***/ }),\n\n/***/ \"94VQ\":\n/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {\n\n\"use strict\";\n\nvar create = __webpack_require__(\"Yobk\");\nvar descriptor = __webpack_require__(\"X8DO\");\nvar setToStringTag = __webpack_require__(\"e6n0\");\nvar IteratorPrototype = {};\n\n// %IteratorPrototype%[@@iterator]()\n__webpack_require__(\"hJx8\")(IteratorPrototype, __webpack_require__(\"dSzd\")('iterator'), function () { return this; });\n\nmodule.exports = function (Constructor, NAME, next) {\n Constructor.prototype = create(IteratorPrototype, { next: descriptor(1, next) });\n setToStringTag(Constructor, NAME + ' Iterator');\n};\n\n\n/***/ }),\n\n/***/ \"9JMe\":\n/***/ (function(module, exports) {\n\nexports.sync = function (store, router, options) {\n var moduleName = (options || {}).moduleName || 'route'\n\n store.registerModule(moduleName, {\n namespaced: true,\n state: cloneRoute(router.currentRoute),\n mutations: {\n 'ROUTE_CHANGED': function ROUTE_CHANGED (state, transition) {\n store.state[moduleName] = cloneRoute(transition.to, transition.from)\n }\n }\n })\n\n var isTimeTraveling = false\n var currentPath\n\n // sync router on store change\n var storeUnwatch = store.watch(\n function (state) { return state[moduleName]; },\n function (route) {\n var fullPath = route.fullPath;\n if (fullPath === currentPath) {\n return\n }\n if (currentPath != null) {\n isTimeTraveling = true\n router.push(route)\n }\n currentPath = fullPath\n },\n { sync: true }\n )\n\n // sync store on router navigation\n var afterEachUnHook = router.afterEach(function (to, from) {\n if (isTimeTraveling) {\n isTimeTraveling = false\n return\n }\n currentPath = to.fullPath\n store.commit(moduleName + '/ROUTE_CHANGED', { to: to, from: from })\n })\n\n return function unsync () {\n // On unsync, remove router hook\n if (afterEachUnHook != null) {\n afterEachUnHook()\n }\n\n // On unsync, remove store watch\n if (storeUnwatch != null) {\n storeUnwatch()\n }\n\n // On unsync, unregister Module with store\n store.unregisterModule(moduleName)\n }\n}\n\nfunction cloneRoute (to, from) {\n var clone = {\n name: to.name,\n path: to.path,\n hash: to.hash,\n query: to.query,\n params: to.params,\n fullPath: to.fullPath,\n meta: to.meta\n }\n if (from) {\n clone.from = cloneRoute(from)\n }\n return Object.freeze(clone)\n}\n\n\n\n/***/ }),\n\n/***/ \"9bBU\":\n/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {\n\n__webpack_require__(\"mClu\");\nvar $Object = __webpack_require__(\"FeBl\").Object;\nmodule.exports = function defineProperty(it, key, desc) {\n return $Object.defineProperty(it, key, desc);\n};\n\n\n/***/ }),\n\n/***/ \"AA6R\":\n/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {\n\n\"use strict\";\nfunction _extends(){return _extends=Object.assign||function(a){for(var b,c=1;c
i) run(chain[i++]); // variable length - can't use forEach\n promise._c = [];\n promise._n = false;\n if (isReject && !promise._h) onUnhandled(promise);\n });\n};\nvar onUnhandled = function (promise) {\n task.call(global, function () {\n var value = promise._v;\n var unhandled = isUnhandled(promise);\n var result, handler, console;\n if (unhandled) {\n result = perform(function () {\n if (isNode) {\n process.emit('unhandledRejection', value, promise);\n } else if (handler = global.onunhandledrejection) {\n handler({ promise: promise, reason: value });\n } else if ((console = global.console) && console.error) {\n console.error('Unhandled promise rejection', value);\n }\n });\n // Browsers should not trigger `rejectionHandled` event if it was handled here, NodeJS - should\n promise._h = isNode || isUnhandled(promise) ? 2 : 1;\n } promise._a = undefined;\n if (unhandled && result.e) throw result.v;\n });\n};\nvar isUnhandled = function (promise) {\n return promise._h !== 1 && (promise._a || promise._c).length === 0;\n};\nvar onHandleUnhandled = function (promise) {\n task.call(global, function () {\n var handler;\n if (isNode) {\n process.emit('rejectionHandled', promise);\n } else if (handler = global.onrejectionhandled) {\n handler({ promise: promise, reason: promise._v });\n }\n });\n};\nvar $reject = function (value) {\n var promise = this;\n if (promise._d) return;\n promise._d = true;\n promise = promise._w || promise; // unwrap\n promise._v = value;\n promise._s = 2;\n if (!promise._a) promise._a = promise._c.slice();\n notify(promise, true);\n};\nvar $resolve = function (value) {\n var promise = this;\n var then;\n if (promise._d) return;\n promise._d = true;\n promise = promise._w || promise; // unwrap\n try {\n if (promise === value) throw TypeError(\"Promise can't be resolved itself\");\n if (then = isThenable(value)) {\n microtask(function () {\n var wrapper = { _w: promise, _d: false }; // wrap\n try {\n then.call(value, ctx($resolve, wrapper, 1), ctx($reject, wrapper, 1));\n } catch (e) {\n $reject.call(wrapper, e);\n }\n });\n } else {\n promise._v = value;\n promise._s = 1;\n notify(promise, false);\n }\n } catch (e) {\n $reject.call({ _w: promise, _d: false }, e); // wrap\n }\n};\n\n// constructor polyfill\nif (!USE_NATIVE) {\n // Promise(executor)\n $Promise = function Promise(executor) {\n anInstance(this, $Promise, PROMISE, '_h');\n aFunction(executor);\n Internal.call(this);\n try {\n executor(ctx($resolve, this, 1), ctx($reject, this, 1));\n } catch (err) {\n $reject.call(this, err);\n }\n };\n // eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars\n Internal = function Promise(executor) {\n this._c = []; // <- awaiting reactions\n this._a = undefined; // <- checked in isUnhandled reactions\n this._s = 0; // <- state\n this._d = false; // <- done\n this._v = undefined; // <- value\n this._h = 0; // <- rejection state, 0 - default, 1 - handled, 2 - unhandled\n this._n = false; // <- notify\n };\n Internal.prototype = __webpack_require__(\"xH/j\")($Promise.prototype, {\n // Promise.prototype.then(onFulfilled, onRejected)\n then: function then(onFulfilled, onRejected) {\n var reaction = newPromiseCapability(speciesConstructor(this, $Promise));\n reaction.ok = typeof onFulfilled == 'function' ? onFulfilled : true;\n reaction.fail = typeof onRejected == 'function' && onRejected;\n reaction.domain = isNode ? process.domain : undefined;\n this._c.push(reaction);\n if (this._a) this._a.push(reaction);\n if (this._s) notify(this, false);\n return reaction.promise;\n },\n // Promise.prototype.catch(onRejected)\n 'catch': function (onRejected) {\n return this.then(undefined, onRejected);\n }\n });\n OwnPromiseCapability = function () {\n var promise = new Internal();\n this.promise = promise;\n this.resolve = ctx($resolve, promise, 1);\n this.reject = ctx($reject, promise, 1);\n };\n newPromiseCapabilityModule.f = newPromiseCapability = function (C) {\n return C === $Promise || C === Wrapper\n ? new OwnPromiseCapability(C)\n : newGenericPromiseCapability(C);\n };\n}\n\n$export($export.G + $export.W + $export.F * !USE_NATIVE, { Promise: $Promise });\n__webpack_require__(\"e6n0\")($Promise, PROMISE);\n__webpack_require__(\"bRrM\")(PROMISE);\nWrapper = __webpack_require__(\"FeBl\")[PROMISE];\n\n// statics\n$export($export.S + $export.F * !USE_NATIVE, PROMISE, {\n // Promise.reject(r)\n reject: function reject(r) {\n var capability = newPromiseCapability(this);\n var $$reject = capability.reject;\n $$reject(r);\n return capability.promise;\n }\n});\n$export($export.S + $export.F * (LIBRARY || !USE_NATIVE), PROMISE, {\n // Promise.resolve(x)\n resolve: function resolve(x) {\n return promiseResolve(LIBRARY && this === Wrapper ? $Promise : this, x);\n }\n});\n$export($export.S + $export.F * !(USE_NATIVE && __webpack_require__(\"dY0y\")(function (iter) {\n $Promise.all(iter)['catch'](empty);\n})), PROMISE, {\n // Promise.all(iterable)\n all: function all(iterable) {\n var C = this;\n var capability = newPromiseCapability(C);\n var resolve = capability.resolve;\n var reject = capability.reject;\n var result = perform(function () {\n var values = [];\n var index = 0;\n var remaining = 1;\n forOf(iterable, false, function (promise) {\n var $index = index++;\n var alreadyCalled = false;\n values.push(undefined);\n remaining++;\n C.resolve(promise).then(function (value) {\n if (alreadyCalled) return;\n alreadyCalled = true;\n values[$index] = value;\n --remaining || resolve(values);\n }, reject);\n });\n --remaining || resolve(values);\n });\n if (result.e) reject(result.v);\n return capability.promise;\n },\n // Promise.race(iterable)\n race: function race(iterable) {\n var C = this;\n var capability = newPromiseCapability(C);\n var reject = capability.reject;\n var result = perform(function () {\n forOf(iterable, false, function (promise) {\n C.resolve(promise).then(capability.resolve, reject);\n });\n });\n if (result.e) reject(result.v);\n return capability.promise;\n }\n});\n\n\n/***/ }),\n\n/***/ \"Cdx3\":\n/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {\n\n// Object.keys(O)\nvar toObject = __webpack_require__(\"sB3e\");\nvar $keys = __webpack_require__(\"lktj\");\n\n__webpack_require__(\"uqUo\")('keys', function () {\n return function keys(it) {\n return $keys(toObject(it));\n };\n});\n\n\n/***/ }),\n\n/***/ \"CwSZ\":\n/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {\n\n\"use strict\";\n\n\nvar utils = __webpack_require__(\"p8xL\");\nvar formats = __webpack_require__(\"XgCd\");\n\nvar arrayPrefixGenerators = {\n brackets: function brackets(prefix) { // eslint-disable-line func-name-matching\n return prefix + '[]';\n },\n indices: function indices(prefix, key) { // eslint-disable-line func-name-matching\n return prefix + '[' + key + ']';\n },\n repeat: function repeat(prefix) { // eslint-disable-line func-name-matching\n return prefix;\n }\n};\n\nvar toISO = Date.prototype.toISOString;\n\nvar defaults = {\n delimiter: '&',\n encode: true,\n encoder: utils.encode,\n encodeValuesOnly: false,\n serializeDate: function serializeDate(date) { // eslint-disable-line func-name-matching\n return toISO.call(date);\n },\n skipNulls: false,\n strictNullHandling: false\n};\n\nvar stringify = function stringify( // eslint-disable-line func-name-matching\n object,\n prefix,\n generateArrayPrefix,\n strictNullHandling,\n skipNulls,\n encoder,\n filter,\n sort,\n allowDots,\n serializeDate,\n formatter,\n encodeValuesOnly\n) {\n var obj = object;\n if (typeof filter === 'function') {\n obj = filter(prefix, obj);\n } else if (obj instanceof Date) {\n obj = serializeDate(obj);\n } else if (obj === null) {\n if (strictNullHandling) {\n return encoder && !encodeValuesOnly ? encoder(prefix) : prefix;\n }\n\n obj = '';\n }\n\n if (typeof obj === 'string' || typeof obj === 'number' || typeof obj === 'boolean' || utils.isBuffer(obj)) {\n if (encoder) {\n var keyValue = encodeValuesOnly ? prefix : encoder(prefix);\n return [formatter(keyValue) + '=' + formatter(encoder(obj))];\n }\n return [formatter(prefix) + '=' + formatter(String(obj))];\n }\n\n var values = [];\n\n if (typeof obj === 'undefined') {\n return values;\n }\n\n var objKeys;\n if (Array.isArray(filter)) {\n objKeys = filter;\n } else {\n var keys = Object.keys(obj);\n objKeys = sort ? keys.sort(sort) : keys;\n }\n\n for (var i = 0; i < objKeys.length; ++i) {\n var key = objKeys[i];\n\n if (skipNulls && obj[key] === null) {\n continue;\n }\n\n if (Array.isArray(obj)) {\n values = values.concat(stringify(\n obj[key],\n generateArrayPrefix(prefix, key),\n generateArrayPrefix,\n strictNullHandling,\n skipNulls,\n encoder,\n filter,\n sort,\n allowDots,\n serializeDate,\n formatter,\n encodeValuesOnly\n ));\n } else {\n values = values.concat(stringify(\n obj[key],\n prefix + (allowDots ? '.' + key : '[' + key + ']'),\n generateArrayPrefix,\n strictNullHandling,\n skipNulls,\n encoder,\n filter,\n sort,\n allowDots,\n serializeDate,\n formatter,\n encodeValuesOnly\n ));\n }\n }\n\n return values;\n};\n\nmodule.exports = function (object, opts) {\n var obj = object;\n var options = opts || {};\n\n if (options.encoder !== null && options.encoder !== undefined && typeof options.encoder !== 'function') {\n throw new TypeError('Encoder has to be a function.');\n }\n\n var delimiter = typeof options.delimiter === 'undefined' ? defaults.delimiter : options.delimiter;\n var strictNullHandling = typeof options.strictNullHandling === 'boolean' ? options.strictNullHandling : defaults.strictNullHandling;\n var skipNulls = typeof options.skipNulls === 'boolean' ? options.skipNulls : defaults.skipNulls;\n var encode = typeof options.encode === 'boolean' ? options.encode : defaults.encode;\n var encoder = typeof options.encoder === 'function' ? options.encoder : defaults.encoder;\n var sort = typeof options.sort === 'function' ? options.sort : null;\n var allowDots = typeof options.allowDots === 'undefined' ? false : options.allowDots;\n var serializeDate = typeof options.serializeDate === 'function' ? options.serializeDate : defaults.serializeDate;\n var encodeValuesOnly = typeof options.encodeValuesOnly === 'boolean' ? options.encodeValuesOnly : defaults.encodeValuesOnly;\n if (typeof options.format === 'undefined') {\n options.format = formats.default;\n } else if (!Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(formats.formatters, options.format)) {\n throw new TypeError('Unknown format option provided.');\n }\n var formatter = formats.formatters[options.format];\n var objKeys;\n var filter;\n\n if (typeof options.filter === 'function') {\n filter = options.filter;\n obj = filter('', obj);\n } else if (Array.isArray(options.filter)) {\n filter = options.filter;\n objKeys = filter;\n }\n\n var keys = [];\n\n if (typeof obj !== 'object' || obj === null) {\n return '';\n }\n\n var arrayFormat;\n if (options.arrayFormat in arrayPrefixGenerators) {\n arrayFormat = options.arrayFormat;\n } else if ('indices' in options) {\n arrayFormat = options.indices ? 'indices' : 'repeat';\n } else {\n arrayFormat = 'indices';\n }\n\n var generateArrayPrefix = arrayPrefixGenerators[arrayFormat];\n\n if (!objKeys) {\n objKeys = Object.keys(obj);\n }\n\n if (sort) {\n objKeys.sort(sort);\n }\n\n for (var i = 0; i < objKeys.length; ++i) {\n var key = objKeys[i];\n\n if (skipNulls && obj[key] === null) {\n continue;\n }\n\n keys = keys.concat(stringify(\n obj[key],\n key,\n generateArrayPrefix,\n strictNullHandling,\n skipNulls,\n encode ? encoder : null,\n filter,\n sort,\n allowDots,\n serializeDate,\n formatter,\n encodeValuesOnly\n ));\n }\n\n return keys.join(delimiter);\n};\n\n\n/***/ }),\n\n/***/ \"D2L2\":\n/***/ (function(module, exports) {\n\nvar hasOwnProperty = {}.hasOwnProperty;\nmodule.exports = function (it, key) {\n return hasOwnProperty.call(it, key);\n};\n\n\n/***/ }),\n\n/***/ \"DDCP\":\n/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {\n\n\"use strict\";\n\n\nvar utils = __webpack_require__(\"p8xL\");\n\nvar has = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;\n\nvar defaults = {\n allowDots: false,\n allowPrototypes: false,\n arrayLimit: 20,\n decoder: utils.decode,\n delimiter: '&',\n depth: 5,\n parameterLimit: 1000,\n plainObjects: false,\n strictNullHandling: false\n};\n\nvar parseValues = function parseQueryStringValues(str, options) {\n var obj = {};\n var parts = str.split(options.delimiter, options.parameterLimit === Infinity ? undefined : options.parameterLimit);\n\n for (var i = 0; i < parts.length; ++i) {\n var part = parts[i];\n var pos = part.indexOf(']=') === -1 ? part.indexOf('=') : part.indexOf(']=') + 1;\n\n var key, val;\n if (pos === -1) {\n key = options.decoder(part);\n val = options.strictNullHandling ? null : '';\n } else {\n key = options.decoder(part.slice(0, pos));\n val = options.decoder(part.slice(pos + 1));\n }\n if (has.call(obj, key)) {\n obj[key] = [].concat(obj[key]).concat(val);\n } else {\n obj[key] = val;\n }\n }\n\n return obj;\n};\n\nvar parseObject = function parseObjectRecursive(chain, val, options) {\n if (!chain.length) {\n return val;\n }\n\n var root = chain.shift();\n\n var obj;\n if (root === '[]') {\n obj = [];\n obj = obj.concat(parseObject(chain, val, options));\n } else {\n obj = options.plainObjects ? Object.create(null) : {};\n var cleanRoot = root.charAt(0) === '[' && root.charAt(root.length - 1) === ']' ? root.slice(1, -1) : root;\n var index = parseInt(cleanRoot, 10);\n if (\n !isNaN(index) &&\n root !== cleanRoot &&\n String(index) === cleanRoot &&\n index >= 0 &&\n (options.parseArrays && index <= options.arrayLimit)\n ) {\n obj = [];\n obj[index] = parseObject(chain, val, options);\n } else {\n obj[cleanRoot] = parseObject(chain, val, options);\n }\n }\n\n return obj;\n};\n\nvar parseKeys = function parseQueryStringKeys(givenKey, val, options) {\n if (!givenKey) {\n return;\n }\n\n // Transform dot notation to bracket notation\n var key = options.allowDots ? givenKey.replace(/\\.([^.[]+)/g, '[$1]') : givenKey;\n\n // The regex chunks\n\n var brackets = /(\\[[^[\\]]*])/;\n var child = /(\\[[^[\\]]*])/g;\n\n // Get the parent\n\n var segment = brackets.exec(key);\n var parent = segment ? key.slice(0, segment.index) : key;\n\n // Stash the parent if it exists\n\n var keys = [];\n if (parent) {\n // If we aren't using plain objects, optionally prefix keys\n // that would overwrite object prototype properties\n if (!options.plainObjects && has.call(Object.prototype, parent)) {\n if (!options.allowPrototypes) {\n return;\n }\n }\n\n keys.push(parent);\n }\n\n // Loop through children appending to the array until we hit depth\n\n var i = 0;\n while ((segment = child.exec(key)) !== null && i < options.depth) {\n i += 1;\n if (!options.plainObjects && has.call(Object.prototype, segment[1].slice(1, -1))) {\n if (!options.allowPrototypes) {\n return;\n }\n }\n keys.push(segment[1]);\n }\n\n // If there's a remainder, just add whatever is left\n\n if (segment) {\n keys.push('[' + key.slice(segment.index) + ']');\n }\n\n return parseObject(keys, val, options);\n};\n\nmodule.exports = function (str, opts) {\n var options = opts || {};\n\n if (options.decoder !== null && options.decoder !== undefined && typeof options.decoder !== 'function') {\n throw new TypeError('Decoder has to be a function.');\n }\n\n options.delimiter = typeof options.delimiter === 'string' || utils.isRegExp(options.delimiter) ? options.delimiter : defaults.delimiter;\n options.depth = typeof options.depth === 'number' ? options.depth : defaults.depth;\n options.arrayLimit = typeof options.arrayLimit === 'number' ? options.arrayLimit : defaults.arrayLimit;\n options.parseArrays = options.parseArrays !== false;\n options.decoder = typeof options.decoder === 'function' ? options.decoder : defaults.decoder;\n options.allowDots = typeof options.allowDots === 'boolean' ? options.allowDots : defaults.allowDots;\n options.plainObjects = typeof options.plainObjects === 'boolean' ? options.plainObjects : defaults.plainObjects;\n options.allowPrototypes = typeof options.allowPrototypes === 'boolean' ? options.allowPrototypes : defaults.allowPrototypes;\n options.parameterLimit = typeof options.parameterLimit === 'number' ? options.parameterLimit : defaults.parameterLimit;\n options.strictNullHandling = typeof options.strictNullHandling === 'boolean' ? options.strictNullHandling : defaults.strictNullHandling;\n\n if (str === '' || str === null || typeof str === 'undefined') {\n return options.plainObjects ? Object.create(null) : {};\n }\n\n var tempObj = typeof str === 'string' ? parseValues(str, options) : str;\n var obj = options.plainObjects ? Object.create(null) : {};\n\n // Iterate over the keys and setup the new object\n\n var keys = Object.keys(tempObj);\n for (var i = 0; i < keys.length; ++i) {\n var key = keys[i];\n var newObj = parseKeys(key, tempObj[key], options);\n obj = utils.merge(obj, newObj, options);\n }\n\n return utils.compact(obj);\n};\n\n\n/***/ }),\n\n/***/ \"DQCr\":\n/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {\n\n\"use strict\";\n\n\nvar utils = __webpack_require__(\"cGG2\");\n\nfunction encode(val) {\n return encodeURIComponent(val).\n replace(/%40/gi, '@').\n replace(/%3A/gi, ':').\n replace(/%24/g, '$').\n replace(/%2C/gi, ',').\n replace(/%20/g, '+').\n replace(/%5B/gi, '[').\n replace(/%5D/gi, ']');\n}\n\n/**\n * Build a URL by appending params to the end\n *\n * @param {string} url The base of the url (e.g., http://www.google.com)\n * @param {object} [params] The params to be appended\n * @returns {string} The formatted url\n */\nmodule.exports = function buildURL(url, params, paramsSerializer) {\n /*eslint no-param-reassign:0*/\n if (!params) {\n return url;\n }\n\n var serializedParams;\n if (paramsSerializer) {\n serializedParams = paramsSerializer(params);\n } else if (utils.isURLSearchParams(params)) {\n serializedParams = params.toString();\n } else {\n var parts = [];\n\n utils.forEach(params, function serialize(val, key) {\n if (val === null || typeof val === 'undefined') {\n return;\n }\n\n if (utils.isArray(val)) {\n key = key + '[]';\n }\n\n if (!utils.isArray(val)) {\n val = [val];\n }\n\n utils.forEach(val, function parseValue(v) {\n if (utils.isDate(v)) {\n v = v.toISOString();\n } else if (utils.isObject(v)) {\n v = JSON.stringify(v);\n }\n parts.push(encode(key) + '=' + encode(v));\n });\n });\n\n serializedParams = parts.join('&');\n }\n\n if (serializedParams) {\n url += (url.indexOf('?') === -1 ? '?' : '&') + serializedParams;\n }\n\n return url;\n};\n\n\n/***/ }),\n\n/***/ \"Dd8w\":\n/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {\n\n\"use strict\";\n\n\nexports.__esModule = true;\n\nvar _assign = __webpack_require__(\"woOf\");\n\nvar _assign2 = _interopRequireDefault(_assign);\n\nfunction _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; }\n\nexports.default = _assign2.default || function (target) {\n for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) {\n var source = arguments[i];\n\n for (var key in source) {\n if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(source, key)) {\n target[key] = source[key];\n }\n }\n }\n\n return target;\n};\n\n/***/ }),\n\n/***/ \"DuR2\":\n/***/ (function(module, exports) {\n\nvar g;\r\n\r\n// This works in non-strict mode\r\ng = (function() {\r\n\treturn this;\r\n})();\r\n\r\ntry {\r\n\t// This works if eval is allowed (see CSP)\r\n\tg = g || Function(\"return this\")() || (1,eval)(\"this\");\r\n} catch(e) {\r\n\t// This works if the window reference is available\r\n\tif(typeof window === \"object\")\r\n\t\tg = window;\r\n}\r\n\r\n// g can still be undefined, but nothing to do about it...\r\n// We return undefined, instead of nothing here, so it's\r\n// easier to handle this case. if(!global) { ...}\r\n\r\nmodule.exports = g;\r\n\n\n/***/ }),\n\n/***/ \"EGZi\":\n/***/ (function(module, exports) {\n\nmodule.exports = function (done, value) {\n return { value: value, done: !!done };\n};\n\n\n/***/ }),\n\n/***/ \"EqBC\":\n/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {\n\n\"use strict\";\n// https://github.com/tc39/proposal-promise-finally\n\nvar $export = __webpack_require__(\"kM2E\");\nvar core = __webpack_require__(\"FeBl\");\nvar global = __webpack_require__(\"7KvD\");\nvar speciesConstructor = __webpack_require__(\"t8x9\");\nvar promiseResolve = __webpack_require__(\"fJUb\");\n\n$export($export.P + $export.R, 'Promise', { 'finally': function (onFinally) {\n var C = speciesConstructor(this, core.Promise || global.Promise);\n var isFunction = typeof onFinally == 'function';\n return this.then(\n isFunction ? function (x) {\n return promiseResolve(C, onFinally()).then(function () { return x; });\n } : onFinally,\n isFunction ? function (e) {\n return promiseResolve(C, onFinally()).then(function () { throw e; });\n } : onFinally\n );\n} });\n\n\n/***/ }),\n\n/***/ \"EqjI\":\n/***/ (function(module, exports) {\n\nmodule.exports = function (it) {\n return typeof it === 'object' ? it !== null : typeof it === 'function';\n};\n\n\n/***/ }),\n\n/***/ \"FZ+f\":\n/***/ (function(module, exports) {\n\n/*\n\tMIT License http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php\n\tAuthor Tobias Koppers @sokra\n*/\n// css base code, injected by the css-loader\nmodule.exports = function(useSourceMap) {\n\tvar list = [];\n\n\t// return the list of modules as css string\n\tlist.toString = function toString() {\n\t\treturn this.map(function (item) {\n\t\t\tvar content = cssWithMappingToString(item, useSourceMap);\n\t\t\tif(item[2]) {\n\t\t\t\treturn \"@media \" + item[2] + \"{\" + content + \"}\";\n\t\t\t} else {\n\t\t\t\treturn content;\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}).join(\"\");\n\t};\n\n\t// import a list of modules into the list\n\tlist.i = function(modules, mediaQuery) {\n\t\tif(typeof modules === \"string\")\n\t\t\tmodules = [[null, modules, \"\"]];\n\t\tvar alreadyImportedModules = {};\n\t\tfor(var i = 0; i < this.length; i++) {\n\t\t\tvar id = this[i][0];\n\t\t\tif(typeof id === \"number\")\n\t\t\t\talreadyImportedModules[id] = true;\n\t\t}\n\t\tfor(i = 0; i < modules.length; i++) {\n\t\t\tvar item = modules[i];\n\t\t\t// skip already imported module\n\t\t\t// this implementation is not 100% perfect for weird media query combinations\n\t\t\t// when a module is imported multiple times with different media queries.\n\t\t\t// I hope this will never occur (Hey this way we have smaller bundles)\n\t\t\tif(typeof item[0] !== \"number\" || !alreadyImportedModules[item[0]]) {\n\t\t\t\tif(mediaQuery && !item[2]) {\n\t\t\t\t\titem[2] = mediaQuery;\n\t\t\t\t} else if(mediaQuery) {\n\t\t\t\t\titem[2] = \"(\" + item[2] + \") and (\" + mediaQuery + \")\";\n\t\t\t\t}\n\t\t\t\tlist.push(item);\n\t\t\t}\n\t\t}\n\t};\n\treturn list;\n};\n\nfunction cssWithMappingToString(item, useSourceMap) {\n\tvar content = item[1] || '';\n\tvar cssMapping = item[3];\n\tif (!cssMapping) {\n\t\treturn content;\n\t}\n\n\tif (useSourceMap && typeof btoa === 'function') {\n\t\tvar sourceMapping = toComment(cssMapping);\n\t\tvar sourceURLs = cssMapping.sources.map(function (source) {\n\t\t\treturn '/*# sourceURL=' + cssMapping.sourceRoot + source + ' */'\n\t\t});\n\n\t\treturn [content].concat(sourceURLs).concat([sourceMapping]).join('\\n');\n\t}\n\n\treturn [content].join('\\n');\n}\n\n// Adapted from convert-source-map (MIT)\nfunction toComment(sourceMap) {\n\t// eslint-disable-next-line no-undef\n\tvar base64 = btoa(unescape(encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(sourceMap))));\n\tvar data = 'sourceMappingURL=data:application/json;charset=utf-8;base64,' + base64;\n\n\treturn '/*# ' + data + ' */';\n}\n\n\n/***/ }),\n\n/***/ \"Fd2+\":\n/***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {\n\n\"use strict\";\n\n// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/@babel/runtime/helpers/esm/extends.js\nfunction _extends() {\n _extends = Object.assign || function (target) {\n for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) {\n var source = arguments[i];\n\n for (var key in source) {\n if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(source, key)) {\n target[key] = source[key];\n }\n }\n }\n\n return target;\n };\n\n return _extends.apply(this, arguments);\n}\n// EXTERNAL MODULE: ./node_modules/@vue/babel-helper-vue-jsx-merge-props/dist/helper.js\nvar helper = __webpack_require__(\"AA6R\");\nvar helper_default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(helper);\n\n// EXTERNAL MODULE: ./node_modules/vant/es/utils/index.js + 5 modules\nvar utils = __webpack_require__(\"o69Z\");\n\n// EXTERNAL MODULE: ./node_modules/vue/dist/vue.esm.js\nvar vue_esm = __webpack_require__(\"7+uW\");\n\n// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/vant/es/utils/functional.js\n\n\nvar inheritKey = ['ref', 'style', 'class', 'attrs', 'nativeOn', 'directives', 'staticClass', 'staticStyle'];\nvar mapInheritKey = {\n nativeOn: 'on'\n}; // inherit partial context, map nativeOn to on\n\nfunction inherit(context, inheritListeners) {\n var result = inheritKey.reduce(function (obj, key) {\n if (context.data[key]) {\n obj[mapInheritKey[key] || key] = context.data[key];\n }\n\n return obj;\n }, {});\n\n if (inheritListeners) {\n result.on = result.on || {};\n\n _extends(result.on, context.data.on);\n }\n\n return result;\n} // emit event\n\nfunction functional_emit(context, eventName) {\n for (var _len = arguments.length, args = new Array(_len > 2 ? _len - 2 : 0), _key = 2; _key < _len; _key++) {\n args[_key - 2] = arguments[_key];\n }\n\n var listeners = context.listeners[eventName];\n\n if (listeners) {\n if (Array.isArray(listeners)) {\n listeners.forEach(function (listener) {\n listener.apply(void 0, args);\n });\n } else {\n listeners.apply(void 0, args);\n }\n }\n} // mount functional component\n\nfunction mount(Component, data) {\n var instance = new vue_esm[\"default\"]({\n el: document.createElement('div'),\n props: Component.props,\n render: function render(h) {\n return h(Component, _extends({\n props: this.$props\n }, data));\n }\n });\n document.body.appendChild(instance.$el);\n return instance;\n}\n// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/vant/es/mixins/popup/context.js\nvar context_context = {\n zIndex: 2000,\n lockCount: 0,\n stack: [],\n find: function find(vm) {\n return this.stack.filter(function (item) {\n return item.vm === vm;\n })[0];\n }\n};\n// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/vant/es/utils/dom/event.js\n\n// eslint-disable-next-line import/no-mutable-exports\nvar supportsPassive = false;\n\nif (!utils[\"i\" /* isServer */]) {\n try {\n var opts = {};\n Object.defineProperty(opts, 'passive', {\n // eslint-disable-next-line getter-return\n get: function get() {\n /* istanbul ignore next */\n supportsPassive = true;\n }\n });\n window.addEventListener('test-passive', null, opts); // eslint-disable-next-line no-empty\n } catch (e) {}\n}\n\nfunction event_on(target, event, handler, passive) {\n if (passive === void 0) {\n passive = false;\n }\n\n if (!utils[\"i\" /* isServer */]) {\n target.addEventListener(event, handler, supportsPassive ? {\n capture: false,\n passive: passive\n } : false);\n }\n}\nfunction off(target, event, handler) {\n if (!utils[\"i\" /* isServer */]) {\n target.removeEventListener(event, handler);\n }\n}\nfunction event_stopPropagation(event) {\n event.stopPropagation();\n}\nfunction preventDefault(event, isStopPropagation) {\n /* istanbul ignore else */\n if (typeof event.cancelable !== 'boolean' || event.cancelable) {\n event.preventDefault();\n }\n\n if (isStopPropagation) {\n event_stopPropagation(event);\n }\n}\n// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/vant/es/overlay/index.js\n\n\n// Utils\n\n\n // Types\n\nvar _createNamespace = Object(utils[\"b\" /* createNamespace */])('overlay'),\n createComponent = _createNamespace[0],\n overlay_bem = _createNamespace[1];\n\nfunction preventTouchMove(event) {\n preventDefault(event, true);\n}\n\nfunction Overlay(h, props, slots, ctx) {\n var style = _extends({\n zIndex: props.zIndex\n }, props.customStyle);\n\n if (Object(utils[\"e\" /* isDef */])(props.duration)) {\n style.animationDuration = props.duration + \"s\";\n }\n\n return h(\"transition\", {\n \"attrs\": {\n \"name\": \"van-fade\"\n }\n }, [h(\"div\", helper_default()([{\n \"directives\": [{\n name: \"show\",\n value: props.show\n }],\n \"style\": style,\n \"class\": [overlay_bem(), props.className],\n \"on\": {\n \"touchmove\": props.lockScroll ? preventTouchMove : utils[\"j\" /* noop */]\n }\n }, inherit(ctx, true)]), [slots.default == null ? void 0 : slots.default()])]);\n}\n\nOverlay.props = {\n show: Boolean,\n zIndex: [Number, String],\n duration: [Number, String],\n className: null,\n customStyle: Object,\n lockScroll: {\n type: Boolean,\n default: true\n }\n};\n/* harmony default export */ var es_overlay = (createComponent(Overlay));\n// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/vant/es/utils/dom/node.js\nfunction removeNode(el) {\n var parent = el.parentNode;\n\n if (parent) {\n parent.removeChild(el);\n }\n}\n// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/vant/es/mixins/popup/overlay.js\n\n\n\n\n\nvar defaultConfig = {\n className: '',\n customStyle: {}\n};\n\nfunction mountOverlay(vm) {\n return mount(es_overlay, {\n on: {\n // close popup when overlay clicked & closeOnClickOverlay is true\n click: function click() {\n vm.$emit('click-overlay');\n\n if (vm.closeOnClickOverlay) {\n if (vm.onClickOverlay) {\n vm.onClickOverlay();\n } else {\n vm.close();\n }\n }\n }\n }\n });\n}\n\nfunction updateOverlay(vm) {\n var item = context_context.find(vm);\n\n if (item) {\n var el = vm.$el;\n var config = item.config,\n overlay = item.overlay;\n\n if (el && el.parentNode) {\n el.parentNode.insertBefore(overlay.$el, el);\n }\n\n _extends(overlay, defaultConfig, config, {\n show: true\n });\n }\n}\nfunction openOverlay(vm, config) {\n var item = context_context.find(vm);\n\n if (item) {\n item.config = config;\n } else {\n var overlay = mountOverlay(vm);\n context_context.stack.push({\n vm: vm,\n config: config,\n overlay: overlay\n });\n }\n\n updateOverlay(vm);\n}\nfunction closeOverlay(vm) {\n var item = context_context.find(vm);\n\n if (item) {\n item.overlay.show = false;\n }\n}\nfunction removeOverlay(vm) {\n var item = context_context.find(vm);\n\n if (item) {\n removeNode(item.overlay.$el);\n }\n}\n// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/vant/es/utils/dom/scroll.js\nfunction isWindow(val) {\n return val === window;\n} // get nearest scroll element\n// http://w3help.org/zh-cn/causes/SD9013\n// http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17016740/onscroll-function-is-not-working-for-chrome\n\n\nvar overflowScrollReg = /scroll|auto/i;\nfunction getScroller(el, root) {\n if (root === void 0) {\n root = window;\n }\n\n var node = el;\n\n while (node && node.tagName !== 'HTML' && node.nodeType === 1 && node !== root) {\n var _window$getComputedSt = window.getComputedStyle(node),\n overflowY = _window$getComputedSt.overflowY;\n\n if (overflowScrollReg.test(overflowY)) {\n if (node.tagName !== 'BODY') {\n return node;\n } // see: https://github.com/youzan/vant/issues/3823\n\n\n var _window$getComputedSt2 = window.getComputedStyle(node.parentNode),\n htmlOverflowY = _window$getComputedSt2.overflowY;\n\n if (overflowScrollReg.test(htmlOverflowY)) {\n return node;\n }\n }\n\n node = node.parentNode;\n }\n\n return root;\n}\nfunction getScrollTop(el) {\n return 'scrollTop' in el ? el.scrollTop : el.pageYOffset;\n}\nfunction setScrollTop(el, value) {\n if ('scrollTop' in el) {\n el.scrollTop = value;\n } else {\n el.scrollTo(el.scrollX, value);\n }\n}\nfunction getRootScrollTop() {\n return window.pageYOffset || document.documentElement.scrollTop || document.body.scrollTop || 0;\n}\nfunction setRootScrollTop(value) {\n setScrollTop(window, value);\n setScrollTop(document.body, value);\n} // get distance from element top to page top or scroller top\n\nfunction scroll_getElementTop(el, scroller) {\n if (isWindow(el)) {\n return 0;\n }\n\n var scrollTop = scroller ? getScrollTop(scroller) : getRootScrollTop();\n return el.getBoundingClientRect().top + scrollTop;\n}\nfunction getVisibleHeight(el) {\n if (isWindow(el)) {\n return el.innerHeight;\n }\n\n return el.getBoundingClientRect().height;\n}\nfunction getVisibleTop(el) {\n if (isWindow(el)) {\n return 0;\n }\n\n return el.getBoundingClientRect().top;\n}\n// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/vant/es/mixins/touch.js\n\nvar MIN_DISTANCE = 10;\n\nfunction getDirection(x, y) {\n if (x > y && x > MIN_DISTANCE) {\n return 'horizontal';\n }\n\n if (y > x && y > MIN_DISTANCE) {\n return 'vertical';\n }\n\n return '';\n}\n\nvar TouchMixin = {\n data: function data() {\n return {\n direction: ''\n };\n },\n methods: {\n touchStart: function touchStart(event) {\n this.resetTouchStatus();\n this.startX = event.touches[0].clientX;\n this.startY = event.touches[0].clientY;\n },\n touchMove: function touchMove(event) {\n var touch = event.touches[0];\n this.deltaX = touch.clientX - this.startX;\n this.deltaY = touch.clientY - this.startY;\n this.offsetX = Math.abs(this.deltaX);\n this.offsetY = Math.abs(this.deltaY);\n this.direction = this.direction || getDirection(this.offsetX, this.offsetY);\n },\n resetTouchStatus: function resetTouchStatus() {\n this.direction = '';\n this.deltaX = 0;\n this.deltaY = 0;\n this.offsetX = 0;\n this.offsetY = 0;\n },\n // avoid Vue 2.6 event bubble issues by manually binding events\n // https://github.com/youzan/vant/issues/3015\n bindTouchEvent: function bindTouchEvent(el) {\n var onTouchStart = this.onTouchStart,\n onTouchMove = this.onTouchMove,\n onTouchEnd = this.onTouchEnd;\n event_on(el, 'touchstart', onTouchStart);\n event_on(el, 'touchmove', onTouchMove);\n\n if (onTouchEnd) {\n event_on(el, 'touchend', onTouchEnd);\n event_on(el, 'touchcancel', onTouchEnd);\n }\n }\n }\n};\n// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/vant/es/mixins/portal.js\nfunction getElement(selector) {\n if (typeof selector === 'string') {\n return document.querySelector(selector);\n }\n\n return selector();\n}\n\nfunction PortalMixin(_ref) {\n var ref = _ref.ref,\n afterPortal = _ref.afterPortal;\n return {\n props: {\n getContainer: [String, Function]\n },\n watch: {\n getContainer: 'portal'\n },\n mounted: function mounted() {\n if (this.getContainer) {\n this.portal();\n }\n },\n methods: {\n portal: function portal() {\n var getContainer = this.getContainer;\n var el = ref ? this.$refs[ref] : this.$el;\n var container;\n\n if (getContainer) {\n container = getElement(getContainer);\n } else if (this.$parent) {\n container = this.$parent.$el;\n }\n\n if (container && container !== el.parentNode) {\n container.appendChild(el);\n }\n\n if (afterPortal) {\n afterPortal.call(this);\n }\n }\n }\n };\n}\n// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/vant/es/mixins/bind-event.js\n/**\n * Bind event when mounted or activated\n */\n\nvar uid = 0;\nfunction BindEventMixin(handler) {\n var key = \"binded_\" + uid++;\n\n function bind() {\n if (!this[key]) {\n handler.call(this, event_on, true);\n this[key] = true;\n }\n }\n\n function unbind() {\n if (this[key]) {\n handler.call(this, off, false);\n this[key] = false;\n }\n }\n\n return {\n mounted: bind,\n activated: bind,\n deactivated: unbind,\n beforeDestroy: unbind\n };\n}\n// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/vant/es/mixins/close-on-popstate.js\n\n\nvar CloseOnPopstateMixin = {\n mixins: [BindEventMixin(function (bind, isBind) {\n this.handlePopstate(isBind && this.closeOnPopstate);\n })],\n props: {\n closeOnPopstate: Boolean\n },\n data: function data() {\n return {\n bindStatus: false\n };\n },\n watch: {\n closeOnPopstate: function closeOnPopstate(val) {\n this.handlePopstate(val);\n }\n },\n methods: {\n handlePopstate: function handlePopstate(bind) {\n var _this = this;\n\n /* istanbul ignore if */\n if (this.$isServer) {\n return;\n }\n\n if (this.bindStatus !== bind) {\n this.bindStatus = bind;\n var action = bind ? event_on : off;\n action(window, 'popstate', function () {\n _this.close();\n\n _this.shouldReopen = false;\n });\n }\n }\n }\n};\n// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/vant/es/mixins/popup/index.js\n// Context\n\n // Utils\n\n\n\n // Mixins\n\n\n\n\nvar popupMixinProps = {\n // whether to show popup\n value: Boolean,\n // whether to show overlay\n overlay: Boolean,\n // overlay custom style\n overlayStyle: Object,\n // overlay custom class name\n overlayClass: String,\n // whether to close popup when click overlay\n closeOnClickOverlay: Boolean,\n // z-index\n zIndex: [Number, String],\n // prevent body scroll\n lockScroll: {\n type: Boolean,\n default: true\n },\n // whether to lazy render\n lazyRender: {\n type: Boolean,\n default: true\n }\n};\nfunction PopupMixin(options) {\n if (options === void 0) {\n options = {};\n }\n\n return {\n mixins: [TouchMixin, CloseOnPopstateMixin, PortalMixin({\n afterPortal: function afterPortal() {\n if (this.overlay) {\n updateOverlay();\n }\n }\n })],\n props: popupMixinProps,\n data: function data() {\n return {\n inited: this.value\n };\n },\n computed: {\n shouldRender: function shouldRender() {\n return this.inited || !this.lazyRender;\n }\n },\n watch: {\n value: function value(val) {\n var type = val ? 'open' : 'close';\n this.inited = this.inited || this.value;\n this[type]();\n\n if (!options.skipToggleEvent) {\n this.$emit(type);\n }\n },\n overlay: 'renderOverlay'\n },\n mounted: function mounted() {\n if (this.value) {\n this.open();\n }\n },\n\n /* istanbul ignore next */\n activated: function activated() {\n if (this.shouldReopen) {\n this.$emit('input', true);\n this.shouldReopen = false;\n }\n },\n beforeDestroy: function beforeDestroy() {\n this.removeLock();\n removeOverlay(this);\n\n if (this.getContainer) {\n removeNode(this.$el);\n }\n },\n\n /* istanbul ignore next */\n deactivated: function deactivated() {\n if (this.value) {\n this.close();\n this.shouldReopen = true;\n }\n },\n methods: {\n open: function open() {\n /* istanbul ignore next */\n if (this.$isServer || this.opened) {\n return;\n } // cover default zIndex\n\n\n if (this.zIndex !== undefined) {\n context_context.zIndex = this.zIndex;\n }\n\n this.opened = true;\n this.renderOverlay();\n this.addLock();\n },\n addLock: function addLock() {\n if (this.lockScroll) {\n event_on(document, 'touchstart', this.touchStart);\n event_on(document, 'touchmove', this.onTouchMove);\n\n if (!context_context.lockCount) {\n document.body.classList.add('van-overflow-hidden');\n }\n\n context_context.lockCount++;\n }\n },\n removeLock: function removeLock() {\n if (this.lockScroll && context_context.lockCount) {\n context_context.lockCount--;\n off(document, 'touchstart', this.touchStart);\n off(document, 'touchmove', this.onTouchMove);\n\n if (!context_context.lockCount) {\n document.body.classList.remove('van-overflow-hidden');\n }\n }\n },\n close: function close() {\n if (!this.opened) {\n return;\n }\n\n closeOverlay(this);\n this.opened = false;\n this.removeLock();\n this.$emit('input', false);\n },\n onTouchMove: function onTouchMove(event) {\n this.touchMove(event);\n var direction = this.deltaY > 0 ? '10' : '01';\n var el = getScroller(event.target, this.$el);\n var scrollHeight = el.scrollHeight,\n offsetHeight = el.offsetHeight,\n scrollTop = el.scrollTop;\n var status = '11';\n /* istanbul ignore next */\n\n if (scrollTop === 0) {\n status = offsetHeight >= scrollHeight ? '00' : '01';\n } else if (scrollTop + offsetHeight >= scrollHeight) {\n status = '10';\n }\n /* istanbul ignore next */\n\n\n if (status !== '11' && this.direction === 'vertical' && !(parseInt(status, 2) & parseInt(direction, 2))) {\n preventDefault(event, true);\n }\n },\n renderOverlay: function renderOverlay() {\n var _this = this;\n\n if (this.$isServer || !this.value) {\n return;\n }\n\n this.$nextTick(function () {\n _this.updateZIndex(_this.overlay ? 1 : 0);\n\n if (_this.overlay) {\n openOverlay(_this, {\n zIndex: context_context.zIndex++,\n duration: _this.duration,\n className: _this.overlayClass,\n customStyle: _this.overlayStyle\n });\n } else {\n closeOverlay(_this);\n }\n });\n },\n updateZIndex: function updateZIndex(value) {\n if (value === void 0) {\n value = 0;\n }\n\n this.$el.style.zIndex = ++context_context.zIndex + value;\n }\n }\n };\n}\n// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/vant/es/info/index.js\n\n// Utils\n\n // Types\n\nvar info__createNamespace = Object(utils[\"b\" /* createNamespace */])('info'),\n info_createComponent = info__createNamespace[0],\n info_bem = info__createNamespace[1];\n\nfunction info_Info(h, props, slots, ctx) {\n var dot = props.dot,\n info = props.info;\n var showInfo = Object(utils[\"e\" /* isDef */])(info) && info !== '';\n\n if (!dot && !showInfo) {\n return;\n }\n\n return h(\"div\", helper_default()([{\n \"class\": info_bem({\n dot: dot\n })\n }, inherit(ctx, true)]), [dot ? '' : props.info]);\n}\n\ninfo_Info.props = {\n dot: Boolean,\n info: [Number, String]\n};\n/* harmony default export */ var es_info = (info_createComponent(info_Info));\n// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/vant/es/icon/index.js\n\n// Utils\n\n // Components\n\n // Types\n\nvar icon__createNamespace = Object(utils[\"b\" /* createNamespace */])('icon'),\n icon_createComponent = icon__createNamespace[0],\n icon_bem = icon__createNamespace[1];\n\nfunction isImage(name) {\n return name ? name.indexOf('/') !== -1 : false;\n} // compatible with legacy usage, should be removed in next major version\n\n\nvar LEGACY_MAP = {\n medel: 'medal',\n 'medel-o': 'medal-o'\n};\n\nfunction correctName(name) {\n return name && LEGACY_MAP[name] || name;\n}\n\nfunction Icon(h, props, slots, ctx) {\n var name = correctName(props.name);\n var imageIcon = isImage(name);\n return h(props.tag, helper_default()([{\n \"class\": [props.classPrefix, imageIcon ? '' : props.classPrefix + \"-\" + name],\n \"style\": {\n color: props.color,\n fontSize: Object(utils[\"a\" /* addUnit */])(props.size)\n }\n }, inherit(ctx, true)]), [slots.default && slots.default(), imageIcon && h(\"img\", {\n \"class\": icon_bem('image'),\n \"attrs\": {\n \"src\": name\n }\n }), h(es_info, {\n \"attrs\": {\n \"dot\": props.dot,\n \"info\": Object(utils[\"e\" /* isDef */])(props.badge) ? props.badge : props.info\n }\n })]);\n}\n\nIcon.props = {\n dot: Boolean,\n name: String,\n size: [Number, String],\n // @deprecated\n // should be removed in next major version\n info: [Number, String],\n badge: [Number, String],\n color: String,\n tag: {\n type: String,\n default: 'i'\n },\n classPrefix: {\n type: String,\n default: icon_bem()\n }\n};\n/* harmony default export */ var es_icon = (icon_createComponent(Icon));\n// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/vant/es/popup/index.js\n\n\n\n\nvar popup__createNamespace = Object(utils[\"b\" /* createNamespace */])('popup'),\n popup_createComponent = popup__createNamespace[0],\n popup_bem = popup__createNamespace[1];\n\n/* harmony default export */ var popup = (popup_createComponent({\n mixins: [PopupMixin()],\n props: {\n round: Boolean,\n duration: [Number, String],\n closeable: Boolean,\n transition: String,\n safeAreaInsetBottom: Boolean,\n closeIcon: {\n type: String,\n default: 'cross'\n },\n closeIconPosition: {\n type: String,\n default: 'top-right'\n },\n position: {\n type: String,\n default: 'center'\n },\n overlay: {\n type: Boolean,\n default: true\n },\n closeOnClickOverlay: {\n type: Boolean,\n default: true\n }\n },\n beforeCreate: function beforeCreate() {\n var _this = this;\n\n var createEmitter = function createEmitter(eventName) {\n return function (event) {\n return _this.$emit(eventName, event);\n };\n };\n\n this.onClick = createEmitter('click');\n this.onOpened = createEmitter('opened');\n this.onClosed = createEmitter('closed');\n },\n render: function render() {\n var _bem;\n\n var h = arguments[0];\n\n if (!this.shouldRender) {\n return;\n }\n\n var round = this.round,\n position = this.position,\n duration = this.duration;\n var isCenter = position === 'center';\n var transitionName = this.transition || (isCenter ? 'van-fade' : \"van-popup-slide-\" + position);\n var style = {};\n\n if (Object(utils[\"e\" /* isDef */])(duration)) {\n var key = isCenter ? 'animationDuration' : 'transitionDuration';\n style[key] = duration + \"s\";\n }\n\n return h(\"transition\", {\n \"attrs\": {\n \"name\": transitionName\n },\n \"on\": {\n \"afterEnter\": this.onOpened,\n \"afterLeave\": this.onClosed\n }\n }, [h(\"div\", {\n \"directives\": [{\n name: \"show\",\n value: this.value\n }],\n \"style\": style,\n \"class\": popup_bem((_bem = {\n round: round\n }, _bem[position] = position, _bem['safe-area-inset-bottom'] = this.safeAreaInsetBottom, _bem)),\n \"on\": {\n \"click\": this.onClick\n }\n }, [this.slots(), this.closeable && h(es_icon, {\n \"attrs\": {\n \"role\": \"button\",\n \"tabindex\": \"0\",\n \"name\": this.closeIcon\n },\n \"class\": popup_bem('close-icon', this.closeIconPosition),\n \"on\": {\n \"click\": this.close\n }\n })])]);\n }\n}));\n// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/vant/es/loading/index.js\n\n// Utils\n\n // Types\n\nvar loading__createNamespace = Object(utils[\"b\" /* createNamespace */])('loading'),\n loading_createComponent = loading__createNamespace[0],\n loading_bem = loading__createNamespace[1];\n\nfunction LoadingIcon(h, props) {\n if (props.type === 'spinner') {\n var Spin = [];\n\n for (var i = 0; i < 12; i++) {\n Spin.push(h(\"i\"));\n }\n\n return Spin;\n }\n\n return h(\"svg\", {\n \"class\": loading_bem('circular'),\n \"attrs\": {\n \"viewBox\": \"25 25 50 50\"\n }\n }, [h(\"circle\", {\n \"attrs\": {\n \"cx\": \"50\",\n \"cy\": \"50\",\n \"r\": \"20\",\n \"fill\": \"none\"\n }\n })]);\n}\n\nfunction LoadingText(h, props, slots) {\n if (slots.default) {\n var style = props.textSize && {\n fontSize: Object(utils[\"a\" /* addUnit */])(props.textSize)\n };\n return h(\"span\", {\n \"class\": loading_bem('text'),\n \"style\": style\n }, [slots.default()]);\n }\n}\n\nfunction Loading(h, props, slots, ctx) {\n var color = props.color,\n size = props.size,\n type = props.type;\n var style = {\n color: color\n };\n\n if (size) {\n var iconSize = Object(utils[\"a\" /* addUnit */])(size);\n style.width = iconSize;\n style.height = iconSize;\n }\n\n return h(\"div\", helper_default()([{\n \"class\": loading_bem([type, {\n vertical: props.vertical\n }])\n }, inherit(ctx, true)]), [h(\"span\", {\n \"class\": loading_bem('spinner', type),\n \"style\": style\n }, [LoadingIcon(h, props)]), LoadingText(h, props, slots)]);\n}\n\nLoading.props = {\n color: String,\n size: [Number, String],\n vertical: Boolean,\n textSize: [Number, String],\n type: {\n type: String,\n default: 'circular'\n }\n};\n/* harmony default export */ var es_loading = (loading_createComponent(Loading));\n// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/vant/es/action-sheet/index.js\n\n\n// Utils\n\n // Mixins\n\n // Components\n\n\n\n // Types\n\nvar action_sheet__createNamespace = Object(utils[\"b\" /* createNamespace */])('action-sheet'),\n action_sheet_createComponent = action_sheet__createNamespace[0],\n action_sheet_bem = action_sheet__createNamespace[1];\n\nfunction ActionSheet(h, props, slots, ctx) {\n var title = props.title,\n cancelText = props.cancelText;\n\n function onCancel() {\n functional_emit(ctx, 'input', false);\n functional_emit(ctx, 'cancel');\n }\n\n function Header() {\n if (title) {\n return h(\"div\", {\n \"class\": action_sheet_bem('header')\n }, [title, h(es_icon, {\n \"attrs\": {\n \"name\": props.closeIcon\n },\n \"class\": action_sheet_bem('close'),\n \"on\": {\n \"click\": onCancel\n }\n })]);\n }\n }\n\n function Content() {\n if (slots.default) {\n return h(\"div\", {\n \"class\": action_sheet_bem('content')\n }, [slots.default()]);\n }\n }\n\n function Option(item, index) {\n var disabled = item.disabled,\n loading = item.loading,\n callback = item.callback;\n\n function onClickOption(event) {\n event.stopPropagation();\n\n if (disabled || loading) {\n return;\n }\n\n if (callback) {\n callback(item);\n }\n\n functional_emit(ctx, 'select', item, index);\n\n if (props.closeOnClickAction) {\n functional_emit(ctx, 'input', false);\n }\n }\n\n function OptionContent() {\n if (loading) {\n return h(es_loading, {\n \"attrs\": {\n \"size\": \"20px\"\n }\n });\n }\n\n return [h(\"span\", {\n \"class\": action_sheet_bem('name')\n }, [item.name]), item.subname && h(\"div\", {\n \"class\": action_sheet_bem('subname')\n }, [item.subname])];\n }\n\n return h(\"button\", {\n \"attrs\": {\n \"type\": \"button\"\n },\n \"class\": [action_sheet_bem('item', {\n disabled: disabled,\n loading: loading\n }), item.className],\n \"style\": {\n color: item.color\n },\n \"on\": {\n \"click\": onClickOption\n }\n }, [OptionContent()]);\n }\n\n function CancelText() {\n if (cancelText) {\n return [h(\"div\", {\n \"class\": action_sheet_bem('gap')\n }), h(\"button\", {\n \"attrs\": {\n \"type\": \"button\"\n },\n \"class\": action_sheet_bem('cancel'),\n \"on\": {\n \"click\": onCancel\n }\n }, [cancelText])];\n }\n }\n\n var Description = props.description && h(\"div\", {\n \"class\": action_sheet_bem('description')\n }, [props.description]);\n return h(popup, helper_default()([{\n \"class\": action_sheet_bem(),\n \"attrs\": {\n \"position\": \"bottom\",\n \"round\": props.round,\n \"value\": props.value,\n \"overlay\": props.overlay,\n \"duration\": props.duration,\n \"lazyRender\": props.lazyRender,\n \"lockScroll\": props.lockScroll,\n \"getContainer\": props.getContainer,\n \"closeOnPopstate\": props.closeOnPopstate,\n \"closeOnClickOverlay\": props.closeOnClickOverlay,\n \"safeAreaInsetBottom\": props.safeAreaInsetBottom\n }\n }, inherit(ctx, true)]), [Header(), Description, props.actions && props.actions.map(Option), Content(), CancelText()]);\n}\n\nActionSheet.props = _extends({}, popupMixinProps, {\n title: String,\n actions: Array,\n duration: [Number, String],\n cancelText: String,\n description: String,\n getContainer: [String, Function],\n closeOnPopstate: Boolean,\n closeOnClickAction: Boolean,\n round: {\n type: Boolean,\n default: true\n },\n closeIcon: {\n type: String,\n default: 'cross'\n },\n safeAreaInsetBottom: {\n type: Boolean,\n default: true\n },\n overlay: {\n type: Boolean,\n default: true\n },\n closeOnClickOverlay: {\n type: Boolean,\n default: true\n }\n});\n/* harmony default export */ var action_sheet = (action_sheet_createComponent(ActionSheet));\n// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/vant/es/utils/validate/mobile.js\nfunction isMobile(value) {\n value = value.replace(/[^-|\\d]/g, '');\n return /^((\\+86)|(86))?(1)\\d{10}$/.test(value) || /^0[0-9-]{10,13}$/.test(value);\n}\n// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/vant/es/picker/shared.js\nvar DEFAULT_ITEM_HEIGHT = 44;\nvar pickerProps = {\n title: String,\n loading: Boolean,\n itemHeight: [Number, String],\n showToolbar: Boolean,\n cancelButtonText: String,\n confirmButtonText: String,\n allowHtml: {\n type: Boolean,\n default: true\n },\n visibleItemCount: {\n type: [Number, String],\n default: 5\n },\n swipeDuration: {\n type: [Number, String],\n default: 1000\n }\n};\n// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/vant/es/utils/constant.js\n// color\nvar RED = '#ee0a24';\nvar BLUE = '#1989fa';\nvar GREEN = '#07c160';\nvar WHITE = '#fff'; // border\n\nvar BORDER = 'van-hairline';\nvar BORDER_TOP = BORDER + \"--top\";\nvar BORDER_LEFT = BORDER + \"--left\";\nvar BORDER_BOTTOM = BORDER + \"--bottom\";\nvar BORDER_SURROUND = BORDER + \"--surround\";\nvar BORDER_TOP_BOTTOM = BORDER + \"--top-bottom\";\nvar BORDER_UNSET_TOP_BOTTOM = BORDER + \"-unset--top-bottom\";\n// EXTERNAL MODULE: ./node_modules/vant/es/utils/format/unit.js\nvar unit = __webpack_require__(\"4PMK\");\n\n// EXTERNAL MODULE: ./node_modules/vant/es/utils/deep-assign.js\nvar deep_assign = __webpack_require__(\"54/E\");\n\n// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/vant/es/utils/deep-clone.js\n\nfunction deepClone(obj) {\n if (Array.isArray(obj)) {\n return obj.map(function (item) {\n return deepClone(item);\n });\n }\n\n if (typeof obj === 'object') {\n return Object(deep_assign[\"a\" /* deepAssign */])({}, obj);\n }\n\n return obj;\n}\n// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/vant/es/utils/format/number.js\nfunction range(num, min, max) {\n return Math.min(Math.max(num, min), max);\n}\n\nfunction trimExtraChar(value, _char, regExp) {\n var index = value.indexOf(_char);\n\n if (index === -1) {\n return value;\n }\n\n if (_char === '-' && index !== 0) {\n return value.slice(0, index);\n }\n\n return value.slice(0, index + 1) + value.slice(index).replace(regExp, '');\n}\n\nfunction number_formatNumber(value, allowDot) {\n if (allowDot) {\n value = trimExtraChar(value, '.', /\\./g);\n } else {\n value = value.split('.')[0];\n }\n\n value = trimExtraChar(value, '-', /-/g);\n var regExp = allowDot ? /[^-0-9.]/g : /[^-0-9]/g;\n return value.replace(regExp, '');\n}\n// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/vant/es/picker/PickerColumn.js\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nvar DEFAULT_DURATION = 200; // 惯性滑动思路:\n// 在手指离开屏幕时,如果和上一次 move 时的间隔小于 `MOMENTUM_LIMIT_TIME` 且 move\n// 距离大于 `MOMENTUM_LIMIT_DISTANCE` 时,执行惯性滑动\n\nvar MOMENTUM_LIMIT_TIME = 300;\nvar MOMENTUM_LIMIT_DISTANCE = 15;\n\nvar PickerColumn__createNamespace = Object(utils[\"b\" /* createNamespace */])('picker-column'),\n PickerColumn_createComponent = PickerColumn__createNamespace[0],\n PickerColumn_bem = PickerColumn__createNamespace[1];\n\nfunction getElementTranslateY(element) {\n var style = window.getComputedStyle(element);\n var transform = style.transform || style.webkitTransform;\n var translateY = transform.slice(7, transform.length - 1).split(', ')[5];\n return Number(translateY);\n}\n\nfunction isOptionDisabled(option) {\n return Object(utils[\"g\" /* isObject */])(option) && option.disabled;\n}\n\n/* harmony default export */ var PickerColumn = (PickerColumn_createComponent({\n mixins: [TouchMixin],\n props: {\n valueKey: String,\n allowHtml: Boolean,\n className: String,\n itemHeight: Number,\n defaultIndex: Number,\n swipeDuration: [Number, String],\n visibleItemCount: [Number, String],\n initialOptions: {\n type: Array,\n default: function _default() {\n return [];\n }\n }\n },\n data: function data() {\n return {\n offset: 0,\n duration: 0,\n options: deepClone(this.initialOptions),\n currentIndex: this.defaultIndex\n };\n },\n created: function created() {\n if (this.$parent.children) {\n this.$parent.children.push(this);\n }\n\n this.setIndex(this.currentIndex);\n },\n mounted: function mounted() {\n this.bindTouchEvent(this.$el);\n },\n destroyed: function destroyed() {\n var children = this.$parent.children;\n\n if (children) {\n children.splice(children.indexOf(this), 1);\n }\n },\n watch: {\n initialOptions: 'setOptions',\n defaultIndex: function defaultIndex(val) {\n this.setIndex(val);\n }\n },\n computed: {\n count: function count() {\n return this.options.length;\n },\n baseOffset: function baseOffset() {\n return this.itemHeight * (this.visibleItemCount - 1) / 2;\n }\n },\n methods: {\n setOptions: function setOptions(options) {\n if (JSON.stringify(options) !== JSON.stringify(this.options)) {\n this.options = deepClone(options);\n this.setIndex(this.defaultIndex);\n }\n },\n onTouchStart: function onTouchStart(event) {\n this.touchStart(event);\n\n if (this.moving) {\n var translateY = getElementTranslateY(this.$refs.wrapper);\n this.offset = Math.min(0, translateY - this.baseOffset);\n this.startOffset = this.offset;\n } else {\n this.startOffset = this.offset;\n }\n\n this.duration = 0;\n this.transitionEndTrigger = null;\n this.touchStartTime = Date.now();\n this.momentumOffset = this.startOffset;\n },\n onTouchMove: function onTouchMove(event) {\n this.touchMove(event);\n\n if (this.direction === 'vertical') {\n this.moving = true;\n preventDefault(event, true);\n }\n\n this.offset = range(this.startOffset + this.deltaY, -(this.count * this.itemHeight), this.itemHeight);\n var now = Date.now();\n\n if (now - this.touchStartTime > MOMENTUM_LIMIT_TIME) {\n this.touchStartTime = now;\n this.momentumOffset = this.offset;\n }\n },\n onTouchEnd: function onTouchEnd() {\n var _this = this;\n\n var distance = this.offset - this.momentumOffset;\n var duration = Date.now() - this.touchStartTime;\n var allowMomentum = duration < MOMENTUM_LIMIT_TIME && Math.abs(distance) > MOMENTUM_LIMIT_DISTANCE;\n\n if (allowMomentum) {\n this.momentum(distance, duration);\n return;\n }\n\n var index = this.getIndexByOffset(this.offset);\n this.duration = DEFAULT_DURATION;\n this.setIndex(index, true); // compatible with desktop scenario\n // use setTimeout to skip the click event triggered after touchstart\n\n setTimeout(function () {\n _this.moving = false;\n }, 0);\n },\n onTransitionEnd: function onTransitionEnd() {\n this.stopMomentum();\n },\n onClickItem: function onClickItem(index) {\n if (this.moving) {\n return;\n }\n\n this.transitionEndTrigger = null;\n this.duration = DEFAULT_DURATION;\n this.setIndex(index, true);\n },\n adjustIndex: function adjustIndex(index) {\n index = range(index, 0, this.count);\n\n for (var i = index; i < this.count; i++) {\n if (!isOptionDisabled(this.options[i])) return i;\n }\n\n for (var _i = index - 1; _i >= 0; _i--) {\n if (!isOptionDisabled(this.options[_i])) return _i;\n }\n },\n getOptionText: function getOptionText(option) {\n if (Object(utils[\"g\" /* isObject */])(option) && this.valueKey in option) {\n return option[this.valueKey];\n }\n\n return option;\n },\n setIndex: function setIndex(index, emitChange) {\n var _this2 = this;\n\n index = this.adjustIndex(index) || 0;\n var offset = -index * this.itemHeight;\n\n var trigger = function trigger() {\n if (index !== _this2.currentIndex) {\n _this2.currentIndex = index;\n\n if (emitChange) {\n _this2.$emit('change', index);\n }\n }\n }; // trigger the change event after transitionend when moving\n\n\n if (this.moving && offset !== this.offset) {\n this.transitionEndTrigger = trigger;\n } else {\n trigger();\n }\n\n this.offset = offset;\n },\n setValue: function setValue(value) {\n var options = this.options;\n\n for (var i = 0; i < options.length; i++) {\n if (this.getOptionText(options[i]) === value) {\n return this.setIndex(i);\n }\n }\n },\n getValue: function getValue() {\n return this.options[this.currentIndex];\n },\n getIndexByOffset: function getIndexByOffset(offset) {\n return range(Math.round(-offset / this.itemHeight), 0, this.count - 1);\n },\n momentum: function momentum(distance, duration) {\n var speed = Math.abs(distance / duration);\n distance = this.offset + speed / 0.003 * (distance < 0 ? -1 : 1);\n var index = this.getIndexByOffset(distance);\n this.duration = +this.swipeDuration;\n this.setIndex(index, true);\n },\n stopMomentum: function stopMomentum() {\n this.moving = false;\n this.duration = 0;\n\n if (this.transitionEndTrigger) {\n this.transitionEndTrigger();\n this.transitionEndTrigger = null;\n }\n },\n genOptions: function genOptions() {\n var _this3 = this;\n\n var h = this.$createElement;\n var optionStyle = {\n height: this.itemHeight + \"px\"\n };\n return this.options.map(function (option, index) {\n var _domProps;\n\n var text = _this3.getOptionText(option);\n\n var disabled = isOptionDisabled(option);\n var data = {\n style: optionStyle,\n attrs: {\n role: 'button',\n tabindex: disabled ? -1 : 0\n },\n class: [PickerColumn_bem('item', {\n disabled: disabled,\n selected: index === _this3.currentIndex\n })],\n on: {\n click: function click() {\n _this3.onClickItem(index);\n }\n }\n };\n var childData = {\n class: 'van-ellipsis',\n domProps: (_domProps = {}, _domProps[_this3.allowHtml ? 'innerHTML' : 'textContent'] = text, _domProps)\n };\n return h(\"li\", helper_default()([{}, data]), [h(\"div\", helper_default()([{}, childData]))]);\n });\n }\n },\n render: function render() {\n var h = arguments[0];\n var wrapperStyle = {\n transform: \"translate3d(0, \" + (this.offset + this.baseOffset) + \"px, 0)\",\n transitionDuration: this.duration + \"ms\",\n transitionProperty: this.duration ? 'all' : 'none'\n };\n return h(\"div\", {\n \"class\": [PickerColumn_bem(), this.className]\n }, [h(\"ul\", {\n \"ref\": \"wrapper\",\n \"style\": wrapperStyle,\n \"class\": PickerColumn_bem('wrapper'),\n \"on\": {\n \"transitionend\": this.onTransitionEnd\n }\n }, [this.genOptions()])]);\n }\n}));\n// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/vant/es/picker/index.js\n\n// Utils\n\n\n\n\n // Components\n\n\n\n\nvar picker__createNamespace = Object(utils[\"b\" /* createNamespace */])('picker'),\n picker_createComponent = picker__createNamespace[0],\n picker_bem = picker__createNamespace[1],\n t = picker__createNamespace[2];\n\n/* harmony default export */ var picker = (picker_createComponent({\n props: _extends({}, pickerProps, {\n defaultIndex: {\n type: [Number, String],\n default: 0\n },\n columns: {\n type: Array,\n default: function _default() {\n return [];\n }\n },\n toolbarPosition: {\n type: String,\n default: 'top'\n },\n valueKey: {\n type: String,\n default: 'text'\n }\n }),\n data: function data() {\n return {\n children: [],\n formattedColumns: []\n };\n },\n computed: {\n itemPxHeight: function itemPxHeight() {\n return this.itemHeight ? Object(unit[\"b\" /* unitToPx */])(this.itemHeight) : DEFAULT_ITEM_HEIGHT;\n },\n dataType: function dataType() {\n var columns = this.columns;\n var firstColumn = columns[0] || {};\n\n if (firstColumn.children) {\n return 'cascade';\n }\n\n if (firstColumn.values) {\n return 'object';\n }\n\n return 'text';\n }\n },\n watch: {\n columns: {\n handler: 'format',\n immediate: true\n }\n },\n methods: {\n format: function format() {\n var columns = this.columns,\n dataType = this.dataType;\n\n if (dataType === 'text') {\n this.formattedColumns = [{\n values: columns\n }];\n } else if (dataType === 'cascade') {\n this.formatCascade();\n } else {\n this.formattedColumns = columns;\n }\n },\n formatCascade: function formatCascade() {\n var formatted = [];\n var cursor = {\n children: this.columns\n };\n\n while (cursor && cursor.children) {\n var defaultIndex = Object(utils[\"e\" /* isDef */])(cursor.defaultIndex) ? cursor.defaultIndex : +this.defaultIndex;\n formatted.push({\n values: cursor.children,\n className: cursor.className,\n defaultIndex: defaultIndex\n });\n cursor = cursor.children[defaultIndex];\n }\n\n this.formattedColumns = formatted;\n },\n emit: function emit(event) {\n var _this = this;\n\n if (this.dataType === 'text') {\n this.$emit(event, this.getColumnValue(0), this.getColumnIndex(0));\n } else {\n var values = this.getValues(); // compatible with old version of wrong parameters\n // should be removed in next major version\n // see: https://github.com/youzan/vant/issues/5905\n\n if (this.dataType === 'cascade') {\n values = values.map(function (item) {\n return item[_this.valueKey];\n });\n }\n\n this.$emit(event, values, this.getIndexes());\n }\n },\n onCascadeChange: function onCascadeChange(columnIndex) {\n var cursor = {\n children: this.columns\n };\n var indexes = this.getIndexes();\n\n for (var i = 0; i <= columnIndex; i++) {\n cursor = cursor.children[indexes[i]];\n }\n\n while (cursor && cursor.children) {\n columnIndex++;\n this.setColumnValues(columnIndex, cursor.children);\n cursor = cursor.children[cursor.defaultIndex || 0];\n }\n },\n onChange: function onChange(columnIndex) {\n var _this2 = this;\n\n if (this.dataType === 'cascade') {\n this.onCascadeChange(columnIndex);\n }\n\n if (this.dataType === 'text') {\n this.$emit('change', this, this.getColumnValue(0), this.getColumnIndex(0));\n } else {\n var values = this.getValues(); // compatible with old version of wrong parameters\n // should be removed in next major version\n // see: https://github.com/youzan/vant/issues/5905\n\n if (this.dataType === 'cascade') {\n values = values.map(function (item) {\n return item[_this2.valueKey];\n });\n }\n\n this.$emit('change', this, values, columnIndex);\n }\n },\n // get column instance by index\n getColumn: function getColumn(index) {\n return this.children[index];\n },\n // @exposed-api\n // get column value by index\n getColumnValue: function getColumnValue(index) {\n var column = this.getColumn(index);\n return column && column.getValue();\n },\n // @exposed-api\n // set column value by index\n setColumnValue: function setColumnValue(index, value) {\n var column = this.getColumn(index);\n\n if (column) {\n column.setValue(value);\n\n if (this.dataType === 'cascade') {\n this.onCascadeChange(index);\n }\n }\n },\n // @exposed-api\n // get column option index by column index\n getColumnIndex: function getColumnIndex(columnIndex) {\n return (this.getColumn(columnIndex) || {}).currentIndex;\n },\n // @exposed-api\n // set column option index by column index\n setColumnIndex: function setColumnIndex(columnIndex, optionIndex) {\n var column = this.getColumn(columnIndex);\n\n if (column) {\n column.setIndex(optionIndex);\n\n if (this.dataType === 'cascade') {\n this.onCascadeChange(columnIndex);\n }\n }\n },\n // @exposed-api\n // get options of column by index\n getColumnValues: function getColumnValues(index) {\n return (this.children[index] || {}).options;\n },\n // @exposed-api\n // set options of column by index\n setColumnValues: function setColumnValues(index, options) {\n var column = this.children[index];\n\n if (column) {\n column.setOptions(options);\n }\n },\n // @exposed-api\n // get values of all columns\n getValues: function getValues() {\n return this.children.map(function (child) {\n return child.getValue();\n });\n },\n // @exposed-api\n // set values of all columns\n setValues: function setValues(values) {\n var _this3 = this;\n\n values.forEach(function (value, index) {\n _this3.setColumnValue(index, value);\n });\n },\n // @exposed-api\n // get indexes of all columns\n getIndexes: function getIndexes() {\n return this.children.map(function (child) {\n return child.currentIndex;\n });\n },\n // @exposed-api\n // set indexes of all columns\n setIndexes: function setIndexes(indexes) {\n var _this4 = this;\n\n indexes.forEach(function (optionIndex, columnIndex) {\n _this4.setColumnIndex(columnIndex, optionIndex);\n });\n },\n // @exposed-api\n confirm: function confirm() {\n this.children.forEach(function (child) {\n return child.stopMomentum();\n });\n this.emit('confirm');\n },\n cancel: function cancel() {\n this.emit('cancel');\n },\n genTitle: function genTitle() {\n var h = this.$createElement;\n var titleSlot = this.slots('title');\n\n if (titleSlot) {\n return titleSlot;\n }\n\n if (this.title) {\n return h(\"div\", {\n \"class\": ['van-ellipsis', picker_bem('title')]\n }, [this.title]);\n }\n },\n genToolbar: function genToolbar() {\n var h = this.$createElement;\n\n if (this.showToolbar) {\n return h(\"div\", {\n \"class\": picker_bem('toolbar')\n }, [this.slots() || [h(\"button\", {\n \"attrs\": {\n \"type\": \"button\"\n },\n \"class\": picker_bem('cancel'),\n \"on\": {\n \"click\": this.cancel\n }\n }, [this.cancelButtonText || t('cancel')]), this.genTitle(), h(\"button\", {\n \"attrs\": {\n \"type\": \"button\"\n },\n \"class\": picker_bem('confirm'),\n \"on\": {\n \"click\": this.confirm\n }\n }, [this.confirmButtonText || t('confirm')])]]);\n }\n },\n genColumns: function genColumns() {\n var h = this.$createElement;\n var itemPxHeight = this.itemPxHeight;\n var wrapHeight = itemPxHeight * this.visibleItemCount;\n var frameStyle = {\n height: itemPxHeight + \"px\"\n };\n var columnsStyle = {\n height: wrapHeight + \"px\"\n };\n var maskStyle = {\n backgroundSize: \"100% \" + (wrapHeight - itemPxHeight) / 2 + \"px\"\n };\n return h(\"div\", {\n \"class\": picker_bem('columns'),\n \"style\": columnsStyle,\n \"on\": {\n \"touchmove\": preventDefault\n }\n }, [this.genColumnItems(), h(\"div\", {\n \"class\": picker_bem('mask'),\n \"style\": maskStyle\n }), h(\"div\", {\n \"class\": [BORDER_UNSET_TOP_BOTTOM, picker_bem('frame')],\n \"style\": frameStyle\n })]);\n },\n genColumnItems: function genColumnItems() {\n var _this5 = this;\n\n var h = this.$createElement;\n return this.formattedColumns.map(function (item, columnIndex) {\n return h(PickerColumn, {\n \"attrs\": {\n \"valueKey\": _this5.valueKey,\n \"allowHtml\": _this5.allowHtml,\n \"className\": item.className,\n \"itemHeight\": _this5.itemPxHeight,\n \"defaultIndex\": item.defaultIndex || +_this5.defaultIndex,\n \"swipeDuration\": _this5.swipeDuration,\n \"visibleItemCount\": _this5.visibleItemCount,\n \"initialOptions\": item.values\n },\n \"on\": {\n \"change\": function change() {\n _this5.onChange(columnIndex);\n }\n }\n });\n });\n }\n },\n render: function render(h) {\n return h(\"div\", {\n \"class\": picker_bem()\n }, [this.toolbarPosition === 'top' ? this.genToolbar() : h(), this.loading ? h(es_loading, {\n \"class\": picker_bem('loading')\n }) : h(), this.slots('columns-top'), this.genColumns(), this.slots('columns-bottom'), this.toolbarPosition === 'bottom' ? this.genToolbar() : h()]);\n }\n}));\n// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/vant/es/area/index.js\n\n\n\n\n\nvar area__createNamespace = Object(utils[\"b\" /* createNamespace */])('area'),\n area_createComponent = area__createNamespace[0],\n area_bem = area__createNamespace[1];\n\nvar PLACEHOLDER_CODE = '000000';\n\nfunction isOverseaCode(code) {\n return code[0] === '9';\n}\n\nfunction pickSlots(instance, keys) {\n var $slots = instance.$slots,\n $scopedSlots = instance.$scopedSlots;\n var scopedSlots = {};\n keys.forEach(function (key) {\n if ($scopedSlots[key]) {\n scopedSlots[key] = $scopedSlots[key];\n } else if ($slots[key]) {\n scopedSlots[key] = function () {\n return $slots[key];\n };\n }\n });\n return scopedSlots;\n}\n\n/* harmony default export */ var es_area = (area_createComponent({\n props: _extends({}, pickerProps, {\n value: String,\n areaList: {\n type: Object,\n default: function _default() {\n return {};\n }\n },\n columnsNum: {\n type: [Number, String],\n default: 3\n },\n isOverseaCode: {\n type: Function,\n default: isOverseaCode\n },\n columnsPlaceholder: {\n type: Array,\n default: function _default() {\n return [];\n }\n }\n }),\n data: function data() {\n return {\n code: this.value,\n columns: [{\n values: []\n }, {\n values: []\n }, {\n values: []\n }]\n };\n },\n computed: {\n province: function province() {\n return this.areaList.province_list || {};\n },\n city: function city() {\n return this.areaList.city_list || {};\n },\n county: function county() {\n return this.areaList.county_list || {};\n },\n displayColumns: function displayColumns() {\n return this.columns.slice(0, +this.columnsNum);\n },\n placeholderMap: function placeholderMap() {\n return {\n province: this.columnsPlaceholder[0] || '',\n city: this.columnsPlaceholder[1] || '',\n county: this.columnsPlaceholder[2] || ''\n };\n }\n },\n watch: {\n value: function value(val) {\n this.code = val;\n this.setValues();\n },\n areaList: {\n deep: true,\n handler: 'setValues'\n },\n columnsNum: function columnsNum() {\n var _this = this;\n\n this.$nextTick(function () {\n _this.setValues();\n });\n }\n },\n mounted: function mounted() {\n this.setValues();\n },\n methods: {\n // get list by code\n getList: function getList(type, code) {\n var result = [];\n\n if (type !== 'province' && !code) {\n return result;\n }\n\n var list = this[type];\n result = Object.keys(list).map(function (listCode) {\n return {\n code: listCode,\n name: list[listCode]\n };\n });\n\n if (code) {\n // oversea code\n if (this.isOverseaCode(code) && type === 'city') {\n code = '9';\n }\n\n result = result.filter(function (item) {\n return item.code.indexOf(code) === 0;\n });\n }\n\n if (this.placeholderMap[type] && result.length) {\n // set columns placeholder\n var codeFill = '';\n\n if (type === 'city') {\n codeFill = PLACEHOLDER_CODE.slice(2, 4);\n } else if (type === 'county') {\n codeFill = PLACEHOLDER_CODE.slice(4, 6);\n }\n\n result.unshift({\n code: \"\" + code + codeFill,\n name: this.placeholderMap[type]\n });\n }\n\n return result;\n },\n // get index by code\n getIndex: function getIndex(type, code) {\n var compareNum = type === 'province' ? 2 : type === 'city' ? 4 : 6;\n var list = this.getList(type, code.slice(0, compareNum - 2)); // oversea code\n\n if (this.isOverseaCode(code) && type === 'province') {\n compareNum = 1;\n }\n\n code = code.slice(0, compareNum);\n\n for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {\n if (list[i].code.slice(0, compareNum) === code) {\n return i;\n }\n }\n\n return 0;\n },\n // parse output columns data\n parseOutputValues: function parseOutputValues(values) {\n var _this2 = this;\n\n return values.map(function (value, index) {\n // save undefined value\n if (!value) return value;\n value = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(value));\n\n if (!value.code || value.name === _this2.columnsPlaceholder[index]) {\n value.code = '';\n value.name = '';\n }\n\n return value;\n });\n },\n onChange: function onChange(picker, values, index) {\n this.code = values[index].code;\n this.setValues();\n var parsedValues = this.parseOutputValues(picker.getValues());\n this.$emit('change', picker, parsedValues, index);\n },\n onConfirm: function onConfirm(values, index) {\n values = this.parseOutputValues(values);\n this.setValues();\n this.$emit('confirm', values, index);\n },\n getDefaultCode: function getDefaultCode() {\n if (this.columnsPlaceholder.length) {\n return PLACEHOLDER_CODE;\n }\n\n var countyCodes = Object.keys(this.county);\n\n if (countyCodes[0]) {\n return countyCodes[0];\n }\n\n var cityCodes = Object.keys(this.city);\n\n if (cityCodes[0]) {\n return cityCodes[0];\n }\n\n return '';\n },\n setValues: function setValues() {\n var code = this.code;\n\n if (!code) {\n code = this.getDefaultCode();\n }\n\n var picker = this.$refs.picker;\n var province = this.getList('province');\n var city = this.getList('city', code.slice(0, 2));\n\n if (!picker) {\n return;\n }\n\n picker.setColumnValues(0, province);\n picker.setColumnValues(1, city);\n\n if (city.length && code.slice(2, 4) === '00' && !this.isOverseaCode(code)) {\n code = city[0].code;\n }\n\n picker.setColumnValues(2, this.getList('county', code.slice(0, 4)));\n picker.setIndexes([this.getIndex('province', code), this.getIndex('city', code), this.getIndex('county', code)]);\n },\n getValues: function getValues() {\n var picker = this.$refs.picker;\n var getValues = picker ? picker.getValues().filter(function (value) {\n return !!value;\n }) : [];\n getValues = this.parseOutputValues(getValues);\n return getValues;\n },\n getArea: function getArea() {\n var values = this.getValues();\n var area = {\n code: '',\n country: '',\n province: '',\n city: '',\n county: ''\n };\n\n if (!values.length) {\n return area;\n }\n\n var names = values.map(function (item) {\n return item.name;\n });\n var validValues = values.filter(function (value) {\n return !!value.code;\n });\n area.code = validValues.length ? validValues[validValues.length - 1].code : '';\n\n if (this.isOverseaCode(area.code)) {\n area.country = names[1] || '';\n area.province = names[2] || '';\n } else {\n area.province = names[0] || '';\n area.city = names[1] || '';\n area.county = names[2] || '';\n }\n\n return area;\n },\n // @exposed-api\n reset: function reset(code) {\n this.code = code || '';\n this.setValues();\n }\n },\n render: function render() {\n var h = arguments[0];\n\n var on = _extends({}, this.$listeners, {\n change: this.onChange,\n confirm: this.onConfirm\n });\n\n return h(picker, {\n \"ref\": \"picker\",\n \"class\": area_bem(),\n \"attrs\": {\n \"showToolbar\": true,\n \"valueKey\": \"name\",\n \"title\": this.title,\n \"loading\": this.loading,\n \"columns\": this.displayColumns,\n \"itemHeight\": this.itemHeight,\n \"swipeDuration\": this.swipeDuration,\n \"visibleItemCount\": this.visibleItemCount,\n \"cancelButtonText\": this.cancelButtonText,\n \"confirmButtonText\": this.confirmButtonText\n },\n \"scopedSlots\": pickSlots(this, ['title', 'columns-top', 'columns-bottom']),\n \"on\": _extends({}, on)\n });\n }\n}));\n// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/vant/es/utils/validate/system.js\n\nfunction isAndroid() {\n /* istanbul ignore next */\n return utils[\"i\" /* isServer */] ? false : /android/.test(navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase());\n}\nfunction isIOS() {\n /* istanbul ignore next */\n return utils[\"i\" /* isServer */] ? false : /ios|iphone|ipad|ipod/.test(navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase());\n}\n// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/vant/es/utils/dom/reset-scroll.js\n/**\n * Hack for iOS12 page scroll\n * https://developers.weixin.qq.com/community/develop/doc/00044ae90742f8c82fb78fcae56800\n */\n\n\nvar reset_scroll_isIOS = isIOS();\n/* istanbul ignore next */\n\nfunction resetScroll() {\n if (reset_scroll_isIOS) {\n setRootScrollTop(getRootScrollTop());\n }\n}\n// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/vant/es/utils/router.js\n/**\n * Vue Router support\n */\nfunction isRedundantNavigation(err) {\n return err.name === 'NavigationDuplicated' || // compatible with vue-router@3.3\n err.message && err.message.indexOf('redundant navigation') !== -1;\n}\n\nfunction route(router, config) {\n var to = config.to,\n url = config.url,\n replace = config.replace;\n\n if (to && router) {\n var promise = router[replace ? 'replace' : 'push'](to);\n /* istanbul ignore else */\n\n if (promise && promise.catch) {\n promise.catch(function (err) {\n if (err && !isRedundantNavigation(err)) {\n throw err;\n }\n });\n }\n } else if (url) {\n replace ? location.replace(url) : location.href = url;\n }\n}\nfunction functionalRoute(context) {\n route(context.parent && context.parent.$router, context.props);\n}\nvar routeProps = {\n url: String,\n replace: Boolean,\n to: [String, Object]\n};\n// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/vant/es/cell/shared.js\nvar cellProps = {\n icon: String,\n size: String,\n center: Boolean,\n isLink: Boolean,\n required: Boolean,\n clickable: Boolean,\n iconPrefix: String,\n titleStyle: null,\n titleClass: null,\n valueClass: null,\n labelClass: null,\n title: [Number, String],\n value: [Number, String],\n label: [Number, String],\n arrowDirection: String,\n border: {\n type: Boolean,\n default: true\n }\n};\n// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/vant/es/cell/index.js\n\n\n// Utils\n\n\n\n // Components\n\n // Types\n\nvar cell__createNamespace = Object(utils[\"b\" /* createNamespace */])('cell'),\n cell_createComponent = cell__createNamespace[0],\n cell_bem = cell__createNamespace[1];\n\nfunction Cell(h, props, slots, ctx) {\n var icon = props.icon,\n size = props.size,\n title = props.title,\n label = props.label,\n value = props.value,\n isLink = props.isLink;\n var showTitle = slots.title || Object(utils[\"e\" /* isDef */])(title);\n\n function Label() {\n var showLabel = slots.label || Object(utils[\"e\" /* isDef */])(label);\n\n if (showLabel) {\n return h(\"div\", {\n \"class\": [cell_bem('label'), props.labelClass]\n }, [slots.label ? slots.label() : label]);\n }\n }\n\n function Title() {\n if (showTitle) {\n return h(\"div\", {\n \"class\": [cell_bem('title'), props.titleClass],\n \"style\": props.titleStyle\n }, [slots.title ? slots.title() : h(\"span\", [title]), Label()]);\n }\n }\n\n function Value() {\n var showValue = slots.default || Object(utils[\"e\" /* isDef */])(value);\n\n if (showValue) {\n return h(\"div\", {\n \"class\": [cell_bem('value', {\n alone: !showTitle\n }), props.valueClass]\n }, [slots.default ? slots.default() : h(\"span\", [value])]);\n }\n }\n\n function LeftIcon() {\n if (slots.icon) {\n return slots.icon();\n }\n\n if (icon) {\n return h(es_icon, {\n \"class\": cell_bem('left-icon'),\n \"attrs\": {\n \"name\": icon,\n \"classPrefix\": props.iconPrefix\n }\n });\n }\n }\n\n function RightIcon() {\n var rightIconSlot = slots['right-icon'];\n\n if (rightIconSlot) {\n return rightIconSlot();\n }\n\n if (isLink) {\n var arrowDirection = props.arrowDirection;\n return h(es_icon, {\n \"class\": cell_bem('right-icon'),\n \"attrs\": {\n \"name\": arrowDirection ? \"arrow-\" + arrowDirection : 'arrow'\n }\n });\n }\n }\n\n function onClick(event) {\n functional_emit(ctx, 'click', event);\n functionalRoute(ctx);\n }\n\n var clickable = isLink || props.clickable;\n var classes = {\n clickable: clickable,\n center: props.center,\n required: props.required,\n borderless: !props.border\n };\n\n if (size) {\n classes[size] = size;\n }\n\n return h(\"div\", helper_default()([{\n \"class\": cell_bem(classes),\n \"attrs\": {\n \"role\": clickable ? 'button' : null,\n \"tabindex\": clickable ? 0 : null\n },\n \"on\": {\n \"click\": onClick\n }\n }, inherit(ctx)]), [LeftIcon(), Title(), Value(), RightIcon(), slots.extra == null ? void 0 : slots.extra()]);\n}\n\nCell.props = _extends({}, cellProps, routeProps);\n/* harmony default export */ var cell = (cell_createComponent(Cell));\n// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/vant/es/field/index.js\n\n\n\n// Utils\n\n\n\n // Components\n\n\n\n\n\nvar field__createNamespace = Object(utils[\"b\" /* createNamespace */])('field'),\n field_createComponent = field__createNamespace[0],\n field_bem = field__createNamespace[1];\n\n/* harmony default export */ var es_field = (field_createComponent({\n inheritAttrs: false,\n provide: function provide() {\n return {\n vanField: this\n };\n },\n inject: {\n vanForm: {\n default: null\n }\n },\n props: _extends({}, cellProps, {\n name: String,\n rules: Array,\n disabled: Boolean,\n readonly: Boolean,\n autosize: [Boolean, Object],\n leftIcon: String,\n rightIcon: String,\n clearable: Boolean,\n formatter: Function,\n maxlength: [Number, String],\n labelWidth: [Number, String],\n labelClass: null,\n labelAlign: String,\n inputAlign: String,\n placeholder: String,\n errorMessage: String,\n errorMessageAlign: String,\n showWordLimit: Boolean,\n value: {\n type: [String, Number],\n default: ''\n },\n type: {\n type: String,\n default: 'text'\n },\n error: {\n type: Boolean,\n default: null\n },\n colon: {\n type: Boolean,\n default: null\n },\n clearTrigger: {\n type: String,\n default: 'focus'\n },\n formatTrigger: {\n type: String,\n default: 'onChange'\n }\n }),\n data: function data() {\n return {\n focused: false,\n validateFailed: false,\n validateMessage: ''\n };\n },\n watch: {\n value: function value() {\n this.updateValue(this.value);\n this.resetValidation();\n this.validateWithTrigger('onChange');\n this.$nextTick(this.adjustSize);\n }\n },\n mounted: function mounted() {\n this.updateValue(this.value, this.formatTrigger);\n this.$nextTick(this.adjustSize);\n\n if (this.vanForm) {\n this.vanForm.addField(this);\n }\n },\n beforeDestroy: function beforeDestroy() {\n if (this.vanForm) {\n this.vanForm.removeField(this);\n }\n },\n computed: {\n showClear: function showClear() {\n if (this.clearable && !this.readonly) {\n var hasValue = Object(utils[\"e\" /* isDef */])(this.value) && this.value !== '';\n var trigger = this.clearTrigger === 'always' || this.clearTrigger === 'focus' && this.focused;\n return hasValue && trigger;\n }\n },\n showError: function showError() {\n if (this.error !== null) {\n return this.error;\n }\n\n if (this.vanForm && this.vanForm.showError && this.validateFailed) {\n return true;\n }\n },\n listeners: function listeners() {\n return _extends({}, this.$listeners, {\n blur: this.onBlur,\n focus: this.onFocus,\n input: this.onInput,\n click: this.onClickInput,\n keypress: this.onKeypress\n });\n },\n labelStyle: function labelStyle() {\n var labelWidth = this.getProp('labelWidth');\n\n if (labelWidth) {\n return {\n width: Object(utils[\"a\" /* addUnit */])(labelWidth)\n };\n }\n },\n formValue: function formValue() {\n if (this.children && (this.$scopedSlots.input || this.$slots.input)) {\n return this.children.value;\n }\n\n return this.value;\n }\n },\n methods: {\n // @exposed-api\n focus: function focus() {\n if (this.$refs.input) {\n this.$refs.input.focus();\n }\n },\n // @exposed-api\n blur: function blur() {\n if (this.$refs.input) {\n this.$refs.input.blur();\n }\n },\n runValidator: function runValidator(value, rule) {\n return new Promise(function (resolve) {\n var returnVal = rule.validator(value, rule);\n\n if (Object(utils[\"h\" /* isPromise */])(returnVal)) {\n return returnVal.then(resolve);\n }\n\n resolve(returnVal);\n });\n },\n isEmptyValue: function isEmptyValue(value) {\n if (Array.isArray(value)) {\n return !value.length;\n }\n\n return !value;\n },\n runSyncRule: function runSyncRule(value, rule) {\n if (rule.required && this.isEmptyValue(value)) {\n return false;\n }\n\n if (rule.pattern && !rule.pattern.test(value)) {\n return false;\n }\n\n return true;\n },\n getRuleMessage: function getRuleMessage(value, rule) {\n var message = rule.message;\n\n if (Object(utils[\"f\" /* isFunction */])(message)) {\n return message(value, rule);\n }\n\n return message;\n },\n runRules: function runRules(rules) {\n var _this = this;\n\n return rules.reduce(function (promise, rule) {\n return promise.then(function () {\n if (_this.validateFailed) {\n return;\n }\n\n var value = _this.formValue;\n\n if (rule.formatter) {\n value = rule.formatter(value, rule);\n }\n\n if (!_this.runSyncRule(value, rule)) {\n _this.validateFailed = true;\n _this.validateMessage = _this.getRuleMessage(value, rule);\n return;\n }\n\n if (rule.validator) {\n return _this.runValidator(value, rule).then(function (result) {\n if (result === false) {\n _this.validateFailed = true;\n _this.validateMessage = _this.getRuleMessage(value, rule);\n }\n });\n }\n });\n }, Promise.resolve());\n },\n validate: function validate(rules) {\n var _this2 = this;\n\n if (rules === void 0) {\n rules = this.rules;\n }\n\n return new Promise(function (resolve) {\n if (!rules) {\n resolve();\n }\n\n _this2.runRules(rules).then(function () {\n if (_this2.validateFailed) {\n resolve({\n name: _this2.name,\n message: _this2.validateMessage\n });\n } else {\n resolve();\n }\n });\n });\n },\n validateWithTrigger: function validateWithTrigger(trigger) {\n if (this.vanForm && this.rules) {\n var defaultTrigger = this.vanForm.validateTrigger === trigger;\n var rules = this.rules.filter(function (rule) {\n if (rule.trigger) {\n return rule.trigger === trigger;\n }\n\n return defaultTrigger;\n });\n this.validate(rules);\n }\n },\n resetValidation: function resetValidation() {\n if (this.validateMessage) {\n this.validateFailed = false;\n this.validateMessage = '';\n }\n },\n updateValue: function updateValue(value, trigger) {\n if (trigger === void 0) {\n trigger = 'onChange';\n }\n\n value = Object(utils[\"e\" /* isDef */])(value) ? String(value) : ''; // native maxlength not work when type is number\n\n var maxlength = this.maxlength;\n\n if (Object(utils[\"e\" /* isDef */])(maxlength) && value.length > maxlength) {\n value = value.slice(0, maxlength);\n }\n\n if (this.type === 'number' || this.type === 'digit') {\n var allowDot = this.type === 'number';\n value = number_formatNumber(value, allowDot);\n }\n\n if (this.formatter && trigger === this.formatTrigger) {\n value = this.formatter(value);\n }\n\n var input = this.$refs.input;\n\n if (input && value !== input.value) {\n input.value = value;\n }\n\n if (value !== this.value) {\n this.$emit('input', value);\n }\n\n this.currentValue = value;\n },\n onInput: function onInput(event) {\n // not update v-model when composing\n if (event.target.composing) {\n return;\n }\n\n this.updateValue(event.target.value);\n },\n onFocus: function onFocus(event) {\n this.focused = true;\n this.$emit('focus', event); // readonly not work in lagacy mobile safari\n\n /* istanbul ignore if */\n\n if (this.readonly) {\n this.blur();\n }\n },\n onBlur: function onBlur(event) {\n this.focused = false;\n this.updateValue(this.value, 'onBlur');\n this.$emit('blur', event);\n this.validateWithTrigger('onBlur');\n resetScroll();\n },\n onClick: function onClick(event) {\n this.$emit('click', event);\n },\n onClickInput: function onClickInput(event) {\n this.$emit('click-input', event);\n },\n onClickLeftIcon: function onClickLeftIcon(event) {\n this.$emit('click-left-icon', event);\n },\n onClickRightIcon: function onClickRightIcon(event) {\n this.$emit('click-right-icon', event);\n },\n onClear: function onClear(event) {\n preventDefault(event);\n this.$emit('input', '');\n this.$emit('clear', event);\n },\n onKeypress: function onKeypress(event) {\n var ENTER_CODE = 13;\n\n if (event.keyCode === ENTER_CODE) {\n var submitOnEnter = this.getProp('submitOnEnter');\n\n if (!submitOnEnter && this.type !== 'textarea') {\n preventDefault(event);\n } // trigger blur after click keyboard search button\n\n\n if (this.type === 'search') {\n this.blur();\n }\n }\n\n this.$emit('keypress', event);\n },\n adjustSize: function adjustSize() {\n var input = this.$refs.input;\n\n if (!(this.type === 'textarea' && this.autosize) || !input) {\n return;\n }\n\n input.style.height = 'auto';\n var height = input.scrollHeight;\n\n if (Object(utils[\"g\" /* isObject */])(this.autosize)) {\n var _this$autosize = this.autosize,\n maxHeight = _this$autosize.maxHeight,\n minHeight = _this$autosize.minHeight;\n\n if (maxHeight) {\n height = Math.min(height, maxHeight);\n }\n\n if (minHeight) {\n height = Math.max(height, minHeight);\n }\n }\n\n if (height) {\n input.style.height = height + 'px';\n }\n },\n genInput: function genInput() {\n var h = this.$createElement;\n var type = this.type;\n var inputSlot = this.slots('input');\n var inputAlign = this.getProp('inputAlign');\n\n if (inputSlot) {\n return h(\"div\", {\n \"class\": field_bem('control', [inputAlign, 'custom']),\n \"on\": {\n \"click\": this.onClickInput\n }\n }, [inputSlot]);\n }\n\n var inputProps = {\n ref: 'input',\n class: field_bem('control', inputAlign),\n domProps: {\n value: this.value\n },\n attrs: _extends({}, this.$attrs, {\n name: this.name,\n disabled: this.disabled,\n readonly: this.readonly,\n placeholder: this.placeholder\n }),\n on: this.listeners,\n // add model directive to skip IME composition\n directives: [{\n name: 'model',\n value: this.value\n }]\n };\n\n if (type === 'textarea') {\n return h(\"textarea\", helper_default()([{}, inputProps]));\n }\n\n var inputType = type;\n var inputMode; // type=\"number\" is weired in iOS, and can't prevent dot in Android\n // so use inputmode to set keyboard in mordern browers\n\n if (type === 'number') {\n inputType = 'text';\n inputMode = 'decimal';\n }\n\n if (type === 'digit') {\n inputType = 'tel';\n inputMode = 'numeric';\n }\n\n return h(\"input\", helper_default()([{\n \"attrs\": {\n \"type\": inputType,\n \"inputmode\": inputMode\n }\n }, inputProps]));\n },\n genLeftIcon: function genLeftIcon() {\n var h = this.$createElement;\n var showLeftIcon = this.slots('left-icon') || this.leftIcon;\n\n if (showLeftIcon) {\n return h(\"div\", {\n \"class\": field_bem('left-icon'),\n \"on\": {\n \"click\": this.onClickLeftIcon\n }\n }, [this.slots('left-icon') || h(es_icon, {\n \"attrs\": {\n \"name\": this.leftIcon,\n \"classPrefix\": this.iconPrefix\n }\n })]);\n }\n },\n genRightIcon: function genRightIcon() {\n var h = this.$createElement;\n var slots = this.slots;\n var showRightIcon = slots('right-icon') || this.rightIcon;\n\n if (showRightIcon) {\n return h(\"div\", {\n \"class\": field_bem('right-icon'),\n \"on\": {\n \"click\": this.onClickRightIcon\n }\n }, [slots('right-icon') || h(es_icon, {\n \"attrs\": {\n \"name\": this.rightIcon,\n \"classPrefix\": this.iconPrefix\n }\n })]);\n }\n },\n genWordLimit: function genWordLimit() {\n var h = this.$createElement;\n\n if (this.showWordLimit && this.maxlength) {\n var count = (this.value || '').length;\n return h(\"div\", {\n \"class\": field_bem('word-limit')\n }, [h(\"span\", {\n \"class\": field_bem('word-num')\n }, [count]), \"/\", this.maxlength]);\n }\n },\n genMessage: function genMessage() {\n var h = this.$createElement;\n\n if (this.vanForm && this.vanForm.showErrorMessage === false) {\n return;\n }\n\n var message = this.errorMessage || this.validateMessage;\n\n if (message) {\n var errorMessageAlign = this.getProp('errorMessageAlign');\n return h(\"div\", {\n \"class\": field_bem('error-message', errorMessageAlign)\n }, [message]);\n }\n },\n getProp: function getProp(key) {\n if (Object(utils[\"e\" /* isDef */])(this[key])) {\n return this[key];\n }\n\n if (this.vanForm && Object(utils[\"e\" /* isDef */])(this.vanForm[key])) {\n return this.vanForm[key];\n }\n },\n genLabel: function genLabel() {\n var h = this.$createElement;\n var colon = this.getProp('colon') ? ':' : '';\n\n if (this.slots('label')) {\n return [this.slots('label'), colon];\n }\n\n if (this.label) {\n return h(\"span\", [this.label + colon]);\n }\n }\n },\n render: function render() {\n var _bem;\n\n var h = arguments[0];\n var slots = this.slots;\n var labelAlign = this.getProp('labelAlign');\n var scopedSlots = {\n icon: this.genLeftIcon\n };\n var Label = this.genLabel();\n\n if (Label) {\n scopedSlots.title = function () {\n return Label;\n };\n }\n\n var extra = this.slots('extra');\n\n if (extra) {\n scopedSlots.extra = function () {\n return extra;\n };\n }\n\n return h(cell, {\n \"attrs\": {\n \"icon\": this.leftIcon,\n \"size\": this.size,\n \"center\": this.center,\n \"border\": this.border,\n \"isLink\": this.isLink,\n \"required\": this.required,\n \"clickable\": this.clickable,\n \"titleStyle\": this.labelStyle,\n \"valueClass\": field_bem('value'),\n \"titleClass\": [field_bem('label', labelAlign), this.labelClass],\n \"arrowDirection\": this.arrowDirection\n },\n \"scopedSlots\": scopedSlots,\n \"class\": field_bem((_bem = {\n error: this.showError,\n disabled: this.disabled\n }, _bem[\"label-\" + labelAlign] = labelAlign, _bem['min-height'] = this.type === 'textarea' && !this.autosize, _bem)),\n \"on\": {\n \"click\": this.onClick\n }\n }, [h(\"div\", {\n \"class\": field_bem('body')\n }, [this.genInput(), this.showClear && h(es_icon, {\n \"attrs\": {\n \"name\": \"clear\"\n },\n \"class\": field_bem('clear'),\n \"on\": {\n \"touchstart\": this.onClear\n }\n }), this.genRightIcon(), slots('button') && h(\"div\", {\n \"class\": field_bem('button')\n }, [slots('button')])]), this.genWordLimit(), this.genMessage()]);\n }\n}));\n// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/vant/es/toast/lock-click.js\nvar lockCount = 0;\nfunction lockClick(lock) {\n if (lock) {\n if (!lockCount) {\n document.body.classList.add('van-toast--unclickable');\n }\n\n lockCount++;\n } else {\n lockCount--;\n\n if (!lockCount) {\n document.body.classList.remove('van-toast--unclickable');\n }\n }\n}\n// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/vant/es/toast/Toast.js\n// Utils\n\n // Mixins\n\n // Components\n\n\n\n\nvar Toast__createNamespace = Object(utils[\"b\" /* createNamespace */])('toast'),\n Toast_createComponent = Toast__createNamespace[0],\n Toast_bem = Toast__createNamespace[1];\n\n/* harmony default export */ var Toast = (Toast_createComponent({\n mixins: [PopupMixin()],\n props: {\n icon: String,\n className: null,\n iconPrefix: String,\n loadingType: String,\n forbidClick: Boolean,\n closeOnClick: Boolean,\n message: [Number, String],\n type: {\n type: String,\n default: 'text'\n },\n position: {\n type: String,\n default: 'middle'\n },\n transition: {\n type: String,\n default: 'van-fade'\n },\n lockScroll: {\n type: Boolean,\n default: false\n }\n },\n data: function data() {\n return {\n clickable: false\n };\n },\n mounted: function mounted() {\n this.toggleClickable();\n },\n destroyed: function destroyed() {\n this.toggleClickable();\n },\n watch: {\n value: 'toggleClickable',\n forbidClick: 'toggleClickable'\n },\n methods: {\n onClick: function onClick() {\n if (this.closeOnClick) {\n this.close();\n }\n },\n toggleClickable: function toggleClickable() {\n var clickable = this.value && this.forbidClick;\n\n if (this.clickable !== clickable) {\n this.clickable = clickable;\n lockClick(clickable);\n }\n },\n\n /* istanbul ignore next */\n onAfterEnter: function onAfterEnter() {\n this.$emit('opened');\n\n if (this.onOpened) {\n this.onOpened();\n }\n },\n onAfterLeave: function onAfterLeave() {\n this.$emit('closed');\n },\n genIcon: function genIcon() {\n var h = this.$createElement;\n var icon = this.icon,\n type = this.type,\n iconPrefix = this.iconPrefix,\n loadingType = this.loadingType;\n var hasIcon = icon || type === 'success' || type === 'fail';\n\n if (hasIcon) {\n return h(es_icon, {\n \"class\": Toast_bem('icon'),\n \"attrs\": {\n \"classPrefix\": iconPrefix,\n \"name\": icon || type\n }\n });\n }\n\n if (type === 'loading') {\n return h(es_loading, {\n \"class\": Toast_bem('loading'),\n \"attrs\": {\n \"type\": loadingType\n }\n });\n }\n },\n genMessage: function genMessage() {\n var h = this.$createElement;\n var type = this.type,\n message = this.message;\n\n if (!Object(utils[\"e\" /* isDef */])(message) || message === '') {\n return;\n }\n\n if (type === 'html') {\n return h(\"div\", {\n \"class\": Toast_bem('text'),\n \"domProps\": {\n \"innerHTML\": message\n }\n });\n }\n\n return h(\"div\", {\n \"class\": Toast_bem('text')\n }, [message]);\n }\n },\n render: function render() {\n var _ref;\n\n var h = arguments[0];\n return h(\"transition\", {\n \"attrs\": {\n \"name\": this.transition\n },\n \"on\": {\n \"afterEnter\": this.onAfterEnter,\n \"afterLeave\": this.onAfterLeave\n }\n }, [h(\"div\", {\n \"directives\": [{\n name: \"show\",\n value: this.value\n }],\n \"class\": [Toast_bem([this.position, (_ref = {}, _ref[this.type] = !this.icon, _ref)]), this.className],\n \"on\": {\n \"click\": this.onClick\n }\n }, [this.genIcon(), this.genMessage()])]);\n }\n}));\n// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/vant/es/toast/index.js\n\n\n\n\n\nvar defaultOptions = {\n icon: '',\n type: 'text',\n // @deprecated\n mask: false,\n value: true,\n message: '',\n className: '',\n overlay: false,\n onClose: null,\n onOpened: null,\n duration: 2000,\n iconPrefix: undefined,\n position: 'middle',\n transition: 'van-fade',\n forbidClick: false,\n loadingType: undefined,\n getContainer: 'body',\n overlayStyle: null,\n closeOnClick: false,\n closeOnClickOverlay: false\n}; // default options of specific type\n\nvar defaultOptionsMap = {};\nvar queue = [];\nvar toast_multiple = false;\n\nvar currentOptions = _extends({}, defaultOptions);\n\nfunction parseOptions(message) {\n if (Object(utils[\"g\" /* isObject */])(message)) {\n return message;\n }\n\n return {\n message: message\n };\n}\n\nfunction createInstance() {\n /* istanbul ignore if */\n if (utils[\"i\" /* isServer */]) {\n return {};\n }\n\n if (!queue.length || toast_multiple) {\n var toast = new (vue_esm[\"default\"].extend(Toast))({\n el: document.createElement('div')\n });\n toast.$on('input', function (value) {\n toast.value = value;\n });\n queue.push(toast);\n }\n\n return queue[queue.length - 1];\n} // transform toast options to popup props\n\n\nfunction transformOptions(options) {\n return _extends({}, options, {\n overlay: options.mask || options.overlay,\n mask: undefined,\n duration: undefined\n });\n}\n\nfunction toast_Toast(options) {\n if (options === void 0) {\n options = {};\n }\n\n var toast = createInstance(); // should add z-index if previous toast has not disappeared\n\n if (toast.value) {\n toast.updateZIndex();\n }\n\n options = parseOptions(options);\n options = _extends({}, currentOptions, defaultOptionsMap[options.type || currentOptions.type], options);\n\n options.clear = function () {\n toast.value = false;\n\n if (options.onClose) {\n options.onClose();\n }\n\n if (toast_multiple && !utils[\"i\" /* isServer */]) {\n toast.$on('closed', function () {\n clearTimeout(toast.timer);\n queue = queue.filter(function (item) {\n return item !== toast;\n });\n removeNode(toast.$el);\n toast.$destroy();\n });\n }\n };\n\n _extends(toast, transformOptions(options));\n\n clearTimeout(toast.timer);\n\n if (options.duration > 0) {\n toast.timer = setTimeout(function () {\n toast.clear();\n }, options.duration);\n }\n\n return toast;\n}\n\nvar toast_createMethod = function createMethod(type) {\n return function (options) {\n return toast_Toast(_extends({\n type: type\n }, parseOptions(options)));\n };\n};\n\n['loading', 'success', 'fail'].forEach(function (method) {\n toast_Toast[method] = toast_createMethod(method);\n});\n\ntoast_Toast.clear = function (all) {\n if (queue.length) {\n if (all) {\n queue.forEach(function (toast) {\n toast.clear();\n });\n queue = [];\n } else if (!toast_multiple) {\n queue[0].clear();\n } else {\n queue.shift().clear();\n }\n }\n};\n\ntoast_Toast.setDefaultOptions = function (type, options) {\n if (typeof type === 'string') {\n defaultOptionsMap[type] = options;\n } else {\n _extends(currentOptions, type);\n }\n};\n\ntoast_Toast.resetDefaultOptions = function (type) {\n if (typeof type === 'string') {\n defaultOptionsMap[type] = null;\n } else {\n currentOptions = _extends({}, defaultOptions);\n defaultOptionsMap = {};\n }\n};\n\ntoast_Toast.allowMultiple = function (value) {\n if (value === void 0) {\n value = true;\n }\n\n toast_multiple = value;\n};\n\ntoast_Toast.install = function () {\n vue_esm[\"default\"].use(Toast);\n};\n\nvue_esm[\"default\"].prototype.$toast = toast_Toast;\n/* harmony default export */ var es_toast = (toast_Toast);\n// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/vant/es/button/index.js\n\n\n// Utils\n\n\n\n // Components\n\n\n // Types\n\nvar button__createNamespace = Object(utils[\"b\" /* createNamespace */])('button'),\n button_createComponent = button__createNamespace[0],\n button_bem = button__createNamespace[1];\n\nfunction Button(h, props, slots, ctx) {\n var _ref;\n\n var tag = props.tag,\n icon = props.icon,\n type = props.type,\n color = props.color,\n plain = props.plain,\n disabled = props.disabled,\n loading = props.loading,\n hairline = props.hairline,\n loadingText = props.loadingText;\n var style = {};\n\n if (color) {\n style.color = plain ? color : WHITE;\n\n if (!plain) {\n // Use background instead of backgroundColor to make linear-gradient work\n style.background = color;\n } // hide border when color is linear-gradient\n\n\n if (color.indexOf('gradient') !== -1) {\n style.border = 0;\n } else {\n style.borderColor = color;\n }\n }\n\n function onClick(event) {\n if (!loading && !disabled) {\n functional_emit(ctx, 'click', event);\n functionalRoute(ctx);\n }\n }\n\n function onTouchstart(event) {\n functional_emit(ctx, 'touchstart', event);\n }\n\n var classes = [button_bem([type, props.size, {\n plain: plain,\n loading: loading,\n disabled: disabled,\n hairline: hairline,\n block: props.block,\n round: props.round,\n square: props.square\n }]), (_ref = {}, _ref[BORDER_SURROUND] = hairline, _ref)];\n\n function Content() {\n var content = [];\n\n if (loading) {\n content.push(h(es_loading, {\n \"class\": button_bem('loading'),\n \"attrs\": {\n \"size\": props.loadingSize,\n \"type\": props.loadingType,\n \"color\": \"currentColor\"\n }\n }));\n } else if (icon) {\n content.push(h(es_icon, {\n \"attrs\": {\n \"name\": icon,\n \"classPrefix\": props.iconPrefix\n },\n \"class\": button_bem('icon')\n }));\n }\n\n var text;\n\n if (loading) {\n text = loadingText;\n } else {\n text = slots.default ? slots.default() : props.text;\n }\n\n if (text) {\n content.push(h(\"span\", {\n \"class\": button_bem('text')\n }, [text]));\n }\n\n return content;\n }\n\n return h(tag, helper_default()([{\n \"style\": style,\n \"class\": classes,\n \"attrs\": {\n \"type\": props.nativeType,\n \"disabled\": disabled\n },\n \"on\": {\n \"click\": onClick,\n \"touchstart\": onTouchstart\n }\n }, inherit(ctx)]), [h(\"div\", {\n \"class\": button_bem('content')\n }, [Content()])]);\n}\n\nButton.props = _extends({}, routeProps, {\n text: String,\n icon: String,\n color: String,\n block: Boolean,\n plain: Boolean,\n round: Boolean,\n square: Boolean,\n loading: Boolean,\n hairline: Boolean,\n disabled: Boolean,\n iconPrefix: String,\n nativeType: String,\n loadingText: String,\n loadingType: String,\n tag: {\n type: String,\n default: 'button'\n },\n type: {\n type: String,\n default: 'default'\n },\n size: {\n type: String,\n default: 'normal'\n },\n loadingSize: {\n type: String,\n default: '20px'\n }\n});\n/* harmony default export */ var es_button = (button_createComponent(Button));\n// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/vant/es/dialog/Dialog.js\n\n\n\n\n\n\nvar Dialog__createNamespace = Object(utils[\"b\" /* createNamespace */])('dialog'),\n Dialog_createComponent = Dialog__createNamespace[0],\n Dialog_bem = Dialog__createNamespace[1],\n Dialog_t = Dialog__createNamespace[2];\n\n/* harmony default export */ var Dialog = (Dialog_createComponent({\n mixins: [PopupMixin()],\n props: {\n title: String,\n width: [Number, String],\n message: String,\n className: null,\n callback: Function,\n beforeClose: Function,\n messageAlign: String,\n cancelButtonText: String,\n cancelButtonColor: String,\n confirmButtonText: String,\n confirmButtonColor: String,\n showCancelButton: Boolean,\n transition: {\n type: String,\n default: 'van-dialog-bounce'\n },\n showConfirmButton: {\n type: Boolean,\n default: true\n },\n overlay: {\n type: Boolean,\n default: true\n },\n closeOnClickOverlay: {\n type: Boolean,\n default: false\n },\n allowHtml: {\n type: Boolean,\n default: true\n }\n },\n data: function data() {\n return {\n loading: {\n confirm: false,\n cancel: false\n }\n };\n },\n methods: {\n onClickOverlay: function onClickOverlay() {\n this.handleAction('overlay');\n },\n handleAction: function handleAction(action) {\n var _this = this;\n\n this.$emit(action); // show not trigger close event when hidden\n\n if (!this.value) {\n return;\n }\n\n if (this.beforeClose) {\n this.loading[action] = true;\n this.beforeClose(action, function (state) {\n if (state !== false && _this.loading[action]) {\n _this.onClose(action);\n }\n\n _this.loading.confirm = false;\n _this.loading.cancel = false;\n });\n } else {\n this.onClose(action);\n }\n },\n onClose: function onClose(action) {\n this.close();\n\n if (this.callback) {\n this.callback(action);\n }\n },\n onOpened: function onOpened() {\n this.$emit('opened');\n },\n onClosed: function onClosed() {\n this.$emit('closed');\n },\n genButtons: function genButtons() {\n var _this2 = this,\n _ref;\n\n var h = this.$createElement;\n var multiple = this.showCancelButton && this.showConfirmButton;\n return h(\"div\", {\n \"class\": [BORDER_TOP, Dialog_bem('footer', {\n buttons: multiple\n })]\n }, [this.showCancelButton && h(es_button, {\n \"attrs\": {\n \"size\": \"large\",\n \"loading\": this.loading.cancel,\n \"text\": this.cancelButtonText || Dialog_t('cancel')\n },\n \"class\": Dialog_bem('cancel'),\n \"style\": {\n color: this.cancelButtonColor\n },\n \"on\": {\n \"click\": function click() {\n _this2.handleAction('cancel');\n }\n }\n }), this.showConfirmButton && h(es_button, {\n \"attrs\": {\n \"size\": \"large\",\n \"loading\": this.loading.confirm,\n \"text\": this.confirmButtonText || Dialog_t('confirm')\n },\n \"class\": [Dialog_bem('confirm'), (_ref = {}, _ref[BORDER_LEFT] = multiple, _ref)],\n \"style\": {\n color: this.confirmButtonColor\n },\n \"on\": {\n \"click\": function click() {\n _this2.handleAction('confirm');\n }\n }\n })]);\n },\n genContent: function genContent(hasTitle, messageSlot) {\n var h = this.$createElement;\n\n if (messageSlot) {\n return h(\"div\", {\n \"class\": Dialog_bem('content')\n }, [messageSlot]);\n }\n\n var message = this.message,\n messageAlign = this.messageAlign;\n\n if (message) {\n var _bem, _domProps;\n\n var data = {\n class: Dialog_bem('message', (_bem = {\n 'has-title': hasTitle\n }, _bem[messageAlign] = messageAlign, _bem)),\n domProps: (_domProps = {}, _domProps[this.allowHtml ? 'innerHTML' : 'textContent'] = message, _domProps)\n };\n return h(\"div\", {\n \"class\": Dialog_bem('content')\n }, [h(\"div\", helper_default()([{}, data]))]);\n }\n }\n },\n render: function render() {\n var h = arguments[0];\n\n if (!this.shouldRender) {\n return;\n }\n\n var message = this.message;\n var messageSlot = this.slots();\n var title = this.slots('title') || this.title;\n var Title = title && h(\"div\", {\n \"class\": Dialog_bem('header', {\n isolated: !message && !messageSlot\n })\n }, [title]);\n return h(\"transition\", {\n \"attrs\": {\n \"name\": this.transition\n },\n \"on\": {\n \"afterEnter\": this.onOpened,\n \"afterLeave\": this.onClosed\n }\n }, [h(\"div\", {\n \"directives\": [{\n name: \"show\",\n value: this.value\n }],\n \"attrs\": {\n \"role\": \"dialog\",\n \"aria-labelledby\": this.title || message\n },\n \"class\": [Dialog_bem(), this.className],\n \"style\": {\n width: Object(utils[\"a\" /* addUnit */])(this.width)\n }\n }, [Title, this.genContent(title, messageSlot), this.genButtons()])]);\n }\n}));\n// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/vant/es/dialog/index.js\n\n\n\n\nvar dialog_instance;\n\nfunction isInDocument(element) {\n return document.body.contains(element);\n}\n\nfunction dialog_initInstance() {\n if (dialog_instance) {\n dialog_instance.$destroy();\n }\n\n dialog_instance = new (vue_esm[\"default\"].extend(Dialog))({\n el: document.createElement('div'),\n // avoid missing animation when first rendered\n propsData: {\n lazyRender: false\n }\n });\n dialog_instance.$on('input', function (value) {\n dialog_instance.value = value;\n });\n}\n\nfunction dialog_Dialog(options) {\n /* istanbul ignore if */\n if (utils[\"i\" /* isServer */]) {\n return Promise.resolve();\n }\n\n return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {\n if (!dialog_instance || !isInDocument(dialog_instance.$el)) {\n dialog_initInstance();\n }\n\n _extends(dialog_instance, dialog_Dialog.currentOptions, options, {\n resolve: resolve,\n reject: reject\n });\n });\n}\n\ndialog_Dialog.defaultOptions = {\n value: true,\n title: '',\n width: '',\n message: '',\n overlay: true,\n className: '',\n allowHtml: true,\n lockScroll: true,\n transition: 'van-dialog-bounce',\n beforeClose: null,\n overlayClass: '',\n overlayStyle: null,\n messageAlign: '',\n getContainer: 'body',\n cancelButtonText: '',\n cancelButtonColor: null,\n confirmButtonText: '',\n confirmButtonColor: null,\n showConfirmButton: true,\n showCancelButton: false,\n closeOnPopstate: false,\n closeOnClickOverlay: false,\n callback: function callback(action) {\n dialog_instance[action === 'confirm' ? 'resolve' : 'reject'](action);\n }\n};\ndialog_Dialog.alert = dialog_Dialog;\n\ndialog_Dialog.confirm = function (options) {\n return dialog_Dialog(_extends({\n showCancelButton: true\n }, options));\n};\n\ndialog_Dialog.close = function () {\n if (dialog_instance) {\n dialog_instance.value = false;\n }\n};\n\ndialog_Dialog.setDefaultOptions = function (options) {\n _extends(dialog_Dialog.currentOptions, options);\n};\n\ndialog_Dialog.resetDefaultOptions = function () {\n dialog_Dialog.currentOptions = _extends({}, dialog_Dialog.defaultOptions);\n};\n\ndialog_Dialog.resetDefaultOptions();\n\ndialog_Dialog.install = function () {\n vue_esm[\"default\"].use(Dialog);\n};\n\ndialog_Dialog.Component = Dialog;\nvue_esm[\"default\"].prototype.$dialog = dialog_Dialog;\n/* harmony default export */ var dialog = (dialog_Dialog);\n// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/vant/es/address-edit/Detail.js\n\n// Utils\n\n // Components\n\n\n\n\nvar Detail__createNamespace = Object(utils[\"b\" /* createNamespace */])('address-edit-detail'),\n Detail_createComponent = Detail__createNamespace[0],\n Detail_bem = Detail__createNamespace[1],\n Detail_t = Detail__createNamespace[2];\n\nvar android = isAndroid();\n/* harmony default export */ var Detail = (Detail_createComponent({\n props: {\n value: String,\n errorMessage: String,\n focused: Boolean,\n detailRows: [Number, String],\n searchResult: Array,\n detailMaxlength: [Number, String],\n showSearchResult: Boolean\n },\n computed: {\n shouldShowSearchResult: function shouldShowSearchResult() {\n return this.focused && this.searchResult && this.showSearchResult;\n }\n },\n methods: {\n onSelect: function onSelect(express) {\n this.$emit('select-search', express);\n this.$emit('input', ((express.address || '') + \" \" + (express.name || '')).trim());\n },\n onFinish: function onFinish() {\n this.$refs.field.blur();\n },\n genFinish: function genFinish() {\n var h = this.$createElement;\n var show = this.value && this.focused && android;\n\n if (show) {\n return h(\"div\", {\n \"class\": Detail_bem('finish'),\n \"on\": {\n \"click\": this.onFinish\n }\n }, [Detail_t('complete')]);\n }\n },\n genSearchResult: function genSearchResult() {\n var _this = this;\n\n var h = this.$createElement;\n var value = this.value,\n shouldShowSearchResult = this.shouldShowSearchResult,\n searchResult = this.searchResult;\n\n if (shouldShowSearchResult) {\n return searchResult.map(function (express) {\n return h(cell, {\n \"key\": express.name + express.address,\n \"attrs\": {\n \"clickable\": true,\n \"border\": false,\n \"icon\": \"location-o\",\n \"label\": express.address\n },\n \"class\": Detail_bem('search-item'),\n \"on\": {\n \"click\": function click() {\n _this.onSelect(express);\n }\n },\n \"scopedSlots\": {\n title: function title() {\n if (express.name) {\n var text = express.name.replace(value, \"\" + value + \"\");\n return h(\"div\", {\n \"domProps\": {\n \"innerHTML\": text\n }\n });\n }\n }\n }\n });\n });\n }\n }\n },\n render: function render() {\n var h = arguments[0];\n return h(cell, {\n \"class\": Detail_bem()\n }, [h(es_field, {\n \"attrs\": {\n \"autosize\": true,\n \"rows\": this.detailRows,\n \"clearable\": !android,\n \"type\": \"textarea\",\n \"value\": this.value,\n \"errorMessage\": this.errorMessage,\n \"border\": !this.shouldShowSearchResult,\n \"label\": Detail_t('label'),\n \"maxlength\": this.detailMaxlength,\n \"placeholder\": Detail_t('placeholder')\n },\n \"ref\": \"field\",\n \"scopedSlots\": {\n icon: this.genFinish\n },\n \"on\": _extends({}, this.$listeners)\n }), this.genSearchResult()]);\n }\n}));\n// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/vant/es/switch/shared.js\n/**\n * Common Switch Props\n */\nvar switchProps = {\n size: [Number, String],\n value: null,\n loading: Boolean,\n disabled: Boolean,\n activeColor: String,\n inactiveColor: String,\n activeValue: {\n type: null,\n default: true\n },\n inactiveValue: {\n type: null,\n default: false\n }\n};\n// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/vant/es/mixins/field.js\nvar FieldMixin = {\n inject: {\n vanField: {\n default: null\n }\n },\n watch: {\n value: function value() {\n var field = this.vanField;\n\n if (field) {\n field.resetValidation();\n field.validateWithTrigger('onChange');\n }\n }\n },\n created: function created() {\n var field = this.vanField;\n\n if (field && !field.children) {\n field.children = this;\n }\n }\n};\n// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/vant/es/switch/index.js\n// Utils\n\n // Mixins\n\n // Components\n\n\n\nvar switch__createNamespace = Object(utils[\"b\" /* createNamespace */])('switch'),\n switch_createComponent = switch__createNamespace[0],\n switch_bem = switch__createNamespace[1];\n\n/* harmony default export */ var es_switch = (switch_createComponent({\n mixins: [FieldMixin],\n props: switchProps,\n computed: {\n checked: function checked() {\n return this.value === this.activeValue;\n },\n style: function style() {\n return {\n fontSize: Object(utils[\"a\" /* addUnit */])(this.size),\n backgroundColor: this.checked ? this.activeColor : this.inactiveColor\n };\n }\n },\n methods: {\n onClick: function onClick(event) {\n this.$emit('click', event);\n\n if (!this.disabled && !this.loading) {\n var newValue = this.checked ? this.inactiveValue : this.activeValue;\n this.$emit('input', newValue);\n this.$emit('change', newValue);\n }\n },\n genLoading: function genLoading() {\n var h = this.$createElement;\n\n if (this.loading) {\n var color = this.checked ? this.activeColor : this.inactiveColor;\n return h(es_loading, {\n \"class\": switch_bem('loading'),\n \"attrs\": {\n \"color\": color\n }\n });\n }\n }\n },\n render: function render() {\n var h = arguments[0];\n var checked = this.checked,\n loading = this.loading,\n disabled = this.disabled;\n return h(\"div\", {\n \"class\": switch_bem({\n on: checked,\n loading: loading,\n disabled: disabled\n }),\n \"attrs\": {\n \"role\": \"switch\",\n \"aria-checked\": String(checked)\n },\n \"style\": this.style,\n \"on\": {\n \"click\": this.onClick\n }\n }, [h(\"div\", {\n \"class\": switch_bem('node')\n }, [this.genLoading()])]);\n }\n}));\n// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/vant/es/switch-cell/index.js\n\n\n// Utils\n\n // Components\n\n\n\n // Types\n\nvar switch_cell__createNamespace = Object(utils[\"b\" /* createNamespace */])('switch-cell'),\n switch_cell_createComponent = switch_cell__createNamespace[0],\n switch_cell_bem = switch_cell__createNamespace[1];\n\nfunction SwitchCell(h, props, slots, ctx) {\n return h(cell, helper_default()([{\n \"attrs\": {\n \"center\": true,\n \"size\": props.cellSize,\n \"title\": props.title,\n \"border\": props.border\n },\n \"class\": switch_cell_bem([props.cellSize])\n }, inherit(ctx)]), [h(es_switch, {\n \"props\": _extends({}, props),\n \"on\": _extends({}, ctx.listeners)\n })]);\n}\n\nSwitchCell.props = _extends({}, switchProps, {\n title: String,\n cellSize: String,\n border: {\n type: Boolean,\n default: true\n },\n size: {\n type: String,\n default: '24px'\n }\n});\n/* harmony default export */ var switch_cell = (switch_cell_createComponent(SwitchCell));\n// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/vant/es/address-edit/index.js\n\n// Utils\n\n // Components\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nvar address_edit__createNamespace = Object(utils[\"b\" /* createNamespace */])('address-edit'),\n address_edit_createComponent = address_edit__createNamespace[0],\n address_edit_bem = address_edit__createNamespace[1],\n address_edit_t = address_edit__createNamespace[2];\n\nvar defaultData = {\n name: '',\n tel: '',\n country: '',\n province: '',\n city: '',\n county: '',\n areaCode: '',\n postalCode: '',\n addressDetail: '',\n isDefault: false\n};\n\nfunction isPostal(value) {\n return /^\\d{6}$/.test(value);\n}\n\n/* harmony default export */ var address_edit = (address_edit_createComponent({\n props: {\n areaList: Object,\n isSaving: Boolean,\n isDeleting: Boolean,\n validator: Function,\n showDelete: Boolean,\n showPostal: Boolean,\n searchResult: Array,\n showSetDefault: Boolean,\n showSearchResult: Boolean,\n saveButtonText: String,\n deleteButtonText: String,\n areaPlaceholder: String,\n showArea: {\n type: Boolean,\n default: true\n },\n showDetail: {\n type: Boolean,\n default: true\n },\n disableArea: Boolean,\n detailRows: {\n type: [Number, String],\n default: 1\n },\n detailMaxlength: {\n type: [Number, String],\n default: 200\n },\n addressInfo: {\n type: Object,\n default: function _default() {\n return _extends({}, defaultData);\n }\n },\n telValidator: {\n type: Function,\n default: isMobile\n },\n postalValidator: {\n type: Function,\n default: isPostal\n },\n areaColumnsPlaceholder: {\n type: Array,\n default: function _default() {\n return [];\n }\n }\n },\n data: function data() {\n return {\n data: {},\n showAreaPopup: false,\n detailFocused: false,\n errorInfo: {\n tel: '',\n name: '',\n areaCode: '',\n postalCode: '',\n addressDetail: ''\n }\n };\n },\n computed: {\n areaListLoaded: function areaListLoaded() {\n return Object(utils[\"g\" /* isObject */])(this.areaList) && Object.keys(this.areaList).length;\n },\n areaText: function areaText() {\n var _this$data = this.data,\n country = _this$data.country,\n province = _this$data.province,\n city = _this$data.city,\n county = _this$data.county,\n areaCode = _this$data.areaCode;\n\n if (areaCode) {\n var arr = [country, province, city, county];\n\n if (province && province === city) {\n arr.splice(1, 1);\n }\n\n return arr.filter(function (text) {\n return text;\n }).join('/');\n }\n\n return '';\n }\n },\n watch: {\n addressInfo: {\n handler: function handler(val) {\n this.data = _extends({}, defaultData, val);\n this.setAreaCode(val.areaCode);\n },\n deep: true,\n immediate: true\n },\n areaList: function areaList() {\n this.setAreaCode(this.data.areaCode);\n }\n },\n methods: {\n onFocus: function onFocus(key) {\n this.errorInfo[key] = '';\n this.detailFocused = key === 'addressDetail';\n this.$emit('focus', key);\n },\n onChangeDetail: function onChangeDetail(val) {\n this.data.addressDetail = val;\n this.$emit('change-detail', val);\n },\n onAreaConfirm: function onAreaConfirm(values) {\n values = values.filter(function (value) {\n return !!value;\n });\n\n if (values.some(function (value) {\n return !value.code;\n })) {\n es_toast(address_edit_t('areaEmpty'));\n return;\n }\n\n this.showAreaPopup = false;\n this.assignAreaValues();\n this.$emit('change-area', values);\n },\n assignAreaValues: function assignAreaValues() {\n var area = this.$refs.area;\n\n if (area) {\n var detail = area.getArea();\n detail.areaCode = detail.code;\n delete detail.code;\n\n _extends(this.data, detail);\n }\n },\n onSave: function onSave() {\n var _this = this;\n\n var items = ['name', 'tel'];\n\n if (this.showArea) {\n items.push('areaCode');\n }\n\n if (this.showDetail) {\n items.push('addressDetail');\n }\n\n if (this.showPostal) {\n items.push('postalCode');\n }\n\n var isValid = items.every(function (item) {\n var msg = _this.getErrorMessage(item);\n\n if (msg) {\n _this.errorInfo[item] = msg;\n }\n\n return !msg;\n });\n\n if (isValid && !this.isSaving) {\n this.$emit('save', this.data);\n }\n },\n getErrorMessage: function getErrorMessage(key) {\n var value = String(this.data[key] || '').trim();\n\n if (this.validator) {\n var message = this.validator(key, value);\n\n if (message) {\n return message;\n }\n }\n\n switch (key) {\n case 'name':\n return value ? '' : address_edit_t('nameEmpty');\n\n case 'tel':\n return this.telValidator(value) ? '' : address_edit_t('telInvalid');\n\n case 'areaCode':\n return value ? '' : address_edit_t('areaEmpty');\n\n case 'addressDetail':\n return value ? '' : address_edit_t('addressEmpty');\n\n case 'postalCode':\n return value && !this.postalValidator(value) ? address_edit_t('postalEmpty') : '';\n }\n },\n onDelete: function onDelete() {\n var _this2 = this;\n\n dialog.confirm({\n title: address_edit_t('confirmDelete')\n }).then(function () {\n _this2.$emit('delete', _this2.data);\n }).catch(function () {\n _this2.$emit('cancel-delete', _this2.data);\n });\n },\n // get values of area component\n getArea: function getArea() {\n return this.$refs.area ? this.$refs.area.getValues() : [];\n },\n // set area code to area component\n setAreaCode: function setAreaCode(code) {\n this.data.areaCode = code || '';\n\n if (code) {\n this.$nextTick(this.assignAreaValues);\n }\n },\n // @exposed-api\n setAddressDetail: function setAddressDetail(value) {\n this.data.addressDetail = value;\n },\n onDetailBlur: function onDetailBlur() {\n var _this3 = this;\n\n // await for click search event\n setTimeout(function () {\n _this3.detailFocused = false;\n });\n }\n },\n render: function render() {\n var _this4 = this;\n\n var h = arguments[0];\n var data = this.data,\n errorInfo = this.errorInfo,\n searchResult = this.searchResult,\n disableArea = this.disableArea;\n\n var onFocus = function onFocus(name) {\n return function () {\n return _this4.onFocus(name);\n };\n }; // hide bottom field when use search && detail get focused\n\n\n var hideBottomFields = searchResult && searchResult.length && this.detailFocused;\n return h(\"div\", {\n \"class\": address_edit_bem()\n }, [h(\"div\", {\n \"class\": address_edit_bem('fields')\n }, [h(es_field, {\n \"attrs\": {\n \"clearable\": true,\n \"label\": address_edit_t('name'),\n \"placeholder\": address_edit_t('namePlaceholder'),\n \"errorMessage\": errorInfo.name\n },\n \"on\": {\n \"focus\": onFocus('name')\n },\n \"model\": {\n value: data.name,\n callback: function callback($$v) {\n _this4.$set(data, \"name\", $$v);\n }\n }\n }), h(es_field, {\n \"attrs\": {\n \"clearable\": true,\n \"type\": \"tel\",\n \"label\": address_edit_t('tel'),\n \"placeholder\": address_edit_t('telPlaceholder'),\n \"errorMessage\": errorInfo.tel\n },\n \"on\": {\n \"focus\": onFocus('tel')\n },\n \"model\": {\n value: data.tel,\n callback: function callback($$v) {\n _this4.$set(data, \"tel\", $$v);\n }\n }\n }), h(es_field, {\n \"directives\": [{\n name: \"show\",\n value: this.showArea\n }],\n \"attrs\": {\n \"readonly\": true,\n \"clickable\": !disableArea,\n \"label\": address_edit_t('area'),\n \"placeholder\": this.areaPlaceholder || address_edit_t('areaPlaceholder'),\n \"errorMessage\": errorInfo.areaCode,\n \"rightIcon\": !disableArea ? 'arrow' : null,\n \"value\": this.areaText\n },\n \"on\": {\n \"focus\": onFocus('areaCode'),\n \"click\": function click() {\n _this4.$emit('click-area');\n\n _this4.showAreaPopup = !disableArea;\n }\n }\n }), h(Detail, {\n \"directives\": [{\n name: \"show\",\n value: this.showDetail\n }],\n \"attrs\": {\n \"focused\": this.detailFocused,\n \"value\": data.addressDetail,\n \"errorMessage\": errorInfo.addressDetail,\n \"detailRows\": this.detailRows,\n \"detailMaxlength\": this.detailMaxlength,\n \"searchResult\": this.searchResult,\n \"showSearchResult\": this.showSearchResult\n },\n \"on\": {\n \"focus\": onFocus('addressDetail'),\n \"blur\": this.onDetailBlur,\n \"input\": this.onChangeDetail,\n \"select-search\": function selectSearch(event) {\n _this4.$emit('select-search', event);\n }\n }\n }), this.showPostal && h(es_field, {\n \"directives\": [{\n name: \"show\",\n value: !hideBottomFields\n }],\n \"attrs\": {\n \"type\": \"tel\",\n \"maxlength\": \"6\",\n \"label\": address_edit_t('postal'),\n \"placeholder\": address_edit_t('postal'),\n \"errorMessage\": errorInfo.postalCode\n },\n \"on\": {\n \"focus\": onFocus('postalCode')\n },\n \"model\": {\n value: data.postalCode,\n callback: function callback($$v) {\n _this4.$set(data, \"postalCode\", $$v);\n }\n }\n }), this.slots()]), this.showSetDefault && h(switch_cell, {\n \"class\": address_edit_bem('default'),\n \"directives\": [{\n name: \"show\",\n value: !hideBottomFields\n }],\n \"attrs\": {\n \"title\": address_edit_t('defaultAddress')\n },\n \"on\": {\n \"change\": function change(event) {\n _this4.$emit('change-default', event);\n }\n },\n \"model\": {\n value: data.isDefault,\n callback: function callback($$v) {\n _this4.$set(data, \"isDefault\", $$v);\n }\n }\n }), h(\"div\", {\n \"directives\": [{\n name: \"show\",\n value: !hideBottomFields\n }],\n \"class\": address_edit_bem('buttons')\n }, [h(es_button, {\n \"attrs\": {\n \"block\": true,\n \"round\": true,\n \"loading\": this.isSaving,\n \"type\": \"danger\",\n \"text\": this.saveButtonText || address_edit_t('save')\n },\n \"on\": {\n \"click\": this.onSave\n }\n }), this.showDelete && h(es_button, {\n \"attrs\": {\n \"block\": true,\n \"round\": true,\n \"loading\": this.isDeleting,\n \"text\": this.deleteButtonText || address_edit_t('delete')\n },\n \"on\": {\n \"click\": this.onDelete\n }\n })]), h(popup, {\n \"attrs\": {\n \"round\": true,\n \"position\": \"bottom\",\n \"lazyRender\": false,\n \"getContainer\": \"body\"\n },\n \"model\": {\n value: _this4.showAreaPopup,\n callback: function callback($$v) {\n _this4.showAreaPopup = $$v;\n }\n }\n }, [h(es_area, {\n \"ref\": \"area\",\n \"attrs\": {\n \"value\": data.areaCode,\n \"loading\": !this.areaListLoaded,\n \"areaList\": this.areaList,\n \"columnsPlaceholder\": this.areaColumnsPlaceholder\n },\n \"on\": {\n \"confirm\": this.onAreaConfirm,\n \"cancel\": function cancel() {\n _this4.showAreaPopup = false;\n }\n }\n })])]);\n }\n}));\n// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/vant/es/utils/vnodes.js\nfunction flattenVNodes(vnodes) {\n var result = [];\n\n function traverse(vnodes) {\n vnodes.forEach(function (vnode) {\n result.push(vnode);\n\n if (vnode.componentInstance) {\n traverse(vnode.componentInstance.$children.map(function (item) {\n return item.$vnode;\n }));\n }\n\n if (vnode.children) {\n traverse(vnode.children);\n }\n });\n }\n\n traverse(vnodes);\n return result;\n} // sort children instances by vnodes order\n\n\nfunction sortChildren(children, parent) {\n var componentOptions = parent.$vnode.componentOptions;\n\n if (!componentOptions || !componentOptions.children) {\n return;\n }\n\n var vnodes = flattenVNodes(componentOptions.children);\n children.sort(function (a, b) {\n return vnodes.indexOf(a.$vnode) - vnodes.indexOf(b.$vnode);\n });\n}\n// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/vant/es/mixins/relation.js\n\nfunction ChildrenMixin(_parent, options) {\n var _inject, _computed;\n\n if (options === void 0) {\n options = {};\n }\n\n var indexKey = options.indexKey || 'index';\n return {\n inject: (_inject = {}, _inject[_parent] = {\n default: null\n }, _inject),\n computed: (_computed = {\n parent: function parent() {\n if (this.disableBindRelation) {\n return null;\n }\n\n return this[_parent];\n }\n }, _computed[indexKey] = function () {\n this.bindRelation();\n\n if (this.parent) {\n return this.parent.children.indexOf(this);\n }\n\n return null;\n }, _computed),\n watch: {\n disableBindRelation: function disableBindRelation(val) {\n if (!val) {\n this.bindRelation();\n }\n }\n },\n mounted: function mounted() {\n this.bindRelation();\n },\n beforeDestroy: function beforeDestroy() {\n var _this = this;\n\n if (this.parent) {\n this.parent.children = this.parent.children.filter(function (item) {\n return item !== _this;\n });\n }\n },\n methods: {\n bindRelation: function bindRelation() {\n if (!this.parent || this.parent.children.indexOf(this) !== -1) {\n return;\n }\n\n var children = [].concat(this.parent.children, [this]);\n sortChildren(children, this.parent);\n this.parent.children = children;\n }\n }\n };\n}\nfunction ParentMixin(parent) {\n return {\n provide: function provide() {\n var _ref;\n\n return _ref = {}, _ref[parent] = this, _ref;\n },\n data: function data() {\n return {\n children: []\n };\n }\n };\n}\n// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/vant/es/radio-group/index.js\n\n\n\n\nvar radio_group__createNamespace = Object(utils[\"b\" /* createNamespace */])('radio-group'),\n radio_group_createComponent = radio_group__createNamespace[0],\n radio_group_bem = radio_group__createNamespace[1];\n\n/* harmony default export */ var radio_group = (radio_group_createComponent({\n mixins: [ParentMixin('vanRadio'), FieldMixin],\n props: {\n value: null,\n disabled: Boolean,\n direction: String,\n checkedColor: String,\n iconSize: [Number, String]\n },\n watch: {\n value: function value(_value) {\n this.$emit('change', _value);\n }\n },\n render: function render() {\n var h = arguments[0];\n return h(\"div\", {\n \"class\": radio_group_bem([this.direction]),\n \"attrs\": {\n \"role\": \"radiogroup\"\n }\n }, [this.slots()]);\n }\n}));\n// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/vant/es/tag/index.js\n\n// Utils\n\n\n // Components\n\n // Types\n\nvar tag__createNamespace = Object(utils[\"b\" /* createNamespace */])('tag'),\n tag_createComponent = tag__createNamespace[0],\n tag_bem = tag__createNamespace[1];\n\nfunction Tag(h, props, slots, ctx) {\n var _style, _ref;\n\n var type = props.type,\n mark = props.mark,\n plain = props.plain,\n color = props.color,\n round = props.round,\n size = props.size;\n var key = plain ? 'color' : 'backgroundColor';\n var style = (_style = {}, _style[key] = color, _style);\n\n if (props.textColor) {\n style.color = props.textColor;\n }\n\n var classes = {\n mark: mark,\n plain: plain,\n round: round\n };\n\n if (size) {\n classes[size] = size;\n }\n\n var CloseIcon = props.closeable && h(es_icon, {\n \"attrs\": {\n \"name\": \"cross\"\n },\n \"class\": tag_bem('close'),\n \"on\": {\n \"click\": function click(event) {\n event.stopPropagation();\n functional_emit(ctx, 'close');\n }\n }\n });\n return h(\"transition\", {\n \"attrs\": {\n \"name\": props.closeable ? 'van-fade' : null\n }\n }, [h(\"span\", helper_default()([{\n \"key\": \"content\",\n \"style\": style,\n \"class\": [tag_bem([classes, type]), (_ref = {}, _ref[BORDER_SURROUND] = plain, _ref)]\n }, inherit(ctx, true)]), [slots.default == null ? void 0 : slots.default(), CloseIcon])]);\n}\n\nTag.props = {\n size: String,\n mark: Boolean,\n color: String,\n plain: Boolean,\n round: Boolean,\n textColor: String,\n closeable: Boolean,\n type: {\n type: String,\n default: 'default'\n }\n};\n/* harmony default export */ var es_tag = (tag_createComponent(Tag));\n// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/vant/es/mixins/checkbox.js\n/**\n * Common part of Checkbox & Radio\n */\n\n\n\n\nvar checkbox_CheckboxMixin = function CheckboxMixin(_ref) {\n var parent = _ref.parent,\n bem = _ref.bem,\n role = _ref.role;\n return {\n mixins: [ChildrenMixin(parent), FieldMixin],\n props: {\n name: null,\n value: null,\n disabled: Boolean,\n iconSize: [Number, String],\n checkedColor: String,\n labelPosition: String,\n labelDisabled: Boolean,\n shape: {\n type: String,\n default: 'round'\n },\n bindGroup: {\n type: Boolean,\n default: true\n }\n },\n computed: {\n disableBindRelation: function disableBindRelation() {\n return !this.bindGroup;\n },\n isDisabled: function isDisabled() {\n return this.parent && this.parent.disabled || this.disabled;\n },\n direction: function direction() {\n return this.parent && this.parent.direction || null;\n },\n iconStyle: function iconStyle() {\n var checkedColor = this.checkedColor || this.parent && this.parent.checkedColor;\n\n if (checkedColor && this.checked && !this.isDisabled) {\n return {\n borderColor: checkedColor,\n backgroundColor: checkedColor\n };\n }\n },\n tabindex: function tabindex() {\n if (this.isDisabled || role === 'radio' && !this.checked) {\n return -1;\n }\n\n return 0;\n }\n },\n methods: {\n onClick: function onClick(event) {\n var _this = this;\n\n var target = event.target;\n var icon = this.$refs.icon;\n var iconClicked = icon === target || icon.contains(target);\n\n if (!this.isDisabled && (iconClicked || !this.labelDisabled)) {\n this.toggle(); // wait for toggle method to complete\n // so we can get the changed value in the click event listener\n\n setTimeout(function () {\n _this.$emit('click', event);\n });\n } else {\n this.$emit('click', event);\n }\n },\n genIcon: function genIcon() {\n var h = this.$createElement;\n var checked = this.checked;\n var iconSize = this.iconSize || this.parent && this.parent.iconSize;\n return h(\"div\", {\n \"ref\": \"icon\",\n \"class\": bem('icon', [this.shape, {\n disabled: this.isDisabled,\n checked: checked\n }]),\n \"style\": {\n fontSize: Object(utils[\"a\" /* addUnit */])(iconSize)\n }\n }, [this.slots('icon', {\n checked: checked\n }) || h(es_icon, {\n \"attrs\": {\n \"name\": \"success\"\n },\n \"style\": this.iconStyle\n })]);\n },\n genLabel: function genLabel() {\n var h = this.$createElement;\n var slot = this.slots();\n\n if (slot) {\n return h(\"span\", {\n \"class\": bem('label', [this.labelPosition, {\n disabled: this.isDisabled\n }])\n }, [slot]);\n }\n }\n },\n render: function render() {\n var h = arguments[0];\n var Children = [this.genIcon()];\n\n if (this.labelPosition === 'left') {\n Children.unshift(this.genLabel());\n } else {\n Children.push(this.genLabel());\n }\n\n return h(\"div\", {\n \"attrs\": {\n \"role\": role,\n \"tabindex\": this.tabindex,\n \"aria-checked\": String(this.checked)\n },\n \"class\": bem([{\n disabled: this.isDisabled,\n 'label-disabled': this.labelDisabled\n }, this.direction]),\n \"on\": {\n \"click\": this.onClick\n }\n }, [Children]);\n }\n };\n};\n// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/vant/es/radio/index.js\n\n\n\nvar radio__createNamespace = Object(utils[\"b\" /* createNamespace */])('radio'),\n radio_createComponent = radio__createNamespace[0],\n radio_bem = radio__createNamespace[1];\n\n/* harmony default export */ var es_radio = (radio_createComponent({\n mixins: [checkbox_CheckboxMixin({\n bem: radio_bem,\n role: 'radio',\n parent: 'vanRadio'\n })],\n computed: {\n currentValue: {\n get: function get() {\n return this.parent ? this.parent.value : this.value;\n },\n set: function set(val) {\n (this.parent || this).$emit('input', val);\n }\n },\n checked: function checked() {\n return this.currentValue === this.name;\n }\n },\n methods: {\n toggle: function toggle() {\n this.currentValue = this.name;\n }\n }\n}));\n// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/vant/es/address-list/Item.js\n\n\n// Utils\n\n // Components\n\n\n\n\n // Types\n\nvar Item__createNamespace = Object(utils[\"b\" /* createNamespace */])('address-item'),\n Item_createComponent = Item__createNamespace[0],\n Item_bem = Item__createNamespace[1];\n\nfunction AddressItem(h, props, slots, ctx) {\n var disabled = props.disabled,\n switchable = props.switchable;\n\n function onClick() {\n if (switchable) {\n functional_emit(ctx, 'select');\n }\n\n functional_emit(ctx, 'click');\n }\n\n var genRightIcon = function genRightIcon() {\n return h(es_icon, {\n \"attrs\": {\n \"name\": \"edit\"\n },\n \"class\": Item_bem('edit'),\n \"on\": {\n \"click\": function click(event) {\n event.stopPropagation();\n functional_emit(ctx, 'edit');\n functional_emit(ctx, 'click');\n }\n }\n });\n };\n\n function genTag() {\n if (props.data.isDefault && props.defaultTagText) {\n return h(es_tag, {\n \"attrs\": {\n \"type\": \"danger\",\n \"round\": true\n },\n \"class\": Item_bem('tag')\n }, [props.defaultTagText]);\n }\n }\n\n function genContent() {\n var data = props.data;\n var Info = [h(\"div\", {\n \"class\": Item_bem('name')\n }, [data.name + \" \" + data.tel, genTag()]), h(\"div\", {\n \"class\": Item_bem('address')\n }, [data.address])];\n\n if (switchable && !disabled) {\n return h(es_radio, {\n \"attrs\": {\n \"name\": data.id,\n \"iconSize\": 18\n }\n }, [Info]);\n }\n\n return Info;\n }\n\n return h(\"div\", {\n \"class\": Item_bem({\n disabled: disabled\n }),\n \"on\": {\n \"click\": onClick\n }\n }, [h(cell, helper_default()([{\n \"attrs\": {\n \"border\": false,\n \"valueClass\": Item_bem('value')\n },\n \"scopedSlots\": {\n default: genContent,\n 'right-icon': genRightIcon\n }\n }, inherit(ctx)])), slots.bottom == null ? void 0 : slots.bottom(_extends({}, props.data, {\n disabled: disabled\n }))]);\n}\n\nAddressItem.props = {\n data: Object,\n disabled: Boolean,\n switchable: Boolean,\n defaultTagText: String\n};\n/* harmony default export */ var Item = (Item_createComponent(AddressItem));\n// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/vant/es/address-list/index.js\n\n// Utils\n\n // Components\n\n\n\n // Types\n\nvar address_list__createNamespace = Object(utils[\"b\" /* createNamespace */])('address-list'),\n address_list_createComponent = address_list__createNamespace[0],\n address_list_bem = address_list__createNamespace[1],\n address_list_t = address_list__createNamespace[2];\n\nfunction AddressList(h, props, slots, ctx) {\n function genList(list, disabled) {\n if (!list) {\n return;\n }\n\n return list.map(function (item, index) {\n return h(Item, {\n \"attrs\": {\n \"data\": item,\n \"disabled\": disabled,\n \"switchable\": props.switchable,\n \"defaultTagText\": props.defaultTagText\n },\n \"key\": item.id,\n \"scopedSlots\": {\n bottom: slots['item-bottom']\n },\n \"on\": {\n \"select\": function select() {\n functional_emit(ctx, disabled ? 'select-disabled' : 'select', item, index);\n\n if (!disabled) {\n functional_emit(ctx, 'input', item.id);\n }\n },\n \"edit\": function edit() {\n functional_emit(ctx, disabled ? 'edit-disabled' : 'edit', item, index);\n },\n \"click\": function click() {\n functional_emit(ctx, 'click-item', item, index);\n }\n }\n });\n });\n }\n\n var List = genList(props.list);\n var DisabledList = genList(props.disabledList, true);\n return h(\"div\", helper_default()([{\n \"class\": address_list_bem()\n }, inherit(ctx)]), [slots.top == null ? void 0 : slots.top(), h(radio_group, {\n \"attrs\": {\n \"value\": props.value\n }\n }, [List]), props.disabledText && h(\"div\", {\n \"class\": address_list_bem('disabled-text')\n }, [props.disabledText]), DisabledList, slots.default == null ? void 0 : slots.default(), h(\"div\", {\n \"class\": address_list_bem('bottom')\n }, [h(es_button, {\n \"attrs\": {\n \"round\": true,\n \"block\": true,\n \"type\": \"danger\",\n \"text\": props.addButtonText || address_list_t('add')\n },\n \"class\": address_list_bem('add'),\n \"on\": {\n \"click\": function click() {\n functional_emit(ctx, 'add');\n }\n }\n })])]);\n}\n\nAddressList.props = {\n list: Array,\n value: [Number, String],\n disabledList: Array,\n disabledText: String,\n addButtonText: String,\n defaultTagText: String,\n switchable: {\n type: Boolean,\n default: true\n }\n};\n/* harmony default export */ var address_list = (address_list_createComponent(AddressList));\n// EXTERNAL MODULE: ./node_modules/vant/es/utils/validate/number.js\nvar number = __webpack_require__(\"mRXp\");\n\n// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/vant/es/utils/validate/date.js\n\nfunction isDate(val) {\n return Object.prototype.toString.call(val) === '[object Date]' && !Object(number[\"a\" /* isNaN */])(val.getTime());\n}\n// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/vant/es/calendar/utils.js\n\n\nvar utils__createNamespace = Object(utils[\"b\" /* createNamespace */])('calendar'),\n utils_createComponent = utils__createNamespace[0],\n utils_bem = utils__createNamespace[1],\n utils_t = utils__createNamespace[2];\n\n\nvar ROW_HEIGHT = 64;\nfunction formatMonthTitle(date) {\n return utils_t('monthTitle', date.getFullYear(), date.getMonth() + 1);\n}\nfunction compareMonth(date1, date2) {\n var year1 = date1.getFullYear();\n var year2 = date2.getFullYear();\n var month1 = date1.getMonth();\n var month2 = date2.getMonth();\n\n if (year1 === year2) {\n return month1 === month2 ? 0 : month1 > month2 ? 1 : -1;\n }\n\n return year1 > year2 ? 1 : -1;\n}\nfunction compareDay(day1, day2) {\n var compareMonthResult = compareMonth(day1, day2);\n\n if (compareMonthResult === 0) {\n var date1 = day1.getDate();\n var date2 = day2.getDate();\n return date1 === date2 ? 0 : date1 > date2 ? 1 : -1;\n }\n\n return compareMonthResult;\n}\nfunction getDayByOffset(date, offset) {\n date = new Date(date);\n date.setDate(date.getDate() + offset);\n return date;\n}\nfunction getPrevDay(date) {\n return getDayByOffset(date, -1);\n}\nfunction getNextDay(date) {\n return getDayByOffset(date, 1);\n}\nfunction calcDateNum(date) {\n var day1 = date[0].getTime();\n var day2 = date[1].getTime();\n return (day2 - day1) / (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24) + 1;\n}\nfunction copyDate(dates) {\n return new Date(dates);\n}\nfunction copyDates(dates) {\n if (Array.isArray(dates)) {\n return dates.map(function (date) {\n if (date === null) {\n return date;\n }\n\n return copyDate(date);\n });\n }\n\n return copyDate(dates);\n}\n// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/vant/es/datetime-picker/utils.js\n\nfunction times(n, iteratee) {\n var index = -1;\n var result = Array(n);\n\n while (++index < n) {\n result[index] = iteratee(index);\n }\n\n return result;\n}\nfunction getTrueValue(value) {\n if (!value) {\n return 0;\n }\n\n while (Object(number[\"a\" /* isNaN */])(parseInt(value, 10))) {\n if (value.length > 1) {\n value = value.slice(1);\n } else {\n return 0;\n }\n }\n\n return parseInt(value, 10);\n}\nfunction getMonthEndDay(year, month) {\n return 32 - new Date(year, month - 1, 32).getDate();\n}\n// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/vant/es/calendar/components/Month.js\n\n\n\n\nvar Month__createNamespace = Object(utils[\"b\" /* createNamespace */])('calendar-month'),\n Month_createComponent = Month__createNamespace[0];\n\n/* harmony default export */ var Month = (Month_createComponent({\n props: {\n date: Date,\n type: String,\n color: String,\n minDate: Date,\n maxDate: Date,\n showMark: Boolean,\n rowHeight: [Number, String],\n formatter: Function,\n lazyRender: Boolean,\n currentDate: [Date, Array],\n allowSameDay: Boolean,\n showSubtitle: Boolean,\n showMonthTitle: Boolean,\n firstDayOfWeek: Number\n },\n data: function data() {\n return {\n visible: false\n };\n },\n computed: {\n title: function title() {\n return formatMonthTitle(this.date);\n },\n offset: function offset() {\n var firstDayOfWeek = this.firstDayOfWeek;\n var realDay = this.date.getDay();\n\n if (!firstDayOfWeek) {\n return realDay;\n }\n\n return (realDay + 7 - this.firstDayOfWeek) % 7;\n },\n totalDay: function totalDay() {\n return getMonthEndDay(this.date.getFullYear(), this.date.getMonth() + 1);\n },\n shouldRender: function shouldRender() {\n return this.visible || !this.lazyRender;\n },\n monthStyle: function monthStyle() {\n if (!this.shouldRender) {\n var padding = Math.ceil((this.totalDay + this.offset) / 7) * this.rowHeight;\n return {\n paddingBottom: padding + \"px\"\n };\n }\n },\n days: function days() {\n var days = [];\n var year = this.date.getFullYear();\n var month = this.date.getMonth();\n\n for (var day = 1; day <= this.totalDay; day++) {\n var date = new Date(year, month, day);\n var type = this.getDayType(date);\n var config = {\n date: date,\n type: type,\n text: day,\n bottomInfo: this.getBottomInfo(type)\n };\n\n if (this.formatter) {\n config = this.formatter(config);\n }\n\n days.push(config);\n }\n\n return days;\n }\n },\n methods: {\n getHeight: function getHeight() {\n if (!this.height) {\n this.height = this.$el.getBoundingClientRect().height;\n }\n\n return this.height;\n },\n scrollIntoView: function scrollIntoView() {\n if (this.showSubtitle) {\n this.$refs.days.scrollIntoView();\n } else {\n this.$refs.month.scrollIntoView();\n }\n },\n getMultipleDayType: function getMultipleDayType(day) {\n var _this = this;\n\n var isSelected = function isSelected(date) {\n return _this.currentDate.some(function (item) {\n return compareDay(item, date) === 0;\n });\n };\n\n if (isSelected(day)) {\n var prevDay = getPrevDay(day);\n var nextDay = getNextDay(day);\n var prevSelected = isSelected(prevDay);\n var nextSelected = isSelected(nextDay);\n\n if (prevSelected && nextSelected) {\n return 'multiple-middle';\n }\n\n if (prevSelected) {\n return 'end';\n }\n\n return nextSelected ? 'start' : 'multiple-selected';\n }\n\n return '';\n },\n getRangeDayType: function getRangeDayType(day) {\n var _this$currentDate = this.currentDate,\n startDay = _this$currentDate[0],\n endDay = _this$currentDate[1];\n\n if (!startDay) {\n return '';\n }\n\n var compareToStart = compareDay(day, startDay);\n\n if (!endDay) {\n return compareToStart === 0 ? 'start' : '';\n }\n\n var compareToEnd = compareDay(day, endDay);\n\n if (compareToStart === 0 && compareToEnd === 0 && this.allowSameDay) {\n return 'start-end';\n }\n\n if (compareToStart === 0) {\n return 'start';\n }\n\n if (compareToEnd === 0) {\n return 'end';\n }\n\n if (compareToStart > 0 && compareToEnd < 0) {\n return 'middle';\n }\n },\n getDayType: function getDayType(day) {\n var type = this.type,\n minDate = this.minDate,\n maxDate = this.maxDate,\n currentDate = this.currentDate;\n\n if (compareDay(day, minDate) < 0 || compareDay(day, maxDate) > 0) {\n return 'disabled';\n }\n\n if (type === 'single') {\n return compareDay(day, currentDate) === 0 ? 'selected' : '';\n }\n\n if (type === 'multiple') {\n return this.getMultipleDayType(day);\n }\n /* istanbul ignore else */\n\n\n if (type === 'range') {\n return this.getRangeDayType(day);\n }\n },\n getBottomInfo: function getBottomInfo(type) {\n if (this.type === 'range') {\n if (type === 'start' || type === 'end') {\n return utils_t(type);\n }\n\n if (type === 'start-end') {\n return utils_t('startEnd');\n }\n }\n },\n getDayStyle: function getDayStyle(type, index) {\n var style = {};\n\n if (index === 0) {\n style.marginLeft = 100 * this.offset / 7 + \"%\";\n }\n\n if (this.rowHeight !== ROW_HEIGHT) {\n style.height = this.rowHeight + \"px\";\n }\n\n if (this.color) {\n if (type === 'start' || type === 'end' || type === 'start-end' || type === 'multiple-selected' || type === 'multiple-middle') {\n style.background = this.color;\n } else if (type === 'middle') {\n style.color = this.color;\n }\n }\n\n return style;\n },\n genTitle: function genTitle() {\n var h = this.$createElement;\n\n if (this.showMonthTitle) {\n return h(\"div\", {\n \"class\": utils_bem('month-title')\n }, [this.title]);\n }\n },\n genMark: function genMark() {\n var h = this.$createElement;\n\n if (this.showMark) {\n return h(\"div\", {\n \"class\": utils_bem('month-mark')\n }, [this.date.getMonth() + 1]);\n }\n },\n genDays: function genDays() {\n var h = this.$createElement;\n\n if (this.shouldRender) {\n return h(\"div\", {\n \"ref\": \"days\",\n \"attrs\": {\n \"role\": \"grid\"\n },\n \"class\": utils_bem('days')\n }, [this.genMark(), this.days.map(this.genDay)]);\n }\n\n return h(\"div\", {\n \"ref\": \"days\"\n });\n },\n genDay: function genDay(item, index) {\n var _this2 = this;\n\n var h = this.$createElement;\n var type = item.type,\n topInfo = item.topInfo,\n bottomInfo = item.bottomInfo;\n var style = this.getDayStyle(type, index);\n var disabled = type === 'disabled';\n\n var onClick = function onClick() {\n if (!disabled) {\n _this2.$emit('click', item);\n }\n };\n\n var TopInfo = topInfo && h(\"div\", {\n \"class\": utils_bem('top-info')\n }, [topInfo]);\n var BottomInfo = bottomInfo && h(\"div\", {\n \"class\": utils_bem('bottom-info')\n }, [bottomInfo]);\n\n if (type === 'selected') {\n return h(\"div\", {\n \"attrs\": {\n \"role\": \"gridcell\",\n \"tabindex\": -1\n },\n \"style\": style,\n \"class\": [utils_bem('day'), item.className],\n \"on\": {\n \"click\": onClick\n }\n }, [h(\"div\", {\n \"class\": utils_bem('selected-day'),\n \"style\": {\n background: this.color\n }\n }, [TopInfo, item.text, BottomInfo])]);\n }\n\n return h(\"div\", {\n \"attrs\": {\n \"role\": \"gridcell\",\n \"tabindex\": disabled ? null : -1\n },\n \"style\": style,\n \"class\": [utils_bem('day', type), item.className],\n \"on\": {\n \"click\": onClick\n }\n }, [TopInfo, item.text, BottomInfo]);\n }\n },\n render: function render() {\n var h = arguments[0];\n return h(\"div\", {\n \"class\": utils_bem('month'),\n \"ref\": \"month\",\n \"style\": this.monthStyle\n }, [this.genTitle(), this.genDays()]);\n }\n}));\n// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/vant/es/calendar/components/Header.js\n\n\n\nvar Header__createNamespace = Object(utils[\"b\" /* createNamespace */])('calendar-header'),\n Header_createComponent = Header__createNamespace[0];\n\n/* harmony default export */ var components_Header = (Header_createComponent({\n props: {\n title: String,\n subtitle: String,\n showTitle: Boolean,\n showSubtitle: Boolean,\n firstDayOfWeek: Number\n },\n methods: {\n genTitle: function genTitle() {\n var h = this.$createElement;\n\n if (this.showTitle) {\n var title = this.slots('title') || this.title || utils_t('title');\n return h(\"div\", {\n \"class\": utils_bem('header-title')\n }, [title]);\n }\n },\n genSubtitle: function genSubtitle() {\n var h = this.$createElement;\n\n if (this.showSubtitle) {\n return h(\"div\", {\n \"class\": utils_bem('header-subtitle')\n }, [this.subtitle]);\n }\n },\n genWeekDays: function genWeekDays() {\n var h = this.$createElement;\n var weekdays = utils_t('weekdays');\n var firstDayOfWeek = this.firstDayOfWeek;\n var renderWeekDays = [].concat(weekdays.slice(firstDayOfWeek, 7), weekdays.slice(0, firstDayOfWeek));\n return h(\"div\", {\n \"class\": utils_bem('weekdays')\n }, [renderWeekDays.map(function (item) {\n return h(\"span\", {\n \"class\": utils_bem('weekday')\n }, [item]);\n })]);\n }\n },\n render: function render() {\n var h = arguments[0];\n return h(\"div\", {\n \"class\": utils_bem('header')\n }, [this.genTitle(), this.genSubtitle(), this.genWeekDays()]);\n }\n}));\n// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/vant/es/calendar/index.js\n// Utils\n\n\n // Components\n\n\n\n\n\n\n/* harmony default export */ var calendar = (utils_createComponent({\n props: {\n title: String,\n color: String,\n value: Boolean,\n formatter: Function,\n confirmText: String,\n rangePrompt: String,\n defaultDate: [Date, Array],\n getContainer: [String, Function],\n allowSameDay: Boolean,\n closeOnPopstate: Boolean,\n confirmDisabledText: String,\n firstDayOfWeek: {\n type: [Number, String],\n default: 0,\n validator: function validator(val) {\n return val >= 0 && val <= 6;\n }\n },\n type: {\n type: String,\n default: 'single'\n },\n minDate: {\n type: Date,\n validator: isDate,\n default: function _default() {\n return new Date();\n }\n },\n maxDate: {\n type: Date,\n validator: isDate,\n default: function _default() {\n var now = new Date();\n return new Date(now.getFullYear(), now.getMonth() + 6, now.getDate());\n }\n },\n position: {\n type: String,\n default: 'bottom'\n },\n rowHeight: {\n type: [Number, String],\n default: ROW_HEIGHT\n },\n round: {\n type: Boolean,\n default: true\n },\n poppable: {\n type: Boolean,\n default: true\n },\n lazyRender: {\n type: Boolean,\n default: true\n },\n showMark: {\n type: Boolean,\n default: true\n },\n showTitle: {\n type: Boolean,\n default: true\n },\n showConfirm: {\n type: Boolean,\n default: true\n },\n showSubtitle: {\n type: Boolean,\n default: true\n },\n safeAreaInsetBottom: {\n type: Boolean,\n default: true\n },\n closeOnClickOverlay: {\n type: Boolean,\n default: true\n },\n maxRange: {\n type: [Number, String],\n default: null\n }\n },\n data: function data() {\n return {\n subtitle: '',\n currentDate: this.getInitialDate()\n };\n },\n computed: {\n months: function months() {\n var months = [];\n var cursor = new Date(this.minDate);\n cursor.setDate(1);\n\n do {\n months.push(new Date(cursor));\n cursor.setMonth(cursor.getMonth() + 1);\n } while (compareMonth(cursor, this.maxDate) !== 1);\n\n return months;\n },\n buttonDisabled: function buttonDisabled() {\n var type = this.type,\n currentDate = this.currentDate;\n\n if (type === 'range') {\n return !currentDate[0] || !currentDate[1];\n }\n\n if (type === 'multiple') {\n return !currentDate.length;\n }\n\n return !currentDate;\n },\n dayOffset: function dayOffset() {\n return this.firstDayOfWeek ? this.firstDayOfWeek % 7 : 0;\n }\n },\n watch: {\n type: 'reset',\n value: 'init',\n defaultDate: function defaultDate(val) {\n this.currentDate = val;\n this.scrollIntoView();\n }\n },\n mounted: function mounted() {\n this.init();\n },\n\n /* istanbul ignore next */\n activated: function activated() {\n this.init();\n },\n methods: {\n // @exposed-api\n reset: function reset() {\n this.currentDate = this.getInitialDate();\n this.scrollIntoView();\n },\n init: function init() {\n var _this = this;\n\n if (this.poppable && !this.value) {\n return;\n }\n\n this.$nextTick(function () {\n // add Math.floor to avoid decimal height issues\n // https://github.com/youzan/vant/issues/5640\n _this.bodyHeight = Math.floor(_this.$refs.body.getBoundingClientRect().height);\n\n _this.onScroll();\n });\n this.scrollIntoView();\n },\n // scroll to current month\n scrollIntoView: function scrollIntoView() {\n var _this2 = this;\n\n this.$nextTick(function () {\n var currentDate = _this2.currentDate;\n var targetDate = _this2.type === 'single' ? currentDate : currentDate[0];\n var displayed = _this2.value || !_this2.poppable;\n /* istanbul ignore if */\n\n if (!targetDate || !displayed) {\n return;\n }\n\n _this2.months.some(function (month, index) {\n if (compareMonth(month, targetDate) === 0) {\n _this2.$refs.months[index].scrollIntoView();\n\n return true;\n }\n\n return false;\n });\n });\n },\n getInitialDate: function getInitialDate() {\n var type = this.type,\n minDate = this.minDate,\n maxDate = this.maxDate,\n defaultDate = this.defaultDate;\n var defaultVal = new Date();\n\n if (compareDay(defaultVal, minDate) === -1) {\n defaultVal = minDate;\n } else if (compareDay(defaultVal, maxDate) === 1) {\n defaultVal = maxDate;\n }\n\n if (type === 'range') {\n var _ref = defaultDate || [],\n startDay = _ref[0],\n endDay = _ref[1];\n\n return [startDay || defaultVal, endDay || getNextDay(defaultVal)];\n }\n\n if (type === 'multiple') {\n return defaultDate || [defaultVal];\n }\n\n return defaultDate || defaultVal;\n },\n // calculate the position of the elements\n // and find the elements that needs to be rendered\n onScroll: function onScroll() {\n var _this$$refs = this.$refs,\n body = _this$$refs.body,\n months = _this$$refs.months;\n var top = getScrollTop(body);\n var bottom = top + this.bodyHeight;\n var heights = months.map(function (item) {\n return item.getHeight();\n });\n var heightSum = heights.reduce(function (a, b) {\n return a + b;\n }, 0); // iOS scroll bounce may exceed the range\n\n /* istanbul ignore next */\n\n if (top < 0 || bottom > heightSum && top > 0) {\n return;\n }\n\n var height = 0;\n var currentMonth;\n\n for (var i = 0; i < months.length; i++) {\n var visible = height <= bottom && height + heights[i] >= top;\n\n if (visible && !currentMonth) {\n currentMonth = months[i];\n }\n\n if (!months[i].visible && visible) {\n this.$emit('month-show', {\n date: months[i].date,\n title: months[i].title\n });\n }\n\n months[i].visible = visible;\n height += heights[i];\n }\n /* istanbul ignore else */\n\n\n if (currentMonth) {\n this.subtitle = currentMonth.title;\n }\n },\n onClickDay: function onClickDay(item) {\n var date = item.date;\n var type = this.type,\n currentDate = this.currentDate;\n\n if (type === 'range') {\n var startDay = currentDate[0],\n endDay = currentDate[1];\n\n if (startDay && !endDay) {\n var compareToStart = compareDay(date, startDay);\n\n if (compareToStart === 1) {\n this.select([startDay, date], true);\n } else if (compareToStart === -1) {\n this.select([date, null]);\n } else if (this.allowSameDay) {\n this.select([date, date], true);\n }\n } else {\n this.select([date, null]);\n }\n } else if (type === 'multiple') {\n var selectedIndex;\n var selected = this.currentDate.some(function (dateItem, index) {\n var equal = compareDay(dateItem, date) === 0;\n\n if (equal) {\n selectedIndex = index;\n }\n\n return equal;\n });\n\n if (selected) {\n var _currentDate$splice = currentDate.splice(selectedIndex, 1),\n unselectedDate = _currentDate$splice[0];\n\n this.$emit('unselect', copyDate(unselectedDate));\n } else if (this.maxRange && currentDate.length >= this.maxRange) {\n es_toast(this.rangePrompt || utils_t('rangePrompt', this.maxRange));\n } else {\n this.select([].concat(currentDate, [date]));\n }\n } else {\n this.select(date, true);\n }\n },\n togglePopup: function togglePopup(val) {\n this.$emit('input', val);\n },\n select: function select(date, complete) {\n var _this3 = this;\n\n var emit = function emit(date) {\n _this3.currentDate = date;\n\n _this3.$emit('select', copyDates(_this3.currentDate));\n };\n\n if (complete && this.type === 'range') {\n var valid = this.checkRange(date);\n\n if (!valid) {\n // auto selected to max range if showConfirm\n if (this.showConfirm) {\n emit([date[0], getDayByOffset(date[0], this.maxRange - 1)]);\n } else {\n emit(date);\n }\n\n return;\n }\n }\n\n emit(date);\n\n if (complete && !this.showConfirm) {\n this.onConfirm();\n }\n },\n checkRange: function checkRange(date) {\n var maxRange = this.maxRange,\n rangePrompt = this.rangePrompt;\n\n if (maxRange && calcDateNum(date) > maxRange) {\n es_toast(rangePrompt || utils_t('rangePrompt', maxRange));\n return false;\n }\n\n return true;\n },\n onConfirm: function onConfirm() {\n this.$emit('confirm', copyDates(this.currentDate));\n },\n genMonth: function genMonth(date, index) {\n var h = this.$createElement;\n var showMonthTitle = index !== 0 || !this.showSubtitle;\n return h(Month, {\n \"ref\": \"months\",\n \"refInFor\": true,\n \"attrs\": {\n \"date\": date,\n \"type\": this.type,\n \"color\": this.color,\n \"minDate\": this.minDate,\n \"maxDate\": this.maxDate,\n \"showMark\": this.showMark,\n \"formatter\": this.formatter,\n \"rowHeight\": this.rowHeight,\n \"lazyRender\": this.lazyRender,\n \"currentDate\": this.currentDate,\n \"showSubtitle\": this.showSubtitle,\n \"allowSameDay\": this.allowSameDay,\n \"showMonthTitle\": showMonthTitle,\n \"firstDayOfWeek\": this.dayOffset\n },\n \"on\": {\n \"click\": this.onClickDay\n }\n });\n },\n genFooterContent: function genFooterContent() {\n var h = this.$createElement;\n var slot = this.slots('footer');\n\n if (slot) {\n return slot;\n }\n\n if (this.showConfirm) {\n var text = this.buttonDisabled ? this.confirmDisabledText : this.confirmText;\n return h(es_button, {\n \"attrs\": {\n \"round\": true,\n \"block\": true,\n \"type\": \"danger\",\n \"color\": this.color,\n \"disabled\": this.buttonDisabled,\n \"nativeType\": \"button\"\n },\n \"class\": utils_bem('confirm'),\n \"on\": {\n \"click\": this.onConfirm\n }\n }, [text || utils_t('confirm')]);\n }\n },\n genFooter: function genFooter() {\n var h = this.$createElement;\n return h(\"div\", {\n \"class\": utils_bem('footer', {\n unfit: !this.safeAreaInsetBottom\n })\n }, [this.genFooterContent()]);\n },\n genCalendar: function genCalendar() {\n var _this4 = this;\n\n var h = this.$createElement;\n return h(\"div\", {\n \"class\": utils_bem()\n }, [h(components_Header, {\n \"attrs\": {\n \"title\": this.title,\n \"showTitle\": this.showTitle,\n \"subtitle\": this.subtitle,\n \"showSubtitle\": this.showSubtitle,\n \"firstDayOfWeek\": this.dayOffset\n },\n \"scopedSlots\": {\n title: function title() {\n return _this4.slots('title');\n }\n }\n }), h(\"div\", {\n \"ref\": \"body\",\n \"class\": utils_bem('body'),\n \"on\": {\n \"scroll\": this.onScroll\n }\n }, [this.months.map(this.genMonth)]), this.genFooter()]);\n }\n },\n render: function render() {\n var _this5 = this;\n\n var h = arguments[0];\n\n if (this.poppable) {\n var _attrs;\n\n var createListener = function createListener(name) {\n return function () {\n return _this5.$emit(name);\n };\n };\n\n return h(popup, {\n \"attrs\": (_attrs = {\n \"round\": true,\n \"value\": this.value\n }, _attrs[\"round\"] = this.round, _attrs[\"position\"] = this.position, _attrs[\"closeable\"] = this.showTitle || this.showSubtitle, _attrs[\"getContainer\"] = this.getContainer, _attrs[\"closeOnPopstate\"] = this.closeOnPopstate, _attrs[\"closeOnClickOverlay\"] = this.closeOnClickOverlay, _attrs),\n \"class\": utils_bem('popup'),\n \"on\": {\n \"input\": this.togglePopup,\n \"open\": createListener('open'),\n \"opened\": createListener('opened'),\n \"close\": createListener('close'),\n \"closed\": createListener('closed')\n }\n }, [this.genCalendar()]);\n }\n\n return this.genCalendar();\n }\n}));\n// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/vant/es/image/index.js\n\n\n\n\n\nvar image__createNamespace = Object(utils[\"b\" /* createNamespace */])('image'),\n image_createComponent = image__createNamespace[0],\n image_bem = image__createNamespace[1];\n\n/* harmony default export */ var es_image = (image_createComponent({\n props: {\n src: String,\n fit: String,\n alt: String,\n round: Boolean,\n width: [Number, String],\n height: [Number, String],\n radius: [Number, String],\n lazyLoad: Boolean,\n showError: {\n type: Boolean,\n default: true\n },\n showLoading: {\n type: Boolean,\n default: true\n },\n errorIcon: {\n type: String,\n default: 'warning-o'\n },\n loadingIcon: {\n type: String,\n default: 'photo-o'\n }\n },\n data: function data() {\n return {\n loading: true,\n error: false\n };\n },\n watch: {\n src: function src() {\n this.loading = true;\n this.error = false;\n }\n },\n computed: {\n style: function style() {\n var style = {};\n\n if (Object(utils[\"e\" /* isDef */])(this.width)) {\n style.width = Object(utils[\"a\" /* addUnit */])(this.width);\n }\n\n if (Object(utils[\"e\" /* isDef */])(this.height)) {\n style.height = Object(utils[\"a\" /* addUnit */])(this.height);\n }\n\n if (Object(utils[\"e\" /* isDef */])(this.radius)) {\n style.overflow = 'hidden';\n style.borderRadius = Object(utils[\"a\" /* addUnit */])(this.radius);\n }\n\n return style;\n }\n },\n created: function created() {\n var $Lazyload = this.$Lazyload;\n\n if ($Lazyload && utils[\"d\" /* inBrowser */]) {\n $Lazyload.$on('loaded', this.onLazyLoaded);\n $Lazyload.$on('error', this.onLazyLoadError);\n }\n },\n beforeDestroy: function beforeDestroy() {\n var $Lazyload = this.$Lazyload;\n\n if ($Lazyload) {\n $Lazyload.$off('loaded', this.onLazyLoaded);\n $Lazyload.$off('error', this.onLazyLoadError);\n }\n },\n methods: {\n onLoad: function onLoad(event) {\n this.loading = false;\n this.$emit('load', event);\n },\n onLazyLoaded: function onLazyLoaded(_ref) {\n var el = _ref.el;\n\n if (el === this.$refs.image && this.loading) {\n this.onLoad();\n }\n },\n onLazyLoadError: function onLazyLoadError(_ref2) {\n var el = _ref2.el;\n\n if (el === this.$refs.image && !this.error) {\n this.onError();\n }\n },\n onError: function onError(event) {\n this.error = true;\n this.loading = false;\n this.$emit('error', event);\n },\n onClick: function onClick(event) {\n this.$emit('click', event);\n },\n genPlaceholder: function genPlaceholder() {\n var h = this.$createElement;\n\n if (this.loading && this.showLoading) {\n return h(\"div\", {\n \"class\": image_bem('loading')\n }, [this.slots('loading') || h(es_icon, {\n \"attrs\": {\n \"name\": this.loadingIcon\n },\n \"class\": image_bem('loading-icon')\n })]);\n }\n\n if (this.error && this.showError) {\n return h(\"div\", {\n \"class\": image_bem('error')\n }, [this.slots('error') || h(es_icon, {\n \"attrs\": {\n \"name\": this.errorIcon\n },\n \"class\": image_bem('error-icon')\n })]);\n }\n },\n genImage: function genImage() {\n var h = this.$createElement;\n var imgData = {\n class: image_bem('img'),\n attrs: {\n alt: this.alt\n },\n style: {\n objectFit: this.fit\n }\n };\n\n if (this.error) {\n return;\n }\n\n if (this.lazyLoad) {\n return h(\"img\", helper_default()([{\n \"ref\": \"image\",\n \"directives\": [{\n name: \"lazy\",\n value: this.src\n }]\n }, imgData]));\n }\n\n return h(\"img\", helper_default()([{\n \"attrs\": {\n \"src\": this.src\n },\n \"on\": {\n \"load\": this.onLoad,\n \"error\": this.onError\n }\n }, imgData]));\n }\n },\n render: function render() {\n var h = arguments[0];\n return h(\"div\", {\n \"class\": image_bem({\n round: this.round\n }),\n \"style\": this.style,\n \"on\": {\n \"click\": this.onClick\n }\n }, [this.genImage(), this.genPlaceholder(), this.slots()]);\n }\n}));\n// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/vant/es/card/index.js\n\n// Utils\n\n // Components\n\n\n // Types\n\nvar card__createNamespace = Object(utils[\"b\" /* createNamespace */])('card'),\n card_createComponent = card__createNamespace[0],\n card_bem = card__createNamespace[1];\n\nfunction Card(h, props, slots, ctx) {\n var _slots$priceTop;\n\n var thumb = props.thumb;\n var showNum = slots.num || Object(utils[\"e\" /* isDef */])(props.num);\n var showPrice = slots.price || Object(utils[\"e\" /* isDef */])(props.price);\n var showOriginPrice = slots['origin-price'] || Object(utils[\"e\" /* isDef */])(props.originPrice);\n var showBottom = showNum || showPrice || showOriginPrice || slots.bottom;\n\n function onThumbClick(event) {\n functional_emit(ctx, 'click-thumb', event);\n }\n\n function ThumbTag() {\n if (slots.tag || props.tag) {\n return h(\"div\", {\n \"class\": card_bem('tag')\n }, [slots.tag ? slots.tag() : h(es_tag, {\n \"attrs\": {\n \"mark\": true,\n \"type\": \"danger\"\n }\n }, [props.tag])]);\n }\n }\n\n function Thumb() {\n if (slots.thumb || thumb) {\n return h(\"a\", {\n \"attrs\": {\n \"href\": props.thumbLink\n },\n \"class\": card_bem('thumb'),\n \"on\": {\n \"click\": onThumbClick\n }\n }, [slots.thumb ? slots.thumb() : h(es_image, {\n \"attrs\": {\n \"src\": thumb,\n \"width\": \"100%\",\n \"height\": \"100%\",\n \"fit\": \"cover\",\n \"lazy-load\": props.lazyLoad\n }\n }), ThumbTag()]);\n }\n }\n\n function Title() {\n if (slots.title) {\n return slots.title();\n }\n\n if (props.title) {\n return h(\"div\", {\n \"class\": [card_bem('title'), 'van-multi-ellipsis--l2']\n }, [props.title]);\n }\n }\n\n function Desc() {\n if (slots.desc) {\n return slots.desc();\n }\n\n if (props.desc) {\n return h(\"div\", {\n \"class\": [card_bem('desc'), 'van-ellipsis']\n }, [props.desc]);\n }\n }\n\n function PriceContent() {\n var priceArr = props.price.toString().split('.');\n return h(\"div\", [h(\"span\", {\n \"class\": card_bem('price-currency')\n }, [props.currency]), h(\"span\", {\n \"class\": card_bem('price-integer')\n }, [priceArr[0]]), \".\", h(\"span\", {\n \"class\": card_bem('price-decimal')\n }, [priceArr[1]])]);\n }\n\n function Price() {\n if (showPrice) {\n return h(\"div\", {\n \"class\": card_bem('price')\n }, [slots.price ? slots.price() : PriceContent()]);\n }\n }\n\n function OriginPrice() {\n if (showOriginPrice) {\n var slot = slots['origin-price'];\n return h(\"div\", {\n \"class\": card_bem('origin-price')\n }, [slot ? slot() : props.currency + \" \" + props.originPrice]);\n }\n }\n\n function Num() {\n if (showNum) {\n return h(\"div\", {\n \"class\": card_bem('num')\n }, [slots.num ? slots.num() : \"x\" + props.num]);\n }\n }\n\n function Footer() {\n if (slots.footer) {\n return h(\"div\", {\n \"class\": card_bem('footer')\n }, [slots.footer()]);\n }\n }\n\n return h(\"div\", helper_default()([{\n \"class\": card_bem()\n }, inherit(ctx, true)]), [h(\"div\", {\n \"class\": card_bem('header')\n }, [Thumb(), h(\"div\", {\n \"class\": card_bem('content', {\n centered: props.centered\n })\n }, [h(\"div\", [Title(), Desc(), slots.tags == null ? void 0 : slots.tags()]), showBottom && h(\"div\", {\n \"class\": \"van-card__bottom\"\n }, [(_slots$priceTop = slots['price-top']) == null ? void 0 : _slots$priceTop.call(slots), Price(), OriginPrice(), Num(), slots.bottom == null ? void 0 : slots.bottom()])])]), Footer()]);\n}\n\nCard.props = {\n tag: String,\n desc: String,\n thumb: String,\n title: String,\n centered: Boolean,\n lazyLoad: Boolean,\n thumbLink: String,\n num: [Number, String],\n price: [Number, String],\n originPrice: [Number, String],\n currency: {\n type: String,\n default: '¥'\n }\n};\n/* harmony default export */ var card = (card_createComponent(Card));\n// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/vant/es/cell-group/index.js\n\n// Utils\n\n\n // Types\n\nvar cell_group__createNamespace = Object(utils[\"b\" /* createNamespace */])('cell-group'),\n cell_group_createComponent = cell_group__createNamespace[0],\n cell_group_bem = cell_group__createNamespace[1];\n\nfunction CellGroup(h, props, slots, ctx) {\n var _ref;\n\n var Group = h(\"div\", helper_default()([{\n \"class\": [cell_group_bem(), (_ref = {}, _ref[BORDER_TOP_BOTTOM] = props.border, _ref)]\n }, inherit(ctx, true)]), [slots.default == null ? void 0 : slots.default()]);\n\n if (props.title || slots.title) {\n return h(\"div\", [h(\"div\", {\n \"class\": cell_group_bem('title')\n }, [slots.title ? slots.title() : props.title]), Group]);\n }\n\n return Group;\n}\n\nCellGroup.props = {\n title: String,\n border: {\n type: Boolean,\n default: true\n }\n};\n/* harmony default export */ var cell_group = (cell_group_createComponent(CellGroup));\n// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/vant/es/checkbox/index.js\n\n\n\nvar checkbox__createNamespace = Object(utils[\"b\" /* createNamespace */])('checkbox'),\n checkbox_createComponent = checkbox__createNamespace[0],\n checkbox_bem = checkbox__createNamespace[1];\n\n/* harmony default export */ var es_checkbox = (checkbox_createComponent({\n mixins: [checkbox_CheckboxMixin({\n bem: checkbox_bem,\n role: 'checkbox',\n parent: 'vanCheckbox'\n })],\n computed: {\n checked: {\n get: function get() {\n if (this.parent) {\n return this.parent.value.indexOf(this.name) !== -1;\n }\n\n return this.value;\n },\n set: function set(val) {\n if (this.parent) {\n this.setParentValue(val);\n } else {\n this.$emit('input', val);\n }\n }\n }\n },\n watch: {\n value: function value(val) {\n this.$emit('change', val);\n }\n },\n methods: {\n // @exposed-api\n toggle: function toggle(checked) {\n var _this = this;\n\n if (checked === void 0) {\n checked = !this.checked;\n }\n\n // When toggle method is called multiple times at the same time,\n // only the last call is valid.\n // This is a hack for usage inside Cell.\n clearTimeout(this.toggleTask);\n this.toggleTask = setTimeout(function () {\n _this.checked = checked;\n });\n },\n setParentValue: function setParentValue(val) {\n var parent = this.parent;\n var value = parent.value.slice();\n\n if (val) {\n if (parent.max && value.length >= parent.max) {\n return;\n }\n /* istanbul ignore else */\n\n\n if (value.indexOf(this.name) === -1) {\n value.push(this.name);\n parent.$emit('input', value);\n }\n } else {\n var index = value.indexOf(this.name);\n /* istanbul ignore else */\n\n if (index !== -1) {\n value.splice(index, 1);\n parent.$emit('input', value);\n }\n }\n }\n }\n}));\n// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/vant/es/checkbox-group/index.js\n\n\n\n\nvar checkbox_group__createNamespace = Object(utils[\"b\" /* createNamespace */])('checkbox-group'),\n checkbox_group_createComponent = checkbox_group__createNamespace[0],\n checkbox_group_bem = checkbox_group__createNamespace[1];\n\n/* harmony default export */ var checkbox_group = (checkbox_group_createComponent({\n mixins: [ParentMixin('vanCheckbox'), FieldMixin],\n props: {\n max: [Number, String],\n disabled: Boolean,\n direction: String,\n iconSize: [Number, String],\n checkedColor: String,\n value: {\n type: Array,\n default: function _default() {\n return [];\n }\n }\n },\n watch: {\n value: function value(val) {\n this.$emit('change', val);\n }\n },\n methods: {\n // @exposed-api\n toggleAll: function toggleAll(checked) {\n if (checked === false) {\n this.$emit('input', []);\n return;\n }\n\n var children = this.children;\n\n if (!checked) {\n children = children.filter(function (item) {\n return !item.checked;\n });\n }\n\n var names = children.map(function (item) {\n return item.name;\n });\n this.$emit('input', names);\n }\n },\n render: function render() {\n var h = arguments[0];\n return h(\"div\", {\n \"class\": checkbox_group_bem([this.direction])\n }, [this.slots()]);\n }\n}));\n// EXTERNAL MODULE: ./node_modules/vant/es/utils/dom/raf.js\nvar raf = __webpack_require__(\"3X7g\");\n\n// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/vant/es/circle/index.js\n\n\n\n\nvar circle__createNamespace = Object(utils[\"b\" /* createNamespace */])('circle'),\n circle_createComponent = circle__createNamespace[0],\n circle_bem = circle__createNamespace[1];\n\nvar PERIMETER = 3140;\nvar circle_uid = 0;\n\nfunction circle_format(rate) {\n return Math.min(Math.max(rate, 0), 100);\n}\n\nfunction getPath(clockwise, viewBoxSize) {\n var sweepFlag = clockwise ? 1 : 0;\n return \"M \" + viewBoxSize / 2 + \" \" + viewBoxSize / 2 + \" m 0, -500 a 500, 500 0 1, \" + sweepFlag + \" 0, 1000 a 500, 500 0 1, \" + sweepFlag + \" 0, -1000\";\n}\n\n/* harmony default export */ var circle = (circle_createComponent({\n props: {\n text: String,\n strokeLinecap: String,\n value: {\n type: Number,\n default: 0\n },\n speed: {\n type: [Number, String],\n default: 0\n },\n size: {\n type: [Number, String],\n default: 100\n },\n fill: {\n type: String,\n default: 'none'\n },\n rate: {\n type: [Number, String],\n default: 100\n },\n layerColor: {\n type: String,\n default: WHITE\n },\n color: {\n type: [String, Object],\n default: BLUE\n },\n strokeWidth: {\n type: [Number, String],\n default: 40\n },\n clockwise: {\n type: Boolean,\n default: true\n }\n },\n beforeCreate: function beforeCreate() {\n this.uid = \"van-circle-gradient-\" + circle_uid++;\n },\n computed: {\n style: function style() {\n var size = Object(utils[\"a\" /* addUnit */])(this.size);\n return {\n width: size,\n height: size\n };\n },\n path: function path() {\n return getPath(this.clockwise, this.viewBoxSize);\n },\n viewBoxSize: function viewBoxSize() {\n return +this.strokeWidth + 1000;\n },\n layerStyle: function layerStyle() {\n var offset = PERIMETER * this.value / 100;\n return {\n stroke: \"\" + this.color,\n strokeWidth: +this.strokeWidth + 1 + \"px\",\n strokeLinecap: this.strokeLinecap,\n strokeDasharray: offset + \"px \" + PERIMETER + \"px\"\n };\n },\n hoverStyle: function hoverStyle() {\n return {\n fill: \"\" + this.fill,\n stroke: \"\" + this.layerColor,\n strokeWidth: this.strokeWidth + \"px\"\n };\n },\n gradient: function gradient() {\n return Object(utils[\"g\" /* isObject */])(this.color);\n },\n LinearGradient: function LinearGradient() {\n var _this = this;\n\n var h = this.$createElement;\n\n if (!this.gradient) {\n return;\n }\n\n var Stops = Object.keys(this.color).sort(function (a, b) {\n return parseFloat(a) - parseFloat(b);\n }).map(function (key, index) {\n return h(\"stop\", {\n \"key\": index,\n \"attrs\": {\n \"offset\": key,\n \"stop-color\": _this.color[key]\n }\n });\n });\n return h(\"defs\", [h(\"linearGradient\", {\n \"attrs\": {\n \"id\": this.uid,\n \"x1\": \"100%\",\n \"y1\": \"0%\",\n \"x2\": \"0%\",\n \"y2\": \"0%\"\n }\n }, [Stops])]);\n }\n },\n watch: {\n rate: {\n handler: function handler(rate) {\n this.startTime = Date.now();\n this.startRate = this.value;\n this.endRate = circle_format(rate);\n this.increase = this.endRate > this.startRate;\n this.duration = Math.abs((this.startRate - this.endRate) * 1000 / this.speed);\n\n if (this.speed) {\n Object(raf[\"a\" /* cancelRaf */])(this.rafId);\n this.rafId = Object(raf[\"c\" /* raf */])(this.animate);\n } else {\n this.$emit('input', this.endRate);\n }\n },\n immediate: true\n }\n },\n methods: {\n animate: function animate() {\n var now = Date.now();\n var progress = Math.min((now - this.startTime) / this.duration, 1);\n var rate = progress * (this.endRate - this.startRate) + this.startRate;\n this.$emit('input', circle_format(parseFloat(rate.toFixed(1))));\n\n if (this.increase ? rate < this.endRate : rate > this.endRate) {\n this.rafId = Object(raf[\"c\" /* raf */])(this.animate);\n }\n }\n },\n render: function render() {\n var h = arguments[0];\n return h(\"div\", {\n \"class\": circle_bem(),\n \"style\": this.style\n }, [h(\"svg\", {\n \"attrs\": {\n \"viewBox\": \"0 0 \" + this.viewBoxSize + \" \" + this.viewBoxSize\n }\n }, [this.LinearGradient, h(\"path\", {\n \"class\": circle_bem('hover'),\n \"style\": this.hoverStyle,\n \"attrs\": {\n \"d\": this.path\n }\n }), h(\"path\", {\n \"attrs\": {\n \"d\": this.path,\n \"stroke\": this.gradient ? \"url(#\" + this.uid + \")\" : this.color\n },\n \"class\": circle_bem('layer'),\n \"style\": this.layerStyle\n })]), this.slots() || this.text && h(\"div\", {\n \"class\": circle_bem('text')\n }, [this.text])]);\n }\n}));\n// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/vant/es/col/index.js\n\n\n\nvar col__createNamespace = Object(utils[\"b\" /* createNamespace */])('col'),\n col_createComponent = col__createNamespace[0],\n col_bem = col__createNamespace[1];\n\n/* harmony default export */ var col = (col_createComponent({\n mixins: [ChildrenMixin('vanRow')],\n props: {\n span: [Number, String],\n offset: [Number, String],\n tag: {\n type: String,\n default: 'div'\n }\n },\n computed: {\n style: function style() {\n var index = this.index;\n\n var _ref = this.parent || {},\n spaces = _ref.spaces;\n\n if (spaces && spaces[index]) {\n var _spaces$index = spaces[index],\n left = _spaces$index.left,\n right = _spaces$index.right;\n return {\n paddingLeft: left ? left + \"px\" : null,\n paddingRight: right ? right + \"px\" : null\n };\n }\n }\n },\n methods: {\n onClick: function onClick(event) {\n this.$emit('click', event);\n }\n },\n render: function render() {\n var _bem;\n\n var h = arguments[0];\n var span = this.span,\n offset = this.offset;\n return h(this.tag, {\n \"style\": this.style,\n \"class\": col_bem((_bem = {}, _bem[span] = span, _bem[\"offset-\" + offset] = offset, _bem)),\n \"on\": {\n \"click\": this.onClick\n }\n }, [this.slots()]);\n }\n}));\n// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/vant/es/collapse/index.js\n\n\n\n\nvar collapse__createNamespace = Object(utils[\"b\" /* createNamespace */])('collapse'),\n collapse_createComponent = collapse__createNamespace[0],\n collapse_bem = collapse__createNamespace[1];\n\n/* harmony default export */ var collapse = (collapse_createComponent({\n mixins: [ParentMixin('vanCollapse')],\n props: {\n accordion: Boolean,\n value: [String, Number, Array],\n border: {\n type: Boolean,\n default: true\n }\n },\n methods: {\n switch: function _switch(name, expanded) {\n if (!this.accordion) {\n name = expanded ? this.value.concat(name) : this.value.filter(function (activeName) {\n return activeName !== name;\n });\n }\n\n this.$emit('change', name);\n this.$emit('input', name);\n }\n },\n render: function render() {\n var _ref;\n\n var h = arguments[0];\n return h(\"div\", {\n \"class\": [collapse_bem(), (_ref = {}, _ref[BORDER_TOP_BOTTOM] = this.border, _ref)]\n }, [this.slots()]);\n }\n}));\n// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/vant/es/collapse-item/index.js\n\n// Utils\n\n // Mixins\n\n // Components\n\n\n\n\nvar collapse_item__createNamespace = Object(utils[\"b\" /* createNamespace */])('collapse-item'),\n collapse_item_createComponent = collapse_item__createNamespace[0],\n collapse_item_bem = collapse_item__createNamespace[1];\n\nvar CELL_SLOTS = ['title', 'icon', 'right-icon'];\n/* harmony default export */ var collapse_item = (collapse_item_createComponent({\n mixins: [ChildrenMixin('vanCollapse')],\n props: _extends({}, cellProps, {\n name: [Number, String],\n disabled: Boolean,\n isLink: {\n type: Boolean,\n default: true\n }\n }),\n data: function data() {\n return {\n show: null,\n inited: null\n };\n },\n computed: {\n currentName: function currentName() {\n return Object(utils[\"e\" /* isDef */])(this.name) ? this.name : this.index;\n },\n expanded: function expanded() {\n var _this = this;\n\n if (!this.parent) {\n return null;\n }\n\n var _this$parent = this.parent,\n value = _this$parent.value,\n accordion = _this$parent.accordion;\n\n if (false) {\n console.error('[Vant] Collapse: type of prop \"value\" should be Array');\n return;\n }\n\n return accordion ? value === this.currentName : value.some(function (name) {\n return name === _this.currentName;\n });\n }\n },\n created: function created() {\n this.show = this.expanded;\n this.inited = this.expanded;\n },\n watch: {\n expanded: function expanded(_expanded, prev) {\n var _this2 = this;\n\n if (prev === null) {\n return;\n }\n\n if (_expanded) {\n this.show = true;\n this.inited = true;\n } // Use raf: flick when opened in safari\n // Use nextTick: closing animation failed when set `user-select: none`\n\n\n var nextTick = _expanded ? this.$nextTick : raf[\"c\" /* raf */];\n nextTick(function () {\n var _this2$$refs = _this2.$refs,\n content = _this2$$refs.content,\n wrapper = _this2$$refs.wrapper;\n\n if (!content || !wrapper) {\n return;\n }\n\n var offsetHeight = content.offsetHeight;\n\n if (offsetHeight) {\n var contentHeight = offsetHeight + \"px\";\n wrapper.style.height = _expanded ? 0 : contentHeight; // use double raf to ensure animation can start\n\n Object(raf[\"b\" /* doubleRaf */])(function () {\n wrapper.style.height = _expanded ? contentHeight : 0;\n });\n } else {\n _this2.onTransitionEnd();\n }\n });\n }\n },\n methods: {\n onClick: function onClick() {\n if (this.disabled) {\n return;\n }\n\n var parent = this.parent,\n currentName = this.currentName;\n var close = parent.accordion && currentName === parent.value;\n var name = close ? '' : currentName;\n parent.switch(name, !this.expanded);\n },\n onTransitionEnd: function onTransitionEnd() {\n if (!this.expanded) {\n this.show = false;\n } else {\n this.$refs.wrapper.style.height = '';\n }\n },\n genTitle: function genTitle() {\n var _this3 = this;\n\n var h = this.$createElement;\n var border = this.border,\n disabled = this.disabled,\n expanded = this.expanded;\n var titleSlots = CELL_SLOTS.reduce(function (slots, name) {\n if (_this3.slots(name)) {\n slots[name] = function () {\n return _this3.slots(name);\n };\n }\n\n return slots;\n }, {});\n\n if (this.slots('value')) {\n titleSlots.default = function () {\n return _this3.slots('value');\n };\n }\n\n return h(cell, {\n \"attrs\": {\n \"role\": \"button\",\n \"tabindex\": disabled ? -1 : 0,\n \"aria-expanded\": String(expanded)\n },\n \"class\": collapse_item_bem('title', {\n disabled: disabled,\n expanded: expanded,\n borderless: !border\n }),\n \"on\": {\n \"click\": this.onClick\n },\n \"scopedSlots\": titleSlots,\n \"props\": _extends({}, this.$props)\n });\n },\n genContent: function genContent() {\n var h = this.$createElement;\n\n if (this.inited) {\n return h(\"div\", {\n \"directives\": [{\n name: \"show\",\n value: this.show\n }],\n \"ref\": \"wrapper\",\n \"class\": collapse_item_bem('wrapper'),\n \"on\": {\n \"transitionend\": this.onTransitionEnd\n }\n }, [h(\"div\", {\n \"ref\": \"content\",\n \"class\": collapse_item_bem('content')\n }, [this.slots()])]);\n }\n }\n },\n render: function render() {\n var h = arguments[0];\n return h(\"div\", {\n \"class\": [collapse_item_bem({\n border: this.index && this.border\n })]\n }, [this.genTitle(), this.genContent()]);\n }\n}));\n// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/vant/es/contact-card/index.js\n\n// Utils\n\n // Components\n\n // Types\n\nvar contact_card__createNamespace = Object(utils[\"b\" /* createNamespace */])('contact-card'),\n contact_card_createComponent = contact_card__createNamespace[0],\n contact_card_bem = contact_card__createNamespace[1],\n contact_card_t = contact_card__createNamespace[2];\n\nfunction ContactCard(h, props, slots, ctx) {\n var type = props.type,\n editable = props.editable;\n\n function onClick(event) {\n if (editable) {\n functional_emit(ctx, 'click', event);\n }\n }\n\n function Content() {\n if (type === 'add') {\n return props.addText || contact_card_t('addText');\n }\n\n return [h(\"div\", [contact_card_t('name') + \"\\uFF1A\" + props.name]), h(\"div\", [contact_card_t('tel') + \"\\uFF1A\" + props.tel])];\n }\n\n return h(cell, helper_default()([{\n \"attrs\": {\n \"center\": true,\n \"border\": false,\n \"isLink\": editable,\n \"valueClass\": contact_card_bem('value'),\n \"icon\": type === 'edit' ? 'contact' : 'add-square'\n },\n \"class\": contact_card_bem([type]),\n \"on\": {\n \"click\": onClick\n }\n }, inherit(ctx)]), [Content()]);\n}\n\nContactCard.props = {\n tel: String,\n name: String,\n addText: String,\n editable: {\n type: Boolean,\n default: true\n },\n type: {\n type: String,\n default: 'add'\n }\n};\n/* harmony default export */ var contact_card = (contact_card_createComponent(ContactCard));\n// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/vant/es/contact-edit/index.js\n\n// Utils\n\n // Components\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nvar contact_edit__createNamespace = Object(utils[\"b\" /* createNamespace */])('contact-edit'),\n contact_edit_createComponent = contact_edit__createNamespace[0],\n contact_edit_bem = contact_edit__createNamespace[1],\n contact_edit_t = contact_edit__createNamespace[2];\n\nvar defaultContact = {\n tel: '',\n name: ''\n};\n/* harmony default export */ var contact_edit = (contact_edit_createComponent({\n props: {\n isEdit: Boolean,\n isSaving: Boolean,\n isDeleting: Boolean,\n showSetDefault: Boolean,\n setDefaultLabel: String,\n contactInfo: {\n type: Object,\n default: function _default() {\n return _extends({}, defaultContact);\n }\n },\n telValidator: {\n type: Function,\n default: isMobile\n }\n },\n data: function data() {\n return {\n data: _extends({}, defaultContact, this.contactInfo),\n errorInfo: {\n name: '',\n tel: ''\n }\n };\n },\n watch: {\n contactInfo: function contactInfo(val) {\n this.data = _extends({}, defaultContact, val);\n }\n },\n methods: {\n onFocus: function onFocus(key) {\n this.errorInfo[key] = '';\n },\n getErrorMessageByKey: function getErrorMessageByKey(key) {\n var value = this.data[key].trim();\n\n switch (key) {\n case 'name':\n return value ? '' : contact_edit_t('nameInvalid');\n\n case 'tel':\n return this.telValidator(value) ? '' : contact_edit_t('telInvalid');\n }\n },\n onSave: function onSave() {\n var _this = this;\n\n var isValid = ['name', 'tel'].every(function (item) {\n var msg = _this.getErrorMessageByKey(item);\n\n if (msg) {\n _this.errorInfo[item] = msg;\n }\n\n return !msg;\n });\n\n if (isValid && !this.isSaving) {\n this.$emit('save', this.data);\n }\n },\n onDelete: function onDelete() {\n var _this2 = this;\n\n dialog.confirm({\n title: contact_edit_t('confirmDelete')\n }).then(function () {\n _this2.$emit('delete', _this2.data);\n });\n }\n },\n render: function render() {\n var _this3 = this;\n\n var h = arguments[0];\n var data = this.data,\n errorInfo = this.errorInfo;\n\n var onFocus = function onFocus(name) {\n return function () {\n return _this3.onFocus(name);\n };\n };\n\n return h(\"div\", {\n \"class\": contact_edit_bem()\n }, [h(\"div\", {\n \"class\": contact_edit_bem('fields')\n }, [h(es_field, {\n \"attrs\": {\n \"clearable\": true,\n \"maxlength\": \"30\",\n \"label\": contact_edit_t('name'),\n \"placeholder\": contact_edit_t('nameEmpty'),\n \"errorMessage\": errorInfo.name\n },\n \"on\": {\n \"focus\": onFocus('name')\n },\n \"model\": {\n value: data.name,\n callback: function callback($$v) {\n _this3.$set(data, \"name\", $$v);\n }\n }\n }), h(es_field, {\n \"attrs\": {\n \"clearable\": true,\n \"type\": \"tel\",\n \"label\": contact_edit_t('tel'),\n \"placeholder\": contact_edit_t('telEmpty'),\n \"errorMessage\": errorInfo.tel\n },\n \"on\": {\n \"focus\": onFocus('tel')\n },\n \"model\": {\n value: data.tel,\n callback: function callback($$v) {\n _this3.$set(data, \"tel\", $$v);\n }\n }\n })]), this.showSetDefault && h(cell, {\n \"attrs\": {\n \"title\": this.setDefaultLabel,\n \"border\": false\n },\n \"class\": contact_edit_bem('switch-cell')\n }, [h(es_switch, {\n \"attrs\": {\n \"size\": 24\n },\n \"slot\": \"right-icon\",\n \"on\": {\n \"change\": function change(event) {\n _this3.$emit('change-default', event);\n }\n },\n \"model\": {\n value: data.isDefault,\n callback: function callback($$v) {\n _this3.$set(data, \"isDefault\", $$v);\n }\n }\n })]), h(\"div\", {\n \"class\": contact_edit_bem('buttons')\n }, [h(es_button, {\n \"attrs\": {\n \"block\": true,\n \"round\": true,\n \"type\": \"danger\",\n \"text\": contact_edit_t('save'),\n \"loading\": this.isSaving\n },\n \"on\": {\n \"click\": this.onSave\n }\n }), this.isEdit && h(es_button, {\n \"attrs\": {\n \"block\": true,\n \"round\": true,\n \"text\": contact_edit_t('delete'),\n \"loading\": this.isDeleting\n },\n \"on\": {\n \"click\": this.onDelete\n }\n })])]);\n }\n}));\n// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/vant/es/contact-list/index.js\n\n// Utils\n\n\n // Components\n\n\n\n\n\n\n // Types\n\nvar contact_list__createNamespace = Object(utils[\"b\" /* createNamespace */])('contact-list'),\n contact_list_createComponent = contact_list__createNamespace[0],\n contact_list_bem = contact_list__createNamespace[1],\n contact_list_t = contact_list__createNamespace[2];\n\nfunction ContactList(h, props, slots, ctx) {\n var List = props.list && props.list.map(function (item, index) {\n function onClick() {\n functional_emit(ctx, 'input', item.id);\n functional_emit(ctx, 'select', item, index);\n }\n\n function RightIcon() {\n return h(es_radio, {\n \"attrs\": {\n \"name\": item.id,\n \"iconSize\": 16,\n \"checkedColor\": RED\n },\n \"on\": {\n \"click\": onClick\n }\n });\n }\n\n function LeftIcon() {\n return h(es_icon, {\n \"attrs\": {\n \"name\": \"edit\"\n },\n \"class\": contact_list_bem('edit'),\n \"on\": {\n \"click\": function click(event) {\n event.stopPropagation();\n functional_emit(ctx, 'edit', item, index);\n }\n }\n });\n }\n\n function Content() {\n var nodes = [item.name + \"\\uFF0C\" + item.tel];\n\n if (item.isDefault && props.defaultTagText) {\n nodes.push(h(es_tag, {\n \"attrs\": {\n \"type\": \"danger\",\n \"round\": true\n },\n \"class\": contact_list_bem('item-tag')\n }, [props.defaultTagText]));\n }\n\n return nodes;\n }\n\n return h(cell, {\n \"key\": item.id,\n \"attrs\": {\n \"isLink\": true,\n \"center\": true,\n \"valueClass\": contact_list_bem('item-value')\n },\n \"class\": contact_list_bem('item'),\n \"scopedSlots\": {\n icon: LeftIcon,\n default: Content,\n 'right-icon': RightIcon\n },\n \"on\": {\n \"click\": onClick\n }\n });\n });\n return h(\"div\", helper_default()([{\n \"class\": contact_list_bem()\n }, inherit(ctx)]), [h(radio_group, {\n \"attrs\": {\n \"value\": props.value\n },\n \"class\": contact_list_bem('group')\n }, [List]), h(\"div\", {\n \"class\": contact_list_bem('bottom')\n }, [h(es_button, {\n \"attrs\": {\n \"round\": true,\n \"block\": true,\n \"type\": \"danger\",\n \"text\": props.addText || contact_list_t('addText')\n },\n \"class\": contact_list_bem('add'),\n \"on\": {\n \"click\": function click() {\n functional_emit(ctx, 'add');\n }\n }\n })])]);\n}\n\nContactList.props = {\n value: null,\n list: Array,\n addText: String,\n defaultTagText: String\n};\n/* harmony default export */ var contact_list = (contact_list_createComponent(ContactList));\n// EXTERNAL MODULE: ./node_modules/vant/es/utils/format/string.js\nvar string = __webpack_require__(\"YNA3\");\n\n// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/vant/es/count-down/utils.js\n\nvar SECOND = 1000;\nvar MINUTE = 60 * SECOND;\nvar HOUR = 60 * MINUTE;\nvar DAY = 24 * HOUR;\nfunction parseTimeData(time) {\n var days = Math.floor(time / DAY);\n var hours = Math.floor(time % DAY / HOUR);\n var minutes = Math.floor(time % HOUR / MINUTE);\n var seconds = Math.floor(time % MINUTE / SECOND);\n var milliseconds = Math.floor(time % SECOND);\n return {\n days: days,\n hours: hours,\n minutes: minutes,\n seconds: seconds,\n milliseconds: milliseconds\n };\n}\nfunction parseFormat(format, timeData) {\n var days = timeData.days;\n var hours = timeData.hours,\n minutes = timeData.minutes,\n seconds = timeData.seconds,\n milliseconds = timeData.milliseconds;\n\n if (format.indexOf('DD') === -1) {\n hours += days * 24;\n } else {\n format = format.replace('DD', Object(string[\"b\" /* padZero */])(days));\n }\n\n if (format.indexOf('HH') === -1) {\n minutes += hours * 60;\n } else {\n format = format.replace('HH', Object(string[\"b\" /* padZero */])(hours));\n }\n\n if (format.indexOf('mm') === -1) {\n seconds += minutes * 60;\n } else {\n format = format.replace('mm', Object(string[\"b\" /* padZero */])(minutes));\n }\n\n if (format.indexOf('ss') === -1) {\n milliseconds += seconds * 1000;\n } else {\n format = format.replace('ss', Object(string[\"b\" /* padZero */])(seconds));\n }\n\n if (format.indexOf('S') !== -1) {\n var ms = Object(string[\"b\" /* padZero */])(milliseconds, 3);\n\n if (format.indexOf('SSS') !== -1) {\n format = format.replace('SSS', ms);\n } else if (format.indexOf('SS') !== -1) {\n format = format.replace('SS', ms.slice(0, 2));\n } else {\n format = format.replace('S', ms.charAt(0));\n }\n }\n\n return format;\n}\nfunction isSameSecond(time1, time2) {\n return Math.floor(time1 / 1000) === Math.floor(time2 / 1000);\n}\n// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/vant/es/count-down/index.js\n\n\n\n\nvar count_down__createNamespace = Object(utils[\"b\" /* createNamespace */])('count-down'),\n count_down_createComponent = count_down__createNamespace[0],\n count_down_bem = count_down__createNamespace[1];\n\n/* harmony default export */ var count_down = (count_down_createComponent({\n props: {\n millisecond: Boolean,\n time: {\n type: [Number, String],\n default: 0\n },\n format: {\n type: String,\n default: 'HH:mm:ss'\n },\n autoStart: {\n type: Boolean,\n default: true\n }\n },\n data: function data() {\n return {\n remain: 0\n };\n },\n computed: {\n timeData: function timeData() {\n return parseTimeData(this.remain);\n },\n formattedTime: function formattedTime() {\n return parseFormat(this.format, this.timeData);\n }\n },\n watch: {\n time: {\n immediate: true,\n handler: 'reset'\n }\n },\n activated: function activated() {\n if (this.keepAlivePaused) {\n this.counting = true;\n this.keepAlivePaused = false;\n this.tick();\n }\n },\n deactivated: function deactivated() {\n if (this.counting) {\n this.pause();\n this.keepAlivePaused = true;\n }\n },\n beforeDestroy: function beforeDestroy() {\n this.pause();\n },\n methods: {\n // @exposed-api\n start: function start() {\n if (this.counting) {\n return;\n }\n\n this.counting = true;\n this.endTime = Date.now() + this.remain;\n this.tick();\n },\n // @exposed-api\n pause: function pause() {\n this.counting = false;\n Object(raf[\"a\" /* cancelRaf */])(this.rafId);\n },\n // @exposed-api\n reset: function reset() {\n this.pause();\n this.remain = +this.time;\n\n if (this.autoStart) {\n this.start();\n }\n },\n tick: function tick() {\n if (this.millisecond) {\n this.microTick();\n } else {\n this.macroTick();\n }\n },\n microTick: function microTick() {\n var _this = this;\n\n this.rafId = Object(raf[\"c\" /* raf */])(function () {\n /* istanbul ignore if */\n // in case of call reset immediately after finish\n if (!_this.counting) {\n return;\n }\n\n _this.setRemain(_this.getRemain());\n\n if (_this.remain > 0) {\n _this.microTick();\n }\n });\n },\n macroTick: function macroTick() {\n var _this2 = this;\n\n this.rafId = Object(raf[\"c\" /* raf */])(function () {\n /* istanbul ignore if */\n // in case of call reset immediately after finish\n if (!_this2.counting) {\n return;\n }\n\n var remain = _this2.getRemain();\n\n if (!isSameSecond(remain, _this2.remain) || remain === 0) {\n _this2.setRemain(remain);\n }\n\n if (_this2.remain > 0) {\n _this2.macroTick();\n }\n });\n },\n getRemain: function getRemain() {\n return Math.max(this.endTime - Date.now(), 0);\n },\n setRemain: function setRemain(remain) {\n this.remain = remain;\n this.$emit('change', this.timeData);\n\n if (remain === 0) {\n this.pause();\n this.$emit('finish');\n }\n }\n },\n render: function render() {\n var h = arguments[0];\n return h(\"div\", {\n \"class\": count_down_bem()\n }, [this.slots('default', this.timeData) || this.formattedTime]);\n }\n}));\n// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/vant/es/coupon/index.js\n\n\n\n\n\nvar coupon__createNamespace = Object(utils[\"b\" /* createNamespace */])('coupon'),\n coupon_createComponent = coupon__createNamespace[0],\n coupon_bem = coupon__createNamespace[1],\n coupon_t = coupon__createNamespace[2];\n\nfunction getDate(timeStamp) {\n var date = new Date(timeStamp * 1000);\n return date.getFullYear() + \".\" + Object(string[\"b\" /* padZero */])(date.getMonth() + 1) + \".\" + Object(string[\"b\" /* padZero */])(date.getDate());\n}\n\nfunction formatDiscount(discount) {\n return (discount / 10).toFixed(discount % 10 === 0 ? 0 : 1);\n}\n\nfunction formatAmount(amount) {\n return (amount / 100).toFixed(amount % 100 === 0 ? 0 : amount % 10 === 0 ? 1 : 2);\n}\n\n/* harmony default export */ var es_coupon = (coupon_createComponent({\n props: {\n coupon: Object,\n chosen: Boolean,\n disabled: Boolean,\n currency: {\n type: String,\n default: '¥'\n }\n },\n computed: {\n validPeriod: function validPeriod() {\n var _this$coupon = this.coupon,\n startAt = _this$coupon.startAt,\n endAt = _this$coupon.endAt;\n return getDate(startAt) + \" - \" + getDate(endAt);\n },\n faceAmount: function faceAmount() {\n var coupon = this.coupon;\n\n if (coupon.valueDesc) {\n return coupon.valueDesc + \"\" + (coupon.unitDesc || '') + \"\";\n }\n\n if (coupon.denominations) {\n var denominations = formatAmount(coupon.denominations);\n return \"\" + this.currency + \" \" + denominations;\n }\n\n if (coupon.discount) {\n return coupon_t('discount', formatDiscount(coupon.discount));\n }\n\n return '';\n },\n conditionMessage: function conditionMessage() {\n var condition = formatAmount(this.coupon.originCondition);\n return condition === '0' ? coupon_t('unlimited') : coupon_t('condition', condition);\n }\n },\n render: function render() {\n var h = arguments[0];\n var coupon = this.coupon,\n disabled = this.disabled;\n var description = disabled && coupon.reason || coupon.description;\n return h(\"div\", {\n \"class\": coupon_bem({\n disabled: disabled\n })\n }, [h(\"div\", {\n \"class\": coupon_bem('content')\n }, [h(\"div\", {\n \"class\": coupon_bem('head')\n }, [h(\"h2\", {\n \"class\": coupon_bem('amount'),\n \"domProps\": {\n \"innerHTML\": this.faceAmount\n }\n }), h(\"p\", {\n \"class\": coupon_bem('condition')\n }, [this.coupon.condition || this.conditionMessage])]), h(\"div\", {\n \"class\": coupon_bem('body')\n }, [h(\"p\", {\n \"class\": coupon_bem('name')\n }, [coupon.name]), h(\"p\", {\n \"class\": coupon_bem('valid')\n }, [this.validPeriod]), !this.disabled && h(es_checkbox, {\n \"attrs\": {\n \"size\": 18,\n \"value\": this.chosen,\n \"checkedColor\": RED\n },\n \"class\": coupon_bem('corner')\n })])]), description && h(\"p\", {\n \"class\": coupon_bem('description')\n }, [description])]);\n }\n}));\n// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/vant/es/coupon-cell/index.js\n\n// Utils\n\n // Components\n\n // Types\n\nvar coupon_cell__createNamespace = Object(utils[\"b\" /* createNamespace */])('coupon-cell'),\n coupon_cell_createComponent = coupon_cell__createNamespace[0],\n coupon_cell_bem = coupon_cell__createNamespace[1],\n coupon_cell_t = coupon_cell__createNamespace[2];\n\nfunction coupon_cell_formatValue(props) {\n var coupons = props.coupons,\n chosenCoupon = props.chosenCoupon,\n currency = props.currency;\n var coupon = coupons[+chosenCoupon];\n\n if (coupon) {\n var value = coupon.value || coupon.denominations || 0;\n return \"-\" + currency + (value / 100).toFixed(2);\n }\n\n return coupons.length === 0 ? coupon_cell_t('tips') : coupon_cell_t('count', coupons.length);\n}\n\nfunction CouponCell(h, props, slots, ctx) {\n var valueClass = props.coupons[+props.chosenCoupon] ? 'van-coupon-cell--selected' : '';\n var value = coupon_cell_formatValue(props);\n return h(cell, helper_default()([{\n \"class\": coupon_cell_bem(),\n \"attrs\": {\n \"value\": value,\n \"title\": props.title || coupon_cell_t('title'),\n \"border\": props.border,\n \"isLink\": props.editable,\n \"valueClass\": valueClass\n }\n }, inherit(ctx, true)]));\n}\n\nCouponCell.model = {\n prop: 'chosenCoupon'\n};\nCouponCell.props = {\n title: String,\n coupons: {\n type: Array,\n default: function _default() {\n return [];\n }\n },\n currency: {\n type: String,\n default: '¥'\n },\n border: {\n type: Boolean,\n default: true\n },\n editable: {\n type: Boolean,\n default: true\n },\n chosenCoupon: {\n type: [Number, String],\n default: -1\n }\n};\n/* harmony default export */ var coupon_cell = (coupon_cell_createComponent(CouponCell));\n// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/vant/es/tab/index.js\n\n\n\n\n\nvar tab__createNamespace = Object(utils[\"b\" /* createNamespace */])('tab'),\n tab_createComponent = tab__createNamespace[0],\n tab_bem = tab__createNamespace[1];\n\n/* harmony default export */ var tab = (tab_createComponent({\n mixins: [ChildrenMixin('vanTabs')],\n props: _extends({}, routeProps, {\n dot: Boolean,\n name: [Number, String],\n info: [Number, String],\n badge: [Number, String],\n title: String,\n titleStyle: null,\n disabled: Boolean\n }),\n data: function data() {\n return {\n inited: false\n };\n },\n computed: {\n computedName: function computedName() {\n return Object(utils[\"e\" /* isDef */])(this.name) ? this.name : this.index;\n },\n isActive: function isActive() {\n var active = this.computedName === this.parent.currentName;\n\n if (active) {\n this.inited = true;\n }\n\n return active;\n }\n },\n watch: {\n title: function title() {\n this.parent.setLine();\n },\n inited: function inited(val) {\n var _this = this;\n\n if (this.parent.lazyRender && val) {\n this.$nextTick(function () {\n _this.parent.$emit('rendered', _this.computedName, _this.title);\n });\n }\n }\n },\n render: function render(h) {\n var slots = this.slots,\n parent = this.parent,\n isActive = this.isActive;\n var shouldRender = this.inited || parent.scrollspy || !parent.lazyRender;\n var show = parent.scrollspy || isActive;\n var Content = shouldRender ? slots() : h();\n\n if (parent.animated) {\n return h(\"div\", {\n \"attrs\": {\n \"role\": \"tabpanel\",\n \"aria-hidden\": !isActive\n },\n \"class\": tab_bem('pane-wrapper', {\n inactive: !isActive\n })\n }, [h(\"div\", {\n \"class\": tab_bem('pane')\n }, [Content])]);\n }\n\n return h(\"div\", {\n \"directives\": [{\n name: \"show\",\n value: show\n }],\n \"attrs\": {\n \"role\": \"tabpanel\"\n },\n \"class\": tab_bem('pane')\n }, [Content]);\n }\n}));\n// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/vant/es/tabs/utils.js\n\n\nvar scrollLeftRafId;\nfunction scrollLeftTo(scroller, to, duration) {\n Object(raf[\"a\" /* cancelRaf */])(scrollLeftRafId);\n var count = 0;\n var from = scroller.scrollLeft;\n var frames = duration === 0 ? 1 : Math.round(duration * 1000 / 16);\n\n function animate() {\n scroller.scrollLeft += (to - from) / frames;\n\n if (++count < frames) {\n scrollLeftRafId = Object(raf[\"c\" /* raf */])(animate);\n }\n }\n\n animate();\n}\nfunction scrollTopTo(scroller, to, duration, callback) {\n var current = getScrollTop(scroller);\n var isDown = current < to;\n var frames = duration === 0 ? 1 : Math.round(duration * 1000 / 16);\n var step = (to - current) / frames;\n\n function animate() {\n current += step;\n\n if (isDown && current > to || !isDown && current < to) {\n current = to;\n }\n\n setScrollTop(scroller, current);\n\n if (isDown && current < to || !isDown && current > to) {\n Object(raf[\"c\" /* raf */])(animate);\n } else if (callback) {\n Object(raf[\"c\" /* raf */])(callback);\n }\n }\n\n animate();\n}\n// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/vant/es/utils/dom/style.js\nfunction isHidden(el) {\n var style = window.getComputedStyle(el);\n var hidden = style.display === 'none'; // offsetParent returns null in the following situations:\n // 1. The element or its parent element has the display property set to none.\n // 2. The element has the position property set to fixed\n\n var parentHidden = el.offsetParent === null && style.position !== 'fixed';\n return hidden || parentHidden;\n}\n// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/vant/es/tabs/Title.js\n\n\n\nvar Title__createNamespace = Object(utils[\"b\" /* createNamespace */])('tab'),\n Title_createComponent = Title__createNamespace[0],\n Title_bem = Title__createNamespace[1];\n\n/* harmony default export */ var tabs_Title = (Title_createComponent({\n props: {\n dot: Boolean,\n type: String,\n info: [Number, String],\n color: String,\n title: String,\n isActive: Boolean,\n ellipsis: Boolean,\n disabled: Boolean,\n scrollable: Boolean,\n activeColor: String,\n inactiveColor: String,\n swipeThreshold: [Number, String]\n },\n computed: {\n style: function style() {\n var style = {};\n var color = this.color,\n isActive = this.isActive;\n var isCard = this.type === 'card'; // card theme color\n\n if (color && isCard) {\n style.borderColor = color;\n\n if (!this.disabled) {\n if (isActive) {\n style.backgroundColor = color;\n } else {\n style.color = color;\n }\n }\n }\n\n var titleColor = isActive ? this.activeColor : this.inactiveColor;\n\n if (titleColor) {\n style.color = titleColor;\n }\n\n if (this.scrollable && this.ellipsis) {\n style.flexBasis = 88 / this.swipeThreshold + \"%\";\n }\n\n return style;\n }\n },\n methods: {\n onClick: function onClick() {\n this.$emit('click');\n },\n genText: function genText() {\n var h = this.$createElement;\n var Text = h(\"span\", {\n \"class\": Title_bem('text', {\n ellipsis: this.ellipsis\n })\n }, [this.slots() || this.title]);\n\n if (this.dot || Object(utils[\"e\" /* isDef */])(this.info) && this.info !== '') {\n return h(\"span\", {\n \"class\": Title_bem('text-wrapper')\n }, [Text, h(es_info, {\n \"attrs\": {\n \"dot\": this.dot,\n \"info\": this.info\n }\n })]);\n }\n\n return Text;\n }\n },\n render: function render() {\n var h = arguments[0];\n return h(\"div\", {\n \"attrs\": {\n \"role\": \"tab\",\n \"aria-selected\": this.isActive\n },\n \"class\": [Title_bem({\n active: this.isActive,\n disabled: this.disabled,\n complete: !this.ellipsis\n })],\n \"style\": this.style,\n \"on\": {\n \"click\": this.onClick\n }\n }, [this.genText()]);\n }\n}));\n// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/vant/es/sticky/index.js\n\n\n\n\n\n\nvar sticky__createNamespace = Object(utils[\"b\" /* createNamespace */])('sticky'),\n sticky_createComponent = sticky__createNamespace[0],\n sticky_bem = sticky__createNamespace[1];\n\n/* harmony default export */ var es_sticky = (sticky_createComponent({\n mixins: [BindEventMixin(function (bind, isBind) {\n if (!this.scroller) {\n this.scroller = getScroller(this.$el);\n }\n\n if (this.observer) {\n var method = isBind ? 'observe' : 'unobserve';\n this.observer[method](this.$el);\n }\n\n bind(this.scroller, 'scroll', this.onScroll, true);\n this.onScroll();\n })],\n props: {\n zIndex: [Number, String],\n container: null,\n offsetTop: {\n type: [Number, String],\n default: 0\n }\n },\n data: function data() {\n return {\n fixed: false,\n height: 0,\n transform: 0\n };\n },\n computed: {\n offsetTopPx: function offsetTopPx() {\n return Object(unit[\"b\" /* unitToPx */])(this.offsetTop);\n },\n style: function style() {\n if (!this.fixed) {\n return;\n }\n\n var style = {};\n\n if (Object(utils[\"e\" /* isDef */])(this.zIndex)) {\n style.zIndex = this.zIndex;\n }\n\n if (this.offsetTopPx && this.fixed) {\n style.top = this.offsetTopPx + \"px\";\n }\n\n if (this.transform) {\n style.transform = \"translate3d(0, \" + this.transform + \"px, 0)\";\n }\n\n return style;\n }\n },\n created: function created() {\n var _this = this;\n\n // compatibility: https://caniuse.com/#feat=intersectionobserver\n if (!utils[\"i\" /* isServer */] && window.IntersectionObserver) {\n this.observer = new IntersectionObserver(function (entries) {\n // trigger scroll when visibility changed\n if (entries[0].intersectionRatio > 0) {\n _this.onScroll();\n }\n }, {\n root: document.body\n });\n }\n },\n methods: {\n onScroll: function onScroll() {\n var _this2 = this;\n\n if (isHidden(this.$el)) {\n return;\n }\n\n this.height = this.$el.offsetHeight;\n var container = this.container,\n offsetTopPx = this.offsetTopPx;\n var scrollTop = getScrollTop(window);\n var topToPageTop = scroll_getElementTop(this.$el);\n\n var emitScrollEvent = function emitScrollEvent() {\n _this2.$emit('scroll', {\n scrollTop: scrollTop,\n isFixed: _this2.fixed\n });\n }; // The sticky component should be kept inside the container element\n\n\n if (container) {\n var bottomToPageTop = topToPageTop + container.offsetHeight;\n\n if (scrollTop + offsetTopPx + this.height > bottomToPageTop) {\n var distanceToBottom = this.height + scrollTop - bottomToPageTop;\n\n if (distanceToBottom < this.height) {\n this.fixed = true;\n this.transform = -(distanceToBottom + offsetTopPx);\n } else {\n this.fixed = false;\n }\n\n emitScrollEvent();\n return;\n }\n }\n\n if (scrollTop + offsetTopPx > topToPageTop) {\n this.fixed = true;\n this.transform = 0;\n } else {\n this.fixed = false;\n }\n\n emitScrollEvent();\n }\n },\n render: function render() {\n var h = arguments[0];\n var fixed = this.fixed;\n var style = {\n height: fixed ? this.height + \"px\" : null\n };\n return h(\"div\", {\n \"style\": style\n }, [h(\"div\", {\n \"class\": sticky_bem({\n fixed: fixed\n }),\n \"style\": this.style\n }, [this.slots()])]);\n }\n}));\n// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/vant/es/tabs/Content.js\n\n\n\n\nvar Content__createNamespace = Object(utils[\"b\" /* createNamespace */])('tabs'),\n Content_createComponent = Content__createNamespace[0],\n Content_bem = Content__createNamespace[1];\n\nvar MIN_SWIPE_DISTANCE = 50;\n/* harmony default export */ var tabs_Content = (Content_createComponent({\n mixins: [TouchMixin],\n props: {\n count: Number,\n duration: [Number, String],\n animated: Boolean,\n swipeable: Boolean,\n currentIndex: Number\n },\n computed: {\n style: function style() {\n if (this.animated) {\n return {\n transform: \"translate3d(\" + -1 * this.currentIndex * 100 + \"%, 0, 0)\",\n transitionDuration: this.duration + \"s\"\n };\n }\n },\n listeners: function listeners() {\n if (this.swipeable) {\n return {\n touchstart: this.touchStart,\n touchmove: this.touchMove,\n touchend: this.onTouchEnd,\n touchcancel: this.onTouchEnd\n };\n }\n }\n },\n methods: {\n // watch swipe touch end\n onTouchEnd: function onTouchEnd() {\n var direction = this.direction,\n deltaX = this.deltaX,\n currentIndex = this.currentIndex;\n /* istanbul ignore else */\n\n if (direction === 'horizontal' && this.offsetX >= MIN_SWIPE_DISTANCE) {\n /* istanbul ignore else */\n if (deltaX > 0 && currentIndex !== 0) {\n this.$emit('change', currentIndex - 1);\n } else if (deltaX < 0 && currentIndex !== this.count - 1) {\n this.$emit('change', currentIndex + 1);\n }\n }\n },\n genChildren: function genChildren() {\n var h = this.$createElement;\n\n if (this.animated) {\n return h(\"div\", {\n \"class\": Content_bem('track'),\n \"style\": this.style\n }, [this.slots()]);\n }\n\n return this.slots();\n }\n },\n render: function render() {\n var h = arguments[0];\n return h(\"div\", {\n \"class\": Content_bem('content', {\n animated: this.animated\n }),\n \"on\": _extends({}, this.listeners)\n }, [this.genChildren()]);\n }\n}));\n// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/vant/es/tabs/index.js\n// Utils\n\n\n\n\n\n\n // Mixins\n\n\n // Components\n\n\n\n\n\nvar tabs__createNamespace = Object(utils[\"b\" /* createNamespace */])('tabs'),\n tabs_createComponent = tabs__createNamespace[0],\n tabs_bem = tabs__createNamespace[1];\n\n/* harmony default export */ var tabs = (tabs_createComponent({\n mixins: [ParentMixin('vanTabs'), BindEventMixin(function (bind) {\n if (!this.scroller) {\n this.scroller = getScroller(this.$el);\n }\n\n bind(window, 'resize', this.resize, true);\n\n if (this.scrollspy) {\n bind(this.scroller, 'scroll', this.onScroll, true);\n }\n })],\n model: {\n prop: 'active'\n },\n props: {\n color: String,\n sticky: Boolean,\n animated: Boolean,\n swipeable: Boolean,\n scrollspy: Boolean,\n background: String,\n lineWidth: [Number, String],\n lineHeight: [Number, String],\n titleActiveColor: String,\n titleInactiveColor: String,\n type: {\n type: String,\n default: 'line'\n },\n active: {\n type: [Number, String],\n default: 0\n },\n border: {\n type: Boolean,\n default: true\n },\n ellipsis: {\n type: Boolean,\n default: true\n },\n duration: {\n type: [Number, String],\n default: 0.3\n },\n offsetTop: {\n type: [Number, String],\n default: 0\n },\n lazyRender: {\n type: Boolean,\n default: true\n },\n swipeThreshold: {\n type: [Number, String],\n default: 4\n }\n },\n data: function data() {\n return {\n position: '',\n currentIndex: null,\n lineStyle: {\n backgroundColor: this.color\n }\n };\n },\n computed: {\n // whether the nav is scrollable\n scrollable: function scrollable() {\n return this.children.length > this.swipeThreshold || !this.ellipsis;\n },\n navStyle: function navStyle() {\n return {\n borderColor: this.color,\n background: this.background\n };\n },\n currentName: function currentName() {\n var activeTab = this.children[this.currentIndex];\n\n if (activeTab) {\n return activeTab.computedName;\n }\n },\n scrollOffset: function scrollOffset() {\n if (this.sticky) {\n return +this.offsetTop + this.tabHeight;\n }\n\n return 0;\n }\n },\n watch: {\n color: 'setLine',\n active: function active(name) {\n if (name !== this.currentName) {\n this.setCurrentIndexByName(name);\n }\n },\n children: function children() {\n var _this = this;\n\n this.setCurrentIndexByName(this.currentName || this.active);\n this.setLine();\n this.$nextTick(function () {\n _this.scrollIntoView(true);\n });\n },\n currentIndex: function currentIndex() {\n this.scrollIntoView();\n this.setLine(); // scroll to correct position\n\n if (this.stickyFixed && !this.scrollspy) {\n setRootScrollTop(Math.ceil(scroll_getElementTop(this.$el) - this.offsetTop));\n }\n },\n scrollspy: function scrollspy(val) {\n if (val) {\n event_on(this.scroller, 'scroll', this.onScroll, true);\n } else {\n off(this.scroller, 'scroll', this.onScroll);\n }\n }\n },\n mounted: function mounted() {\n this.init();\n },\n activated: function activated() {\n this.init();\n this.setLine();\n },\n methods: {\n // @exposed-api\n resize: function resize() {\n this.setLine();\n },\n init: function init() {\n var _this2 = this;\n\n this.$nextTick(function () {\n _this2.inited = true;\n _this2.tabHeight = getVisibleHeight(_this2.$refs.wrap);\n\n _this2.scrollIntoView(true);\n });\n },\n // update nav bar style\n setLine: function setLine() {\n var _this3 = this;\n\n var shouldAnimate = this.inited;\n this.$nextTick(function () {\n var titles = _this3.$refs.titles;\n\n if (!titles || !titles[_this3.currentIndex] || _this3.type !== 'line' || isHidden(_this3.$el)) {\n return;\n }\n\n var title = titles[_this3.currentIndex].$el;\n var lineWidth = _this3.lineWidth,\n lineHeight = _this3.lineHeight;\n var width = Object(utils[\"e\" /* isDef */])(lineWidth) ? lineWidth : title.offsetWidth / 2;\n var left = title.offsetLeft + title.offsetWidth / 2;\n var lineStyle = {\n width: Object(utils[\"a\" /* addUnit */])(width),\n backgroundColor: _this3.color,\n transform: \"translateX(\" + left + \"px) translateX(-50%)\"\n };\n\n if (shouldAnimate) {\n lineStyle.transitionDuration = _this3.duration + \"s\";\n }\n\n if (Object(utils[\"e\" /* isDef */])(lineHeight)) {\n var height = Object(utils[\"a\" /* addUnit */])(lineHeight);\n lineStyle.height = height;\n lineStyle.borderRadius = height;\n }\n\n _this3.lineStyle = lineStyle;\n });\n },\n // correct the index of active tab\n setCurrentIndexByName: function setCurrentIndexByName(name) {\n var matched = this.children.filter(function (tab) {\n return tab.computedName === name;\n });\n var defaultIndex = (this.children[0] || {}).index || 0;\n this.setCurrentIndex(matched.length ? matched[0].index : defaultIndex);\n },\n setCurrentIndex: function setCurrentIndex(currentIndex) {\n currentIndex = this.findAvailableTab(currentIndex);\n\n if (Object(utils[\"e\" /* isDef */])(currentIndex) && currentIndex !== this.currentIndex) {\n var shouldEmitChange = this.currentIndex !== null;\n this.currentIndex = currentIndex;\n this.$emit('input', this.currentName);\n\n if (shouldEmitChange) {\n this.$emit('change', this.currentName, this.children[currentIndex].title);\n }\n }\n },\n findAvailableTab: function findAvailableTab(index) {\n var diff = index < this.currentIndex ? -1 : 1;\n\n while (index >= 0 && index < this.children.length) {\n if (!this.children[index].disabled) {\n return index;\n }\n\n index += diff;\n }\n },\n // emit event when clicked\n onClick: function onClick(item, index) {\n var _this$children$index = this.children[index],\n title = _this$children$index.title,\n disabled = _this$children$index.disabled,\n computedName = _this$children$index.computedName;\n\n if (disabled) {\n this.$emit('disabled', computedName, title);\n } else {\n this.setCurrentIndex(index);\n this.scrollToCurrentContent();\n this.$emit('click', computedName, title);\n route(item.$router, item);\n }\n },\n // scroll active tab into view\n scrollIntoView: function scrollIntoView(immediate) {\n var titles = this.$refs.titles;\n\n if (!this.scrollable || !titles || !titles[this.currentIndex]) {\n return;\n }\n\n var nav = this.$refs.nav;\n var title = titles[this.currentIndex].$el;\n var to = title.offsetLeft - (nav.offsetWidth - title.offsetWidth) / 2;\n scrollLeftTo(nav, to, immediate ? 0 : +this.duration);\n },\n onSticktScroll: function onSticktScroll(params) {\n this.stickyFixed = params.isFixed;\n this.$emit('scroll', params);\n },\n scrollToCurrentContent: function scrollToCurrentContent() {\n var _this4 = this;\n\n if (this.scrollspy) {\n var target = this.children[this.currentIndex];\n var el = target == null ? void 0 : target.$el;\n\n if (el) {\n var to = scroll_getElementTop(el, this.scroller) - this.scrollOffset;\n this.lockScroll = true;\n scrollTopTo(this.scroller, to, +this.duration, function () {\n _this4.lockScroll = false;\n });\n }\n }\n },\n onScroll: function onScroll() {\n if (this.scrollspy && !this.lockScroll) {\n var index = this.getCurrentIndexOnScroll();\n this.setCurrentIndex(index);\n }\n },\n getCurrentIndexOnScroll: function getCurrentIndexOnScroll() {\n var children = this.children;\n\n for (var index = 0; index < children.length; index++) {\n var top = getVisibleTop(children[index].$el);\n\n if (top > this.scrollOffset) {\n return index === 0 ? 0 : index - 1;\n }\n }\n\n return children.length - 1;\n }\n },\n render: function render() {\n var _this5 = this,\n _ref;\n\n var h = arguments[0];\n var type = this.type,\n ellipsis = this.ellipsis,\n animated = this.animated,\n scrollable = this.scrollable;\n var Nav = this.children.map(function (item, index) {\n return h(tabs_Title, {\n \"ref\": \"titles\",\n \"refInFor\": true,\n \"attrs\": {\n \"type\": type,\n \"dot\": item.dot,\n \"info\": Object(utils[\"e\" /* isDef */])(item.badge) ? item.badge : item.info,\n \"title\": item.title,\n \"color\": _this5.color,\n \"isActive\": index === _this5.currentIndex,\n \"ellipsis\": ellipsis,\n \"disabled\": item.disabled,\n \"scrollable\": scrollable,\n \"activeColor\": _this5.titleActiveColor,\n \"inactiveColor\": _this5.titleInactiveColor,\n \"swipeThreshold\": _this5.swipeThreshold\n },\n \"style\": item.titleStyle,\n \"scopedSlots\": {\n default: function _default() {\n return item.slots('title');\n }\n },\n \"on\": {\n \"click\": function click() {\n _this5.onClick(item, index);\n }\n }\n });\n });\n var Wrap = h(\"div\", {\n \"ref\": \"wrap\",\n \"class\": [tabs_bem('wrap', {\n scrollable: scrollable\n }), (_ref = {}, _ref[BORDER_TOP_BOTTOM] = type === 'line' && this.border, _ref)]\n }, [h(\"div\", {\n \"ref\": \"nav\",\n \"attrs\": {\n \"role\": \"tablist\"\n },\n \"class\": tabs_bem('nav', [type]),\n \"style\": this.navStyle\n }, [this.slots('nav-left'), Nav, type === 'line' && h(\"div\", {\n \"class\": tabs_bem('line'),\n \"style\": this.lineStyle\n }), this.slots('nav-right')])]);\n return h(\"div\", {\n \"class\": tabs_bem([type])\n }, [this.sticky ? h(es_sticky, {\n \"attrs\": {\n \"container\": this.$el,\n \"offsetTop\": this.offsetTop\n },\n \"on\": {\n \"scroll\": this.onSticktScroll\n }\n }, [Wrap]) : Wrap, h(tabs_Content, {\n \"attrs\": {\n \"count\": this.children.length,\n \"animated\": animated,\n \"duration\": this.duration,\n \"swipeable\": this.swipeable,\n \"currentIndex\": this.currentIndex\n },\n \"on\": {\n \"change\": this.setCurrentIndex\n }\n }, [this.slots()])]);\n }\n}));\n// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/vant/es/coupon-list/index.js\n// Utils\n // Components\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nvar coupon_list__createNamespace = Object(utils[\"b\" /* createNamespace */])('coupon-list'),\n coupon_list_createComponent = coupon_list__createNamespace[0],\n coupon_list_bem = coupon_list__createNamespace[1],\n coupon_list_t = coupon_list__createNamespace[2];\n\nvar EMPTY_IMAGE = 'https://img.yzcdn.cn/vant/coupon-empty.png';\n/* harmony default export */ var coupon_list = (coupon_list_createComponent({\n model: {\n prop: 'code'\n },\n props: {\n code: String,\n closeButtonText: String,\n inputPlaceholder: String,\n enabledTitle: String,\n disabledTitle: String,\n exchangeButtonText: String,\n exchangeButtonLoading: Boolean,\n exchangeButtonDisabled: Boolean,\n exchangeMinLength: {\n type: Number,\n default: 1\n },\n chosenCoupon: {\n type: Number,\n default: -1\n },\n coupons: {\n type: Array,\n default: function _default() {\n return [];\n }\n },\n disabledCoupons: {\n type: Array,\n default: function _default() {\n return [];\n }\n },\n displayedCouponIndex: {\n type: Number,\n default: -1\n },\n showExchangeBar: {\n type: Boolean,\n default: true\n },\n showCloseButton: {\n type: Boolean,\n default: true\n },\n showCount: {\n type: Boolean,\n default: true\n },\n currency: {\n type: String,\n default: '¥'\n },\n emptyImage: {\n type: String,\n default: EMPTY_IMAGE\n }\n },\n data: function data() {\n return {\n tab: 0,\n winHeight: window.innerHeight,\n currentCode: this.code || ''\n };\n },\n computed: {\n buttonDisabled: function buttonDisabled() {\n return !this.exchangeButtonLoading && (this.exchangeButtonDisabled || !this.currentCode || this.currentCode.length < this.exchangeMinLength);\n },\n listStyle: function listStyle() {\n return {\n height: this.winHeight - (this.showExchangeBar ? 140 : 94) + 'px'\n };\n }\n },\n watch: {\n code: function code(_code) {\n this.currentCode = _code;\n },\n currentCode: function currentCode(code) {\n this.$emit('input', code);\n },\n displayedCouponIndex: 'scrollToShowCoupon'\n },\n mounted: function mounted() {\n this.scrollToShowCoupon(this.displayedCouponIndex);\n },\n methods: {\n onClickExchangeButton: function onClickExchangeButton() {\n this.$emit('exchange', this.currentCode); // auto clear currentCode when not use vModel\n\n if (!this.code) {\n this.currentCode = '';\n }\n },\n // scroll to show specific coupon\n scrollToShowCoupon: function scrollToShowCoupon(index) {\n var _this = this;\n\n if (index === -1) {\n return;\n }\n\n this.$nextTick(function () {\n var _this$$refs = _this.$refs,\n card = _this$$refs.card,\n list = _this$$refs.list;\n /* istanbul ignore next */\n\n if (list && card && card[index]) {\n list.scrollTop = card[index].$el.offsetTop - 100;\n }\n });\n },\n genEmpty: function genEmpty() {\n var h = this.$createElement;\n return h(\"div\", {\n \"class\": coupon_list_bem('empty')\n }, [h(\"img\", {\n \"attrs\": {\n \"src\": this.emptyImage\n }\n }), h(\"p\", [coupon_list_t('empty')])]);\n },\n genExchangeButton: function genExchangeButton() {\n var h = this.$createElement;\n return h(es_button, {\n \"attrs\": {\n \"plain\": true,\n \"type\": \"danger\",\n \"text\": this.exchangeButtonText || coupon_list_t('exchange'),\n \"loading\": this.exchangeButtonLoading,\n \"disabled\": this.buttonDisabled\n },\n \"class\": coupon_list_bem('exchange'),\n \"on\": {\n \"click\": this.onClickExchangeButton\n }\n });\n }\n },\n render: function render() {\n var _this2 = this;\n\n var h = arguments[0];\n var coupons = this.coupons,\n disabledCoupons = this.disabledCoupons;\n var count = this.showCount ? \" (\" + coupons.length + \")\" : '';\n var title = (this.enabledTitle || coupon_list_t('enable')) + count;\n var disabledCount = this.showCount ? \" (\" + disabledCoupons.length + \")\" : '';\n var disabledTitle = (this.disabledTitle || coupon_list_t('disabled')) + disabledCount;\n var ExchangeBar = this.showExchangeBar && h(\"div\", {\n \"class\": coupon_list_bem('exchange-bar')\n }, [h(es_field, {\n \"attrs\": {\n \"clearable\": true,\n \"border\": false,\n \"placeholder\": this.inputPlaceholder || coupon_list_t('placeholder'),\n \"maxlength\": \"20\"\n },\n \"class\": coupon_list_bem('field'),\n \"model\": {\n value: _this2.currentCode,\n callback: function callback($$v) {\n _this2.currentCode = $$v;\n }\n }\n }), this.genExchangeButton()]);\n\n var onChange = function onChange(index) {\n return function () {\n return _this2.$emit('change', index);\n };\n };\n\n var CouponTab = h(tab, {\n \"attrs\": {\n \"title\": title\n }\n }, [h(\"div\", {\n \"class\": coupon_list_bem('list', {\n 'with-bottom': this.showCloseButton\n }),\n \"style\": this.listStyle\n }, [coupons.map(function (coupon, index) {\n return h(es_coupon, {\n \"ref\": \"card\",\n \"key\": coupon.id,\n \"attrs\": {\n \"coupon\": coupon,\n \"currency\": _this2.currency,\n \"chosen\": index === _this2.chosenCoupon\n },\n \"nativeOn\": {\n \"click\": onChange(index)\n }\n });\n }), !coupons.length && this.genEmpty()])]);\n var DisabledCouponTab = h(tab, {\n \"attrs\": {\n \"title\": disabledTitle\n }\n }, [h(\"div\", {\n \"class\": coupon_list_bem('list', {\n 'with-bottom': this.showCloseButton\n }),\n \"style\": this.listStyle\n }, [disabledCoupons.map(function (coupon) {\n return h(es_coupon, {\n \"attrs\": {\n \"disabled\": true,\n \"coupon\": coupon,\n \"currency\": _this2.currency\n },\n \"key\": coupon.id\n });\n }), !disabledCoupons.length && this.genEmpty()])]);\n return h(\"div\", {\n \"class\": coupon_list_bem()\n }, [ExchangeBar, h(tabs, {\n \"class\": coupon_list_bem('tab'),\n \"attrs\": {\n \"border\": false\n },\n \"model\": {\n value: _this2.tab,\n callback: function callback($$v) {\n _this2.tab = $$v;\n }\n }\n }, [CouponTab, DisabledCouponTab]), h(\"div\", {\n \"class\": coupon_list_bem('bottom')\n }, [h(es_button, {\n \"directives\": [{\n name: \"show\",\n value: this.showCloseButton\n }],\n \"attrs\": {\n \"round\": true,\n \"type\": \"danger\",\n \"block\": true,\n \"text\": this.closeButtonText || coupon_list_t('close')\n },\n \"class\": coupon_list_bem('close'),\n \"on\": {\n \"click\": onChange(-1)\n }\n })])]);\n }\n}));\n// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/vant/es/datetime-picker/shared.js\n\n\n\n\n\nvar sharedProps = _extends({}, pickerProps, {\n value: null,\n filter: Function,\n showToolbar: {\n type: Boolean,\n default: true\n },\n formatter: {\n type: Function,\n default: function _default(type, value) {\n return value;\n }\n },\n columnsOrder: Array\n});\nvar TimePickerMixin = {\n data: function data() {\n return {\n innerValue: this.formatValue(this.value)\n };\n },\n computed: {\n originColumns: function originColumns() {\n var _this = this;\n\n return this.ranges.map(function (_ref) {\n var type = _ref.type,\n rangeArr = _ref.range;\n var values = times(rangeArr[1] - rangeArr[0] + 1, function (index) {\n var value = Object(string[\"b\" /* padZero */])(rangeArr[0] + index);\n return value;\n });\n\n if (_this.filter) {\n values = _this.filter(type, values);\n }\n\n return {\n type: type,\n values: values\n };\n });\n },\n columns: function columns() {\n var _this2 = this;\n\n return this.originColumns.map(function (column) {\n return {\n values: column.values.map(function (value) {\n return _this2.formatter(column.type, value);\n })\n };\n });\n }\n },\n watch: {\n columns: 'updateColumnValue',\n innerValue: function innerValue(val) {\n this.$emit('input', val);\n }\n },\n mounted: function mounted() {\n var _this3 = this;\n\n this.updateColumnValue();\n this.$nextTick(function () {\n _this3.updateInnerValue();\n });\n },\n methods: {\n // @exposed-api\n getPicker: function getPicker() {\n return this.$refs.picker;\n },\n onConfirm: function onConfirm() {\n this.$emit('confirm', this.innerValue);\n },\n onCancel: function onCancel() {\n this.$emit('cancel');\n }\n },\n render: function render() {\n var _this4 = this;\n\n var h = arguments[0];\n var props = {};\n Object.keys(pickerProps).forEach(function (key) {\n props[key] = _this4[key];\n });\n return h(picker, {\n \"ref\": \"picker\",\n \"attrs\": {\n \"columns\": this.columns\n },\n \"on\": {\n \"change\": this.onChange,\n \"confirm\": this.onConfirm,\n \"cancel\": this.onCancel\n },\n \"props\": _extends({}, props)\n });\n }\n};\n// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/vant/es/datetime-picker/TimePicker.js\n\n\n\n\n\n\nvar TimePicker__createNamespace = Object(utils[\"b\" /* createNamespace */])('time-picker'),\n TimePicker_createComponent = TimePicker__createNamespace[0];\n\n/* harmony default export */ var TimePicker = (TimePicker_createComponent({\n mixins: [TimePickerMixin],\n props: _extends({}, sharedProps, {\n minHour: {\n type: [Number, String],\n default: 0\n },\n maxHour: {\n type: [Number, String],\n default: 23\n },\n minMinute: {\n type: [Number, String],\n default: 0\n },\n maxMinute: {\n type: [Number, String],\n default: 59\n }\n }),\n computed: {\n ranges: function ranges() {\n return [{\n type: 'hour',\n range: [+this.minHour, +this.maxHour]\n }, {\n type: 'minute',\n range: [+this.minMinute, +this.maxMinute]\n }];\n }\n },\n watch: {\n filter: 'updateInnerValue',\n minHour: 'updateInnerValue',\n maxHour: 'updateInnerValue',\n minMinute: 'updateInnerValue',\n maxMinute: 'updateInnerValue',\n value: function value(val) {\n val = this.formatValue(val);\n\n if (val !== this.innerValue) {\n this.innerValue = val;\n this.updateColumnValue();\n }\n }\n },\n methods: {\n formatValue: function formatValue(value) {\n if (!value) {\n value = Object(string[\"b\" /* padZero */])(this.minHour) + \":\" + Object(string[\"b\" /* padZero */])(this.minMinute);\n }\n\n var _value$split = value.split(':'),\n hour = _value$split[0],\n minute = _value$split[1];\n\n hour = Object(string[\"b\" /* padZero */])(range(hour, this.minHour, this.maxHour));\n minute = Object(string[\"b\" /* padZero */])(range(minute, this.minMinute, this.maxMinute));\n return hour + \":\" + minute;\n },\n updateInnerValue: function updateInnerValue() {\n var _this$getPicker$getIn = this.getPicker().getIndexes(),\n hourIndex = _this$getPicker$getIn[0],\n minuteIndex = _this$getPicker$getIn[1];\n\n var _this$originColumns = this.originColumns,\n hourColumn = _this$originColumns[0],\n minuteColumn = _this$originColumns[1];\n var hour = hourColumn.values[hourIndex] || hourColumn.values[0];\n var minute = minuteColumn.values[minuteIndex] || minuteColumn.values[0];\n this.innerValue = this.formatValue(hour + \":\" + minute);\n this.updateColumnValue();\n },\n onChange: function onChange(picker) {\n var _this = this;\n\n this.updateInnerValue();\n this.$nextTick(function () {\n _this.$nextTick(function () {\n _this.$emit('change', picker);\n });\n });\n },\n updateColumnValue: function updateColumnValue() {\n var _this2 = this;\n\n var formatter = this.formatter;\n var pair = this.innerValue.split(':');\n var values = [formatter('hour', pair[0]), formatter('minute', pair[1])];\n this.$nextTick(function () {\n _this2.getPicker().setValues(values);\n });\n }\n }\n}));\n// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/vant/es/datetime-picker/DatePicker.js\n\n\n\n\n\n\nvar currentYear = new Date().getFullYear();\n\nvar DatePicker__createNamespace = Object(utils[\"b\" /* createNamespace */])('date-picker'),\n DatePicker_createComponent = DatePicker__createNamespace[0];\n\n/* harmony default export */ var DatePicker = (DatePicker_createComponent({\n mixins: [TimePickerMixin],\n props: _extends({}, sharedProps, {\n type: {\n type: String,\n default: 'datetime'\n },\n minDate: {\n type: Date,\n default: function _default() {\n return new Date(currentYear - 10, 0, 1);\n },\n validator: isDate\n },\n maxDate: {\n type: Date,\n default: function _default() {\n return new Date(currentYear + 10, 11, 31);\n },\n validator: isDate\n }\n }),\n watch: {\n filter: 'updateInnerValue',\n minDate: 'updateInnerValue',\n maxDate: 'updateInnerValue',\n value: function value(val) {\n val = this.formatValue(val);\n\n if (val.valueOf() !== this.innerValue.valueOf()) {\n this.innerValue = val;\n }\n }\n },\n computed: {\n ranges: function ranges() {\n var _this$getBoundary = this.getBoundary('max', this.innerValue),\n maxYear = _this$getBoundary.maxYear,\n maxDate = _this$getBoundary.maxDate,\n maxMonth = _this$getBoundary.maxMonth,\n maxHour = _this$getBoundary.maxHour,\n maxMinute = _this$getBoundary.maxMinute;\n\n var _this$getBoundary2 = this.getBoundary('min', this.innerValue),\n minYear = _this$getBoundary2.minYear,\n minDate = _this$getBoundary2.minDate,\n minMonth = _this$getBoundary2.minMonth,\n minHour = _this$getBoundary2.minHour,\n minMinute = _this$getBoundary2.minMinute;\n\n var result = [{\n type: 'year',\n range: [minYear, maxYear]\n }, {\n type: 'month',\n range: [minMonth, maxMonth]\n }, {\n type: 'day',\n range: [minDate, maxDate]\n }, {\n type: 'hour',\n range: [minHour, maxHour]\n }, {\n type: 'minute',\n range: [minMinute, maxMinute]\n }];\n\n switch (this.type) {\n case 'date':\n result = result.slice(0, 3);\n break;\n\n case 'year-month':\n result = result.slice(0, 2);\n break;\n\n case 'month-day':\n result = result.slice(1, 3);\n break;\n\n case 'datehour':\n result = result.slice(0, 4);\n break;\n }\n\n if (this.columnsOrder) {\n var columnsOrder = this.columnsOrder.concat(result.map(function (column) {\n return column.type;\n }));\n result.sort(function (a, b) {\n return columnsOrder.indexOf(a.type) - columnsOrder.indexOf(b.type);\n });\n }\n\n return result;\n }\n },\n methods: {\n formatValue: function formatValue(value) {\n if (!isDate(value)) {\n value = this.minDate;\n }\n\n value = Math.max(value, this.minDate.getTime());\n value = Math.min(value, this.maxDate.getTime());\n return new Date(value);\n },\n getBoundary: function getBoundary(type, value) {\n var _ref;\n\n var boundary = this[type + \"Date\"];\n var year = boundary.getFullYear();\n var month = 1;\n var date = 1;\n var hour = 0;\n var minute = 0;\n\n if (type === 'max') {\n month = 12;\n date = getMonthEndDay(value.getFullYear(), value.getMonth() + 1);\n hour = 23;\n minute = 59;\n }\n\n if (value.getFullYear() === year) {\n month = boundary.getMonth() + 1;\n\n if (value.getMonth() + 1 === month) {\n date = boundary.getDate();\n\n if (value.getDate() === date) {\n hour = boundary.getHours();\n\n if (value.getHours() === hour) {\n minute = boundary.getMinutes();\n }\n }\n }\n }\n\n return _ref = {}, _ref[type + \"Year\"] = year, _ref[type + \"Month\"] = month, _ref[type + \"Date\"] = date, _ref[type + \"Hour\"] = hour, _ref[type + \"Minute\"] = minute, _ref;\n },\n updateInnerValue: function updateInnerValue() {\n var _this = this;\n\n var type = this.type;\n var indexes = this.getPicker().getIndexes();\n\n var getValue = function getValue(type) {\n var index = 0;\n\n _this.originColumns.forEach(function (column, columnIndex) {\n if (type === column.type) {\n index = columnIndex;\n }\n });\n\n var values = _this.originColumns[index].values;\n return getTrueValue(values[indexes[index]]);\n };\n\n var year;\n var month;\n var day;\n\n if (type === 'month-day') {\n year = this.innerValue.getFullYear();\n month = getValue('month');\n day = getValue('day');\n } else {\n year = getValue('year');\n month = getValue('month');\n day = type === 'year-month' ? 1 : getValue('day');\n }\n\n var maxDay = getMonthEndDay(year, month);\n day = day > maxDay ? maxDay : day;\n var hour = 0;\n var minute = 0;\n\n if (type === 'datehour') {\n hour = getValue('hour');\n }\n\n if (type === 'datetime') {\n hour = getValue('hour');\n minute = getValue('minute');\n }\n\n var value = new Date(year, month - 1, day, hour, minute);\n this.innerValue = this.formatValue(value);\n },\n onChange: function onChange(picker) {\n var _this2 = this;\n\n this.updateInnerValue();\n this.$nextTick(function () {\n _this2.$nextTick(function () {\n _this2.$emit('change', picker);\n });\n });\n },\n updateColumnValue: function updateColumnValue() {\n var _this3 = this;\n\n var value = this.innerValue;\n var formatter = this.formatter;\n var values = this.originColumns.map(function (column) {\n switch (column.type) {\n case 'year':\n return formatter('year', \"\" + value.getFullYear());\n\n case 'month':\n return formatter('month', Object(string[\"b\" /* padZero */])(value.getMonth() + 1));\n\n case 'day':\n return formatter('day', Object(string[\"b\" /* padZero */])(value.getDate()));\n\n case 'hour':\n return formatter('hour', Object(string[\"b\" /* padZero */])(value.getHours()));\n\n case 'minute':\n return formatter('minute', Object(string[\"b\" /* padZero */])(value.getMinutes()));\n\n default:\n // no default\n return null;\n }\n });\n this.$nextTick(function () {\n _this3.getPicker().setValues(values);\n });\n }\n }\n}));\n// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/vant/es/datetime-picker/index.js\n\n\n\n\n\nvar datetime_picker__createNamespace = Object(utils[\"b\" /* createNamespace */])('datetime-picker'),\n datetime_picker_createComponent = datetime_picker__createNamespace[0],\n datetime_picker_bem = datetime_picker__createNamespace[1];\n\n/* harmony default export */ var datetime_picker = (datetime_picker_createComponent({\n props: _extends({}, TimePicker.props, DatePicker.props),\n methods: {\n // @exposed-api\n getPicker: function getPicker() {\n return this.$refs.root.getPicker();\n }\n },\n render: function render() {\n var h = arguments[0];\n var Component = this.type === 'time' ? TimePicker : DatePicker;\n return h(Component, {\n \"ref\": \"root\",\n \"class\": datetime_picker_bem(),\n \"props\": _extends({}, this.$props),\n \"on\": _extends({}, this.$listeners)\n });\n }\n}));\n// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/vant/es/divider/index.js\n\n// Utils\n\n // Types\n\nvar divider__createNamespace = Object(utils[\"b\" /* createNamespace */])('divider'),\n divider_createComponent = divider__createNamespace[0],\n divider_bem = divider__createNamespace[1];\n\nfunction Divider(h, props, slots, ctx) {\n var _bem;\n\n return h(\"div\", helper_default()([{\n \"attrs\": {\n \"role\": \"separator\"\n },\n \"style\": {\n borderColor: props.borderColor\n },\n \"class\": divider_bem((_bem = {\n dashed: props.dashed,\n hairline: props.hairline\n }, _bem[\"content-\" + props.contentPosition] = slots.default, _bem))\n }, inherit(ctx, true)]), [slots.default && slots.default()]);\n}\n\nDivider.props = {\n dashed: Boolean,\n hairline: {\n type: Boolean,\n default: true\n },\n contentPosition: {\n type: String,\n default: 'center'\n }\n};\n/* harmony default export */ var divider = (divider_createComponent(Divider));\n// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/vant/es/dropdown-item/index.js\n// Utils\n\n // Mixins\n\n\n // Components\n\n\n\n\n\nvar dropdown_item__createNamespace = Object(utils[\"b\" /* createNamespace */])('dropdown-item'),\n dropdown_item_createComponent = dropdown_item__createNamespace[0],\n dropdown_item_bem = dropdown_item__createNamespace[1];\n\n/* harmony default export */ var dropdown_item = (dropdown_item_createComponent({\n mixins: [PortalMixin({\n ref: 'wrapper'\n }), ChildrenMixin('vanDropdownMenu')],\n props: {\n value: null,\n title: String,\n disabled: Boolean,\n titleClass: String,\n options: {\n type: Array,\n default: function _default() {\n return [];\n }\n },\n lazyRender: {\n type: Boolean,\n default: true\n }\n },\n data: function data() {\n return {\n transition: true,\n showPopup: false,\n showWrapper: false\n };\n },\n computed: {\n displayTitle: function displayTitle() {\n var _this = this;\n\n if (this.title) {\n return this.title;\n }\n\n var match = this.options.filter(function (option) {\n return option.value === _this.value;\n });\n return match.length ? match[0].text : '';\n }\n },\n watch: {\n showPopup: function showPopup(val) {\n this.bindScroll(val);\n }\n },\n beforeCreate: function beforeCreate() {\n var _this2 = this;\n\n var createEmitter = function createEmitter(eventName) {\n return function () {\n return _this2.$emit(eventName);\n };\n };\n\n this.onOpen = createEmitter('open');\n this.onClose = createEmitter('close');\n this.onOpened = createEmitter('opened');\n },\n methods: {\n // @exposed-api\n toggle: function toggle(show, options) {\n if (show === void 0) {\n show = !this.showPopup;\n }\n\n if (options === void 0) {\n options = {};\n }\n\n if (show === this.showPopup) {\n return;\n }\n\n this.transition = !options.immediate;\n this.showPopup = show;\n\n if (show) {\n this.parent.updateOffset();\n this.showWrapper = true;\n }\n },\n bindScroll: function bindScroll(bind) {\n var scroller = this.parent.scroller;\n var action = bind ? event_on : off;\n action(scroller, 'scroll', this.onScroll, true);\n },\n onScroll: function onScroll() {\n this.parent.updateOffset();\n },\n onClickWrapper: function onClickWrapper(event) {\n // prevent being identified as clicking outside and closed when use get-contaienr\n if (this.getContainer) {\n event.stopPropagation();\n }\n }\n },\n render: function render() {\n var _this3 = this;\n\n var h = arguments[0];\n var _this$parent = this.parent,\n zIndex = _this$parent.zIndex,\n offset = _this$parent.offset,\n overlay = _this$parent.overlay,\n duration = _this$parent.duration,\n direction = _this$parent.direction,\n activeColor = _this$parent.activeColor,\n closeOnClickOverlay = _this$parent.closeOnClickOverlay;\n var Options = this.options.map(function (option) {\n var active = option.value === _this3.value;\n return h(cell, {\n \"attrs\": {\n \"clickable\": true,\n \"icon\": option.icon,\n \"title\": option.text\n },\n \"key\": option.value,\n \"class\": dropdown_item_bem('option', {\n active: active\n }),\n \"style\": {\n color: active ? activeColor : ''\n },\n \"on\": {\n \"click\": function click() {\n _this3.showPopup = false;\n\n if (option.value !== _this3.value) {\n _this3.$emit('input', option.value);\n\n _this3.$emit('change', option.value);\n }\n }\n }\n }, [active && h(es_icon, {\n \"class\": dropdown_item_bem('icon'),\n \"attrs\": {\n \"color\": activeColor,\n \"name\": \"success\"\n }\n })]);\n });\n var style = {\n zIndex: zIndex\n };\n\n if (direction === 'down') {\n style.top = offset + \"px\";\n } else {\n style.bottom = offset + \"px\";\n }\n\n return h(\"div\", [h(\"div\", {\n \"directives\": [{\n name: \"show\",\n value: this.showWrapper\n }],\n \"ref\": \"wrapper\",\n \"style\": style,\n \"class\": dropdown_item_bem([direction]),\n \"on\": {\n \"click\": this.onClickWrapper\n }\n }, [h(popup, {\n \"attrs\": {\n \"overlay\": overlay,\n \"position\": direction === 'down' ? 'top' : 'bottom',\n \"duration\": this.transition ? duration : 0,\n \"lazyRender\": this.lazyRender,\n \"overlayStyle\": {\n position: 'absolute'\n },\n \"closeOnClickOverlay\": closeOnClickOverlay\n },\n \"class\": dropdown_item_bem('content'),\n \"on\": {\n \"open\": this.onOpen,\n \"close\": this.onClose,\n \"opened\": this.onOpened,\n \"closed\": function closed() {\n _this3.showWrapper = false;\n\n _this3.$emit('closed');\n }\n },\n \"model\": {\n value: _this3.showPopup,\n callback: function callback($$v) {\n _this3.showPopup = $$v;\n }\n }\n }, [Options, this.slots('default')])])]);\n }\n}));\n// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/vant/es/mixins/click-outside.js\n/**\n * Listen to click outside event\n */\n\nvar click_outside_ClickOutsideMixin = function ClickOutsideMixin(config) {\n return {\n props: {\n closeOnClickOutside: {\n type: Boolean,\n default: true\n }\n },\n data: function data() {\n var _this = this;\n\n var clickOutsideHandler = function clickOutsideHandler(event) {\n if (_this.closeOnClickOutside && !_this.$el.contains(event.target)) {\n _this[config.method]();\n }\n };\n\n return {\n clickOutsideHandler: clickOutsideHandler\n };\n },\n mounted: function mounted() {\n event_on(document, config.event, this.clickOutsideHandler);\n },\n beforeDestroy: function beforeDestroy() {\n off(document, config.event, this.clickOutsideHandler);\n }\n };\n};\n// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/vant/es/dropdown-menu/index.js\n// Utils\n\n // Mixins\n\n\n\n\nvar dropdown_menu__createNamespace = Object(utils[\"b\" /* createNamespace */])('dropdown-menu'),\n dropdown_menu_createComponent = dropdown_menu__createNamespace[0],\n dropdown_menu_bem = dropdown_menu__createNamespace[1];\n\n/* harmony default export */ var dropdown_menu = (dropdown_menu_createComponent({\n mixins: [ParentMixin('vanDropdownMenu'), click_outside_ClickOutsideMixin({\n event: 'click',\n method: 'onClickOutside'\n })],\n props: {\n zIndex: [Number, String],\n activeColor: String,\n overlay: {\n type: Boolean,\n default: true\n },\n duration: {\n type: [Number, String],\n default: 0.2\n },\n direction: {\n type: String,\n default: 'down'\n },\n closeOnClickOverlay: {\n type: Boolean,\n default: true\n }\n },\n data: function data() {\n return {\n offset: 0\n };\n },\n computed: {\n scroller: function scroller() {\n return getScroller(this.$el);\n },\n opened: function opened() {\n return this.children.some(function (item) {\n return item.showWrapper;\n });\n },\n barStyle: function barStyle() {\n if (this.opened && Object(utils[\"e\" /* isDef */])(this.zIndex)) {\n return {\n zIndex: 1 + this.zIndex\n };\n }\n }\n },\n methods: {\n updateOffset: function updateOffset() {\n if (!this.$refs.bar) {\n return;\n }\n\n var rect = this.$refs.bar.getBoundingClientRect();\n\n if (this.direction === 'down') {\n this.offset = rect.bottom;\n } else {\n this.offset = window.innerHeight - rect.top;\n }\n },\n toggleItem: function toggleItem(active) {\n this.children.forEach(function (item, index) {\n if (index === active) {\n item.toggle();\n } else if (item.showPopup) {\n item.toggle(false, {\n immediate: true\n });\n }\n });\n },\n onClickOutside: function onClickOutside() {\n this.children.forEach(function (item) {\n item.toggle(false);\n });\n }\n },\n render: function render() {\n var _this = this;\n\n var h = arguments[0];\n var Titles = this.children.map(function (item, index) {\n return h(\"div\", {\n \"attrs\": {\n \"role\": \"button\",\n \"tabindex\": item.disabled ? -1 : 0\n },\n \"class\": dropdown_menu_bem('item', {\n disabled: item.disabled\n }),\n \"on\": {\n \"click\": function click() {\n if (!item.disabled) {\n _this.toggleItem(index);\n }\n }\n }\n }, [h(\"span\", {\n \"class\": [dropdown_menu_bem('title', {\n active: item.showPopup,\n down: item.showPopup === (_this.direction === 'down')\n }), item.titleClass],\n \"style\": {\n color: item.showPopup ? _this.activeColor : ''\n }\n }, [h(\"div\", {\n \"class\": \"van-ellipsis\"\n }, [item.slots('title') || item.displayTitle])])]);\n });\n return h(\"div\", {\n \"class\": dropdown_menu_bem()\n }, [h(\"div\", {\n \"ref\": \"bar\",\n \"style\": this.barStyle,\n \"class\": dropdown_menu_bem('bar', {\n opened: this.opened\n })\n }, [Titles]), this.slots('default')]);\n }\n}));\n// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/vant/es/empty/Network.js\n/* harmony default export */ var Network = ({\n render: function render() {\n var h = arguments[0];\n\n var genStop = function genStop(color, offset, opacity) {\n return h(\"stop\", {\n \"attrs\": {\n \"stop-color\": color,\n \"offset\": offset + \"%\",\n \"stop-opacity\": opacity\n }\n });\n };\n\n return h(\"svg\", {\n \"attrs\": {\n \"viewBox\": \"0 0 160 160\",\n \"xmlns\": \"http://www.w3.org/2000/svg\"\n }\n }, [h(\"defs\", [h(\"linearGradient\", {\n \"attrs\": {\n \"id\": \"c\",\n \"x1\": \"64.022%\",\n \"y1\": \"100%\",\n \"x2\": \"64.022%\",\n \"y2\": \"0%\"\n }\n }, [genStop('#FFF', 0, 0.5), genStop('#F2F3F5', 100)]), h(\"linearGradient\", {\n \"attrs\": {\n \"id\": \"d\",\n \"x1\": \"64.022%\",\n \"y1\": \"96.956%\",\n \"x2\": \"64.022%\",\n \"y2\": \"0%\"\n }\n }, [genStop('#F2F3F5', 0, 0.3), genStop('#F2F3F5', 100)]), h(\"linearGradient\", {\n \"attrs\": {\n \"id\": \"h\",\n \"x1\": \"50%\",\n \"y1\": \"0%\",\n \"x2\": \"50%\",\n \"y2\": \"84.459%\"\n }\n }, [genStop('#EBEDF0', 0), genStop('#DCDEE0', 100, 0)]), h(\"linearGradient\", {\n \"attrs\": {\n \"id\": \"i\",\n \"x1\": \"100%\",\n \"y1\": \"0%\",\n \"x2\": \"100%\",\n \"y2\": \"100%\"\n }\n }, [genStop('#EAEDF0', 0), genStop('#DCDEE0', 100)]), h(\"linearGradient\", {\n \"attrs\": {\n \"id\": \"k\",\n \"x1\": \"100%\",\n \"y1\": \"100%\",\n \"x2\": \"100%\",\n \"y2\": \"0%\"\n }\n }, [genStop('#EAEDF0', 0), genStop('#DCDEE0', 100)]), h(\"linearGradient\", {\n \"attrs\": {\n \"id\": \"m\",\n \"x1\": \"0%\",\n \"y1\": \"43.982%\",\n \"x2\": \"100%\",\n \"y2\": \"54.703%\"\n }\n }, [genStop('#EAEDF0', 0), genStop('#DCDEE0', 100)]), h(\"linearGradient\", {\n \"attrs\": {\n \"id\": \"n\",\n \"x1\": \"94.535%\",\n \"y1\": \"43.837%\",\n \"x2\": \"5.465%\",\n \"y2\": \"54.948%\"\n }\n }, [genStop('#EAEDF0', 0), genStop('#DCDEE0', 100)]), h(\"radialGradient\", {\n \"attrs\": {\n \"id\": \"g\",\n \"cx\": \"50%\",\n \"cy\": \"0%\",\n \"fx\": \"50%\",\n \"fy\": \"0%\",\n \"r\": \"100%\",\n \"gradientTransform\": \"matrix(0 1 -.54835 0 .5 -.5)\"\n }\n }, [genStop('#EBEDF0', 0), genStop('#FFF', 100, 0)])]), h(\"g\", {\n \"attrs\": {\n \"fill\": \"none\",\n \"fill-rule\": \"evenodd\"\n }\n }, [h(\"g\", {\n \"attrs\": {\n \"opacity\": \".8\"\n }\n }, [h(\"path\", {\n \"attrs\": {\n \"d\": \"M0 124V46h20v20h14v58H0z\",\n \"fill\": \"url(#c)\",\n \"transform\": \"matrix(-1 0 0 1 36 7)\"\n }\n }), h(\"path\", {\n \"attrs\": {\n \"d\": \"M40.5 5a8.504 8.504 0 018.13 6.009l.12-.005L49 11a8 8 0 11-1 15.938V27H34v-.174a6.5 6.5 0 11-1.985-12.808A8.5 8.5 0 0140.5 5z\",\n \"fill\": \"url(#d)\",\n \"transform\": \"translate(2 7)\"\n }\n }), h(\"path\", {\n \"attrs\": {\n \"d\": \"M96.016 0a4.108 4.108 0 013.934 2.868l.179-.004c2.138 0 3.871 1.71 3.871 3.818 0 2.109-1.733 3.818-3.871 3.818-.164 0-.325-.01-.484-.03v.03h-6.774v-.083a3.196 3.196 0 01-.726.083C90.408 10.5 89 9.111 89 7.398c0-1.636 1.284-2.976 2.911-3.094a3.555 3.555 0 01-.008-.247c0-2.24 1.842-4.057 4.113-4.057z\",\n \"fill\": \"url(#d)\",\n \"transform\": \"translate(2 7)\"\n }\n }), h(\"path\", {\n \"attrs\": {\n \"d\": \"M121 8h22.231v14H152v77.37h-31V8z\",\n \"fill\": \"url(#c)\",\n \"transform\": \"translate(2 7)\"\n }\n })]), h(\"path\", {\n \"attrs\": {\n \"fill\": \"url(#g)\",\n \"d\": \"M0 139h160v21H0z\"\n }\n }), h(\"path\", {\n \"attrs\": {\n \"d\": \"M37 18a7 7 0 013 13.326v26.742c0 1.23-.997 2.227-2.227 2.227h-1.546A2.227 2.227 0 0134 58.068V31.326A7 7 0 0137 18z\",\n \"fill\": \"url(#h)\",\n \"fill-rule\": \"nonzero\",\n \"transform\": \"translate(43 36)\"\n }\n }), h(\"g\", {\n \"attrs\": {\n \"opacity\": \".6\",\n \"stroke-linecap\": \"round\",\n \"stroke-width\": \"7\"\n }\n }, [h(\"path\", {\n \"attrs\": {\n \"d\": \"M20.875 11.136a18.868 18.868 0 00-5.284 13.121c0 5.094 2.012 9.718 5.284 13.12\",\n \"stroke\": \"url(#i)\",\n \"transform\": \"translate(43 36)\"\n }\n }), h(\"path\", {\n \"attrs\": {\n \"d\": \"M9.849 0C3.756 6.225 0 14.747 0 24.146c0 9.398 3.756 17.92 9.849 24.145\",\n \"stroke\": \"url(#i)\",\n \"transform\": \"translate(43 36)\"\n }\n }), h(\"path\", {\n \"attrs\": {\n \"d\": \"M57.625 11.136a18.868 18.868 0 00-5.284 13.121c0 5.094 2.012 9.718 5.284 13.12\",\n \"stroke\": \"url(#k)\",\n \"transform\": \"rotate(-180 76.483 42.257)\"\n }\n }), h(\"path\", {\n \"attrs\": {\n \"d\": \"M73.216 0c-6.093 6.225-9.849 14.747-9.849 24.146 0 9.398 3.756 17.92 9.849 24.145\",\n \"stroke\": \"url(#k)\",\n \"transform\": \"rotate(-180 89.791 42.146)\"\n }\n })]), h(\"g\", {\n \"attrs\": {\n \"transform\": \"translate(31 105)\",\n \"fill-rule\": \"nonzero\"\n }\n }, [h(\"rect\", {\n \"attrs\": {\n \"fill\": \"url(#m)\",\n \"width\": \"98\",\n \"height\": \"34\",\n \"rx\": \"2\"\n }\n }), h(\"rect\", {\n \"attrs\": {\n \"fill\": \"#FFF\",\n \"x\": \"9\",\n \"y\": \"8\",\n \"width\": \"80\",\n \"height\": \"18\",\n \"rx\": \"1.114\"\n }\n }), h(\"rect\", {\n \"attrs\": {\n \"fill\": \"url(#n)\",\n \"x\": \"15\",\n \"y\": \"12\",\n \"width\": \"18\",\n \"height\": \"6\",\n \"rx\": \"1.114\"\n }\n })])])]);\n }\n});\n// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/vant/es/empty/index.js\n\n\n\nvar empty__createNamespace = Object(utils[\"b\" /* createNamespace */])('empty'),\n empty_createComponent = empty__createNamespace[0],\n empty_bem = empty__createNamespace[1];\n\nvar PRESETS = ['error', 'search', 'default'];\n/* harmony default export */ var empty = (empty_createComponent({\n props: {\n description: String,\n image: {\n type: String,\n default: 'default'\n }\n },\n methods: {\n genImageContent: function genImageContent() {\n var h = this.$createElement;\n var slots = this.slots('image');\n\n if (slots) {\n return slots;\n }\n\n if (this.image === 'network') {\n return h(Network);\n }\n\n var image = this.image;\n\n if (PRESETS.indexOf(image) !== -1) {\n image = \"https://img.yzcdn.cn/vant/empty-image-\" + image + \".png\";\n }\n\n return h(\"img\", {\n \"attrs\": {\n \"src\": image\n }\n });\n },\n genImage: function genImage() {\n var h = this.$createElement;\n return h(\"div\", {\n \"class\": empty_bem('image')\n }, [this.genImageContent()]);\n },\n genDescription: function genDescription() {\n var h = this.$createElement;\n var description = this.slots('description') || this.description;\n\n if (description) {\n return h(\"p\", {\n \"class\": empty_bem('description')\n }, [description]);\n }\n },\n genBottom: function genBottom() {\n var h = this.$createElement;\n var slot = this.slots();\n\n if (slot) {\n return h(\"div\", {\n \"class\": empty_bem('bottom')\n }, [slot]);\n }\n }\n },\n render: function render() {\n var h = arguments[0];\n return h(\"div\", {\n \"class\": empty_bem()\n }, [this.genImage(), this.genDescription(), this.genBottom()]);\n }\n}));\n// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/vant/es/form/index.js\n\n\n\nvar form__createNamespace = Object(utils[\"b\" /* createNamespace */])('form'),\n form_createComponent = form__createNamespace[0],\n form_bem = form__createNamespace[1];\n\n/* harmony default export */ var es_form = (form_createComponent({\n props: {\n colon: Boolean,\n labelWidth: [Number, String],\n labelAlign: String,\n inputAlign: String,\n scrollToError: Boolean,\n validateFirst: Boolean,\n errorMessageAlign: String,\n submitOnEnter: {\n type: Boolean,\n default: true\n },\n validateTrigger: {\n type: String,\n default: 'onBlur'\n },\n showError: {\n type: Boolean,\n default: true\n },\n showErrorMessage: {\n type: Boolean,\n default: true\n }\n },\n provide: function provide() {\n return {\n vanForm: this\n };\n },\n data: function data() {\n return {\n fields: []\n };\n },\n methods: {\n validateSeq: function validateSeq() {\n var _this = this;\n\n return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {\n var errors = [];\n\n _this.fields.reduce(function (promise, field) {\n return promise.then(function () {\n if (!errors.length) {\n return field.validate().then(function (error) {\n if (error) {\n errors.push(error);\n }\n });\n }\n });\n }, Promise.resolve()).then(function () {\n if (errors.length) {\n reject(errors);\n } else {\n resolve();\n }\n });\n });\n },\n validateAll: function validateAll() {\n var _this2 = this;\n\n return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {\n Promise.all(_this2.fields.map(function (item) {\n return item.validate();\n })).then(function (errors) {\n errors = errors.filter(function (item) {\n return item;\n });\n\n if (errors.length) {\n reject(errors);\n } else {\n resolve();\n }\n });\n });\n },\n // @exposed-api\n validate: function validate(name) {\n if (name) {\n return this.validateField(name);\n }\n\n return this.validateFirst ? this.validateSeq() : this.validateAll();\n },\n validateField: function validateField(name) {\n var matched = this.fields.filter(function (item) {\n return item.name === name;\n });\n\n if (matched.length) {\n return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {\n matched[0].validate().then(function (error) {\n if (error) {\n reject(error);\n } else {\n resolve();\n }\n });\n });\n }\n\n return Promise.reject();\n },\n // @exposed-api\n resetValidation: function resetValidation(name) {\n this.fields.forEach(function (item) {\n if (!name || item.name === name) {\n item.resetValidation();\n }\n });\n },\n // @exposed-api\n scrollToField: function scrollToField(name, options) {\n this.fields.forEach(function (item) {\n if (item.name === name) {\n item.$el.scrollIntoView(options);\n }\n });\n },\n addField: function addField(field) {\n this.fields.push(field);\n sortChildren(this.fields, this);\n },\n removeField: function removeField(field) {\n this.fields = this.fields.filter(function (item) {\n return item !== field;\n });\n },\n getValues: function getValues() {\n return this.fields.reduce(function (form, field) {\n form[field.name] = field.formValue;\n return form;\n }, {});\n },\n onSubmit: function onSubmit(event) {\n event.preventDefault();\n this.submit();\n },\n // @exposed-api\n submit: function submit() {\n var _this3 = this;\n\n var values = this.getValues();\n this.validate().then(function () {\n _this3.$emit('submit', values);\n }).catch(function (errors) {\n _this3.$emit('failed', {\n values: values,\n errors: errors\n });\n\n if (_this3.scrollToError) {\n _this3.scrollToField(errors[0].name);\n }\n });\n }\n },\n render: function render() {\n var h = arguments[0];\n return h(\"form\", {\n \"class\": form_bem(),\n \"on\": {\n \"submit\": this.onSubmit\n }\n }, [this.slots()]);\n }\n}));\n// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/vant/es/goods-action/index.js\n\n\n\nvar goods_action__createNamespace = Object(utils[\"b\" /* createNamespace */])('goods-action'),\n goods_action_createComponent = goods_action__createNamespace[0],\n goods_action_bem = goods_action__createNamespace[1];\n\n/* harmony default export */ var goods_action = (goods_action_createComponent({\n mixins: [ParentMixin('vanGoodsAction')],\n props: {\n safeAreaInsetBottom: {\n type: Boolean,\n default: true\n }\n },\n render: function render() {\n var h = arguments[0];\n return h(\"div\", {\n \"class\": goods_action_bem({\n unfit: !this.safeAreaInsetBottom\n })\n }, [this.slots()]);\n }\n}));\n// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/vant/es/goods-action-button/index.js\n\n\n\n\n\n\nvar goods_action_button__createNamespace = Object(utils[\"b\" /* createNamespace */])('goods-action-button'),\n goods_action_button_createComponent = goods_action_button__createNamespace[0],\n goods_action_button_bem = goods_action_button__createNamespace[1];\n\n/* harmony default export */ var goods_action_button = (goods_action_button_createComponent({\n mixins: [ChildrenMixin('vanGoodsAction')],\n props: _extends({}, routeProps, {\n type: String,\n text: String,\n icon: String,\n color: String,\n loading: Boolean,\n disabled: Boolean\n }),\n computed: {\n isFirst: function isFirst() {\n var prev = this.parent && this.parent.children[this.index - 1];\n return !prev || prev.$options.name !== this.$options.name;\n },\n isLast: function isLast() {\n var next = this.parent && this.parent.children[this.index + 1];\n return !next || next.$options.name !== this.$options.name;\n }\n },\n methods: {\n onClick: function onClick(event) {\n this.$emit('click', event);\n route(this.$router, this);\n }\n },\n render: function render() {\n var h = arguments[0];\n return h(es_button, {\n \"class\": goods_action_button_bem([{\n first: this.isFirst,\n last: this.isLast\n }, this.type]),\n \"attrs\": {\n \"square\": true,\n \"size\": \"large\",\n \"type\": this.type,\n \"icon\": this.icon,\n \"color\": this.color,\n \"loading\": this.loading,\n \"disabled\": this.disabled\n },\n \"on\": {\n \"click\": this.onClick\n }\n }, [this.slots() || this.text]);\n }\n}));\n// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/vant/es/goods-action-icon/index.js\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nvar goods_action_icon__createNamespace = Object(utils[\"b\" /* createNamespace */])('goods-action-icon'),\n goods_action_icon_createComponent = goods_action_icon__createNamespace[0],\n goods_action_icon_bem = goods_action_icon__createNamespace[1];\n\n/* harmony default export */ var goods_action_icon = (goods_action_icon_createComponent({\n mixins: [ChildrenMixin('vanGoodsAction')],\n props: _extends({}, routeProps, {\n dot: Boolean,\n text: String,\n icon: String,\n color: String,\n info: [Number, String],\n badge: [Number, String],\n iconClass: null\n }),\n methods: {\n onClick: function onClick(event) {\n this.$emit('click', event);\n route(this.$router, this);\n },\n genIcon: function genIcon() {\n var h = this.$createElement;\n var slot = this.slots('icon');\n var info = Object(utils[\"e\" /* isDef */])(this.badge) ? this.badge : this.info;\n\n if (slot) {\n return h(\"div\", {\n \"class\": goods_action_icon_bem('icon')\n }, [slot, h(es_info, {\n \"attrs\": {\n \"dot\": this.dot,\n \"info\": info\n }\n })]);\n }\n\n return h(es_icon, {\n \"class\": [goods_action_icon_bem('icon'), this.iconClass],\n \"attrs\": {\n \"tag\": \"div\",\n \"dot\": this.dot,\n \"info\": info,\n \"name\": this.icon,\n \"color\": this.color\n }\n });\n }\n },\n render: function render() {\n var h = arguments[0];\n return h(\"div\", {\n \"attrs\": {\n \"role\": \"button\",\n \"tabindex\": \"0\"\n },\n \"class\": goods_action_icon_bem(),\n \"on\": {\n \"click\": this.onClick\n }\n }, [this.genIcon(), this.slots() || this.text]);\n }\n}));\n// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/vant/es/grid/index.js\n\n\n\n\nvar grid__createNamespace = Object(utils[\"b\" /* createNamespace */])('grid'),\n grid_createComponent = grid__createNamespace[0],\n grid_bem = grid__createNamespace[1];\n\n/* harmony default export */ var grid = (grid_createComponent({\n mixins: [ParentMixin('vanGrid')],\n props: {\n square: Boolean,\n gutter: [Number, String],\n iconSize: [Number, String],\n direction: String,\n clickable: Boolean,\n columnNum: {\n type: [Number, String],\n default: 4\n },\n center: {\n type: Boolean,\n default: true\n },\n border: {\n type: Boolean,\n default: true\n }\n },\n computed: {\n style: function style() {\n var gutter = this.gutter;\n\n if (gutter) {\n return {\n paddingLeft: Object(utils[\"a\" /* addUnit */])(gutter)\n };\n }\n }\n },\n render: function render() {\n var _ref;\n\n var h = arguments[0];\n return h(\"div\", {\n \"style\": this.style,\n \"class\": [grid_bem(), (_ref = {}, _ref[BORDER_TOP] = this.border && !this.gutter, _ref)]\n }, [this.slots()]);\n }\n}));\n// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/vant/es/grid-item/index.js\n\n// Utils\n\n\n // Mixins\n\n // Components\n\n\n\n\nvar grid_item__createNamespace = Object(utils[\"b\" /* createNamespace */])('grid-item'),\n grid_item_createComponent = grid_item__createNamespace[0],\n grid_item_bem = grid_item__createNamespace[1];\n\n/* harmony default export */ var grid_item = (grid_item_createComponent({\n mixins: [ChildrenMixin('vanGrid')],\n props: _extends({}, routeProps, {\n dot: Boolean,\n text: String,\n icon: String,\n iconPrefix: String,\n info: [Number, String],\n badge: [Number, String]\n }),\n computed: {\n style: function style() {\n var _this$parent = this.parent,\n square = _this$parent.square,\n gutter = _this$parent.gutter,\n columnNum = _this$parent.columnNum;\n var percent = 100 / columnNum + \"%\";\n var style = {\n flexBasis: percent\n };\n\n if (square) {\n style.paddingTop = percent;\n } else if (gutter) {\n var gutterValue = Object(utils[\"a\" /* addUnit */])(gutter);\n style.paddingRight = gutterValue;\n\n if (this.index >= columnNum) {\n style.marginTop = gutterValue;\n }\n }\n\n return style;\n },\n contentStyle: function contentStyle() {\n var _this$parent2 = this.parent,\n square = _this$parent2.square,\n gutter = _this$parent2.gutter;\n\n if (square && gutter) {\n var gutterValue = Object(utils[\"a\" /* addUnit */])(gutter);\n return {\n right: gutterValue,\n bottom: gutterValue,\n height: 'auto'\n };\n }\n }\n },\n methods: {\n onClick: function onClick(event) {\n this.$emit('click', event);\n route(this.$router, this);\n },\n genIcon: function genIcon() {\n var h = this.$createElement;\n var iconSlot = this.slots('icon');\n var info = Object(utils[\"e\" /* isDef */])(this.badge) ? this.badge : this.info;\n\n if (iconSlot) {\n return h(\"div\", {\n \"class\": grid_item_bem('icon-wrapper')\n }, [iconSlot, h(es_info, {\n \"attrs\": {\n \"dot\": this.dot,\n \"info\": info\n }\n })]);\n }\n\n if (this.icon) {\n return h(es_icon, {\n \"attrs\": {\n \"name\": this.icon,\n \"dot\": this.dot,\n \"info\": info,\n \"size\": this.parent.iconSize,\n \"classPrefix\": this.iconPrefix\n },\n \"class\": grid_item_bem('icon')\n });\n }\n },\n getText: function getText() {\n var h = this.$createElement;\n var textSlot = this.slots('text');\n\n if (textSlot) {\n return textSlot;\n }\n\n if (this.text) {\n return h(\"span\", {\n \"class\": grid_item_bem('text')\n }, [this.text]);\n }\n },\n genContent: function genContent() {\n var slot = this.slots();\n\n if (slot) {\n return slot;\n }\n\n return [this.genIcon(), this.getText()];\n }\n },\n render: function render() {\n var _ref;\n\n var h = arguments[0];\n var _this$parent3 = this.parent,\n center = _this$parent3.center,\n border = _this$parent3.border,\n square = _this$parent3.square,\n gutter = _this$parent3.gutter,\n direction = _this$parent3.direction,\n clickable = _this$parent3.clickable;\n return h(\"div\", {\n \"class\": [grid_item_bem({\n square: square\n })],\n \"style\": this.style\n }, [h(\"div\", {\n \"style\": this.contentStyle,\n \"attrs\": {\n \"role\": clickable ? 'button' : null,\n \"tabindex\": clickable ? 0 : null\n },\n \"class\": [grid_item_bem('content', [direction, {\n center: center,\n square: square,\n clickable: clickable,\n surround: border && gutter\n }]), (_ref = {}, _ref[BORDER] = border, _ref)],\n \"on\": {\n \"click\": this.onClick\n }\n }, [this.genContent()])]);\n }\n}));\n// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/vant/es/image-preview/shared.js\n\n\nvar shared__createNamespace = Object(utils[\"b\" /* createNamespace */])('image-preview'),\n shared_createComponent = shared__createNamespace[0],\n shared_bem = shared__createNamespace[1];\n\n\n// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/vant/es/swipe/index.js\n// Utils\n\n\n\n\n // Mixins\n\n\n\n\n\nvar swipe__createNamespace = Object(utils[\"b\" /* createNamespace */])('swipe'),\n swipe_createComponent = swipe__createNamespace[0],\n swipe_bem = swipe__createNamespace[1];\n\n/* harmony default export */ var swipe = (swipe_createComponent({\n mixins: [TouchMixin, ParentMixin('vanSwipe'), BindEventMixin(function (bind, isBind) {\n bind(window, 'resize', this.resize, true);\n bind(window, 'visibilitychange', this.onVisibilityChange);\n\n if (isBind) {\n this.initialize();\n } else {\n this.clear();\n }\n })],\n props: {\n width: [Number, String],\n height: [Number, String],\n autoplay: [Number, String],\n vertical: Boolean,\n lazyRender: Boolean,\n indicatorColor: String,\n loop: {\n type: Boolean,\n default: true\n },\n duration: {\n type: [Number, String],\n default: 500\n },\n touchable: {\n type: Boolean,\n default: true\n },\n initialSwipe: {\n type: [Number, String],\n default: 0\n },\n showIndicators: {\n type: Boolean,\n default: true\n },\n stopPropagation: {\n type: Boolean,\n default: true\n }\n },\n data: function data() {\n return {\n rect: null,\n offset: 0,\n active: 0,\n deltaX: 0,\n deltaY: 0,\n swiping: false,\n computedWidth: 0,\n computedHeight: 0\n };\n },\n watch: {\n children: function children() {\n this.initialize();\n },\n initialSwipe: function initialSwipe() {\n this.initialize();\n },\n autoplay: function autoplay(_autoplay) {\n if (_autoplay > 0) {\n this.autoPlay();\n } else {\n this.clear();\n }\n }\n },\n computed: {\n count: function count() {\n return this.children.length;\n },\n maxCount: function maxCount() {\n return Math.ceil(Math.abs(this.minOffset) / this.size);\n },\n delta: function delta() {\n return this.vertical ? this.deltaY : this.deltaX;\n },\n size: function size() {\n return this[this.vertical ? 'computedHeight' : 'computedWidth'];\n },\n trackSize: function trackSize() {\n return this.count * this.size;\n },\n activeIndicator: function activeIndicator() {\n return (this.active + this.count) % this.count;\n },\n isCorrectDirection: function isCorrectDirection() {\n var expect = this.vertical ? 'vertical' : 'horizontal';\n return this.direction === expect;\n },\n trackStyle: function trackStyle() {\n var _ref;\n\n var mainAxis = this.vertical ? 'height' : 'width';\n var crossAxis = this.vertical ? 'width' : 'height';\n return _ref = {}, _ref[mainAxis] = this.trackSize + \"px\", _ref[crossAxis] = this[crossAxis] ? this[crossAxis] + \"px\" : '', _ref.transitionDuration = (this.swiping ? 0 : this.duration) + \"ms\", _ref.transform = \"translate\" + (this.vertical ? 'Y' : 'X') + \"(\" + this.offset + \"px)\", _ref;\n },\n indicatorStyle: function indicatorStyle() {\n return {\n backgroundColor: this.indicatorColor\n };\n },\n minOffset: function minOffset() {\n return (this.vertical ? this.rect.height : this.rect.width) - this.size * this.count;\n }\n },\n mounted: function mounted() {\n this.bindTouchEvent(this.$refs.track);\n },\n methods: {\n // initialize swipe position\n initialize: function initialize(active) {\n if (active === void 0) {\n active = +this.initialSwipe;\n }\n\n if (!this.$el || isHidden(this.$el)) {\n return;\n }\n\n clearTimeout(this.timer);\n var rect = this.$el.getBoundingClientRect();\n this.rect = rect;\n this.swiping = true;\n this.active = active;\n this.computedWidth = Math.round(+this.width || rect.width);\n this.computedHeight = Math.round(+this.height || rect.height);\n this.offset = this.getTargetOffset(active);\n this.children.forEach(function (swipe) {\n swipe.offset = 0;\n });\n this.autoPlay();\n },\n // @exposed-api\n resize: function resize() {\n this.initialize(this.activeIndicator);\n },\n onVisibilityChange: function onVisibilityChange() {\n if (document.hidden) {\n this.clear();\n } else {\n this.autoPlay();\n }\n },\n onTouchStart: function onTouchStart(event) {\n if (!this.touchable) return;\n this.clear();\n this.touchStartTime = Date.now();\n this.touchStart(event);\n this.correctPosition();\n },\n onTouchMove: function onTouchMove(event) {\n if (!this.touchable || !this.swiping) return;\n this.touchMove(event);\n\n if (this.isCorrectDirection) {\n preventDefault(event, this.stopPropagation);\n this.move({\n offset: this.delta\n });\n }\n },\n onTouchEnd: function onTouchEnd() {\n if (!this.touchable || !this.swiping) return;\n var size = this.size,\n delta = this.delta;\n var duration = Date.now() - this.touchStartTime;\n var speed = delta / duration;\n var shouldSwipe = Math.abs(speed) > 0.25 || Math.abs(delta) > size / 2;\n\n if (shouldSwipe && this.isCorrectDirection) {\n var offset = this.vertical ? this.offsetY : this.offsetX;\n var pace = 0;\n\n if (this.loop) {\n pace = offset > 0 ? delta > 0 ? -1 : 1 : 0;\n } else {\n pace = -Math[delta > 0 ? 'ceil' : 'floor'](delta / size);\n }\n\n this.move({\n pace: pace,\n emitChange: true\n });\n } else if (delta) {\n this.move({\n pace: 0\n });\n }\n\n this.swiping = false;\n this.autoPlay();\n },\n getTargetActive: function getTargetActive(pace) {\n var active = this.active,\n count = this.count,\n maxCount = this.maxCount;\n\n if (pace) {\n if (this.loop) {\n return range(active + pace, -1, count);\n }\n\n return range(active + pace, 0, maxCount);\n }\n\n return active;\n },\n getTargetOffset: function getTargetOffset(targetActive, offset) {\n if (offset === void 0) {\n offset = 0;\n }\n\n var currentPosition = targetActive * this.size;\n\n if (!this.loop) {\n currentPosition = Math.min(currentPosition, -this.minOffset);\n }\n\n var targetOffset = Math.round(offset - currentPosition);\n\n if (!this.loop) {\n targetOffset = range(targetOffset, this.minOffset, 0);\n }\n\n return targetOffset;\n },\n move: function move(_ref2) {\n var _ref2$pace = _ref2.pace,\n pace = _ref2$pace === void 0 ? 0 : _ref2$pace,\n _ref2$offset = _ref2.offset,\n offset = _ref2$offset === void 0 ? 0 : _ref2$offset,\n emitChange = _ref2.emitChange;\n var loop = this.loop,\n count = this.count,\n active = this.active,\n children = this.children,\n trackSize = this.trackSize,\n minOffset = this.minOffset;\n\n if (count <= 1) {\n return;\n }\n\n var targetActive = this.getTargetActive(pace);\n var targetOffset = this.getTargetOffset(targetActive, offset); // auto move first and last swipe in loop mode\n\n if (loop) {\n if (children[0] && targetOffset !== minOffset) {\n var outRightBound = targetOffset < minOffset;\n children[0].offset = outRightBound ? trackSize : 0;\n }\n\n if (children[count - 1] && targetOffset !== 0) {\n var outLeftBound = targetOffset > 0;\n children[count - 1].offset = outLeftBound ? -trackSize : 0;\n }\n }\n\n this.active = targetActive;\n this.offset = targetOffset;\n\n if (emitChange && targetActive !== active) {\n this.$emit('change', this.activeIndicator);\n }\n },\n // @exposed-api\n prev: function prev() {\n var _this = this;\n\n this.correctPosition();\n this.resetTouchStatus();\n Object(raf[\"b\" /* doubleRaf */])(function () {\n _this.swiping = false;\n\n _this.move({\n pace: -1,\n emitChange: true\n });\n });\n },\n // @exposed-api\n next: function next() {\n var _this2 = this;\n\n this.correctPosition();\n this.resetTouchStatus();\n Object(raf[\"b\" /* doubleRaf */])(function () {\n _this2.swiping = false;\n\n _this2.move({\n pace: 1,\n emitChange: true\n });\n });\n },\n // @exposed-api\n swipeTo: function swipeTo(index, options) {\n var _this3 = this;\n\n if (options === void 0) {\n options = {};\n }\n\n this.correctPosition();\n this.resetTouchStatus();\n Object(raf[\"b\" /* doubleRaf */])(function () {\n var targetIndex;\n\n if (_this3.loop && index === _this3.count) {\n targetIndex = _this3.active === 0 ? 0 : index;\n } else {\n targetIndex = index % _this3.count;\n }\n\n if (options.immediate) {\n Object(raf[\"b\" /* doubleRaf */])(function () {\n _this3.swiping = false;\n });\n } else {\n _this3.swiping = false;\n }\n\n _this3.move({\n pace: targetIndex - _this3.active,\n emitChange: true\n });\n });\n },\n correctPosition: function correctPosition() {\n this.swiping = true;\n\n if (this.active <= -1) {\n this.move({\n pace: this.count\n });\n }\n\n if (this.active >= this.count) {\n this.move({\n pace: -this.count\n });\n }\n },\n clear: function clear() {\n clearTimeout(this.timer);\n },\n autoPlay: function autoPlay() {\n var _this4 = this;\n\n var autoplay = this.autoplay;\n\n if (autoplay > 0 && this.count > 1) {\n this.clear();\n this.timer = setTimeout(function () {\n _this4.next();\n\n _this4.autoPlay();\n }, autoplay);\n }\n },\n genIndicator: function genIndicator() {\n var _this5 = this;\n\n var h = this.$createElement;\n var count = this.count,\n activeIndicator = this.activeIndicator;\n var slot = this.slots('indicator');\n\n if (slot) {\n return slot;\n }\n\n if (this.showIndicators && count > 1) {\n return h(\"div\", {\n \"class\": swipe_bem('indicators', {\n vertical: this.vertical\n })\n }, [Array.apply(void 0, Array(count)).map(function (empty, index) {\n return h(\"i\", {\n \"class\": swipe_bem('indicator', {\n active: index === activeIndicator\n }),\n \"style\": index === activeIndicator ? _this5.indicatorStyle : null\n });\n })]);\n }\n }\n },\n render: function render() {\n var h = arguments[0];\n return h(\"div\", {\n \"class\": swipe_bem()\n }, [h(\"div\", {\n \"ref\": \"track\",\n \"style\": this.trackStyle,\n \"class\": swipe_bem('track', {\n vertical: this.vertical\n })\n }, [this.slots()]), this.genIndicator()]);\n }\n}));\n// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/vant/es/swipe-item/index.js\n\n\n\n\nvar swipe_item__createNamespace = Object(utils[\"b\" /* createNamespace */])('swipe-item'),\n swipe_item_createComponent = swipe_item__createNamespace[0],\n swipe_item_bem = swipe_item__createNamespace[1];\n\n/* harmony default export */ var swipe_item = (swipe_item_createComponent({\n mixins: [ChildrenMixin('vanSwipe')],\n data: function data() {\n return {\n offset: 0,\n mounted: false\n };\n },\n mounted: function mounted() {\n var _this = this;\n\n this.$nextTick(function () {\n _this.mounted = true;\n });\n },\n computed: {\n style: function style() {\n var style = {};\n var _this$parent = this.parent,\n size = _this$parent.size,\n vertical = _this$parent.vertical;\n style[vertical ? 'height' : 'width'] = size + \"px\";\n\n if (this.offset) {\n style.transform = \"translate\" + (vertical ? 'Y' : 'X') + \"(\" + this.offset + \"px)\";\n }\n\n return style;\n },\n shouldRender: function shouldRender() {\n var index = this.index,\n parent = this.parent,\n mounted = this.mounted;\n\n if (!parent.lazyRender) {\n return true;\n } // wait for all item to mount, so we can get the exact count\n\n\n if (!mounted) {\n return false;\n }\n\n var active = parent.activeIndicator;\n var maxActive = parent.count - 1;\n var prevActive = active === 0 ? maxActive : active - 1;\n var nextActive = active === maxActive ? 0 : active + 1;\n return index === active || index === prevActive || index === nextActive;\n }\n },\n render: function render() {\n var h = arguments[0];\n return h(\"div\", {\n \"class\": swipe_item_bem(),\n \"style\": this.style,\n \"on\": _extends({}, this.$listeners)\n }, [this.shouldRender && this.slots()]);\n }\n}));\n// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/vant/es/image-preview/ImagePreviewItem.js\n// Utils\n\n\n // Mixins\n\n // Component\n\n\n\n\n\nfunction getDistance(touches) {\n return Math.sqrt(Math.pow(touches[0].clientX - touches[1].clientX, 2) + Math.pow(touches[0].clientY - touches[1].clientY, 2));\n}\n\n/* harmony default export */ var ImagePreviewItem = ({\n mixins: [TouchMixin],\n props: {\n src: String,\n show: Boolean,\n active: Number,\n minZoom: [Number, String],\n maxZoom: [Number, String],\n windowWidth: Number,\n windowHeight: Number\n },\n data: function data() {\n return {\n scale: 1,\n moveX: 0,\n moveY: 0,\n moving: false,\n zooming: false,\n imageRatio: 0,\n displayWidth: 0,\n displayHeight: 0\n };\n },\n computed: {\n vertical: function vertical() {\n var windowWidth = this.windowWidth,\n windowHeight = this.windowHeight;\n var windowRatio = windowHeight / windowWidth;\n return this.imageRatio > windowRatio;\n },\n imageStyle: function imageStyle() {\n var scale = this.scale;\n var style = {\n transitionDuration: this.zooming || this.moving ? '0s' : '.3s'\n };\n\n if (scale !== 1) {\n var offsetX = this.moveX / scale;\n var offsetY = this.moveY / scale;\n style.transform = \"scale(\" + scale + \", \" + scale + \") translate(\" + offsetX + \"px, \" + offsetY + \"px)\";\n }\n\n return style;\n },\n maxMoveX: function maxMoveX() {\n if (this.imageRatio) {\n var displayWidth = this.vertical ? this.windowHeight / this.imageRatio : this.windowWidth;\n return Math.max(0, (this.scale * displayWidth - this.windowWidth) / 2);\n }\n\n return 0;\n },\n maxMoveY: function maxMoveY() {\n if (this.imageRatio) {\n var displayHeight = this.vertical ? this.windowHeight : this.windowWidth * this.imageRatio;\n return Math.max(0, (this.scale * displayHeight - this.windowHeight) / 2);\n }\n\n return 0;\n }\n },\n watch: {\n show: function show(val) {\n if (!val) {\n this.resetScale();\n }\n }\n },\n mounted: function mounted() {\n this.bindTouchEvent(this.$el);\n },\n methods: {\n resetScale: function resetScale() {\n this.setScale(1);\n this.moveX = 0;\n this.moveY = 0;\n },\n setScale: function setScale(scale) {\n this.scale = range(scale, +this.minZoom, +this.maxZoom);\n this.$emit('scale', {\n scale: this.scale,\n index: this.active\n });\n },\n toggleScale: function toggleScale() {\n var scale = this.scale > 1 ? 1 : 2;\n this.setScale(scale);\n this.moveX = 0;\n this.moveY = 0;\n },\n onTouchStart: function onTouchStart(event) {\n var touches = event.touches;\n var _this$offsetX = this.offsetX,\n offsetX = _this$offsetX === void 0 ? 0 : _this$offsetX;\n this.touchStart(event);\n this.touchStartTime = new Date();\n this.startMoveX = this.moveX;\n this.startMoveY = this.moveY;\n this.moving = touches.length === 1 && this.scale !== 1;\n this.zooming = touches.length === 2 && !offsetX;\n\n if (this.zooming) {\n this.startScale = this.scale;\n this.startDistance = getDistance(event.touches);\n }\n },\n onTouchMove: function onTouchMove(event) {\n var touches = event.touches;\n this.touchMove(event);\n\n if (this.moving || this.zooming) {\n preventDefault(event, true);\n }\n\n if (this.moving) {\n var moveX = this.deltaX + this.startMoveX;\n var moveY = this.deltaY + this.startMoveY;\n this.moveX = range(moveX, -this.maxMoveX, this.maxMoveX);\n this.moveY = range(moveY, -this.maxMoveY, this.maxMoveY);\n }\n\n if (this.zooming && touches.length === 2) {\n var distance = getDistance(touches);\n var scale = this.startScale * distance / this.startDistance;\n this.setScale(scale);\n }\n },\n onTouchEnd: function onTouchEnd(event) {\n var stopPropagation = false;\n /* istanbul ignore else */\n\n if (this.moving || this.zooming) {\n stopPropagation = true;\n\n if (this.moving && this.startMoveX === this.moveX && this.startMoveY === this.moveY) {\n stopPropagation = false;\n }\n\n if (!event.touches.length) {\n if (this.zooming) {\n this.moveX = range(this.moveX, -this.maxMoveX, this.maxMoveX);\n this.moveY = range(this.moveY, -this.maxMoveY, this.maxMoveY);\n this.zooming = false;\n }\n\n this.moving = false;\n this.startMoveX = 0;\n this.startMoveY = 0;\n this.startScale = 1;\n\n if (this.scale < 1) {\n this.resetScale();\n }\n }\n } // eliminate tap delay on safari\n\n\n preventDefault(event, stopPropagation);\n this.checkTap();\n this.resetTouchStatus();\n },\n checkTap: function checkTap() {\n var _this = this;\n\n var _this$offsetX2 = this.offsetX,\n offsetX = _this$offsetX2 === void 0 ? 0 : _this$offsetX2,\n _this$offsetY = this.offsetY,\n offsetY = _this$offsetY === void 0 ? 0 : _this$offsetY;\n var deltaTime = new Date() - this.touchStartTime;\n var TAP_TIME = 250;\n var TAP_OFFSET = 10;\n\n if (offsetX < TAP_OFFSET && offsetY < TAP_OFFSET && deltaTime < TAP_TIME) {\n if (this.doubleTapTimer) {\n clearTimeout(this.doubleTapTimer);\n this.doubleTapTimer = null;\n this.toggleScale();\n } else {\n this.doubleTapTimer = setTimeout(function () {\n _this.$emit('close');\n\n _this.doubleTapTimer = null;\n }, TAP_TIME);\n }\n }\n },\n onLoad: function onLoad(event) {\n var _event$target = event.target,\n naturalWidth = _event$target.naturalWidth,\n naturalHeight = _event$target.naturalHeight;\n this.imageRatio = naturalHeight / naturalWidth;\n }\n },\n render: function render() {\n var h = arguments[0];\n var imageSlots = {\n loading: function loading() {\n return h(es_loading, {\n \"attrs\": {\n \"type\": \"spinner\"\n }\n });\n }\n };\n return h(swipe_item, {\n \"class\": shared_bem('swipe-item')\n }, [h(es_image, {\n \"attrs\": {\n \"src\": this.src,\n \"fit\": \"contain\"\n },\n \"class\": shared_bem('image', {\n vertical: this.vertical\n }),\n \"style\": this.imageStyle,\n \"scopedSlots\": imageSlots,\n \"on\": {\n \"load\": this.onLoad\n }\n })]);\n }\n});\n// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/vant/es/image-preview/ImagePreview.js\n// Utils\n\n // Mixins\n\n\n\n // Components\n\n\n\n\n/* harmony default export */ var image_preview_ImagePreview = (shared_createComponent({\n mixins: [TouchMixin, PopupMixin({\n skipToggleEvent: true\n }), BindEventMixin(function (bind) {\n bind(window, 'resize', this.resize, true);\n })],\n props: {\n className: null,\n closeable: Boolean,\n asyncClose: Boolean,\n showIndicators: Boolean,\n images: {\n type: Array,\n default: function _default() {\n return [];\n }\n },\n loop: {\n type: Boolean,\n default: true\n },\n swipeDuration: {\n type: [Number, String],\n default: 500\n },\n overlay: {\n type: Boolean,\n default: true\n },\n showIndex: {\n type: Boolean,\n default: true\n },\n startPosition: {\n type: [Number, String],\n default: 0\n },\n minZoom: {\n type: [Number, String],\n default: 1 / 3\n },\n maxZoom: {\n type: [Number, String],\n default: 3\n },\n overlayClass: {\n type: String,\n default: shared_bem('overlay')\n },\n closeIcon: {\n type: String,\n default: 'clear'\n },\n closeIconPosition: {\n type: String,\n default: 'top-right'\n }\n },\n data: function data() {\n return {\n active: 0,\n windowWidth: 0,\n windowHeight: 0,\n doubleClickTimer: null\n };\n },\n created: function created() {\n this.resize();\n },\n watch: {\n startPosition: 'setActive',\n value: function value(val) {\n var _this = this;\n\n if (val) {\n this.setActive(+this.startPosition);\n this.$nextTick(function () {\n _this.$refs.swipe.swipeTo(+_this.startPosition, {\n immediate: true\n });\n });\n } else {\n this.$emit('close', {\n index: this.active,\n url: this.images[this.active]\n });\n }\n }\n },\n methods: {\n resize: function resize() {\n if (utils[\"d\" /* inBrowser */]) {\n this.windowWidth = window.innerWidth;\n this.windowHeight = window.innerHeight;\n }\n },\n emitClose: function emitClose() {\n if (!this.asyncClose) {\n this.$emit('input', false);\n }\n },\n emitScale: function emitScale(args) {\n this.$emit('scale', args);\n },\n setActive: function setActive(active) {\n if (active !== this.active) {\n this.active = active;\n this.$emit('change', active);\n }\n },\n genIndex: function genIndex() {\n var h = this.$createElement;\n\n if (this.showIndex) {\n return h(\"div\", {\n \"class\": shared_bem('index')\n }, [this.slots('index') || this.active + 1 + \" / \" + this.images.length]);\n }\n },\n genCover: function genCover() {\n var h = this.$createElement;\n var cover = this.slots('cover');\n\n if (cover) {\n return h(\"div\", {\n \"class\": shared_bem('cover')\n }, [cover]);\n }\n },\n genImages: function genImages() {\n var _this2 = this;\n\n var h = this.$createElement;\n return h(swipe, {\n \"ref\": \"swipe\",\n \"attrs\": {\n \"lazyRender\": true,\n \"loop\": this.loop,\n \"duration\": this.swipeDuration,\n \"initialSwipe\": this.startPosition,\n \"showIndicators\": this.showIndicators,\n \"indicatorColor\": \"white\"\n },\n \"class\": shared_bem('swipe'),\n \"on\": {\n \"change\": this.setActive\n }\n }, [this.images.map(function (image) {\n return h(ImagePreviewItem, {\n \"attrs\": {\n \"src\": image,\n \"show\": _this2.value,\n \"active\": _this2.active,\n \"maxZoom\": _this2.maxZoom,\n \"minZoom\": _this2.minZoom,\n \"windowWidth\": _this2.windowWidth,\n \"windowHeight\": _this2.windowHeight\n },\n \"on\": {\n \"scale\": _this2.emitScale,\n \"close\": _this2.emitClose\n }\n });\n })]);\n },\n genClose: function genClose() {\n var h = this.$createElement;\n\n if (this.closeable) {\n return h(es_icon, {\n \"attrs\": {\n \"role\": \"button\",\n \"name\": this.closeIcon\n },\n \"class\": shared_bem('close-icon', this.closeIconPosition),\n \"on\": {\n \"click\": this.emitClose\n }\n });\n }\n },\n onClosed: function onClosed() {\n this.$emit('closed');\n },\n // @exposed-api\n swipeTo: function swipeTo(index, options) {\n if (this.$refs.swipe) {\n this.$refs.swipe.swipeTo(index, options);\n }\n }\n },\n render: function render() {\n var h = arguments[0];\n\n if (!this.shouldRender) {\n return;\n }\n\n return h(\"transition\", {\n \"attrs\": {\n \"name\": \"van-fade\"\n },\n \"on\": {\n \"afterLeave\": this.onClosed\n }\n }, [h(\"div\", {\n \"directives\": [{\n name: \"show\",\n value: this.value\n }],\n \"class\": [shared_bem(), this.className]\n }, [this.genClose(), this.genImages(), this.genIndex(), this.genCover()])]);\n }\n}));\n// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/vant/es/image-preview/index.js\n\n\n\n\nvar image_preview_instance;\nvar image_preview_defaultConfig = {\n loop: true,\n images: [],\n value: true,\n minZoom: 1 / 3,\n maxZoom: 3,\n className: '',\n onClose: null,\n onChange: null,\n showIndex: true,\n closeable: false,\n closeIcon: 'clear',\n asyncClose: false,\n startPosition: 0,\n swipeDuration: 500,\n showIndicators: false,\n closeOnPopstate: false,\n closeIconPosition: 'top-right',\n getContainer: 'body'\n};\n\nvar image_preview_initInstance = function initInstance() {\n image_preview_instance = new (vue_esm[\"default\"].extend(image_preview_ImagePreview))({\n el: document.createElement('div')\n });\n document.body.appendChild(image_preview_instance.$el);\n image_preview_instance.$on('change', function (index) {\n if (image_preview_instance.onChange) {\n image_preview_instance.onChange(index);\n }\n });\n image_preview_instance.$on('scale', function (data) {\n if (image_preview_instance.onScale) {\n image_preview_instance.onScale(data);\n }\n });\n};\n\nvar es_image_preview_ImagePreview = function ImagePreview(images, startPosition) {\n if (startPosition === void 0) {\n startPosition = 0;\n }\n\n /* istanbul ignore if */\n if (utils[\"i\" /* isServer */]) {\n return;\n }\n\n if (!image_preview_instance) {\n image_preview_initInstance();\n }\n\n var options = Array.isArray(images) ? {\n images: images,\n startPosition: startPosition\n } : images;\n\n _extends(image_preview_instance, image_preview_defaultConfig, options);\n\n image_preview_instance.$once('input', function (show) {\n image_preview_instance.value = show;\n });\n image_preview_instance.$once('closed', function () {\n image_preview_instance.images = [];\n });\n\n if (options.onClose) {\n image_preview_instance.$off('close');\n image_preview_instance.$once('close', options.onClose);\n }\n\n return image_preview_instance;\n};\n\nes_image_preview_ImagePreview.Component = image_preview_ImagePreview;\n\nes_image_preview_ImagePreview.install = function () {\n vue_esm[\"default\"].use(image_preview_ImagePreview);\n};\n\n/* harmony default export */ var image_preview = (es_image_preview_ImagePreview);\n// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/vant/es/index-anchor/index.js\n\n\n\n\nvar index_anchor__createNamespace = Object(utils[\"b\" /* createNamespace */])('index-anchor'),\n index_anchor_createComponent = index_anchor__createNamespace[0],\n index_anchor_bem = index_anchor__createNamespace[1];\n\n/* harmony default export */ var index_anchor = (index_anchor_createComponent({\n mixins: [ChildrenMixin('vanIndexBar', {\n indexKey: 'childrenIndex'\n })],\n props: {\n index: [Number, String]\n },\n data: function data() {\n return {\n top: 0,\n left: null,\n width: null,\n active: false\n };\n },\n computed: {\n sticky: function sticky() {\n return this.active && this.parent.sticky;\n },\n anchorStyle: function anchorStyle() {\n if (this.sticky) {\n return {\n zIndex: \"\" + this.parent.zIndex,\n left: this.left ? this.left + \"px\" : null,\n width: this.width ? this.width + \"px\" : null,\n transform: \"translate3d(0, \" + this.top + \"px, 0)\",\n color: this.parent.highlightColor\n };\n }\n }\n },\n mounted: function mounted() {\n this.height = this.$el.offsetHeight;\n },\n methods: {\n scrollIntoView: function scrollIntoView() {\n this.$el.scrollIntoView();\n }\n },\n render: function render() {\n var _ref;\n\n var h = arguments[0];\n var sticky = this.sticky;\n return h(\"div\", {\n \"style\": {\n height: sticky ? this.height + \"px\" : null\n }\n }, [h(\"div\", {\n \"style\": this.anchorStyle,\n \"class\": [index_anchor_bem({\n sticky: sticky\n }), (_ref = {}, _ref[BORDER_BOTTOM] = sticky, _ref)]\n }, [this.slots('default') || this.index])]);\n }\n}));\n// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/vant/es/index-bar/index.js\n// Utils\n\n\n\n // Mixins\n\n\n\n\n\nfunction genAlphabet() {\n var indexList = [];\n var charCodeOfA = 'A'.charCodeAt(0);\n\n for (var i = 0; i < 26; i++) {\n indexList.push(String.fromCharCode(charCodeOfA + i));\n }\n\n return indexList;\n}\n\nvar index_bar__createNamespace = Object(utils[\"b\" /* createNamespace */])('index-bar'),\n index_bar_createComponent = index_bar__createNamespace[0],\n index_bar_bem = index_bar__createNamespace[1];\n\n/* harmony default export */ var index_bar = (index_bar_createComponent({\n mixins: [TouchMixin, ParentMixin('vanIndexBar'), BindEventMixin(function (bind) {\n if (!this.scroller) {\n this.scroller = getScroller(this.$el);\n }\n\n bind(this.scroller, 'scroll', this.onScroll);\n })],\n props: {\n zIndex: [Number, String],\n highlightColor: String,\n sticky: {\n type: Boolean,\n default: true\n },\n stickyOffsetTop: {\n type: Number,\n default: 0\n },\n indexList: {\n type: Array,\n default: genAlphabet\n }\n },\n data: function data() {\n return {\n activeAnchorIndex: null\n };\n },\n computed: {\n sidebarStyle: function sidebarStyle() {\n if (Object(utils[\"e\" /* isDef */])(this.zIndex)) {\n return {\n zIndex: this.zIndex + 1\n };\n }\n },\n highlightStyle: function highlightStyle() {\n var highlightColor = this.highlightColor;\n\n if (highlightColor) {\n return {\n color: highlightColor\n };\n }\n }\n },\n watch: {\n indexList: function indexList() {\n this.$nextTick(this.onScroll);\n }\n },\n methods: {\n onScroll: function onScroll() {\n var _this = this;\n\n if (isHidden(this.$el)) {\n return;\n }\n\n var scrollTop = getScrollTop(this.scroller);\n var scrollerRect = this.getScrollerRect();\n var rects = this.children.map(function (item) {\n return {\n height: item.height,\n top: _this.getElementTop(item.$el, scrollerRect)\n };\n });\n var active = this.getActiveAnchorIndex(scrollTop, rects);\n this.activeAnchorIndex = this.indexList[active];\n\n if (this.sticky) {\n this.children.forEach(function (item, index) {\n if (index === active || index === active - 1) {\n var rect = item.$el.getBoundingClientRect();\n item.left = rect.left;\n item.width = rect.width;\n } else {\n item.left = null;\n item.width = null;\n }\n\n if (index === active) {\n item.active = true;\n item.top = Math.max(_this.stickyOffsetTop, rects[index].top - scrollTop) + scrollerRect.top;\n } else if (index === active - 1) {\n var activeItemTop = rects[active].top - scrollTop;\n item.active = activeItemTop > 0;\n item.top = activeItemTop + scrollerRect.top - item.height;\n } else {\n item.active = false;\n }\n });\n }\n },\n getScrollerRect: function getScrollerRect() {\n if (this.scroller.getBoundingClientRect) {\n return this.scroller.getBoundingClientRect();\n }\n\n return {\n top: 0,\n left: 0\n };\n },\n getElementTop: function getElementTop(ele, scrollerRect) {\n var scroller = this.scroller;\n\n if (scroller === window || scroller === document.body) {\n return scroll_getElementTop(ele);\n }\n\n var eleRect = ele.getBoundingClientRect();\n return eleRect.top - scrollerRect.top + getScrollTop(scroller);\n },\n getActiveAnchorIndex: function getActiveAnchorIndex(scrollTop, rects) {\n for (var i = this.children.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {\n var prevHeight = i > 0 ? rects[i - 1].height : 0;\n var reachTop = this.sticky ? prevHeight + this.stickyOffsetTop : 0;\n\n if (scrollTop + reachTop >= rects[i].top) {\n return i;\n }\n }\n\n return -1;\n },\n onClick: function onClick(event) {\n this.scrollToElement(event.target);\n },\n onTouchMove: function onTouchMove(event) {\n this.touchMove(event);\n\n if (this.direction === 'vertical') {\n preventDefault(event);\n var _event$touches$ = event.touches[0],\n clientX = _event$touches$.clientX,\n clientY = _event$touches$.clientY;\n var target = document.elementFromPoint(clientX, clientY);\n\n if (target) {\n var index = target.dataset.index;\n /* istanbul ignore else */\n\n if (this.touchActiveIndex !== index) {\n this.touchActiveIndex = index;\n this.scrollToElement(target);\n }\n }\n }\n },\n scrollToElement: function scrollToElement(element) {\n var index = element.dataset.index;\n\n if (!index) {\n return;\n }\n\n var match = this.children.filter(function (item) {\n return String(item.index) === index;\n });\n\n if (match[0]) {\n match[0].scrollIntoView();\n\n if (this.sticky && this.stickyOffsetTop) {\n setRootScrollTop(getRootScrollTop() - this.stickyOffsetTop);\n }\n\n this.$emit('select', match[0].index);\n }\n },\n onTouchEnd: function onTouchEnd() {\n this.active = null;\n }\n },\n render: function render() {\n var _this2 = this;\n\n var h = arguments[0];\n var Indexes = this.indexList.map(function (index) {\n var active = index === _this2.activeAnchorIndex;\n return h(\"span\", {\n \"class\": index_bar_bem('index', {\n active: active\n }),\n \"style\": active ? _this2.highlightStyle : null,\n \"attrs\": {\n \"data-index\": index\n }\n }, [index]);\n });\n return h(\"div\", {\n \"class\": index_bar_bem()\n }, [h(\"div\", {\n \"class\": index_bar_bem('sidebar'),\n \"style\": this.sidebarStyle,\n \"on\": {\n \"click\": this.onClick,\n \"touchstart\": this.touchStart,\n \"touchmove\": this.onTouchMove,\n \"touchend\": this.onTouchEnd,\n \"touchcancel\": this.onTouchEnd\n }\n }, [Indexes]), this.slots('default')]);\n }\n}));\n// EXTERNAL MODULE: ./node_modules/vue-lazyload/vue-lazyload.js\nvar vue_lazyload = __webpack_require__(\"cTzj\");\nvar vue_lazyload_default = /*#__PURE__*/__webpack_require__.n(vue_lazyload);\n\n// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/vant/es/lazyload/index.js\n\n/* harmony default export */ var lazyload = (vue_lazyload_default.a);\n// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/vant/es/list/index.js\n// Utils\n\n\n // Mixins\n\n // Components\n\n\n\nvar list__createNamespace = Object(utils[\"b\" /* createNamespace */])('list'),\n list_createComponent = list__createNamespace[0],\n list_bem = list__createNamespace[1],\n list_t = list__createNamespace[2];\n\n/* harmony default export */ var es_list = (list_createComponent({\n mixins: [BindEventMixin(function (bind) {\n if (!this.scroller) {\n this.scroller = getScroller(this.$el);\n }\n\n bind(this.scroller, 'scroll', this.check);\n })],\n model: {\n prop: 'loading'\n },\n props: {\n error: Boolean,\n loading: Boolean,\n finished: Boolean,\n errorText: String,\n loadingText: String,\n finishedText: String,\n immediateCheck: {\n type: Boolean,\n default: true\n },\n offset: {\n type: [Number, String],\n default: 300\n },\n direction: {\n type: String,\n default: 'down'\n }\n },\n data: function data() {\n return {\n // use sync innerLoading state to avoid repeated loading in some edge cases\n innerLoading: this.loading\n };\n },\n updated: function updated() {\n this.innerLoading = this.loading;\n },\n mounted: function mounted() {\n if (this.immediateCheck) {\n this.check();\n }\n },\n watch: {\n loading: 'check',\n finished: 'check'\n },\n methods: {\n // @exposed-api\n check: function check() {\n var _this = this;\n\n this.$nextTick(function () {\n if (_this.innerLoading || _this.finished || _this.error) {\n return;\n }\n\n var el = _this.$el,\n scroller = _this.scroller,\n offset = _this.offset,\n direction = _this.direction;\n var scrollerRect;\n\n if (scroller.getBoundingClientRect) {\n scrollerRect = scroller.getBoundingClientRect();\n } else {\n scrollerRect = {\n top: 0,\n bottom: scroller.innerHeight\n };\n }\n\n var scrollerHeight = scrollerRect.bottom - scrollerRect.top;\n /* istanbul ignore next */\n\n if (!scrollerHeight || isHidden(el)) {\n return false;\n }\n\n var isReachEdge = false;\n\n var placeholderRect = _this.$refs.placeholder.getBoundingClientRect();\n\n if (direction === 'up') {\n isReachEdge = scrollerRect.top - placeholderRect.top <= offset;\n } else {\n isReachEdge = placeholderRect.bottom - scrollerRect.bottom <= offset;\n }\n\n if (isReachEdge) {\n _this.innerLoading = true;\n\n _this.$emit('input', true);\n\n _this.$emit('load');\n }\n });\n },\n clickErrorText: function clickErrorText() {\n this.$emit('update:error', false);\n this.check();\n },\n genLoading: function genLoading() {\n var h = this.$createElement;\n\n if (this.innerLoading && !this.finished) {\n return h(\"div\", {\n \"class\": list_bem('loading'),\n \"key\": \"loading\"\n }, [this.slots('loading') || h(es_loading, {\n \"attrs\": {\n \"size\": \"16\"\n }\n }, [this.loadingText || list_t('loading')])]);\n }\n },\n genFinishedText: function genFinishedText() {\n var h = this.$createElement;\n\n if (this.finished) {\n var text = this.slots('finished') || this.finishedText;\n\n if (text) {\n return h(\"div\", {\n \"class\": list_bem('finished-text')\n }, [text]);\n }\n }\n },\n genErrorText: function genErrorText() {\n var h = this.$createElement;\n\n if (this.error) {\n var text = this.slots('error') || this.errorText;\n\n if (text) {\n return h(\"div\", {\n \"on\": {\n \"click\": this.clickErrorText\n },\n \"class\": list_bem('error-text')\n }, [text]);\n }\n }\n }\n },\n render: function render() {\n var h = arguments[0];\n var Placeholder = h(\"div\", {\n \"ref\": \"placeholder\",\n \"class\": list_bem('placeholder')\n });\n return h(\"div\", {\n \"class\": list_bem(),\n \"attrs\": {\n \"role\": \"feed\",\n \"aria-busy\": this.innerLoading\n }\n }, [this.direction === 'down' ? this.slots() : Placeholder, this.genLoading(), this.genFinishedText(), this.genErrorText(), this.direction === 'up' ? this.slots() : Placeholder]);\n }\n}));\n// EXTERNAL MODULE: ./node_modules/vant/es/locale/index.js + 1 modules\nvar locale = __webpack_require__(\"S06l\");\n\n// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/vant/es/nav-bar/index.js\n// Utils\n\n // Components\n\n\n\nvar nav_bar__createNamespace = Object(utils[\"b\" /* createNamespace */])('nav-bar'),\n nav_bar_createComponent = nav_bar__createNamespace[0],\n nav_bar_bem = nav_bar__createNamespace[1];\n\n/* harmony default export */ var nav_bar = (nav_bar_createComponent({\n props: {\n title: String,\n fixed: Boolean,\n zIndex: [Number, String],\n leftText: String,\n rightText: String,\n leftArrow: Boolean,\n placeholder: Boolean,\n border: {\n type: Boolean,\n default: true\n }\n },\n data: function data() {\n return {\n height: null\n };\n },\n mounted: function mounted() {\n if (this.placeholder && this.fixed) {\n this.height = this.$refs.navBar.getBoundingClientRect().height;\n }\n },\n methods: {\n genLeft: function genLeft() {\n var h = this.$createElement;\n var leftSlot = this.slots('left');\n\n if (leftSlot) {\n return leftSlot;\n }\n\n return [this.leftArrow && h(es_icon, {\n \"class\": nav_bar_bem('arrow'),\n \"attrs\": {\n \"name\": \"arrow-left\"\n }\n }), this.leftText && h(\"span\", {\n \"class\": nav_bar_bem('text')\n }, [this.leftText])];\n },\n genRight: function genRight() {\n var h = this.$createElement;\n var rightSlot = this.slots('right');\n\n if (rightSlot) {\n return rightSlot;\n }\n\n if (this.rightText) {\n return h(\"span\", {\n \"class\": nav_bar_bem('text')\n }, [this.rightText]);\n }\n },\n genNavBar: function genNavBar() {\n var _ref;\n\n var h = this.$createElement;\n return h(\"div\", {\n \"ref\": \"navBar\",\n \"style\": {\n zIndex: this.zIndex\n },\n \"class\": [nav_bar_bem({\n fixed: this.fixed\n }), (_ref = {}, _ref[BORDER_BOTTOM] = this.border, _ref)]\n }, [h(\"div\", {\n \"class\": nav_bar_bem('left'),\n \"on\": {\n \"click\": this.onClickLeft\n }\n }, [this.genLeft()]), h(\"div\", {\n \"class\": [nav_bar_bem('title'), 'van-ellipsis']\n }, [this.slots('title') || this.title]), h(\"div\", {\n \"class\": nav_bar_bem('right'),\n \"on\": {\n \"click\": this.onClickRight\n }\n }, [this.genRight()])]);\n },\n onClickLeft: function onClickLeft(event) {\n this.$emit('click-left', event);\n },\n onClickRight: function onClickRight(event) {\n this.$emit('click-right', event);\n }\n },\n render: function render() {\n var h = arguments[0];\n\n if (this.placeholder && this.fixed) {\n return h(\"div\", {\n \"class\": nav_bar_bem('placeholder'),\n \"style\": {\n height: this.height + \"px\"\n }\n }, [this.genNavBar()]);\n }\n\n return this.genNavBar();\n }\n}));\n// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/vant/es/notice-bar/index.js\n\n\n\n\nvar notice_bar__createNamespace = Object(utils[\"b\" /* createNamespace */])('notice-bar'),\n notice_bar_createComponent = notice_bar__createNamespace[0],\n notice_bar_bem = notice_bar__createNamespace[1];\n\n/* harmony default export */ var notice_bar = (notice_bar_createComponent({\n props: {\n text: String,\n mode: String,\n color: String,\n leftIcon: String,\n wrapable: Boolean,\n background: String,\n scrollable: {\n type: Boolean,\n default: null\n },\n delay: {\n type: [Number, String],\n default: 1\n },\n speed: {\n type: [Number, String],\n default: 50\n }\n },\n data: function data() {\n return {\n show: true,\n offset: 0,\n duration: 0,\n wrapWidth: 0,\n contentWidth: 0\n };\n },\n watch: {\n scrollable: 'start',\n text: {\n handler: 'start',\n immediate: true\n }\n },\n activated: function activated() {\n this.start();\n },\n methods: {\n onClickIcon: function onClickIcon(event) {\n if (this.mode === 'closeable') {\n this.show = false;\n this.$emit('close', event);\n }\n },\n onTransitionEnd: function onTransitionEnd() {\n var _this = this;\n\n this.offset = this.wrapWidth;\n this.duration = 0; // wait for Vue to render offset\n\n this.$nextTick(function () {\n // use double raf to ensure animation can start\n Object(raf[\"b\" /* doubleRaf */])(function () {\n _this.offset = -_this.contentWidth;\n _this.duration = (_this.contentWidth + _this.wrapWidth) / _this.speed;\n\n _this.$emit('replay');\n });\n });\n },\n reset: function reset() {\n this.offset = 0;\n this.duration = 0;\n this.wrapWidth = 0;\n this.contentWidth = 0;\n },\n start: function start() {\n var _this2 = this;\n\n var delay = Object(utils[\"e\" /* isDef */])(this.delay) ? this.delay * 1000 : 0;\n this.reset();\n setTimeout(function () {\n var _this2$$refs = _this2.$refs,\n wrap = _this2$$refs.wrap,\n content = _this2$$refs.content;\n\n if (!wrap || !content || _this2.scrollable === false) {\n return;\n }\n\n var wrapWidth = wrap.getBoundingClientRect().width;\n var contentWidth = content.getBoundingClientRect().width;\n\n if (_this2.scrollable || contentWidth > wrapWidth) {\n Object(raf[\"b\" /* doubleRaf */])(function () {\n _this2.offset = -contentWidth;\n _this2.duration = contentWidth / _this2.speed;\n _this2.wrapWidth = wrapWidth;\n _this2.contentWidth = contentWidth;\n });\n }\n }, delay);\n }\n },\n render: function render() {\n var _this3 = this;\n\n var h = arguments[0];\n var slots = this.slots,\n mode = this.mode,\n leftIcon = this.leftIcon,\n onClickIcon = this.onClickIcon;\n var barStyle = {\n color: this.color,\n background: this.background\n };\n var contentStyle = {\n transform: this.offset ? \"translateX(\" + this.offset + \"px)\" : '',\n transitionDuration: this.duration + 's'\n };\n\n function LeftIcon() {\n var slot = slots('left-icon');\n\n if (slot) {\n return slot;\n }\n\n if (leftIcon) {\n return h(es_icon, {\n \"class\": notice_bar_bem('left-icon'),\n \"attrs\": {\n \"name\": leftIcon\n }\n });\n }\n }\n\n function RightIcon() {\n var slot = slots('right-icon');\n\n if (slot) {\n return slot;\n }\n\n var iconName;\n\n if (mode === 'closeable') {\n iconName = 'cross';\n } else if (mode === 'link') {\n iconName = 'arrow';\n }\n\n if (iconName) {\n return h(es_icon, {\n \"class\": notice_bar_bem('right-icon'),\n \"attrs\": {\n \"name\": iconName\n },\n \"on\": {\n \"click\": onClickIcon\n }\n });\n }\n }\n\n return h(\"div\", {\n \"attrs\": {\n \"role\": \"alert\"\n },\n \"directives\": [{\n name: \"show\",\n value: this.show\n }],\n \"class\": notice_bar_bem({\n wrapable: this.wrapable\n }),\n \"style\": barStyle,\n \"on\": {\n \"click\": function click(event) {\n _this3.$emit('click', event);\n }\n }\n }, [LeftIcon(), h(\"div\", {\n \"ref\": \"wrap\",\n \"class\": notice_bar_bem('wrap'),\n \"attrs\": {\n \"role\": \"marquee\"\n }\n }, [h(\"div\", {\n \"ref\": \"content\",\n \"class\": [notice_bar_bem('content'), {\n 'van-ellipsis': this.scrollable === false && !this.wrapable\n }],\n \"style\": contentStyle,\n \"on\": {\n \"transitionend\": this.onTransitionEnd\n }\n }, [this.slots() || this.text])]), RightIcon()]);\n }\n}));\n// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/vant/es/notify/Notify.js\n\n\n// Utils\n\n // Mixins\n\n // Components\n\n // Types\n\nvar Notify__createNamespace = Object(utils[\"b\" /* createNamespace */])('notify'),\n Notify_createComponent = Notify__createNamespace[0],\n Notify_bem = Notify__createNamespace[1];\n\nfunction Notify(h, props, slots, ctx) {\n var style = {\n color: props.color,\n background: props.background\n };\n return h(popup, helper_default()([{\n \"attrs\": {\n \"value\": props.value,\n \"position\": \"top\",\n \"overlay\": false,\n \"duration\": 0.2,\n \"lockScroll\": false\n },\n \"style\": style,\n \"class\": [Notify_bem([props.type]), props.className]\n }, inherit(ctx, true)]), [(slots.default == null ? void 0 : slots.default()) || props.message]);\n}\n\nNotify.props = _extends({}, popupMixinProps, {\n color: String,\n message: [Number, String],\n duration: [Number, String],\n className: null,\n background: String,\n getContainer: [String, Function],\n type: {\n type: String,\n default: 'danger'\n }\n});\n/* harmony default export */ var notify_Notify = (Notify_createComponent(Notify));\n// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/vant/es/notify/index.js\n\n\n\n\n\nvar timer;\nvar notify_instance;\n\nfunction notify_parseOptions(message) {\n return Object(utils[\"g\" /* isObject */])(message) ? message : {\n message: message\n };\n}\n\nfunction es_notify_Notify(options) {\n /* istanbul ignore if */\n if (utils[\"i\" /* isServer */]) {\n return;\n }\n\n if (!notify_instance) {\n notify_instance = mount(notify_Notify, {\n on: {\n click: function click(event) {\n if (notify_instance.onClick) {\n notify_instance.onClick(event);\n }\n },\n close: function close() {\n if (notify_instance.onClose) {\n notify_instance.onClose();\n }\n },\n opened: function opened() {\n if (notify_instance.onOpened) {\n notify_instance.onOpened();\n }\n }\n }\n });\n }\n\n options = _extends({}, es_notify_Notify.currentOptions, notify_parseOptions(options));\n\n _extends(notify_instance, options);\n\n clearTimeout(timer);\n\n if (options.duration && options.duration > 0) {\n timer = setTimeout(es_notify_Notify.clear, options.duration);\n }\n\n return notify_instance;\n}\n\nfunction notify_defaultOptions() {\n return {\n type: 'danger',\n value: true,\n message: '',\n color: undefined,\n background: undefined,\n duration: 3000,\n className: '',\n onClose: null,\n onClick: null,\n onOpened: null\n };\n}\n\nes_notify_Notify.clear = function () {\n if (notify_instance) {\n notify_instance.value = false;\n }\n};\n\nes_notify_Notify.currentOptions = notify_defaultOptions();\n\nes_notify_Notify.setDefaultOptions = function (options) {\n _extends(es_notify_Notify.currentOptions, options);\n};\n\nes_notify_Notify.resetDefaultOptions = function () {\n es_notify_Notify.currentOptions = notify_defaultOptions();\n};\n\nes_notify_Notify.install = function () {\n vue_esm[\"default\"].use(notify_Notify);\n};\n\nes_notify_Notify.Component = notify_Notify;\nvue_esm[\"default\"].prototype.$notify = es_notify_Notify;\n/* harmony default export */ var notify = (es_notify_Notify);\n// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/vant/es/number-keyboard/DeleteIcon.js\n/* harmony default export */ var number_keyboard_DeleteIcon = ({\n render: function render() {\n var h = arguments[0];\n return h(\"svg\", {\n \"attrs\": {\n \"viewBox\": \"0 0 32 22\",\n \"xmlns\": \"http://www.w3.org/2000/svg\"\n }\n }, [h(\"path\", {\n \"attrs\": {\n \"d\": \"M28.016 0A3.991 3.991 0 0132 3.987v14.026c0 2.2-1.787 3.987-3.98 3.987H10.382c-.509 0-.996-.206-1.374-.585L.89 13.09C.33 12.62 0 11.84 0 11.006c0-.86.325-1.62.887-2.08L9.01.585A1.936 1.936 0 0110.383 0zm0 1.947H10.368L2.24 10.28c-.224.226-.312.432-.312.73 0 . 8.333h17.648a2.041 2.041 0 002.037-2.04V3.987c0-1.127-.915-2.04-2.037-2.04zM23.028 6a.96.96 0 01.678.292.95.95 0 01-.003 1.377l-3.342 3.348 3.326 3.333c. 0 .248-.103.49-.292.679a.96.96 0 01-.678.292.959.959 0 01-.677-.292L18.99 12.36l-3.343 3.345a.96.96 0 01-.677.292.96.96 0 01-.678-.292.962.962 0 01-.292-.68c0-.248.104-.49.292-.679l3.342-3.348-3.342-3.348A.963.963 0 0114 6.971c0-.248.104-.49.292-.679A.96.96 0 0114.97 6a.96.96 0 01.677.292l3.358 3.348 3.345-3.348A.96.96 0 0123.028 6z\",\n \"fill\": \"currentColor\"\n }\n })]);\n }\n});\n// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/vant/es/number-keyboard/CollapseIcon.js\n/* harmony default export */ var CollapseIcon = ({\n render: function render() {\n var h = arguments[0];\n return h(\"svg\", {\n \"attrs\": {\n \"viewBox\": \"0 0 30 24\",\n \"xmlns\": \"http://www.w3.org/2000/svg\"\n }\n }, [h(\"path\", {\n \"attrs\": {\n \"d\": \"M25.877 12.843h-1.502c-.188 0-.188 0-.188.19v1.512c0 .188 0 .188.188.188h1.5c.187 0 .187 0 .187-.188v-1.511c0-.19 0-.191-.185-.191zM17.999 10.2c0 .188 0 .188.188.188h1.687c.188 0 .188 0 .188-.188V8.688c0-.187.004-.187-.186-.19h-1.69c-.187 0-.187 0-.187.19V10.2zm2.25-3.967h1.5c.188 0 .188 0 .188-.188v-1.7c0-.19 0-.19-.188-.19h-1.5c-.189 0-.189 0-.189.19v1.7c0 .188 0 .188.19.188zm2.063 4.157h3.563c.187 0 .187 0 .187-.189V4.346c0-.19.004-.19-.185-.19h-1.69c-.187 0-.187 0-.187.188v4.155h-1.688c-.187 0-.187 0-.187.189v1.514c0 .19 0 .19.187.19zM14.812 24l2.812-3.4H12l2.813 3.4zm-9-11.157H4.31c-.188 0-.188 0-.188.19v1.512c0 .188 0 .188.188.188h1.502c.187 0 .187 0 .187-.188v-1.511c0-.19.01-.191-.189-.191zm15.937 0H8.25c-.188 0-.188 0-.188.19v1.512c0 .188 0 .188.188.188h13.5c.188 0 .188 0 .188-.188v-1.511c0-.19 0-.191-.188-.191zm-11.438-2.454h1.5c.188 0 .188 0 .188-.188V8.688c0-.187 0-.187-.188-.189h-1.5c-.187 0-.187 0-.187.189V10.2c0 .188 0 .188.187.188zM27.94 0c.563 0 .917.21 1.313.567.518.466.748.757.748 1.51v14.92c0 .567-.188 1.134-.562 1.512-.376.378-.938.566-1.313.566H2.063c-.563 0-.938-.188-1.313-.566-.562-.378-.75-.945-.75-1.511V2.078C0 1.5 0 1.875 0zm-.062 2H2v14.92h25.877V2zM5.81 4.157c.19 0 .19 0 .19.189v1.762c-.003.126-.024.126-.188.126H4.249c-.126-.003-.126-.023-.126-.188v-1.7c-.187-.19 0-.19.188-.19zm10.5 2.077h1.503c.187 0 .187 0 .187-.188v-1.7c0-.19 0-.19-.187-.19h-1.502c-.188 0-.188.001-.188.19v1.7c0 .188 0 .188.188.188zM7.875 8.5c.187 0 . .188 0 .188-.187.188H4.249c-.126-.002-.126-.023-.126-.188V8.625c.003-.126.024-.126.188-.126zm7.875 0c. 0 .187 0 .187.189v1.7c0 .188 0 .188-.187.188H8.187c-.126-.003-.126-.023-.126-.188V4.283c.003-.126.024-.126.188-.126zm3.94 0c.185 0 .372 0 .372.189v1.762c-.002.126-.023.126-.187.126h-1.75C12 6.231 12 6.211 12 6.046v-1.7c0-.19.187-.19.187-.19z\",\n \"fill\": \"currentColor\"\n }\n })]);\n }\n});\n// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/vant/es/number-keyboard/Key.js\n\n\n\n\n\n\nvar Key__createNamespace = Object(utils[\"b\" /* createNamespace */])('key'),\n Key_createComponent = Key__createNamespace[0],\n Key_bem = Key__createNamespace[1];\n\n/* harmony default export */ var Key = (Key_createComponent({\n mixins: [TouchMixin],\n props: {\n type: String,\n text: [Number, String],\n color: String,\n wider: Boolean,\n large: Boolean,\n loading: Boolean\n },\n data: function data() {\n return {\n active: false\n };\n },\n mounted: function mounted() {\n this.bindTouchEvent(this.$el);\n },\n methods: {\n onTouchStart: function onTouchStart(event) {\n // compatible with Vue 2.6 event bubble bug\n event.stopPropagation();\n this.touchStart(event);\n this.active = true;\n },\n onTouchMove: function onTouchMove(event) {\n this.touchMove(event);\n\n if (this.direction) {\n this.active = false;\n }\n },\n onTouchEnd: function onTouchEnd(event) {\n if (this.active) {\n // eliminate tap delay on safari\n event.preventDefault();\n this.active = false;\n this.$emit('press', this.text, this.type);\n }\n },\n genContent: function genContent() {\n var h = this.$createElement;\n var isExtra = this.type === 'extra';\n var isDelete = this.type === 'delete';\n var text = this.slots('default') || this.text;\n\n if (this.loading) {\n return h(es_loading, {\n \"class\": Key_bem('loading-icon')\n });\n }\n\n if (isDelete) {\n return text || h(number_keyboard_DeleteIcon, {\n \"class\": Key_bem('delete-icon')\n });\n }\n\n if (isExtra) {\n return text || h(CollapseIcon, {\n \"class\": Key_bem('collapse-icon')\n });\n }\n\n return text;\n }\n },\n render: function render() {\n var h = arguments[0];\n return h(\"div\", {\n \"class\": Key_bem('wrapper', {\n wider: this.wider\n })\n }, [h(\"button\", {\n \"attrs\": {\n \"type\": \"button\"\n },\n \"class\": Key_bem([this.color, {\n large: this.large,\n active: this.active,\n delete: this.type === 'delete'\n }])\n }, [this.genContent()])]);\n }\n}));\n// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/vant/es/number-keyboard/index.js\n\n\n\n\n\nvar number_keyboard__createNamespace = Object(utils[\"b\" /* createNamespace */])('number-keyboard'),\n number_keyboard_createComponent = number_keyboard__createNamespace[0],\n number_keyboard_bem = number_keyboard__createNamespace[1];\n\n/* harmony default export */ var number_keyboard = (number_keyboard_createComponent({\n mixins: [BindEventMixin(function (bind) {\n if (this.hideOnClickOutside) {\n bind(document.body, 'touchstart', this.onBlur);\n }\n })],\n model: {\n event: 'update:value'\n },\n props: {\n show: Boolean,\n title: String,\n zIndex: [Number, String],\n closeButtonText: String,\n deleteButtonText: String,\n closeButtonLoading: Boolean,\n theme: {\n type: String,\n default: 'default'\n },\n value: {\n type: String,\n default: ''\n },\n extraKey: {\n type: [String, Array],\n default: ''\n },\n maxlength: {\n type: [Number, String],\n default: Number.MAX_VALUE\n },\n transition: {\n type: Boolean,\n default: true\n },\n showDeleteKey: {\n type: Boolean,\n default: true\n },\n hideOnClickOutside: {\n type: Boolean,\n default: true\n },\n safeAreaInsetBottom: {\n type: Boolean,\n default: true\n }\n },\n watch: {\n show: function show(val) {\n if (!this.transition) {\n this.$emit(val ? 'show' : 'hide');\n }\n }\n },\n computed: {\n keys: function keys() {\n if (this.theme === 'custom') {\n return this.genCustomKeys();\n }\n\n return this.genDefaultKeys();\n }\n },\n methods: {\n genBasicKeys: function genBasicKeys() {\n var keys = [];\n\n for (var i = 1; i <= 9; i++) {\n keys.push({\n text: i\n });\n }\n\n return keys;\n },\n genDefaultKeys: function genDefaultKeys() {\n return [].concat(this.genBasicKeys(), [{\n text: this.extraKey,\n type: 'extra'\n }, {\n text: 0\n }, {\n text: this.showDeleteKey ? this.deleteButtonText : '',\n type: this.showDeleteKey ? 'delete' : ''\n }]);\n },\n genCustomKeys: function genCustomKeys() {\n var keys = this.genBasicKeys();\n var extraKey = this.extraKey;\n var extraKeys = Array.isArray(extraKey) ? extraKey : [extraKey];\n\n if (extraKeys.length === 1) {\n keys.push({\n text: 0,\n wider: true\n }, {\n text: extraKey[0],\n type: 'extra'\n });\n } else if (extraKeys.length === 2) {\n keys.push({\n text: extraKey[0],\n type: 'extra'\n }, {\n text: 0\n }, {\n text: extraKey[1],\n type: 'extra'\n });\n }\n\n return keys;\n },\n onBlur: function onBlur() {\n this.show && this.$emit('blur');\n },\n onClose: function onClose() {\n this.$emit('close');\n this.onBlur();\n },\n onAnimationEnd: function onAnimationEnd() {\n this.$emit(this.show ? 'show' : 'hide');\n },\n onPress: function onPress(text, type) {\n if (text === '') {\n if (type === 'extra') {\n this.onBlur();\n }\n\n return;\n }\n\n var value = this.value;\n\n if (type === 'delete') {\n this.$emit('delete');\n this.$emit('update:value', value.slice(0, value.length - 1));\n } else if (type === 'close') {\n this.onClose();\n } else if (value.length < this.maxlength) {\n this.$emit('input', text);\n this.$emit('update:value', value + text);\n }\n },\n genTitle: function genTitle() {\n var h = this.$createElement;\n var title = this.title,\n theme = this.theme,\n closeButtonText = this.closeButtonText;\n var titleLeft = this.slots('title-left');\n var showClose = closeButtonText && theme === 'default';\n var showTitle = title || showClose || titleLeft;\n\n if (!showTitle) {\n return;\n }\n\n return h(\"div\", {\n \"class\": number_keyboard_bem('header')\n }, [titleLeft && h(\"span\", {\n \"class\": number_keyboard_bem('title-left')\n }, [titleLeft]), title && h(\"h2\", {\n \"class\": number_keyboard_bem('title')\n }, [title]), showClose && h(\"button\", {\n \"attrs\": {\n \"type\": \"button\"\n },\n \"class\": number_keyboard_bem('close'),\n \"on\": {\n \"click\": this.onClose\n }\n }, [closeButtonText])]);\n },\n genKeys: function genKeys() {\n var _this = this;\n\n var h = this.$createElement;\n return this.keys.map(function (key) {\n return h(Key, {\n \"key\": key.text,\n \"attrs\": {\n \"text\": key.text,\n \"type\": key.type,\n \"wider\": key.wider,\n \"color\": key.color\n },\n \"on\": {\n \"press\": _this.onPress\n }\n }, [key.type === 'delete' && _this.slots('delete'), key.type === 'extra' && _this.slots('extra-key')]);\n });\n },\n genSidebar: function genSidebar() {\n var h = this.$createElement;\n\n if (this.theme === 'custom') {\n return h(\"div\", {\n \"class\": number_keyboard_bem('sidebar')\n }, [this.showDeleteKey && h(Key, {\n \"attrs\": {\n \"large\": true,\n \"text\": this.deleteButtonText,\n \"type\": \"delete\"\n },\n \"on\": {\n \"press\": this.onPress\n }\n }, [this.slots('delete')]), h(Key, {\n \"attrs\": {\n \"large\": true,\n \"text\": this.closeButtonText,\n \"type\": \"close\",\n \"color\": \"blue\",\n \"loading\": this.closeButtonLoading\n },\n \"on\": {\n \"press\": this.onPress\n }\n })]);\n }\n }\n },\n render: function render() {\n var h = arguments[0];\n var Title = this.genTitle();\n return h(\"transition\", {\n \"attrs\": {\n \"name\": this.transition ? 'van-slide-up' : ''\n }\n }, [h(\"div\", {\n \"directives\": [{\n name: \"show\",\n value: this.show\n }],\n \"style\": {\n zIndex: this.zIndex\n },\n \"class\": number_keyboard_bem({\n unfit: !this.safeAreaInsetBottom,\n 'with-title': Title\n }),\n \"on\": {\n \"touchstart\": event_stopPropagation,\n \"animationend\": this.onAnimationEnd,\n \"webkitAnimationEnd\": this.onAnimationEnd\n }\n }, [Title, h(\"div\", {\n \"class\": number_keyboard_bem('body')\n }, [h(\"div\", {\n \"class\": number_keyboard_bem('keys')\n }, [this.genKeys()]), this.genSidebar()])])]);\n }\n}));\n// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/vant/es/pagination/index.js\n\n\n\nvar pagination__createNamespace = Object(utils[\"b\" /* createNamespace */])('pagination'),\n pagination_createComponent = pagination__createNamespace[0],\n pagination_bem = pagination__createNamespace[1],\n pagination_t = pagination__createNamespace[2];\n\nfunction makePage(number, text, active) {\n return {\n number: number,\n text: text,\n active: active\n };\n}\n\n/* harmony default export */ var pagination = (pagination_createComponent({\n props: {\n prevText: String,\n nextText: String,\n forceEllipses: Boolean,\n mode: {\n type: String,\n default: 'multi'\n },\n value: {\n type: Number,\n default: 0\n },\n pageCount: {\n type: [Number, String],\n default: 0\n },\n totalItems: {\n type: [Number, String],\n default: 0\n },\n itemsPerPage: {\n type: [Number, String],\n default: 10\n },\n showPageSize: {\n type: [Number, String],\n default: 5\n }\n },\n computed: {\n count: function count() {\n var count = this.pageCount || Math.ceil(this.totalItems / this.itemsPerPage);\n return Math.max(1, count);\n },\n pages: function pages() {\n var pages = [];\n var pageCount = this.count;\n var showPageSize = +this.showPageSize;\n\n if (this.mode !== 'multi') {\n return pages;\n } // Default page limits\n\n\n var startPage = 1;\n var endPage = pageCount;\n var isMaxSized = showPageSize < pageCount; // recompute if showPageSize\n\n if (isMaxSized) {\n // Current page is displayed in the middle of the visible ones\n startPage = Math.max(this.value - Math.floor(showPageSize / 2), 1);\n endPage = startPage + showPageSize - 1; // Adjust if limit is exceeded\n\n if (endPage > pageCount) {\n endPage = pageCount;\n startPage = endPage - showPageSize + 1;\n }\n } // Add page number links\n\n\n for (var number = startPage; number <= endPage; number++) {\n var page = makePage(number, number, number === this.value);\n pages.push(page);\n } // Add links to move between page sets\n\n\n if (isMaxSized && showPageSize > 0 && this.forceEllipses) {\n if (startPage > 1) {\n var previousPageSet = makePage(startPage - 1, '...', false);\n pages.unshift(previousPageSet);\n }\n\n if (endPage < pageCount) {\n var nextPageSet = makePage(endPage + 1, '...', false);\n pages.push(nextPageSet);\n }\n }\n\n return pages;\n }\n },\n watch: {\n value: {\n handler: function handler(page) {\n this.select(page || this.value);\n },\n immediate: true\n }\n },\n methods: {\n select: function select(page, emitChange) {\n page = Math.min(this.count, Math.max(1, page));\n\n if (this.value !== page) {\n this.$emit('input', page);\n\n if (emitChange) {\n this.$emit('change', page);\n }\n }\n }\n },\n render: function render() {\n var _this = this;\n\n var h = arguments[0];\n var value = this.value;\n var simple = this.mode !== 'multi';\n\n var onSelect = function onSelect(value) {\n return function () {\n _this.select(value, true);\n };\n };\n\n return h(\"ul\", {\n \"class\": pagination_bem({\n simple: simple\n })\n }, [h(\"li\", {\n \"class\": [pagination_bem('item', {\n disabled: value === 1\n }), pagination_bem('prev'), BORDER],\n \"on\": {\n \"click\": onSelect(value - 1)\n }\n }, [this.prevText || pagination_t('prev')]), this.pages.map(function (page) {\n return h(\"li\", {\n \"class\": [pagination_bem('item', {\n active: page.active\n }), pagination_bem('page'), BORDER],\n \"on\": {\n \"click\": onSelect(page.number)\n }\n }, [page.text]);\n }), simple && h(\"li\", {\n \"class\": pagination_bem('page-desc')\n }, [this.slots('pageDesc') || value + \"/\" + this.count]), h(\"li\", {\n \"class\": [pagination_bem('item', {\n disabled: value === this.count\n }), pagination_bem('next'), BORDER],\n \"on\": {\n \"click\": onSelect(value + 1)\n }\n }, [this.nextText || pagination_t('next')])]);\n }\n}));\n// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/vant/es/panel/index.js\n\n// Utils\n\n\n // Components\n\n\n // Types\n\nvar panel__createNamespace = Object(utils[\"b\" /* createNamespace */])('panel'),\n panel_createComponent = panel__createNamespace[0],\n panel_bem = panel__createNamespace[1];\n\nfunction Panel(h, props, slots, ctx) {\n var Content = function Content() {\n return [slots.header ? slots.header() : h(cell, {\n \"attrs\": {\n \"icon\": props.icon,\n \"label\": props.desc,\n \"title\": props.title,\n \"value\": props.status,\n \"valueClass\": panel_bem('header-value')\n },\n \"class\": panel_bem('header')\n }), h(\"div\", {\n \"class\": panel_bem('content')\n }, [slots.default && slots.default()]), slots.footer && h(\"div\", {\n \"class\": [panel_bem('footer'), BORDER_TOP]\n }, [slots.footer()])];\n };\n\n return h(cell_group, helper_default()([{\n \"class\": panel_bem(),\n \"scopedSlots\": {\n default: Content\n }\n }, inherit(ctx, true)]));\n}\n\nPanel.props = {\n icon: String,\n desc: String,\n title: String,\n status: String\n};\n/* harmony default export */ var panel = (panel_createComponent(Panel));\n// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/vant/es/password-input/index.js\n\n// Utils\n\n\n // Types\n\nvar password_input__createNamespace = Object(utils[\"b\" /* createNamespace */])('password-input'),\n password_input_createComponent = password_input__createNamespace[0],\n password_input_bem = password_input__createNamespace[1];\n\nfunction PasswordInput(h, props, slots, ctx) {\n var _ref2;\n\n var mask = props.mask,\n value = props.value,\n length = props.length,\n gutter = props.gutter,\n focused = props.focused,\n errorInfo = props.errorInfo;\n var info = errorInfo || props.info;\n var Points = [];\n\n for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {\n var _ref;\n\n var _char = value[i];\n var showBorder = i !== 0 && !gutter;\n var showCursor = focused && i === value.length;\n var style = void 0;\n\n if (i !== 0 && gutter) {\n style = {\n marginLeft: Object(utils[\"a\" /* addUnit */])(gutter)\n };\n }\n\n Points.push(h(\"li\", {\n \"class\": [(_ref = {}, _ref[BORDER_LEFT] = showBorder, _ref), password_input_bem('item', {\n focus: showCursor\n })],\n \"style\": style\n }, [mask ? h(\"i\", {\n \"style\": {\n visibility: _char ? 'visible' : 'hidden'\n }\n }) : _char, showCursor && h(\"div\", {\n \"class\": password_input_bem('cursor')\n })]));\n }\n\n return h(\"div\", {\n \"class\": password_input_bem()\n }, [h(\"ul\", helper_default()([{\n \"class\": [password_input_bem('security'), (_ref2 = {}, _ref2[BORDER_SURROUND] = !gutter, _ref2)],\n \"on\": {\n \"touchstart\": function touchstart(event) {\n event.stopPropagation();\n functional_emit(ctx, 'focus', event);\n }\n }\n }, inherit(ctx, true)]), [Points]), info && h(\"div\", {\n \"class\": password_input_bem(errorInfo ? 'error-info' : 'info')\n }, [info])]);\n}\n\nPasswordInput.props = {\n info: String,\n gutter: [Number, String],\n focused: Boolean,\n errorInfo: String,\n mask: {\n type: Boolean,\n default: true\n },\n value: {\n type: String,\n default: ''\n },\n length: {\n type: [Number, String],\n default: 6\n }\n};\n/* harmony default export */ var password_input = (password_input_createComponent(PasswordInput));\n// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/vant/es/progress/index.js\n\n\nvar progress__createNamespace = Object(utils[\"b\" /* createNamespace */])('progress'),\n progress_createComponent = progress__createNamespace[0],\n progress_bem = progress__createNamespace[1];\n\n/* harmony default export */ var es_progress = (progress_createComponent({\n props: {\n color: String,\n inactive: Boolean,\n pivotText: String,\n textColor: String,\n pivotColor: String,\n trackColor: String,\n strokeWidth: [Number, String],\n percentage: {\n type: [Number, String],\n required: true,\n validator: function validator(value) {\n return value >= 0 && value <= 100;\n }\n },\n showPivot: {\n type: Boolean,\n default: true\n }\n },\n data: function data() {\n return {\n pivotWidth: 0,\n progressWidth: 0\n };\n },\n mounted: function mounted() {\n this.setWidth();\n },\n watch: {\n showPivot: 'setWidth',\n pivotText: 'setWidth'\n },\n methods: {\n setWidth: function setWidth() {\n var _this = this;\n\n this.$nextTick(function () {\n _this.progressWidth = _this.$el.offsetWidth;\n _this.pivotWidth = _this.$refs.pivot ? _this.$refs.pivot.offsetWidth : 0;\n });\n }\n },\n render: function render() {\n var h = arguments[0];\n var pivotText = this.pivotText,\n percentage = this.percentage;\n var text = Object(utils[\"e\" /* isDef */])(pivotText) ? pivotText : percentage + '%';\n var showPivot = this.showPivot && text;\n var background = this.inactive ? '#cacaca' : this.color;\n var pivotStyle = {\n color: this.textColor,\n left: (this.progressWidth - this.pivotWidth) * percentage / 100 + \"px\",\n background: this.pivotColor || background\n };\n var portionStyle = {\n background: background,\n width: this.progressWidth * percentage / 100 + 'px'\n };\n var wrapperStyle = {\n background: this.trackColor,\n height: Object(utils[\"a\" /* addUnit */])(this.strokeWidth)\n };\n return h(\"div\", {\n \"class\": progress_bem(),\n \"style\": wrapperStyle\n }, [h(\"span\", {\n \"class\": progress_bem('portion'),\n \"style\": portionStyle\n }, [showPivot && h(\"span\", {\n \"ref\": \"pivot\",\n \"style\": pivotStyle,\n \"class\": progress_bem('pivot')\n }, [text])])]);\n }\n}));\n// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/vant/es/pull-refresh/index.js\n// Utils\n\n\n // Mixins\n\n // Components\n\n\n\nvar pull_refresh__createNamespace = Object(utils[\"b\" /* createNamespace */])('pull-refresh'),\n pull_refresh_createComponent = pull_refresh__createNamespace[0],\n pull_refresh_bem = pull_refresh__createNamespace[1],\n pull_refresh_t = pull_refresh__createNamespace[2];\n\nvar DEFAULT_HEAD_HEIGHT = 50;\nvar TEXT_STATUS = ['pulling', 'loosing', 'success'];\n/* harmony default export */ var pull_refresh = (pull_refresh_createComponent({\n mixins: [TouchMixin],\n props: {\n disabled: Boolean,\n successText: String,\n pullingText: String,\n loosingText: String,\n loadingText: String,\n value: {\n type: Boolean,\n required: true\n },\n successDuration: {\n type: [Number, String],\n default: 500\n },\n animationDuration: {\n type: [Number, String],\n default: 300\n },\n headHeight: {\n type: [Number, String],\n default: DEFAULT_HEAD_HEIGHT\n }\n },\n data: function data() {\n return {\n status: 'normal',\n distance: 0,\n duration: 0\n };\n },\n computed: {\n touchable: function touchable() {\n return this.status !== 'loading' && this.status !== 'success' && !this.disabled;\n },\n headStyle: function headStyle() {\n if (this.headHeight !== DEFAULT_HEAD_HEIGHT) {\n return {\n height: this.headHeight + \"px\"\n };\n }\n }\n },\n watch: {\n value: function value(loading) {\n this.duration = this.animationDuration;\n\n if (loading) {\n this.setStatus(+this.headHeight, true);\n } else if (this.slots('success') || this.successText) {\n this.showSuccessTip();\n } else {\n this.setStatus(0, false);\n }\n }\n },\n mounted: function mounted() {\n this.bindTouchEvent(this.$refs.track);\n this.scrollEl = getScroller(this.$el);\n },\n methods: {\n checkPullStart: function checkPullStart(event) {\n this.ceiling = getScrollTop(this.scrollEl) === 0;\n\n if (this.ceiling) {\n this.duration = 0;\n this.touchStart(event);\n }\n },\n onTouchStart: function onTouchStart(event) {\n if (this.touchable) {\n this.checkPullStart(event);\n }\n },\n onTouchMove: function onTouchMove(event) {\n if (!this.touchable) {\n return;\n }\n\n if (!this.ceiling) {\n this.checkPullStart(event);\n }\n\n this.touchMove(event);\n\n if (this.ceiling && this.deltaY >= 0 && this.direction === 'vertical') {\n preventDefault(event);\n this.setStatus(this.ease(this.deltaY));\n }\n },\n onTouchEnd: function onTouchEnd() {\n var _this = this;\n\n if (this.touchable && this.ceiling && this.deltaY) {\n this.duration = this.animationDuration;\n\n if (this.status === 'loosing') {\n this.setStatus(+this.headHeight, true);\n this.$emit('input', true); // ensure value change can be watched\n\n this.$nextTick(function () {\n _this.$emit('refresh');\n });\n } else {\n this.setStatus(0);\n }\n }\n },\n ease: function ease(distance) {\n var headHeight = +this.headHeight;\n\n if (distance > headHeight) {\n if (distance < headHeight * 2) {\n distance = headHeight + (distance - headHeight) / 2;\n } else {\n distance = headHeight * 1.5 + (distance - headHeight * 2) / 4;\n }\n }\n\n return Math.round(distance);\n },\n setStatus: function setStatus(distance, isLoading) {\n var status;\n\n if (isLoading) {\n status = 'loading';\n } else if (distance === 0) {\n status = 'normal';\n } else {\n status = distance < this.headHeight ? 'pulling' : 'loosing';\n }\n\n this.distance = distance;\n\n if (status !== this.status) {\n this.status = status;\n }\n },\n genStatus: function genStatus() {\n var h = this.$createElement;\n var status = this.status,\n distance = this.distance;\n var slot = this.slots(status, {\n distance: distance\n });\n\n if (slot) {\n return slot;\n }\n\n var nodes = [];\n var text = this[status + \"Text\"] || pull_refresh_t(status);\n\n if (TEXT_STATUS.indexOf(status) !== -1) {\n nodes.push(h(\"div\", {\n \"class\": pull_refresh_bem('text')\n }, [text]));\n }\n\n if (status === 'loading') {\n nodes.push(h(es_loading, {\n \"attrs\": {\n \"size\": \"16\"\n }\n }, [text]));\n }\n\n return nodes;\n },\n showSuccessTip: function showSuccessTip() {\n var _this2 = this;\n\n this.status = 'success';\n setTimeout(function () {\n _this2.setStatus(0);\n }, this.successDuration);\n }\n },\n render: function render() {\n var h = arguments[0];\n var trackStyle = {\n transitionDuration: this.duration + \"ms\",\n transform: this.distance ? \"translate3d(0,\" + this.distance + \"px, 0)\" : ''\n };\n return h(\"div\", {\n \"class\": pull_refresh_bem()\n }, [h(\"div\", {\n \"ref\": \"track\",\n \"class\": pull_refresh_bem('track'),\n \"style\": trackStyle\n }, [h(\"div\", {\n \"class\": pull_refresh_bem('head'),\n \"style\": this.headStyle\n }, [this.genStatus()]), this.slots()])]);\n }\n}));\n// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/vant/es/rate/index.js\n// Utils\n\n // Mixins\n\n\n // Components\n\n\n\nvar rate__createNamespace = Object(utils[\"b\" /* createNamespace */])('rate'),\n rate_createComponent = rate__createNamespace[0],\n rate_bem = rate__createNamespace[1];\n\nfunction getRateStatus(value, index, allowHalf) {\n if (value >= index) {\n return 'full';\n }\n\n if (value + 0.5 >= index && allowHalf) {\n return 'half';\n }\n\n return 'void';\n}\n\n/* harmony default export */ var es_rate = (rate_createComponent({\n mixins: [TouchMixin, FieldMixin],\n props: {\n size: [Number, String],\n color: String,\n gutter: [Number, String],\n readonly: Boolean,\n disabled: Boolean,\n allowHalf: Boolean,\n voidColor: String,\n iconPrefix: String,\n disabledColor: String,\n value: {\n type: Number,\n default: 0\n },\n icon: {\n type: String,\n default: 'star'\n },\n voidIcon: {\n type: String,\n default: 'star-o'\n },\n count: {\n type: [Number, String],\n default: 5\n },\n touchable: {\n type: Boolean,\n default: true\n }\n },\n computed: {\n list: function list() {\n var list = [];\n\n for (var i = 1; i <= this.count; i++) {\n list.push(getRateStatus(this.value, i, this.allowHalf));\n }\n\n return list;\n },\n sizeWithUnit: function sizeWithUnit() {\n return Object(utils[\"a\" /* addUnit */])(this.size);\n },\n gutterWithUnit: function gutterWithUnit() {\n return Object(utils[\"a\" /* addUnit */])(this.gutter);\n }\n },\n mounted: function mounted() {\n this.bindTouchEvent(this.$el);\n },\n methods: {\n select: function select(index) {\n if (!this.disabled && !this.readonly && index !== this.value) {\n this.$emit('input', index);\n this.$emit('change', index);\n }\n },\n onTouchStart: function onTouchStart(event) {\n var _this = this;\n\n if (this.readonly || this.disabled || !this.touchable) {\n return;\n }\n\n this.touchStart(event);\n var rects = this.$refs.items.map(function (item) {\n return item.getBoundingClientRect();\n });\n var ranges = [];\n rects.forEach(function (rect, index) {\n if (_this.allowHalf) {\n ranges.push({\n score: index + 0.5,\n left: rect.left\n }, {\n score: index + 1,\n left: rect.left + rect.width / 2\n });\n } else {\n ranges.push({\n score: index + 1,\n left: rect.left\n });\n }\n });\n this.ranges = ranges;\n },\n onTouchMove: function onTouchMove(event) {\n if (this.readonly || this.disabled || !this.touchable) {\n return;\n }\n\n this.touchMove(event);\n\n if (this.direction === 'horizontal') {\n preventDefault(event);\n var clientX = event.touches[0].clientX;\n this.select(this.getScoreByPosition(clientX));\n }\n },\n getScoreByPosition: function getScoreByPosition(x) {\n for (var i = this.ranges.length - 1; i > 0; i--) {\n if (x > this.ranges[i].left) {\n return this.ranges[i].score;\n }\n }\n\n return this.allowHalf ? 0.5 : 1;\n },\n genStar: function genStar(status, index) {\n var _this2 = this;\n\n var h = this.$createElement;\n var icon = this.icon,\n color = this.color,\n count = this.count,\n voidIcon = this.voidIcon,\n disabled = this.disabled,\n voidColor = this.voidColor,\n disabledColor = this.disabledColor;\n var score = index + 1;\n var isFull = status === 'full';\n var isVoid = status === 'void';\n var style;\n\n if (this.gutterWithUnit && score !== +count) {\n style = {\n paddingRight: this.gutterWithUnit\n };\n }\n\n return h(\"div\", {\n \"ref\": \"items\",\n \"refInFor\": true,\n \"key\": index,\n \"attrs\": {\n \"role\": \"radio\",\n \"tabindex\": \"0\",\n \"aria-setsize\": count,\n \"aria-posinset\": score,\n \"aria-checked\": String(!isVoid)\n },\n \"style\": style,\n \"class\": rate_bem('item')\n }, [h(es_icon, {\n \"attrs\": {\n \"size\": this.sizeWithUnit,\n \"name\": isFull ? icon : voidIcon,\n \"color\": disabled ? disabledColor : isFull ? color : voidColor,\n \"classPrefix\": this.iconPrefix,\n \"data-score\": score\n },\n \"class\": rate_bem('icon', {\n disabled: disabled,\n full: isFull\n }),\n \"on\": {\n \"click\": function click() {\n _this2.select(score);\n }\n }\n }), this.allowHalf && h(es_icon, {\n \"attrs\": {\n \"size\": this.sizeWithUnit,\n \"name\": isVoid ? voidIcon : icon,\n \"color\": disabled ? disabledColor : isVoid ? voidColor : color,\n \"classPrefix\": this.iconPrefix,\n \"data-score\": score - 0.5\n },\n \"class\": rate_bem('icon', ['half', {\n disabled: disabled,\n full: !isVoid\n }]),\n \"on\": {\n \"click\": function click() {\n _this2.select(score - 0.5);\n }\n }\n })]);\n }\n },\n render: function render() {\n var _this3 = this;\n\n var h = arguments[0];\n return h(\"div\", {\n \"class\": rate_bem({\n readonly: this.readonly,\n disabled: this.disabled\n }),\n \"attrs\": {\n \"tabindex\": \"0\",\n \"role\": \"radiogroup\"\n }\n }, [this.list.map(function (status, index) {\n return _this3.genStar(status, index);\n })]);\n }\n}));\n// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/vant/es/row/index.js\n\n\n\nvar row__createNamespace = Object(utils[\"b\" /* createNamespace */])('row'),\n row_createComponent = row__createNamespace[0],\n row_bem = row__createNamespace[1];\n\n/* harmony default export */ var row = (row_createComponent({\n mixins: [ParentMixin('vanRow')],\n props: {\n type: String,\n align: String,\n justify: String,\n tag: {\n type: String,\n default: 'div'\n },\n gutter: {\n type: [Number, String],\n default: 0\n }\n },\n computed: {\n spaces: function spaces() {\n var gutter = Number(this.gutter);\n\n if (!gutter) {\n return;\n }\n\n var spaces = [];\n var groups = [[]];\n var totalSpan = 0;\n this.children.forEach(function (item, index) {\n totalSpan += Number(item.span);\n\n if (totalSpan > 24) {\n groups.push([index]);\n totalSpan -= 24;\n } else {\n groups[groups.length - 1].push(index);\n }\n });\n groups.forEach(function (group) {\n var averagePadding = gutter * (group.length - 1) / group.length;\n group.forEach(function (item, index) {\n if (index === 0) {\n spaces.push({\n right: averagePadding\n });\n } else {\n var left = gutter - spaces[item - 1].right;\n var right = averagePadding - left;\n spaces.push({\n left: left,\n right: right\n });\n }\n });\n });\n return spaces;\n }\n },\n methods: {\n onClick: function onClick(event) {\n this.$emit('click', event);\n }\n },\n render: function render() {\n var _bem;\n\n var h = arguments[0];\n var align = this.align,\n justify = this.justify;\n var flex = this.type === 'flex';\n return h(this.tag, {\n \"class\": row_bem((_bem = {\n flex: flex\n }, _bem[\"align-\" + align] = flex && align, _bem[\"justify-\" + justify] = flex && justify, _bem)),\n \"on\": {\n \"click\": this.onClick\n }\n }, [this.slots()]);\n }\n}));\n// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/vant/es/search/index.js\n\n\n\n// Utils\n\n\n // Components\n\n // Types\n\nvar search__createNamespace = Object(utils[\"b\" /* createNamespace */])('search'),\n search_createComponent = search__createNamespace[0],\n search_bem = search__createNamespace[1],\n search_t = search__createNamespace[2];\n\nfunction Search(h, props, slots, ctx) {\n function Label() {\n if (slots.label || props.label) {\n return h(\"div\", {\n \"class\": search_bem('label')\n }, [slots.label ? slots.label() : props.label]);\n }\n }\n\n function Action() {\n if (!props.showAction) {\n return;\n }\n\n function onCancel() {\n if (slots.action) {\n return;\n }\n\n functional_emit(ctx, 'input', '');\n functional_emit(ctx, 'cancel');\n }\n\n return h(\"div\", {\n \"class\": search_bem('action'),\n \"attrs\": {\n \"role\": \"button\",\n \"tabindex\": \"0\"\n },\n \"on\": {\n \"click\": onCancel\n }\n }, [slots.action ? slots.action() : props.actionText || search_t('cancel')]);\n }\n\n var fieldData = {\n attrs: ctx.data.attrs,\n on: _extends({}, ctx.listeners, {\n keypress: function keypress(event) {\n // press enter\n if (event.keyCode === 13) {\n preventDefault(event);\n functional_emit(ctx, 'search', props.value);\n }\n\n functional_emit(ctx, 'keypress', event);\n }\n })\n };\n var inheritData = inherit(ctx);\n inheritData.attrs = undefined;\n return h(\"div\", helper_default()([{\n \"class\": search_bem({\n 'show-action': props.showAction\n }),\n \"style\": {\n background: props.background\n }\n }, inheritData]), [slots.left == null ? void 0 : slots.left(), h(\"div\", {\n \"class\": search_bem('content', props.shape)\n }, [Label(), h(es_field, helper_default()([{\n \"attrs\": {\n \"type\": \"search\",\n \"border\": false,\n \"value\": props.value,\n \"leftIcon\": props.leftIcon,\n \"rightIcon\": props.rightIcon,\n \"clearable\": props.clearable,\n \"clearTrigger\": props.clearTrigger\n },\n \"scopedSlots\": {\n 'left-icon': slots['left-icon'],\n 'right-icon': slots['right-icon']\n }\n }, fieldData]))]), Action()]);\n}\n\nSearch.props = {\n value: String,\n label: String,\n rightIcon: String,\n actionText: String,\n background: String,\n showAction: Boolean,\n clearTrigger: String,\n shape: {\n type: String,\n default: 'square'\n },\n clearable: {\n type: Boolean,\n default: true\n },\n leftIcon: {\n type: String,\n default: 'search'\n }\n};\n/* harmony default export */ var search = (search_createComponent(Search));\n// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/vant/es/share-sheet/index.js\n\n// Utils\n // Mixins\n\n // Components\n\n\nvar PRESET_ICONS = ['qq', 'weibo', 'wechat', 'link', 'qrcode', 'poster'];\n\nvar share_sheet__createNamespace = Object(utils[\"b\" /* createNamespace */])('share-sheet'),\n share_sheet_createComponent = share_sheet__createNamespace[0],\n share_sheet_bem = share_sheet__createNamespace[1],\n share_sheet_t = share_sheet__createNamespace[2];\n\n/* harmony default export */ var share_sheet = (share_sheet_createComponent({\n props: _extends({}, popupMixinProps, {\n title: String,\n cancelText: String,\n description: String,\n getContainer: [String, Function],\n options: {\n type: Array,\n default: function _default() {\n return [];\n }\n },\n overlay: {\n type: Boolean,\n default: true\n },\n closeOnPopstate: {\n type: Boolean,\n default: true\n },\n safeAreaInsetBottom: {\n type: Boolean,\n default: true\n },\n closeOnClickOverlay: {\n type: Boolean,\n default: true\n }\n }),\n methods: {\n onCancel: function onCancel() {\n this.toggle(false);\n this.$emit('cancel');\n },\n onSelect: function onSelect(option, index) {\n this.$emit('select', option, index);\n },\n toggle: function toggle(val) {\n this.$emit('input', val);\n },\n getIconURL: function getIconURL(icon) {\n if (PRESET_ICONS.indexOf(icon) !== -1) {\n return \"https://img.yzcdn.cn/vant/share-icon-\" + icon + \".png\";\n }\n\n return icon;\n },\n genHeader: function genHeader() {\n var h = this.$createElement;\n var title = this.slots('title') || this.title;\n var description = this.slots('description') || this.description;\n\n if (!title && !description) {\n return;\n }\n\n return h(\"div\", {\n \"class\": share_sheet_bem('header')\n }, [title && h(\"h2\", {\n \"class\": share_sheet_bem('title')\n }, [title]), description && h(\"span\", {\n \"class\": share_sheet_bem('description')\n }, [description])]);\n },\n genOptions: function genOptions(options, showBorder) {\n var _this = this;\n\n var h = this.$createElement;\n return h(\"div\", {\n \"class\": share_sheet_bem('options', {\n border: showBorder\n })\n }, [options.map(function (option, index) {\n return h(\"div\", {\n \"attrs\": {\n \"role\": \"button\",\n \"tabindex\": \"0\"\n },\n \"class\": share_sheet_bem('option'),\n \"on\": {\n \"click\": function click() {\n _this.onSelect(option, index);\n }\n }\n }, [h(\"img\", {\n \"attrs\": {\n \"src\": _this.getIconURL(option.icon)\n },\n \"class\": share_sheet_bem('icon')\n }), option.name && h(\"span\", {\n \"class\": share_sheet_bem('name')\n }, [option.name]), option.description && h(\"span\", {\n \"class\": share_sheet_bem('option-description')\n }, [option.description])]);\n })]);\n },\n genRows: function genRows() {\n var _this2 = this;\n\n var options = this.options;\n\n if (Array.isArray(options[0])) {\n return options.map(function (item, index) {\n return _this2.genOptions(item, index !== 0);\n });\n }\n\n return this.genOptions(options);\n },\n genCancelText: function genCancelText() {\n var h = this.$createElement;\n var cancelText = Object(utils[\"e\" /* isDef */])(this.cancelText) ? this.cancelText : share_sheet_t('cancel');\n\n if (cancelText) {\n return h(\"button\", {\n \"attrs\": {\n \"type\": \"button\"\n },\n \"class\": share_sheet_bem('cancel'),\n \"on\": {\n \"click\": this.onCancel\n }\n }, [cancelText]);\n }\n },\n onClickOverlay: function onClickOverlay() {\n this.$emit('click-overlay');\n }\n },\n render: function render() {\n var h = arguments[0];\n return h(popup, {\n \"attrs\": {\n \"round\": true,\n \"value\": this.value,\n \"position\": \"bottom\",\n \"overlay\": this.overlay,\n \"duration\": this.duration,\n \"lazyRender\": this.lazyRender,\n \"lockScroll\": this.lockScroll,\n \"getContainer\": this.getContainer,\n \"closeOnPopstate\": this.closeOnPopstate,\n \"closeOnClickOverlay\": this.closeOnClickOverlay,\n \"safeAreaInsetBottom\": this.safeAreaInsetBottom\n },\n \"class\": share_sheet_bem(),\n \"on\": {\n \"input\": this.toggle,\n \"click-overlay\": this.onClickOverlay\n }\n }, [this.genHeader(), this.genRows(), this.genCancelText()]);\n }\n}));\n// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/vant/es/sidebar/index.js\n\n\n\nvar sidebar__createNamespace = Object(utils[\"b\" /* createNamespace */])('sidebar'),\n sidebar_createComponent = sidebar__createNamespace[0],\n sidebar_bem = sidebar__createNamespace[1];\n\n/* harmony default export */ var sidebar = (sidebar_createComponent({\n mixins: [ParentMixin('vanSidebar')],\n model: {\n prop: 'activeKey'\n },\n props: {\n activeKey: {\n type: [Number, String],\n default: 0\n }\n },\n data: function data() {\n return {\n index: +this.activeKey\n };\n },\n watch: {\n activeKey: function activeKey() {\n this.setIndex(+this.activeKey);\n }\n },\n methods: {\n setIndex: function setIndex(index) {\n if (index !== this.index) {\n this.index = index;\n this.$emit('change', index);\n }\n }\n },\n render: function render() {\n var h = arguments[0];\n return h(\"div\", {\n \"class\": sidebar_bem()\n }, [this.slots()]);\n }\n}));\n// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/vant/es/sidebar-item/index.js\n\n\n\n\n\n\nvar sidebar_item__createNamespace = Object(utils[\"b\" /* createNamespace */])('sidebar-item'),\n sidebar_item_createComponent = sidebar_item__createNamespace[0],\n sidebar_item_bem = sidebar_item__createNamespace[1];\n\n/* harmony default export */ var sidebar_item = (sidebar_item_createComponent({\n mixins: [ChildrenMixin('vanSidebar')],\n props: _extends({}, routeProps, {\n dot: Boolean,\n info: [Number, String],\n badge: [Number, String],\n title: String,\n disabled: Boolean\n }),\n computed: {\n select: function select() {\n return this.index === +this.parent.activeKey;\n }\n },\n methods: {\n onClick: function onClick() {\n if (this.disabled) {\n return;\n }\n\n this.$emit('click', this.index);\n this.parent.$emit('input', this.index);\n this.parent.setIndex(this.index);\n route(this.$router, this);\n }\n },\n render: function render() {\n var h = arguments[0];\n return h(\"a\", {\n \"class\": sidebar_item_bem({\n select: this.select,\n disabled: this.disabled\n }),\n \"on\": {\n \"click\": this.onClick\n }\n }, [h(\"div\", {\n \"class\": sidebar_item_bem('text')\n }, [this.title, h(es_info, {\n \"attrs\": {\n \"dot\": this.dot,\n \"info\": Object(utils[\"e\" /* isDef */])(this.badge) ? this.badge : this.info\n },\n \"class\": sidebar_item_bem('info')\n })])]);\n }\n}));\n// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/vant/es/skeleton/index.js\n\n// Utils\n\n // Types\n\nvar skeleton__createNamespace = Object(utils[\"b\" /* createNamespace */])('skeleton'),\n skeleton_createComponent = skeleton__createNamespace[0],\n skeleton_bem = skeleton__createNamespace[1];\n\nvar DEFAULT_ROW_WIDTH = '100%';\nvar DEFAULT_LAST_ROW_WIDTH = '60%';\n\nfunction Skeleton(h, props, slots, ctx) {\n if (!props.loading) {\n return slots.default && slots.default();\n }\n\n function Title() {\n if (props.title) {\n return h(\"h3\", {\n \"class\": skeleton_bem('title'),\n \"style\": {\n width: Object(utils[\"a\" /* addUnit */])(props.titleWidth)\n }\n });\n }\n }\n\n function Rows() {\n var Rows = [];\n var rowWidth = props.rowWidth;\n\n function getRowWidth(index) {\n if (rowWidth === DEFAULT_ROW_WIDTH && index === +props.row - 1) {\n return DEFAULT_LAST_ROW_WIDTH;\n }\n\n if (Array.isArray(rowWidth)) {\n return rowWidth[index];\n }\n\n return rowWidth;\n }\n\n for (var i = 0; i < props.row; i++) {\n Rows.push(h(\"div\", {\n \"class\": skeleton_bem('row'),\n \"style\": {\n width: Object(utils[\"a\" /* addUnit */])(getRowWidth(i))\n }\n }));\n }\n\n return Rows;\n }\n\n function Avatar() {\n if (props.avatar) {\n var size = Object(utils[\"a\" /* addUnit */])(props.avatarSize);\n return h(\"div\", {\n \"class\": skeleton_bem('avatar', props.avatarShape),\n \"style\": {\n width: size,\n height: size\n }\n });\n }\n }\n\n return h(\"div\", helper_default()([{\n \"class\": skeleton_bem({\n animate: props.animate,\n round: props.round\n })\n }, inherit(ctx)]), [Avatar(), h(\"div\", {\n \"class\": skeleton_bem('content')\n }, [Title(), Rows()])]);\n}\n\nSkeleton.props = {\n title: Boolean,\n round: Boolean,\n avatar: Boolean,\n row: {\n type: [Number, String],\n default: 0\n },\n loading: {\n type: Boolean,\n default: true\n },\n animate: {\n type: Boolean,\n default: true\n },\n avatarSize: {\n type: String,\n default: '32px'\n },\n avatarShape: {\n type: String,\n default: 'round'\n },\n titleWidth: {\n type: [Number, String],\n default: '40%'\n },\n rowWidth: {\n type: [Number, String, Array],\n default: DEFAULT_ROW_WIDTH\n }\n};\n/* harmony default export */ var skeleton = (skeleton_createComponent(Skeleton));\n// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/vant/es/sku/lang.js\n/**\n * Sku only provide zh-CN lang by default\n */\n/* harmony default export */ var lang = ({\n 'zh-CN': {\n vanSku: {\n select: '请选择',\n selected: '已选',\n selectSku: '请先选择商品规格',\n soldout: '库存不足',\n originPrice: '原价',\n minusTip: '至少选择一件',\n minusStartTip: function minusStartTip(start) {\n return start + \"\\u4EF6\\u8D77\\u552E\";\n },\n unavailable: '商品已经无法购买啦',\n stock: '剩余',\n stockUnit: '件',\n quotaTip: function quotaTip(quota) {\n return \"\\u6BCF\\u4EBA\\u9650\\u8D2D\" + quota + \"\\u4EF6\";\n },\n quotaUsedTip: function quotaUsedTip(quota, count) {\n return \"\\u6BCF\\u4EBA\\u9650\\u8D2D\" + quota + \"\\u4EF6\\uFF0C\\u4F60\\u5DF2\\u8D2D\\u4E70\" + count + \"\\u4EF6\";\n }\n },\n vanSkuActions: {\n buy: '立即购买',\n addCart: '加入购物车'\n },\n vanSkuImgUploader: {\n oversize: function oversize(maxSize) {\n return \"\\u6700\\u5927\\u53EF\\u4E0A\\u4F20\\u56FE\\u7247\\u4E3A\" + maxSize + \"MB\\uFF0C\\u8BF7\\u5C1D\\u8BD5\\u538B\\u7F29\\u56FE\\u7247\\u5C3A\\u5BF8\";\n },\n fail: '上传失败',\n uploading: '上传中...'\n },\n vanSkuStepper: {\n quotaLimit: function quotaLimit(quota) {\n return \"\\u9650\\u8D2D\" + quota + \"\\u4EF6\";\n },\n quotaStart: function quotaStart(start) {\n return start + \"\\u4EF6\\u8D77\\u552E\";\n },\n comma: ',',\n num: '购买数量'\n },\n vanSkuMessages: {\n fill: '请填写',\n upload: '请上传',\n imageLabel: '仅限一张',\n invalid: {\n tel: '请填写正确的数字格式留言',\n mobile: '手机号长度为6-20位数字',\n email: '请填写正确的邮箱',\n id_no: '请填写正确的身份证号码'\n },\n placeholder: {\n id_no: '请填写身份证号',\n text: '请填写留言',\n tel: '请填写数字',\n email: '请填写邮箱',\n date: '请选择日期',\n time: '请选择时间',\n textarea: '请填写留言',\n mobile: '请填写手机号'\n }\n },\n vanSkuRow: {\n multiple: '可多选'\n },\n vanSkuDatetimeField: {\n title: {\n date: '选择年月日',\n time: '选择时间',\n datetime: '选择日期时间'\n },\n format: {\n year: '年',\n month: '月',\n day: '日',\n hour: '时',\n minute: '分'\n }\n }\n }\n});\n// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/vant/es/sku/constants.js\nvar LIMIT_TYPE = {\n QUOTA_LIMIT: 0,\n STOCK_LIMIT: 1\n};\nvar UNSELECTED_SKU_VALUE_ID = '';\n/* harmony default export */ var constants = ({\n LIMIT_TYPE: LIMIT_TYPE,\n UNSELECTED_SKU_VALUE_ID: UNSELECTED_SKU_VALUE_ID\n});\n// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/vant/es/sku/utils/sku-helper.js\n\n\n/*\n normalize sku tree\n\n [\n {\n count: 2,\n k: \"品种\", // 规格名称 skuKeyName\n k_id: \"1200\", // skuKeyId\n k_s: \"s1\" // skuKeyStr\n v: [ // skuValues\n { // skuValue\n id: \"1201\", // skuValueId\n name: \"萌\" // 具体的规格值 skuValueName\n }, {\n id: \"973\",\n name: \"帅\"\n }\n ]\n },\n ...\n ]\n |\n v\n {\n s1: [{\n id: \"1201\",\n name: \"萌\"\n }, {\n id: \"973\",\n name: \"帅\"\n }],\n ...\n }\n */\n\nvar normalizeSkuTree = function normalizeSkuTree(skuTree) {\n var normalizedTree = {};\n skuTree.forEach(function (treeItem) {\n normalizedTree[treeItem.k_s] = treeItem.v;\n });\n return normalizedTree;\n};\nvar normalizePropList = function normalizePropList(propList) {\n var normalizedProp = {};\n propList.forEach(function (item) {\n var itemObj = {};\n item.v.forEach(function (it) {\n itemObj[it.id] = it;\n });\n normalizedProp[item.k_id] = itemObj;\n });\n return normalizedProp;\n}; // 判断是否所有的sku都已经选中\n\nvar sku_helper_isAllSelected = function isAllSelected(skuTree, selectedSku) {\n // 筛选selectedSku对象中key值不为空的值\n var selected = Object.keys(selectedSku).filter(function (skuKeyStr) {\n return selectedSku[skuKeyStr] !== UNSELECTED_SKU_VALUE_ID;\n });\n return skuTree.length === selected.length;\n}; // 根据已选择的 sku 获取 skuComb\n\nvar getSkuComb = function getSkuComb(skuList, selectedSku) {\n var skuComb = skuList.filter(function (item) {\n return Object.keys(selectedSku).every(function (skuKeyStr) {\n return String(item[skuKeyStr]) === String(selectedSku[skuKeyStr]);\n });\n });\n return skuComb[0];\n}; // 获取已选择的sku名称\n\nvar sku_helper_getSelectedSkuValues = function getSelectedSkuValues(skuTree, selectedSku) {\n var normalizedTree = normalizeSkuTree(skuTree);\n return Object.keys(selectedSku).reduce(function (selectedValues, skuKeyStr) {\n var skuValues = normalizedTree[skuKeyStr];\n var skuValueId = selectedSku[skuKeyStr];\n\n if (skuValueId !== UNSELECTED_SKU_VALUE_ID) {\n var skuValue = skuValues.filter(function (value) {\n return value.id === skuValueId;\n })[0];\n skuValue && selectedValues.push(skuValue);\n }\n\n return selectedValues;\n }, []);\n}; // 判断sku是否可选\n\nvar sku_helper_isSkuChoosable = function isSkuChoosable(skuList, selectedSku, skuToChoose) {\n var _extends2;\n\n var key = skuToChoose.key,\n valueId = skuToChoose.valueId; // 先假设sku已选中,拼入已选中sku对象中\n\n var matchedSku = _extends({}, selectedSku, (_extends2 = {}, _extends2[key] = valueId, _extends2)); // 再判断剩余sku是否全部不可选,若不可选则当前sku不可选中\n\n\n var skusToCheck = Object.keys(matchedSku).filter(function (skuKey) {\n return matchedSku[skuKey] !== UNSELECTED_SKU_VALUE_ID;\n });\n var filteredSku = skuList.filter(function (sku) {\n return skusToCheck.every(function (skuKey) {\n return String(matchedSku[skuKey]) === String(sku[skuKey]);\n });\n });\n var stock = filteredSku.reduce(function (total, sku) {\n total += sku.stock_num;\n return total;\n }, 0);\n return stock > 0;\n};\nvar sku_helper_getSelectedPropValues = function getSelectedPropValues(propList, selectedProp) {\n var normalizeProp = normalizePropList(propList);\n return Object.keys(selectedProp).reduce(function (acc, cur) {\n selectedProp[cur].forEach(function (it) {\n acc.push(_extends({}, normalizeProp[cur][it]));\n });\n return acc;\n }, []);\n};\nvar sku_helper_getSelectedProperties = function getSelectedProperties(propList, selectedProp) {\n var list = [];\n (propList || []).forEach(function (prop) {\n if (selectedProp[prop.k_id] && selectedProp[prop.k_id].length > 0) {\n var v = [];\n prop.v.forEach(function (it) {\n if (selectedProp[prop.k_id].indexOf(it.id) > -1) {\n v.push(_extends({}, it));\n }\n });\n list.push(_extends({}, prop, {\n v: v\n }));\n }\n });\n return list;\n};\n/* harmony default export */ var sku_helper = ({\n normalizeSkuTree: normalizeSkuTree,\n getSkuComb: getSkuComb,\n getSelectedSkuValues: sku_helper_getSelectedSkuValues,\n isAllSelected: sku_helper_isAllSelected,\n isSkuChoosable: sku_helper_isSkuChoosable,\n getSelectedPropValues: sku_helper_getSelectedPropValues,\n getSelectedProperties: sku_helper_getSelectedProperties\n});\n// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/vant/es/sku/components/SkuHeader.js\n\n\n// Utils\n\n\n // Components\n\n // Types\n\nvar SkuHeader__createNamespace = Object(utils[\"b\" /* createNamespace */])('sku-header'),\n SkuHeader_createComponent = SkuHeader__createNamespace[0],\n SkuHeader_bem = SkuHeader__createNamespace[1];\n\nfunction getSkuImgValue(sku, selectedSku) {\n var imgValue;\n sku.tree.some(function (item) {\n var id = selectedSku[item.k_s];\n\n if (id && item.v) {\n var matchedSku = item.v.filter(function (skuValue) {\n return skuValue.id === id;\n })[0] || {};\n var img = matchedSku.previewImgUrl || matchedSku.imgUrl || matchedSku.img_url;\n\n if (img) {\n imgValue = _extends({}, matchedSku, {\n ks: item.k_s,\n imgUrl: img\n });\n return true;\n }\n }\n\n return false;\n });\n return imgValue;\n}\n\nfunction SkuHeader(h, props, slots, ctx) {\n var _slots$skuHeaderIma;\n\n var sku = props.sku,\n goods = props.goods,\n skuEventBus = props.skuEventBus,\n selectedSku = props.selectedSku,\n _props$showHeaderImag = props.showHeaderImage,\n showHeaderImage = _props$showHeaderImag === void 0 ? true : _props$showHeaderImag;\n var selectedValue = getSkuImgValue(sku, selectedSku);\n var imgUrl = selectedValue ? selectedValue.imgUrl : goods.picture;\n\n var previewImage = function previewImage() {\n skuEventBus.$emit('sku:previewImage', selectedValue);\n };\n\n return h(\"div\", helper_default()([{\n \"class\": [SkuHeader_bem(), BORDER_BOTTOM]\n }, inherit(ctx)]), [showHeaderImage && h(es_image, {\n \"attrs\": {\n \"fit\": \"cover\",\n \"src\": imgUrl\n },\n \"class\": SkuHeader_bem('img-wrap'),\n \"on\": {\n \"click\": previewImage\n }\n }, [(_slots$skuHeaderIma = slots['sku-header-image-extra']) == null ? void 0 : _slots$skuHeaderIma.call(slots)]), h(\"div\", {\n \"class\": SkuHeader_bem('goods-info')\n }, [slots.default == null ? void 0 : slots.default()])]);\n}\n\nSkuHeader.props = {\n sku: Object,\n goods: Object,\n skuEventBus: Object,\n selectedSku: Object,\n showHeaderImage: Boolean\n};\n/* harmony default export */ var components_SkuHeader = (SkuHeader_createComponent(SkuHeader));\n// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/vant/es/sku/components/SkuHeaderItem.js\n\n// Utils\n\n // Types\n\nvar SkuHeaderItem__createNamespace = Object(utils[\"b\" /* createNamespace */])('sku-header-item'),\n SkuHeaderItem_createComponent = SkuHeaderItem__createNamespace[0],\n SkuHeaderItem_bem = SkuHeaderItem__createNamespace[1];\n\nfunction SkuHeaderItem_SkuHeader(h, props, slots, ctx) {\n return h(\"div\", helper_default()([{\n \"class\": SkuHeaderItem_bem()\n }, inherit(ctx)]), [slots.default && slots.default()]);\n}\n\n/* harmony default export */ var SkuHeaderItem = (SkuHeaderItem_createComponent(SkuHeaderItem_SkuHeader));\n// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/vant/es/sku/components/SkuRow.js\n// Utils\n\n // Mixins\n\n\n\n\nvar SkuRow__createNamespace = Object(utils[\"b\" /* createNamespace */])('sku-row'),\n SkuRow_createComponent = SkuRow__createNamespace[0],\n SkuRow_bem = SkuRow__createNamespace[1],\n SkuRow_t = SkuRow__createNamespace[2];\n\n\n/* harmony default export */ var SkuRow = (SkuRow_createComponent({\n mixins: [ParentMixin('vanSkuRows'), BindEventMixin(function (bind) {\n if (this.scrollable && this.$refs.scroller) {\n bind(this.$refs.scroller, 'scroll', this.onScroll);\n }\n })],\n props: {\n skuRow: Object\n },\n data: function data() {\n return {\n progress: 0\n };\n },\n computed: {\n scrollable: function scrollable() {\n return this.skuRow.largeImageMode && this.skuRow.v.length > 6;\n }\n },\n methods: {\n onScroll: function onScroll() {\n var _this$$refs = this.$refs,\n scroller = _this$$refs.scroller,\n row = _this$$refs.row;\n var distance = row.offsetWidth - scroller.offsetWidth;\n this.progress = scroller.scrollLeft / distance;\n },\n genTitle: function genTitle() {\n var h = this.$createElement;\n return h(\"div\", {\n \"class\": SkuRow_bem('title')\n }, [this.skuRow.k, this.skuRow.is_multiple && h(\"span\", {\n \"class\": SkuRow_bem('title-multiple')\n }, [\"\\uFF08\", SkuRow_t('multiple'), \"\\uFF09\"])]);\n },\n genIndicator: function genIndicator() {\n var h = this.$createElement;\n\n if (this.scrollable) {\n var style = {\n transform: \"translate3d(\" + this.progress * 20 + \"px, 0, 0)\"\n };\n return h(\"div\", {\n \"class\": SkuRow_bem('indicator-wrapper')\n }, [h(\"div\", {\n \"class\": SkuRow_bem('indicator')\n }, [h(\"div\", {\n \"class\": SkuRow_bem('indicator-slider'),\n \"style\": style\n })])]);\n }\n },\n genContent: function genContent() {\n var h = this.$createElement;\n var nodes = this.slots();\n\n if (this.skuRow.largeImageMode) {\n var top = [];\n var bottom = [];\n nodes.forEach(function (node, index) {\n var group = Math.floor(index / 3) % 2 === 0 ? top : bottom;\n group.push(node);\n });\n return h(\"div\", {\n \"class\": SkuRow_bem('scroller'),\n \"ref\": \"scroller\"\n }, [h(\"div\", {\n \"class\": SkuRow_bem('row'),\n \"ref\": \"row\"\n }, [top]), bottom.length ? h(\"div\", {\n \"class\": SkuRow_bem('row')\n }, [bottom]) : null]);\n }\n\n return nodes;\n },\n centerItem: function centerItem(selectSkuId) {\n if (!this.skuRow.largeImageMode || !selectSkuId) {\n return;\n }\n\n var _this$children = this.children,\n children = _this$children === void 0 ? [] : _this$children;\n var _this$$refs2 = this.$refs,\n scroller = _this$$refs2.scroller,\n row = _this$$refs2.row;\n var child = children.find(function (it) {\n return +it.skuValue.id === +selectSkuId;\n });\n\n if (scroller && row && child && child.$el) {\n var target = child.$el;\n var to = target.offsetLeft - (scroller.offsetWidth - target.offsetWidth) / 2;\n scroller.scrollLeft = to;\n }\n }\n },\n render: function render() {\n var h = arguments[0];\n return h(\"div\", {\n \"class\": [SkuRow_bem(), BORDER_BOTTOM]\n }, [this.genTitle(), this.genContent(), this.genIndicator()]);\n }\n}));\n// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/vant/es/sku/components/SkuRowItem.js\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nvar SkuRowItem__createNamespace = Object(utils[\"b\" /* createNamespace */])('sku-row-item'),\n SkuRowItem_createComponent = SkuRowItem__createNamespace[0];\n\n/* harmony default export */ var SkuRowItem = (SkuRowItem_createComponent({\n mixins: [ChildrenMixin('vanSkuRows')],\n props: {\n lazyLoad: Boolean,\n skuValue: Object,\n skuKeyStr: String,\n skuEventBus: Object,\n selectedSku: Object,\n largeImageMode: Boolean,\n skuList: {\n type: Array,\n default: function _default() {\n return [];\n }\n }\n },\n computed: {\n imgUrl: function imgUrl() {\n var url = this.skuValue.imgUrl || this.skuValue.img_url;\n return this.largeImageMode ? url || 'https://img.yzcdn.cn/upload_files/2020/06/24/FmKWDg0bN9rMcTp9ne8MXiQWGtLn.png' : url;\n },\n choosable: function choosable() {\n return sku_helper_isSkuChoosable(this.skuList, this.selectedSku, {\n key: this.skuKeyStr,\n valueId: this.skuValue.id\n });\n }\n },\n methods: {\n onSelect: function onSelect() {\n if (this.choosable) {\n this.skuEventBus.$emit('sku:select', _extends({}, this.skuValue, {\n skuKeyStr: this.skuKeyStr\n }));\n }\n },\n onPreviewImg: function onPreviewImg(event) {\n event.stopPropagation();\n var skuValue = this.skuValue,\n skuKeyStr = this.skuKeyStr;\n this.skuEventBus.$emit('sku:previewImage', _extends({}, skuValue, {\n ks: skuKeyStr,\n imgUrl: skuValue.imgUrl || skuValue.img_url\n }));\n },\n genImage: function genImage(classPrefix) {\n var h = this.$createElement;\n\n if (this.imgUrl) {\n return h(es_image, {\n \"attrs\": {\n \"fit\": \"cover\",\n \"src\": this.imgUrl,\n \"lazyLoad\": this.lazyLoad\n },\n \"class\": classPrefix + \"-img\"\n });\n }\n }\n },\n render: function render() {\n var h = arguments[0];\n var choosed = this.skuValue.id === this.selectedSku[this.skuKeyStr];\n var classPrefix = this.largeImageMode ? SkuRow_bem('image-item') : SkuRow_bem('item');\n return h(\"span\", {\n \"class\": [classPrefix, choosed ? classPrefix + \"--active\" : '', !this.choosable ? classPrefix + \"--disabled\" : ''],\n \"on\": {\n \"click\": this.onSelect\n }\n }, [this.genImage(classPrefix), h(\"div\", {\n \"class\": classPrefix + \"-name\"\n }, [this.largeImageMode ? h(\"span\", {\n \"class\": {\n 'van-multi-ellipsis--l2': this.largeImageMode\n }\n }, [this.skuValue.name]) : this.skuValue.name]), this.largeImageMode && h(\"img\", {\n \"class\": classPrefix + \"-img-icon\",\n \"attrs\": {\n \"src\": \"https://img.yzcdn.cn/upload_files/2020/07/02/Fu4_ya0l0aAt4Mv4PL9jzPzfZnDX.png\"\n },\n \"on\": {\n \"click\": this.onPreviewImg\n }\n })]);\n }\n}));\n// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/vant/es/sku/components/SkuRowPropItem.js\n\n\n\nvar SkuRowPropItem__createNamespace = Object(utils[\"b\" /* createNamespace */])('sku-row-prop-item'),\n SkuRowPropItem_createComponent = SkuRowPropItem__createNamespace[0];\n\n/* harmony default export */ var SkuRowPropItem = (SkuRowPropItem_createComponent({\n props: {\n skuValue: Object,\n skuKeyStr: String,\n skuEventBus: Object,\n selectedProp: Object,\n multiple: Boolean\n },\n computed: {\n choosed: function choosed() {\n var selectedProp = this.selectedProp,\n skuKeyStr = this.skuKeyStr,\n skuValue = this.skuValue;\n\n if (selectedProp && selectedProp[skuKeyStr]) {\n return selectedProp[skuKeyStr].indexOf(skuValue.id) > -1;\n }\n\n return false;\n }\n },\n methods: {\n onSelect: function onSelect() {\n this.skuEventBus.$emit('sku:propSelect', _extends({}, this.skuValue, {\n skuKeyStr: this.skuKeyStr,\n multiple: this.multiple\n }));\n }\n },\n render: function render() {\n var h = arguments[0];\n return h(\"span\", {\n \"class\": ['van-sku-row__item', {\n 'van-sku-row__item--active': this.choosed\n }],\n \"on\": {\n \"click\": this.onSelect\n }\n }, [h(\"span\", {\n \"class\": \"van-sku-row__item-name\"\n }, [this.skuValue.name])]);\n }\n}));\n// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/vant/es/stepper/index.js\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nvar stepper__createNamespace = Object(utils[\"b\" /* createNamespace */])('stepper'),\n stepper_createComponent = stepper__createNamespace[0],\n stepper_bem = stepper__createNamespace[1];\n\nvar LONG_PRESS_START_TIME = 600;\nvar LONG_PRESS_INTERVAL = 200;\n\nfunction stepper_equal(value1, value2) {\n return String(value1) === String(value2);\n} // add num and avoid float number\n\n\nfunction add(num1, num2) {\n var cardinal = Math.pow(10, 10);\n return Math.round((num1 + num2) * cardinal) / cardinal;\n}\n\n/* harmony default export */ var stepper = (stepper_createComponent({\n mixins: [FieldMixin],\n props: {\n value: null,\n theme: String,\n integer: Boolean,\n disabled: Boolean,\n allowEmpty: Boolean,\n inputWidth: [Number, String],\n buttonSize: [Number, String],\n asyncChange: Boolean,\n placeholder: String,\n disablePlus: Boolean,\n disableMinus: Boolean,\n disableInput: Boolean,\n decimalLength: [Number, String],\n name: {\n type: [Number, String],\n default: ''\n },\n min: {\n type: [Number, String],\n default: 1\n },\n max: {\n type: [Number, String],\n default: Infinity\n },\n step: {\n type: [Number, String],\n default: 1\n },\n defaultValue: {\n type: [Number, String],\n default: 1\n },\n showPlus: {\n type: Boolean,\n default: true\n },\n showMinus: {\n type: Boolean,\n default: true\n },\n longPress: {\n type: Boolean,\n default: true\n }\n },\n data: function data() {\n var defaultValue = Object(utils[\"e\" /* isDef */])(this.value) ? this.value : this.defaultValue;\n var value = this.format(defaultValue);\n\n if (!stepper_equal(value, this.value)) {\n this.$emit('input', value);\n }\n\n return {\n currentValue: value\n };\n },\n computed: {\n minusDisabled: function minusDisabled() {\n return this.disabled || this.disableMinus || this.currentValue <= +this.min;\n },\n plusDisabled: function plusDisabled() {\n return this.disabled || this.disablePlus || this.currentValue >= +this.max;\n },\n inputStyle: function inputStyle() {\n var style = {};\n\n if (this.inputWidth) {\n style.width = Object(utils[\"a\" /* addUnit */])(this.inputWidth);\n }\n\n if (this.buttonSize) {\n style.height = Object(utils[\"a\" /* addUnit */])(this.buttonSize);\n }\n\n return style;\n },\n buttonStyle: function buttonStyle() {\n if (this.buttonSize) {\n var size = Object(utils[\"a\" /* addUnit */])(this.buttonSize);\n return {\n width: size,\n height: size\n };\n }\n }\n },\n watch: {\n max: 'check',\n min: 'check',\n integer: 'check',\n decimalLength: 'check',\n value: function value(val) {\n if (!stepper_equal(val, this.currentValue)) {\n this.currentValue = this.format(val);\n }\n },\n currentValue: function currentValue(val) {\n this.$emit('input', val);\n this.$emit('change', val, {\n name: this.name\n });\n }\n },\n methods: {\n check: function check() {\n var val = this.format(this.currentValue);\n\n if (!stepper_equal(val, this.currentValue)) {\n this.currentValue = val;\n }\n },\n // formatNumber illegal characters\n formatNumber: function formatNumber(value) {\n return number_formatNumber(String(value), !this.integer);\n },\n format: function format(value) {\n if (this.allowEmpty && value === '') {\n return value;\n }\n\n value = this.formatNumber(value); // format range\n\n value = value === '' ? 0 : +value;\n value = Object(number[\"a\" /* isNaN */])(value) ? this.min : value;\n value = Math.max(Math.min(this.max, value), this.min); // format decimal\n\n if (Object(utils[\"e\" /* isDef */])(this.decimalLength)) {\n value = value.toFixed(this.decimalLength);\n }\n\n return value;\n },\n onInput: function onInput(event) {\n var value = event.target.value;\n var formatted = this.formatNumber(value); // limit max decimal length\n\n if (Object(utils[\"e\" /* isDef */])(this.decimalLength) && formatted.indexOf('.') !== -1) {\n var pair = formatted.split('.');\n formatted = pair[0] + \".\" + pair[1].slice(0, this.decimalLength);\n }\n\n if (!stepper_equal(value, formatted)) {\n event.target.value = formatted;\n }\n\n this.emitChange(formatted);\n },\n emitChange: function emitChange(value) {\n if (this.asyncChange) {\n this.$emit('input', value);\n this.$emit('change', value, {\n name: this.name\n });\n } else {\n this.currentValue = value;\n }\n },\n onChange: function onChange() {\n var type = this.type;\n\n if (this[type + \"Disabled\"]) {\n this.$emit('overlimit', type);\n return;\n }\n\n var diff = type === 'minus' ? -this.step : +this.step;\n var value = this.format(add(+this.currentValue, diff));\n this.emitChange(value);\n this.$emit(type);\n },\n onFocus: function onFocus(event) {\n // readonly not work in lagacy mobile safari\n if (this.disableInput && this.$refs.input) {\n this.$refs.input.blur();\n } else {\n this.$emit('focus', event);\n }\n },\n onBlur: function onBlur(event) {\n var value = this.format(event.target.value);\n event.target.value = value;\n this.currentValue = value;\n this.$emit('blur', event);\n resetScroll();\n },\n longPressStep: function longPressStep() {\n var _this = this;\n\n this.longPressTimer = setTimeout(function () {\n _this.onChange();\n\n _this.longPressStep(_this.type);\n }, LONG_PRESS_INTERVAL);\n },\n onTouchStart: function onTouchStart() {\n var _this2 = this;\n\n if (!this.longPress) {\n return;\n }\n\n clearTimeout(this.longPressTimer);\n this.isLongPress = false;\n this.longPressTimer = setTimeout(function () {\n _this2.isLongPress = true;\n\n _this2.onChange();\n\n _this2.longPressStep();\n }, LONG_PRESS_START_TIME);\n },\n onTouchEnd: function onTouchEnd(event) {\n if (!this.longPress) {\n return;\n }\n\n clearTimeout(this.longPressTimer);\n\n if (this.isLongPress) {\n preventDefault(event);\n }\n }\n },\n render: function render() {\n var _this3 = this;\n\n var h = arguments[0];\n\n var createListeners = function createListeners(type) {\n return {\n on: {\n click: function click() {\n _this3.type = type;\n\n _this3.onChange();\n },\n touchstart: function touchstart() {\n _this3.type = type;\n\n _this3.onTouchStart();\n },\n touchend: _this3.onTouchEnd,\n touchcancel: _this3.onTouchEnd\n }\n };\n };\n\n return h(\"div\", {\n \"class\": stepper_bem([this.theme])\n }, [h(\"button\", helper_default()([{\n \"directives\": [{\n name: \"show\",\n value: this.showMinus\n }],\n \"attrs\": {\n \"type\": \"button\"\n },\n \"style\": this.buttonStyle,\n \"class\": stepper_bem('minus', {\n disabled: this.minusDisabled\n })\n }, createListeners('minus')])), h(\"input\", {\n \"ref\": \"input\",\n \"attrs\": {\n \"type\": this.integer ? 'tel' : 'text',\n \"role\": \"spinbutton\",\n \"disabled\": this.disabled,\n \"readonly\": this.disableInput,\n \"inputmode\": this.integer ? 'numeric' : 'decimal',\n \"placeholder\": this.placeholder,\n \"aria-valuemax\": this.max,\n \"aria-valuemin\": this.min,\n \"aria-valuenow\": this.currentValue\n },\n \"class\": stepper_bem('input'),\n \"domProps\": {\n \"value\": this.currentValue\n },\n \"style\": this.inputStyle,\n \"on\": {\n \"input\": this.onInput,\n \"focus\": this.onFocus,\n \"blur\": this.onBlur\n }\n }), h(\"button\", helper_default()([{\n \"directives\": [{\n name: \"show\",\n value: this.showPlus\n }],\n \"attrs\": {\n \"type\": \"button\"\n },\n \"style\": this.buttonStyle,\n \"class\": stepper_bem('plus', {\n disabled: this.plusDisabled\n })\n }, createListeners('plus')]))]);\n }\n}));\n// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/vant/es/sku/components/SkuStepper.js\n\n\n\nvar namespace = Object(utils[\"b\" /* createNamespace */])('sku-stepper');\nvar SkuStepper_createComponent = namespace[0];\nvar SkuStepper_t = namespace[2];\nvar QUOTA_LIMIT = LIMIT_TYPE.QUOTA_LIMIT,\n STOCK_LIMIT = LIMIT_TYPE.STOCK_LIMIT;\n/* harmony default export */ var SkuStepper = (SkuStepper_createComponent({\n props: {\n stock: Number,\n skuEventBus: Object,\n skuStockNum: Number,\n selectedNum: Number,\n stepperTitle: String,\n disableStepperInput: Boolean,\n customStepperConfig: Object,\n hideQuotaText: Boolean,\n quota: {\n type: Number,\n default: 0\n },\n quotaUsed: {\n type: Number,\n default: 0\n },\n startSaleNum: {\n type: Number,\n default: 1\n }\n },\n data: function data() {\n return {\n currentNum: this.selectedNum,\n // 购买限制类型: 限购/库存\n limitType: STOCK_LIMIT\n };\n },\n watch: {\n currentNum: function currentNum(num) {\n var intValue = parseInt(num, 10);\n\n if (intValue >= this.stepperMinLimit && intValue <= this.stepperLimit) {\n this.skuEventBus.$emit('sku:numChange', intValue);\n }\n },\n stepperLimit: function stepperLimit(limit) {\n if (limit < this.currentNum && this.stepperMinLimit <= limit) {\n this.currentNum = limit;\n }\n\n this.checkState(this.stepperMinLimit, limit);\n },\n stepperMinLimit: function stepperMinLimit(start) {\n if (start > this.currentNum || start > this.stepperLimit) {\n this.currentNum = start;\n }\n\n this.checkState(start, this.stepperLimit);\n }\n },\n computed: {\n stepperLimit: function stepperLimit() {\n var quotaLimit = this.quota - this.quotaUsed;\n var limit; // 无限购时直接取库存,有限购时取限购数和库存数中小的那个\n\n if (this.quota > 0 && quotaLimit <= this.stock) {\n // 修正负的limit\n limit = quotaLimit < 0 ? 0 : quotaLimit;\n this.limitType = QUOTA_LIMIT;\n } else {\n limit = this.stock;\n this.limitType = STOCK_LIMIT;\n }\n\n return limit;\n },\n stepperMinLimit: function stepperMinLimit() {\n return this.startSaleNum < 1 ? 1 : this.startSaleNum;\n },\n quotaText: function quotaText() {\n var _this$customStepperCo = this.customStepperConfig,\n quotaText = _this$customStepperCo.quotaText,\n hideQuotaText = _this$customStepperCo.hideQuotaText;\n if (hideQuotaText) return '';\n var text = '';\n\n if (quotaText) {\n text = quotaText;\n } else {\n var textArr = [];\n\n if (this.startSaleNum > 1) {\n textArr.push(SkuStepper_t('quotaStart', this.startSaleNum));\n }\n\n if (this.quota > 0) {\n textArr.push(SkuStepper_t('quotaLimit', this.quota));\n }\n\n text = textArr.join(SkuStepper_t('comma'));\n }\n\n return text;\n }\n },\n created: function created() {\n this.checkState(this.stepperMinLimit, this.stepperLimit);\n },\n methods: {\n setCurrentNum: function setCurrentNum(num) {\n this.currentNum = num;\n this.checkState(this.stepperMinLimit, this.stepperLimit);\n },\n onOverLimit: function onOverLimit(action) {\n this.skuEventBus.$emit('sku:overLimit', {\n action: action,\n limitType: this.limitType,\n quota: this.quota,\n quotaUsed: this.quotaUsed,\n startSaleNum: this.startSaleNum\n });\n },\n onChange: function onChange(currentValue) {\n var intValue = parseInt(currentValue, 10);\n var handleStepperChange = this.customStepperConfig.handleStepperChange;\n handleStepperChange && handleStepperChange(intValue);\n this.$emit('change', intValue);\n },\n checkState: function checkState(min, max) {\n // 如果选择小于起售,则强制变为起售\n if (this.currentNum < min || min > max) {\n this.currentNum = min;\n } else if (this.currentNum > max) {\n // 当前选择数量大于最大可选时,需要重置已选数量\n this.currentNum = max;\n }\n\n this.skuEventBus.$emit('sku:stepperState', {\n valid: min <= max,\n min: min,\n max: max,\n limitType: this.limitType,\n quota: this.quota,\n quotaUsed: this.quotaUsed,\n startSaleNum: this.startSaleNum\n });\n }\n },\n render: function render() {\n var _this = this;\n\n var h = arguments[0];\n return h(\"div\", {\n \"class\": \"van-sku-stepper-stock\"\n }, [h(\"div\", {\n \"class\": \"van-sku__stepper-title\"\n }, [this.stepperTitle || SkuStepper_t('num')]), h(stepper, {\n \"attrs\": {\n \"integer\": true,\n \"min\": this.stepperMinLimit,\n \"max\": this.stepperLimit,\n \"disableInput\": this.disableStepperInput\n },\n \"class\": \"van-sku__stepper\",\n \"on\": {\n \"overlimit\": this.onOverLimit,\n \"change\": this.onChange\n },\n \"model\": {\n value: _this.currentNum,\n callback: function callback($$v) {\n _this.currentNum = $$v;\n }\n }\n }), !this.hideQuotaText && this.quotaText && h(\"span\", {\n \"class\": \"van-sku__stepper-quota\"\n }, [\"(\", this.quotaText, \")\"])]);\n }\n}));\n// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/vant/es/utils/validate/email.js\n/* eslint-disable */\nfunction isEmail(value) {\n var reg = /^((([a-z]|\\d|[!#\\$%&'\\*\\+\\-\\/=\\?\\^_`{\\|}~]|[\\u00A0-\\uD7FF\\uF900-\\uFDCF\\uFDF0-\\uFFEF])+(\\.([a-z]|\\d|[!#\\$%&'\\*\\+\\-\\/=\\?\\^_`{\\|}~]|[\\u00A0-\\uD7FF\\uF900-\\uFDCF\\uFDF0-\\uFFEF])+)*)|((\\x22)((((\\x20|\\x09)*(\\x0d\\x0a))?(\\x20|\\x09)+)?(([\\x01-\\x08\\x0b\\x0c\\x0e-\\x1f\\x7f]|\\x21|[\\x23-\\x5b]|[\\x5d-\\x7e]|[\\u00A0-\\uD7FF\\uF900-\\uFDCF\\uFDF0-\\uFFEF])|(\\\\([\\x01-\\x09\\x0b\\x0c\\x0d-\\x7f]|[\\u00A0-\\uD7FF\\uF900-\\uFDCF\\uFDF0-\\uFFEF]))))*(((\\x20|\\x09)*(\\x0d\\x0a))?(\\x20|\\x09)+)?(\\x22)))@((([a-z]|\\d|[\\u00A0-\\uD7FF\\uF900-\\uFDCF\\uFDF0-\\uFFEF])|(([a-z]|\\d|[\\u00A0-\\uD7FF\\uF900-\\uFDCF\\uFDF0-\\uFFEF])([a-z]|\\d|-|\\.|_|~|[\\u00A0-\\uD7FF\\uF900-\\uFDCF\\uFDF0-\\uFFEF])*([a-z]|\\d|[\\u00A0-\\uD7FF\\uF900-\\uFDCF\\uFDF0-\\uFFEF])))\\.)+(([a-z]|[\\u00A0-\\uD7FF\\uF900-\\uFDCF\\uFDF0-\\uFFEF])|(([a-z]|[\\u00A0-\\uD7FF\\uF900-\\uFDCF\\uFDF0-\\uFFEF])([a-z]|\\d|-|\\.|_|~|[\\u00A0-\\uD7FF\\uF900-\\uFDCF\\uFDF0-\\uFFEF])*([a-z]|[\\u00A0-\\uD7FF\\uF900-\\uFDCF\\uFDF0-\\uFFEF])))$/i;\n return reg.test(value);\n}\n// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/vant/es/uploader/utils.js\nfunction toArray(item) {\n if (Array.isArray(item)) {\n return item;\n }\n\n return [item];\n}\nfunction utils_readFile(file, resultType) {\n return new Promise(function (resolve) {\n if (resultType === 'file') {\n resolve();\n return;\n }\n\n var reader = new FileReader();\n\n reader.onload = function (event) {\n resolve(event.target.result);\n };\n\n if (resultType === 'dataUrl') {\n reader.readAsDataURL(file);\n } else if (resultType === 'text') {\n reader.readAsText(file);\n }\n });\n}\nfunction isOversize(files, maxSize) {\n return toArray(files).some(function (file) {\n return file.size > maxSize;\n });\n}\nvar IMAGE_REGEXP = /\\.(jpeg|jpg|gif|png|svg|webp|jfif|bmp|dpg)/i;\nfunction isImageUrl(url) {\n return IMAGE_REGEXP.test(url);\n}\nfunction isImageFile(item) {\n // some special urls cannot be recognized\n // user can add `isImage` flag to mark it as an image url\n if (item.isImage) {\n return true;\n }\n\n if (item.file && item.file.type) {\n return item.file.type.indexOf('image') === 0;\n }\n\n if (item.url) {\n return isImageUrl(item.url);\n }\n\n if (item.content) {\n return item.content.indexOf('data:image') === 0;\n }\n\n return false;\n}\n// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/vant/es/uploader/index.js\n\n// Utils\n\n // Mixins\n\n // Components\n\n\n\n\n\n\nvar uploader__createNamespace = Object(utils[\"b\" /* createNamespace */])('uploader'),\n uploader_createComponent = uploader__createNamespace[0],\n uploader_bem = uploader__createNamespace[1];\n\n/* harmony default export */ var uploader = (uploader_createComponent({\n inheritAttrs: false,\n mixins: [FieldMixin],\n model: {\n prop: 'fileList'\n },\n props: {\n disabled: Boolean,\n lazyLoad: Boolean,\n uploadText: String,\n afterRead: Function,\n beforeRead: Function,\n beforeDelete: Function,\n previewSize: [Number, String],\n name: {\n type: [Number, String],\n default: ''\n },\n accept: {\n type: String,\n default: 'image/*'\n },\n fileList: {\n type: Array,\n default: function _default() {\n return [];\n }\n },\n maxSize: {\n type: [Number, String],\n default: Number.MAX_VALUE\n },\n maxCount: {\n type: [Number, String],\n default: Number.MAX_VALUE\n },\n deletable: {\n type: Boolean,\n default: true\n },\n showUpload: {\n type: Boolean,\n default: true\n },\n previewImage: {\n type: Boolean,\n default: true\n },\n previewFullImage: {\n type: Boolean,\n default: true\n },\n imageFit: {\n type: String,\n default: 'cover'\n },\n resultType: {\n type: String,\n default: 'dataUrl'\n },\n uploadIcon: {\n type: String,\n default: 'photograph'\n }\n },\n computed: {\n previewSizeWithUnit: function previewSizeWithUnit() {\n return Object(utils[\"a\" /* addUnit */])(this.previewSize);\n },\n // for form\n value: function value() {\n return this.fileList;\n }\n },\n methods: {\n getDetail: function getDetail(index) {\n if (index === void 0) {\n index = this.fileList.length;\n }\n\n return {\n name: this.name,\n index: index\n };\n },\n onChange: function onChange(event) {\n var _this = this;\n\n var files = event.target.files;\n\n if (this.disabled || !files.length) {\n return;\n }\n\n files = files.length === 1 ? files[0] : [].slice.call(files);\n\n if (this.beforeRead) {\n var response = this.beforeRead(files, this.getDetail());\n\n if (!response) {\n this.resetInput();\n return;\n }\n\n if (Object(utils[\"h\" /* isPromise */])(response)) {\n response.then(function (data) {\n if (data) {\n _this.readFile(data);\n } else {\n _this.readFile(files);\n }\n }).catch(this.resetInput);\n return;\n }\n }\n\n this.readFile(files);\n },\n readFile: function readFile(files) {\n var _this2 = this;\n\n var oversize = isOversize(files, this.maxSize);\n\n if (Array.isArray(files)) {\n var maxCount = this.maxCount - this.fileList.length;\n\n if (files.length > maxCount) {\n files = files.slice(0, maxCount);\n }\n\n Promise.all(files.map(function (file) {\n return utils_readFile(file, _this2.resultType);\n })).then(function (contents) {\n var fileList = files.map(function (file, index) {\n var result = {\n file: file,\n status: '',\n message: ''\n };\n\n if (contents[index]) {\n result.content = contents[index];\n }\n\n return result;\n });\n\n _this2.onAfterRead(fileList, oversize);\n });\n } else {\n utils_readFile(files, this.resultType).then(function (content) {\n var result = {\n file: files,\n status: '',\n message: ''\n };\n\n if (content) {\n result.content = content;\n }\n\n _this2.onAfterRead(result, oversize);\n });\n }\n },\n onAfterRead: function onAfterRead(files, oversize) {\n var _this3 = this;\n\n this.resetInput();\n var validFiles = files;\n\n if (oversize) {\n var oversizeFiles = files;\n\n if (Array.isArray(files)) {\n oversizeFiles = [];\n validFiles = [];\n files.forEach(function (item) {\n if (item.file) {\n if (item.file.size > _this3.maxSize) {\n oversizeFiles.push(item);\n } else {\n validFiles.push(item);\n }\n }\n });\n } else {\n validFiles = null;\n }\n\n this.$emit('oversize', oversizeFiles, this.getDetail());\n }\n\n var isValidFiles = Array.isArray(validFiles) ? Boolean(validFiles.length) : Boolean(validFiles);\n\n if (isValidFiles) {\n this.$emit('input', [].concat(this.fileList, toArray(validFiles)));\n\n if (this.afterRead) {\n this.afterRead(validFiles, this.getDetail());\n }\n }\n },\n onDelete: function onDelete(file, index) {\n var _this4 = this;\n\n if (this.beforeDelete) {\n var response = this.beforeDelete(file, this.getDetail(index));\n\n if (!response) {\n return;\n }\n\n if (Object(utils[\"h\" /* isPromise */])(response)) {\n response.then(function () {\n _this4.deleteFile(file, index);\n }).catch(utils[\"j\" /* noop */]);\n return;\n }\n }\n\n this.deleteFile(file, index);\n },\n deleteFile: function deleteFile(file, index) {\n var fileList = this.fileList.slice(0);\n fileList.splice(index, 1);\n this.$emit('input', fileList);\n this.$emit('delete', file, this.getDetail(index));\n },\n resetInput: function resetInput() {\n /* istanbul ignore else */\n if (this.$refs.input) {\n this.$refs.input.value = '';\n }\n },\n onPreviewImage: function onPreviewImage(item) {\n var _this5 = this;\n\n if (!this.previewFullImage) {\n return;\n }\n\n var imageFiles = this.fileList.filter(function (item) {\n return isImageFile(item);\n });\n var imageContents = imageFiles.map(function (item) {\n return item.content || item.url;\n });\n this.imagePreview = image_preview({\n images: imageContents,\n closeOnPopstate: true,\n startPosition: imageFiles.indexOf(item),\n onClose: function onClose() {\n _this5.$emit('close-preview');\n }\n });\n },\n // @exposed-api\n closeImagePreview: function closeImagePreview() {\n if (this.imagePreview) {\n this.imagePreview.close();\n }\n },\n // @exposed-api\n chooseFile: function chooseFile() {\n if (this.disabled) {\n return;\n }\n /* istanbul ignore else */\n\n\n if (this.$refs.input) {\n this.$refs.input.click();\n }\n },\n genPreviewMask: function genPreviewMask(item) {\n var h = this.$createElement;\n var status = item.status,\n message = item.message;\n\n if (status === 'uploading' || status === 'failed') {\n var MaskIcon = status === 'failed' ? h(es_icon, {\n \"attrs\": {\n \"name\": \"close\"\n },\n \"class\": uploader_bem('mask-icon')\n }) : h(es_loading, {\n \"class\": uploader_bem('loading')\n });\n var showMessage = Object(utils[\"e\" /* isDef */])(message) && message !== '';\n return h(\"div\", {\n \"class\": uploader_bem('mask')\n }, [MaskIcon, showMessage && h(\"div\", {\n \"class\": uploader_bem('mask-message')\n }, [message])]);\n }\n },\n genPreviewItem: function genPreviewItem(item, index) {\n var _this6 = this;\n\n var h = this.$createElement;\n var showDelete = item.status !== 'uploading' && this.deletable;\n var DeleteIcon = showDelete && h(\"div\", {\n \"class\": uploader_bem('preview-delete'),\n \"on\": {\n \"click\": function click(event) {\n event.stopPropagation();\n\n _this6.onDelete(item, index);\n }\n }\n }, [h(es_icon, {\n \"attrs\": {\n \"name\": \"cross\"\n },\n \"class\": uploader_bem('preview-delete-icon')\n })]);\n var PreviewCoverContent = this.slots('preview-cover', item);\n var PreviewCover = PreviewCoverContent && h(\"div\", {\n \"class\": uploader_bem('preview-cover')\n }, [PreviewCoverContent]);\n var Preview = isImageFile(item) ? h(es_image, {\n \"attrs\": {\n \"fit\": this.imageFit,\n \"src\": item.content || item.url,\n \"width\": this.previewSize,\n \"height\": this.previewSize,\n \"lazyLoad\": this.lazyLoad\n },\n \"class\": uploader_bem('preview-image'),\n \"on\": {\n \"click\": function click() {\n _this6.onPreviewImage(item);\n }\n }\n }, [PreviewCover]) : h(\"div\", {\n \"class\": uploader_bem('file'),\n \"style\": {\n width: this.previewSizeWithUnit,\n height: this.previewSizeWithUnit\n }\n }, [h(es_icon, {\n \"class\": uploader_bem('file-icon'),\n \"attrs\": {\n \"name\": \"description\"\n }\n }), h(\"div\", {\n \"class\": [uploader_bem('file-name'), 'van-ellipsis']\n }, [item.file ? item.file.name : item.url]), PreviewCover]);\n return h(\"div\", {\n \"class\": uploader_bem('preview'),\n \"on\": {\n \"click\": function click() {\n _this6.$emit('click-preview', item, _this6.getDetail(index));\n }\n }\n }, [Preview, this.genPreviewMask(item), DeleteIcon]);\n },\n genPreviewList: function genPreviewList() {\n if (this.previewImage) {\n return this.fileList.map(this.genPreviewItem);\n }\n },\n genUpload: function genUpload() {\n var h = this.$createElement;\n\n if (this.fileList.length >= this.maxCount || !this.showUpload) {\n return;\n }\n\n var slot = this.slots();\n var Input = h(\"input\", {\n \"attrs\": _extends({}, this.$attrs, {\n \"type\": \"file\",\n \"accept\": this.accept,\n \"disabled\": this.disabled\n }),\n \"ref\": \"input\",\n \"class\": uploader_bem('input'),\n \"on\": {\n \"change\": this.onChange\n }\n });\n\n if (slot) {\n return h(\"div\", {\n \"class\": uploader_bem('input-wrapper')\n }, [slot, Input]);\n }\n\n var style;\n\n if (this.previewSize) {\n var size = this.previewSizeWithUnit;\n style = {\n width: size,\n height: size\n };\n }\n\n return h(\"div\", {\n \"class\": uploader_bem('upload'),\n \"style\": style\n }, [h(es_icon, {\n \"attrs\": {\n \"name\": this.uploadIcon\n },\n \"class\": uploader_bem('upload-icon')\n }), this.uploadText && h(\"span\", {\n \"class\": uploader_bem('upload-text')\n }, [this.uploadText]), Input]);\n }\n },\n render: function render() {\n var h = arguments[0];\n return h(\"div\", {\n \"class\": uploader_bem()\n }, [h(\"div\", {\n \"class\": uploader_bem('wrapper', {\n disabled: this.disabled\n })\n }, [this.genPreviewList(), this.genUpload()])]);\n }\n}));\n// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/vant/es/sku/components/SkuImgUploader.js\n// Utils\n // Components\n\n\nvar SkuImgUploader_namespace = Object(utils[\"b\" /* createNamespace */])('sku-img-uploader');\nvar SkuImgUploader_createComponent = SkuImgUploader_namespace[0];\nvar SkuImgUploader_t = SkuImgUploader_namespace[2];\n/* harmony default export */ var SkuImgUploader = (SkuImgUploader_createComponent({\n props: {\n value: String,\n uploadImg: Function,\n maxSize: {\n type: Number,\n default: 6\n }\n },\n data: function data() {\n return {\n fileList: []\n };\n },\n watch: {\n value: function value(val) {\n if (val) {\n this.fileList = [{\n url: val,\n isImage: true\n }];\n } else {\n this.fileList = [];\n }\n }\n },\n methods: {\n afterReadFile: function afterReadFile(file) {\n var _this = this;\n\n file.status = 'uploading';\n file.message = SkuImgUploader_t('uploading');\n this.uploadImg(file.file, file.content).then(function (img) {\n file.status = 'done';\n\n _this.$emit('input', img);\n }).catch(function () {\n file.status = 'failed';\n file.message = SkuImgUploader_t('fail');\n });\n },\n onOversize: function onOversize() {\n this.$toast(SkuImgUploader_t('oversize', this.maxSize));\n },\n onDelete: function onDelete() {\n this.$emit('input', '');\n }\n },\n render: function render() {\n var _this2 = this;\n\n var h = arguments[0];\n return h(uploader, {\n \"attrs\": {\n \"maxCount\": 1,\n \"afterRead\": this.afterReadFile,\n \"maxSize\": this.maxSize * 1024 * 1024\n },\n \"on\": {\n \"oversize\": this.onOversize,\n \"delete\": this.onDelete\n },\n \"model\": {\n value: _this2.fileList,\n callback: function callback($$v) {\n _this2.fileList = $$v;\n }\n }\n });\n }\n}));\n// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/vant/es/sku/utils/time-helper.js\n // 字符串转 Date\n// 只处理 YYYY-MM-DD 或者 YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM 格式\n\nfunction stringToDate(timeString) {\n if (!timeString) {\n return null;\n }\n\n return new Date(timeString.replace(/-/g, '/'));\n} // Date 转字符串\n// type: date or datetime\n\nfunction dateToString(date, type) {\n if (type === void 0) {\n type = 'date';\n }\n\n if (!date) {\n return '';\n }\n\n var year = date.getFullYear();\n var month = date.getMonth() + 1;\n var day = date.getDate();\n var timeString = year + \"-\" + Object(string[\"b\" /* padZero */])(month) + \"-\" + Object(string[\"b\" /* padZero */])(day);\n\n if (type === 'datetime') {\n var hours = date.getHours();\n var minute = date.getMinutes();\n timeString += \" \" + Object(string[\"b\" /* padZero */])(hours) + \":\" + Object(string[\"b\" /* padZero */])(minute);\n }\n\n return timeString;\n}\n// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/vant/es/sku/components/SkuDateTimeField.js\n// Utils\n\n // Components\n\n\n\n\nvar SkuDateTimeField_namespace = Object(utils[\"b\" /* createNamespace */])('sku-datetime-field');\nvar SkuDateTimeField_createComponent = SkuDateTimeField_namespace[0];\nvar SkuDateTimeField_t = SkuDateTimeField_namespace[2];\n/* harmony default export */ var SkuDateTimeField = (SkuDateTimeField_createComponent({\n props: {\n value: String,\n label: String,\n required: Boolean,\n placeholder: String,\n type: {\n type: String,\n default: 'date'\n }\n },\n data: function data() {\n return {\n showDatePicker: false,\n currentDate: this.type === 'time' ? '' : new Date()\n };\n },\n watch: {\n value: function value(val) {\n switch (this.type) {\n case 'time':\n this.currentDate = val;\n break;\n\n case 'date':\n case 'datetime':\n this.currentDate = stringToDate(val) || new Date();\n break;\n }\n }\n },\n computed: {\n title: function title() {\n return SkuDateTimeField_t(\"title.\" + this.type);\n }\n },\n methods: {\n onClick: function onClick() {\n this.showDatePicker = true;\n },\n onConfirm: function onConfirm(val) {\n var data = val;\n\n if (this.type !== 'time') {\n data = dateToString(val, this.type);\n }\n\n this.$emit('input', data);\n this.showDatePicker = false;\n },\n onCancel: function onCancel() {\n this.showDatePicker = false;\n },\n formatter: function formatter(type, val) {\n var word = SkuDateTimeField_t(\"format.\" + type);\n return \"\" + val + word;\n }\n },\n render: function render() {\n var _this = this;\n\n var h = arguments[0];\n return h(es_field, {\n \"attrs\": {\n \"readonly\": true,\n \"is-link\": true,\n \"center\": true,\n \"value\": this.value,\n \"label\": this.label,\n \"required\": this.required,\n \"placeholder\": this.placeholder\n },\n \"on\": {\n \"click\": this.onClick\n }\n }, [h(popup, {\n \"attrs\": {\n \"round\": true,\n \"position\": \"bottom\",\n \"getContainer\": \"body\"\n },\n \"slot\": \"extra\",\n \"model\": {\n value: _this.showDatePicker,\n callback: function callback($$v) {\n _this.showDatePicker = $$v;\n }\n }\n }, [h(datetime_picker, {\n \"attrs\": {\n \"type\": this.type,\n \"title\": this.title,\n \"value\": this.currentDate,\n \"formatter\": this.formatter\n },\n \"on\": {\n \"cancel\": this.onCancel,\n \"confirm\": this.onConfirm\n }\n })])]);\n }\n}));\n// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/vant/es/sku/components/SkuMessages.js\n// Utils\n\n\n // Components\n\n\n\n\n\n\nvar SkuMessages__createNamespace = Object(utils[\"b\" /* createNamespace */])('sku-messages'),\n SkuMessages_createComponent = SkuMessages__createNamespace[0],\n SkuMessages_bem = SkuMessages__createNamespace[1],\n SkuMessages_t = SkuMessages__createNamespace[2];\n\n/* harmony default export */ var SkuMessages = (SkuMessages_createComponent({\n props: {\n messageConfig: Object,\n goodsId: [Number, String],\n messages: {\n type: Array,\n default: function _default() {\n return [];\n }\n }\n },\n data: function data() {\n return {\n messageValues: this.resetMessageValues(this.messages)\n };\n },\n watch: {\n messages: function messages(val) {\n this.messageValues = this.resetMessageValues(val);\n }\n },\n methods: {\n resetMessageValues: function resetMessageValues(messages) {\n var messageConfig = this.messageConfig;\n var _messageConfig$initia = messageConfig.initialMessages,\n initialMessages = _messageConfig$initia === void 0 ? {} : _messageConfig$initia;\n return (messages || []).map(function (message) {\n return {\n value: initialMessages[message.name] || ''\n };\n });\n },\n getType: function getType(message) {\n if (+message.multiple === 1) {\n return 'textarea';\n }\n\n if (message.type === 'id_no') {\n return 'text';\n }\n\n return message.datetime > 0 ? 'datetime' : message.type;\n },\n getMessages: function getMessages() {\n var messages = {};\n this.messageValues.forEach(function (item, index) {\n messages[\"message_\" + index] = item.value;\n });\n return messages;\n },\n getCartMessages: function getCartMessages() {\n var _this = this;\n\n var messages = {};\n this.messageValues.forEach(function (item, index) {\n var message = _this.messages[index];\n messages[message.name] = item.value;\n });\n return messages;\n },\n getPlaceholder: function getPlaceholder(message) {\n var type = +message.multiple === 1 ? 'textarea' : message.type;\n var map = this.messageConfig.placeholderMap || {};\n return message.placeholder || map[type] || SkuMessages_t(\"placeholder.\" + type);\n },\n validateMessages: function validateMessages() {\n var values = this.messageValues;\n\n for (var i = 0; i < values.length; i++) {\n var value = values[i].value;\n var message = this.messages[i];\n\n if (value === '') {\n // 必填字段的校验\n if (String(message.required) === '1') {\n var textType = SkuMessages_t(message.type === 'image' ? 'upload' : 'fill');\n return textType + message.name;\n }\n } else {\n if (message.type === 'tel' && !Object(number[\"b\" /* isNumeric */])(value)) {\n return SkuMessages_t('invalid.tel');\n }\n\n if (message.type === 'mobile' && !/^\\d{6,20}$/.test(value)) {\n return SkuMessages_t('invalid.mobile');\n }\n\n if (message.type === 'email' && !isEmail(value)) {\n return SkuMessages_t('invalid.email');\n }\n\n if (message.type === 'id_no' && (value.length < 15 || value.length > 18)) {\n return SkuMessages_t('invalid.id_no');\n }\n }\n }\n },\n genMessage: function genMessage(message, index) {\n var _this2 = this;\n\n var h = this.$createElement;\n\n if (message.type === 'image') {\n return h(cell, {\n \"key\": this.goodsId + \"-\" + index,\n \"attrs\": {\n \"title\": message.name,\n \"required\": String(message.required) === '1',\n \"valueClass\": SkuMessages_bem('image-cell-value')\n },\n \"class\": SkuMessages_bem('image-cell')\n }, [h(SkuImgUploader, {\n \"attrs\": {\n \"maxSize\": this.messageConfig.uploadMaxSize,\n \"uploadImg\": this.messageConfig.uploadImg\n },\n \"model\": {\n value: _this2.messageValues[index].value,\n callback: function callback($$v) {\n _this2.$set(_this2.messageValues[index], \"value\", $$v);\n }\n }\n }), h(\"div\", {\n \"class\": SkuMessages_bem('image-cell-label')\n }, [SkuMessages_t('imageLabel')])]);\n } // 时间和日期使用的vant选择器\n\n\n var isDateOrTime = ['date', 'time'].indexOf(message.type) > -1;\n\n if (isDateOrTime) {\n return h(SkuDateTimeField, {\n \"attrs\": {\n \"label\": message.name,\n \"required\": String(message.required) === '1',\n \"placeholder\": this.getPlaceholder(message),\n \"type\": this.getType(message)\n },\n \"key\": this.goodsId + \"-\" + index,\n \"model\": {\n value: _this2.messageValues[index].value,\n callback: function callback($$v) {\n _this2.$set(_this2.messageValues[index], \"value\", $$v);\n }\n }\n });\n }\n\n return h(es_field, {\n \"attrs\": {\n \"maxlength\": \"200\",\n \"center\": !message.multiple,\n \"label\": message.name,\n \"required\": String(message.required) === '1',\n \"placeholder\": this.getPlaceholder(message),\n \"type\": this.getType(message)\n },\n \"key\": this.goodsId + \"-\" + index,\n \"model\": {\n value: _this2.messageValues[index].value,\n callback: function callback($$v) {\n _this2.$set(_this2.messageValues[index], \"value\", $$v);\n }\n }\n });\n }\n },\n render: function render() {\n var h = arguments[0];\n return h(\"div\", {\n \"class\": SkuMessages_bem()\n }, [this.messages.map(this.genMessage)]);\n }\n}));\n// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/vant/es/sku/components/SkuActions.js\n\n// Utils\n\n // Components\n\n // Types\n\nvar SkuActions__createNamespace = Object(utils[\"b\" /* createNamespace */])('sku-actions'),\n SkuActions_createComponent = SkuActions__createNamespace[0],\n SkuActions_bem = SkuActions__createNamespace[1],\n SkuActions_t = SkuActions__createNamespace[2];\n\nfunction SkuActions(h, props, slots, ctx) {\n var createEmitter = function createEmitter(name) {\n return function () {\n props.skuEventBus.$emit(name);\n };\n };\n\n return h(\"div\", helper_default()([{\n \"class\": SkuActions_bem()\n }, inherit(ctx)]), [props.showAddCartBtn && h(es_button, {\n \"attrs\": {\n \"size\": \"large\",\n \"type\": \"warning\",\n \"text\": props.addCartText || SkuActions_t('addCart')\n },\n \"on\": {\n \"click\": createEmitter('sku:addCart')\n }\n }), h(es_button, {\n \"attrs\": {\n \"size\": \"large\",\n \"type\": \"danger\",\n \"text\": props.buyText || SkuActions_t('buy')\n },\n \"on\": {\n \"click\": createEmitter('sku:buy')\n }\n })]);\n}\n\nSkuActions.props = {\n buyText: String,\n addCartText: String,\n skuEventBus: Object,\n showAddCartBtn: Boolean\n};\n/* harmony default export */ var components_SkuActions = (SkuActions_createComponent(SkuActions));\n// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/vant/es/sku/Sku.js\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nvar Sku_namespace = Object(utils[\"b\" /* createNamespace */])('sku');\nvar Sku_createComponent = Sku_namespace[0],\n Sku_bem = Sku_namespace[1],\n Sku_t = Sku_namespace[2];\nvar Sku_QUOTA_LIMIT = LIMIT_TYPE.QUOTA_LIMIT;\n/* harmony default export */ var Sku = (Sku_createComponent({\n props: {\n sku: Object,\n goods: Object,\n value: Boolean,\n buyText: String,\n goodsId: [Number, String],\n priceTag: String,\n lazyLoad: Boolean,\n hideStock: Boolean,\n properties: Array,\n addCartText: String,\n stepperTitle: String,\n getContainer: [String, Function],\n hideQuotaText: Boolean,\n hideSelectedText: Boolean,\n resetStepperOnHide: Boolean,\n customSkuValidator: Function,\n disableStepperInput: Boolean,\n resetSelectedSkuOnHide: Boolean,\n quota: {\n type: Number,\n default: 0\n },\n quotaUsed: {\n type: Number,\n default: 0\n },\n startSaleNum: {\n type: Number,\n default: 1\n },\n initialSku: {\n type: Object,\n default: function _default() {\n return {};\n }\n },\n stockThreshold: {\n type: Number,\n default: 50\n },\n showSoldoutSku: {\n type: Boolean,\n default: true\n },\n showAddCartBtn: {\n type: Boolean,\n default: true\n },\n customStepperConfig: {\n type: Object,\n default: function _default() {\n return {};\n }\n },\n showHeaderImage: {\n type: Boolean,\n default: true\n },\n previewOnClickImage: {\n type: Boolean,\n default: true\n },\n safeAreaInsetBottom: {\n type: Boolean,\n default: true\n },\n closeOnClickOverlay: {\n type: Boolean,\n default: true\n },\n bodyOffsetTop: {\n type: Number,\n default: 200\n },\n messageConfig: {\n type: Object,\n default: function _default() {\n return {\n initialMessages: {},\n placeholderMap: {},\n uploadImg: function uploadImg() {\n return Promise.resolve();\n },\n uploadMaxSize: 5\n };\n }\n }\n },\n data: function data() {\n return {\n selectedSku: {},\n selectedProp: {},\n selectedNum: 1,\n show: this.value\n };\n },\n watch: {\n show: function show(val) {\n this.$emit('input', val);\n\n if (!val) {\n this.$emit('sku-close', {\n selectedSkuValues: this.selectedSkuValues,\n selectedNum: this.selectedNum,\n selectedSkuComb: this.selectedSkuComb\n });\n\n if (this.resetStepperOnHide) {\n this.resetStepper();\n }\n\n if (this.resetSelectedSkuOnHide) {\n this.resetSelectedSku();\n }\n }\n },\n value: function value(val) {\n this.show = val;\n },\n skuTree: 'resetSelectedSku',\n initialSku: function initialSku() {\n this.resetStepper();\n this.resetSelectedSku();\n }\n },\n computed: {\n skuGroupClass: function skuGroupClass() {\n return ['van-sku-group-container', {\n 'van-sku-group-container--hide-soldout': !this.showSoldoutSku\n }];\n },\n bodyStyle: function bodyStyle() {\n if (this.$isServer) {\n return;\n }\n\n var maxHeight = window.innerHeight - this.bodyOffsetTop;\n return {\n maxHeight: maxHeight + 'px'\n };\n },\n isSkuCombSelected: function isSkuCombSelected() {\n var _this = this;\n\n // SKU 未选完\n if (this.hasSku && !sku_helper_isAllSelected(this.skuTree, this.selectedSku)) {\n return false;\n } // 属性未全选\n\n\n return !this.propList.some(function (it) {\n return (_this.selectedProp[it.k_id] || []).length < 1;\n });\n },\n isSkuEmpty: function isSkuEmpty() {\n return Object.keys(this.sku).length === 0;\n },\n hasSku: function hasSku() {\n return !this.sku.none_sku;\n },\n hasSkuOrAttr: function hasSkuOrAttr() {\n return this.hasSku || this.propList.length > 0;\n },\n selectedSkuComb: function selectedSkuComb() {\n var skuComb = null;\n\n if (this.isSkuCombSelected) {\n if (this.hasSku) {\n skuComb = getSkuComb(this.sku.list, this.selectedSku);\n } else {\n skuComb = {\n id: this.sku.collection_id,\n price: Math.round(this.sku.price * 100),\n stock_num: this.sku.stock_num\n };\n }\n\n if (skuComb) {\n skuComb.properties = sku_helper_getSelectedProperties(this.propList, this.selectedProp);\n skuComb.property_price = this.selectedPropValues.reduce(function (acc, cur) {\n return acc + (cur.price || 0);\n }, 0);\n }\n }\n\n return skuComb;\n },\n selectedSkuValues: function selectedSkuValues() {\n return sku_helper_getSelectedSkuValues(this.skuTree, this.selectedSku);\n },\n selectedPropValues: function selectedPropValues() {\n return sku_helper_getSelectedPropValues(this.propList, this.selectedProp);\n },\n price: function price() {\n if (this.selectedSkuComb) {\n return ((this.selectedSkuComb.price + this.selectedSkuComb.property_price) / 100).toFixed(2);\n } // sku.price是一个格式化好的价格区间\n\n\n return this.sku.price;\n },\n originPrice: function originPrice() {\n if (this.selectedSkuComb && this.selectedSkuComb.origin_price) {\n return ((this.selectedSkuComb.origin_price + this.selectedSkuComb.property_price) / 100).toFixed(2);\n }\n\n return this.sku.origin_price;\n },\n skuTree: function skuTree() {\n return this.sku.tree || [];\n },\n propList: function propList() {\n return this.properties || [];\n },\n imageList: function imageList() {\n var imageList = [this.goods.picture];\n\n if (this.skuTree.length > 0) {\n this.skuTree.forEach(function (treeItem) {\n if (!treeItem.v) {\n return;\n }\n\n treeItem.v.forEach(function (vItem) {\n var imgUrl = vItem.previewImgUrl || vItem.imgUrl || vItem.img_url;\n\n if (imgUrl && imageList.indexOf(imgUrl) === -1) {\n imageList.push(imgUrl);\n }\n });\n });\n }\n\n return imageList;\n },\n stock: function stock() {\n var stockNum = this.customStepperConfig.stockNum;\n\n if (stockNum !== undefined) {\n return stockNum;\n }\n\n if (this.selectedSkuComb) {\n return this.selectedSkuComb.stock_num;\n }\n\n return this.sku.stock_num;\n },\n stockText: function stockText() {\n var h = this.$createElement;\n var stockFormatter = this.customStepperConfig.stockFormatter;\n\n if (stockFormatter) {\n return stockFormatter(this.stock);\n }\n\n return [Sku_t('stock') + \" \", h(\"span\", {\n \"class\": Sku_bem('stock-num', {\n highlight: this.stock < this.stockThreshold\n })\n }, [this.stock]), \" \" + Sku_t('stockUnit')];\n },\n selectedText: function selectedText() {\n var _this2 = this;\n\n if (this.selectedSkuComb) {\n var values = this.selectedSkuValues.concat(this.selectedPropValues);\n return Sku_t('selected') + \" \" + values.map(function (item) {\n return item.name;\n }).join(' ');\n }\n\n var unselectedSku = this.skuTree.filter(function (item) {\n return _this2.selectedSku[item.k_s] === UNSELECTED_SKU_VALUE_ID;\n }).map(function (item) {\n return item.k;\n });\n var unselectedProp = this.propList.filter(function (item) {\n return (_this2.selectedProp[item.k_id] || []).length < 1;\n }).map(function (item) {\n return item.k;\n });\n return Sku_t('select') + \" \" + unselectedSku.concat(unselectedProp).join(' ');\n }\n },\n created: function created() {\n var skuEventBus = new vue_esm[\"default\"]();\n this.skuEventBus = skuEventBus;\n skuEventBus.$on('sku:select', this.onSelect);\n skuEventBus.$on('sku:propSelect', this.onPropSelect);\n skuEventBus.$on('sku:numChange', this.onNumChange);\n skuEventBus.$on('sku:previewImage', this.onPreviewImage);\n skuEventBus.$on('sku:overLimit', this.onOverLimit);\n skuEventBus.$on('sku:stepperState', this.onStepperState);\n skuEventBus.$on('sku:addCart', this.onAddCart);\n skuEventBus.$on('sku:buy', this.onBuy);\n this.resetStepper();\n this.resetSelectedSku(); // 组件初始化后的钩子,抛出skuEventBus\n\n this.$emit('after-sku-create', skuEventBus);\n },\n methods: {\n resetStepper: function resetStepper() {\n var skuStepper = this.$refs.skuStepper;\n var selectedNum = this.initialSku.selectedNum;\n var num = Object(utils[\"e\" /* isDef */])(selectedNum) ? selectedNum : this.startSaleNum; // 用来缓存不合法的情况\n\n this.stepperError = null;\n\n if (skuStepper) {\n skuStepper.setCurrentNum(num);\n } else {\n // 当首次加载(skuStepper 为空)时,传入数量如果不合法,可能会存在问题\n this.selectedNum = num;\n }\n },\n // @exposed-api\n resetSelectedSku: function resetSelectedSku() {\n var _this3 = this;\n\n this.selectedSku = {}; // 重置 selectedSku\n\n this.skuTree.forEach(function (item) {\n _this3.selectedSku[item.k_s] = UNSELECTED_SKU_VALUE_ID;\n });\n this.skuTree.forEach(function (item) {\n var key = item.k_s; // 规格值只有1个时,优先判断\n\n var valueId = item.v.length === 1 ? item.v[0].id : _this3.initialSku[key];\n\n if (valueId && sku_helper_isSkuChoosable(_this3.sku.list, _this3.selectedSku, {\n key: key,\n valueId: valueId\n })) {\n _this3.selectedSku[key] = valueId;\n }\n });\n var skuValues = this.selectedSkuValues;\n\n if (skuValues.length > 0) {\n this.$nextTick(function () {\n _this3.$emit('sku-selected', {\n skuValue: skuValues[skuValues.length - 1],\n selectedSku: _this3.selectedSku,\n selectedSkuComb: _this3.selectedSkuComb\n });\n });\n } // 重置商品属性\n\n\n this.selectedProp = {};\n var _this$initialSku$sele = this.initialSku.selectedProp,\n selectedProp = _this$initialSku$sele === void 0 ? {} : _this$initialSku$sele; // 只有一个属性值时,默认选中,且选中外部传入信息\n\n this.propList.forEach(function (item) {\n if (item.v && item.v.length === 1) {\n _this3.selectedProp[item.k_id] = [item.v[0].id];\n } else if (selectedProp[item.k_id]) {\n _this3.selectedProp[item.k_id] = selectedProp[item.k_id];\n }\n });\n var propValues = this.selectedPropValues;\n\n if (propValues.length > 0) {\n this.$emit('sku-prop-selected', {\n propValue: propValues[propValues.length - 1],\n selectedProp: this.selectedProp,\n selectedSkuComb: this.selectedSkuComb\n });\n } // 抛出重置事件\n\n\n this.$emit('sku-reset', {\n selectedSku: this.selectedSku,\n selectedProp: this.selectedProp,\n selectedSkuComb: this.selectedSkuComb\n });\n this.centerInitialSku();\n },\n getSkuMessages: function getSkuMessages() {\n return this.$refs.skuMessages ? this.$refs.skuMessages.getMessages() : {};\n },\n getSkuCartMessages: function getSkuCartMessages() {\n return this.$refs.skuMessages ? this.$refs.skuMessages.getCartMessages() : {};\n },\n validateSkuMessages: function validateSkuMessages() {\n return this.$refs.skuMessages ? this.$refs.skuMessages.validateMessages() : '';\n },\n validateSku: function validateSku() {\n if (this.selectedNum === 0) {\n return Sku_t('unavailable');\n }\n\n if (this.isSkuCombSelected) {\n return this.validateSkuMessages();\n } // 自定义sku校验\n\n\n if (this.customSkuValidator) {\n var err = this.customSkuValidator(this);\n if (err) return err;\n }\n\n return Sku_t('selectSku');\n },\n onSelect: function onSelect(skuValue) {\n var _extends2, _extends3;\n\n // 点击已选中的sku时则取消选中\n this.selectedSku = this.selectedSku[skuValue.skuKeyStr] === skuValue.id ? _extends({}, this.selectedSku, (_extends2 = {}, _extends2[skuValue.skuKeyStr] = UNSELECTED_SKU_VALUE_ID, _extends2)) : _extends({}, this.selectedSku, (_extends3 = {}, _extends3[skuValue.skuKeyStr] = skuValue.id, _extends3));\n this.$emit('sku-selected', {\n skuValue: skuValue,\n selectedSku: this.selectedSku,\n selectedSkuComb: this.selectedSkuComb\n });\n },\n onPropSelect: function onPropSelect(propValue) {\n var _extends4;\n\n var arr = this.selectedProp[propValue.skuKeyStr] || [];\n var pos = arr.indexOf(propValue.id);\n\n if (pos > -1) {\n arr.splice(pos, 1);\n } else if (propValue.multiple) {\n arr.push(propValue.id);\n } else {\n arr.splice(0, 1, propValue.id);\n }\n\n this.selectedProp = _extends({}, this.selectedProp, (_extends4 = {}, _extends4[propValue.skuKeyStr] = arr, _extends4));\n this.$emit('sku-prop-selected', {\n propValue: propValue,\n selectedProp: this.selectedProp,\n selectedSkuComb: this.selectedSkuComb\n });\n },\n onNumChange: function onNumChange(num) {\n this.selectedNum = num;\n },\n onPreviewImage: function onPreviewImage(selectedValue) {\n var _this4 = this;\n\n var imageList = this.imageList;\n var index = 0;\n var indexImage = imageList[0];\n\n if (selectedValue && selectedValue.imgUrl) {\n this.imageList.some(function (image, pos) {\n if (image === selectedValue.imgUrl) {\n index = pos;\n return true;\n }\n\n return false;\n });\n indexImage = selectedValue.imgUrl;\n }\n\n var params = _extends({}, selectedValue, {\n index: index,\n imageList: this.imageList,\n indexImage: indexImage\n });\n\n this.$emit('open-preview', params);\n\n if (!this.previewOnClickImage) {\n return;\n }\n\n image_preview({\n images: this.imageList,\n startPosition: index,\n closeOnPopstate: true,\n onClose: function onClose() {\n _this4.$emit('close-preview', params);\n }\n });\n },\n onOverLimit: function onOverLimit(data) {\n var action = data.action,\n limitType = data.limitType,\n quota = data.quota,\n quotaUsed = data.quotaUsed;\n var handleOverLimit = this.customStepperConfig.handleOverLimit;\n\n if (handleOverLimit) {\n handleOverLimit(data);\n return;\n }\n\n if (action === 'minus') {\n if (this.startSaleNum > 1) {\n es_toast(Sku_t('minusStartTip', this.startSaleNum));\n } else {\n es_toast(Sku_t('minusTip'));\n }\n } else if (action === 'plus') {\n if (limitType === Sku_QUOTA_LIMIT) {\n if (quotaUsed > 0) {\n es_toast(Sku_t('quotaUsedTip', quota, quotaUsed));\n } else {\n es_toast(Sku_t('quotaTip', quota));\n }\n } else {\n es_toast(Sku_t('soldout'));\n }\n }\n },\n onStepperState: function onStepperState(data) {\n this.stepperError = data.valid ? null : _extends({}, data, {\n action: 'plus'\n });\n },\n onAddCart: function onAddCart() {\n this.onBuyOrAddCart('add-cart');\n },\n onBuy: function onBuy() {\n this.onBuyOrAddCart('buy-clicked');\n },\n onBuyOrAddCart: function onBuyOrAddCart(type) {\n // sku 不符合购买条件\n if (this.stepperError) {\n return this.onOverLimit(this.stepperError);\n }\n\n var error = this.validateSku();\n\n if (error) {\n es_toast(error);\n } else {\n this.$emit(type, this.getSkuData());\n }\n },\n // @exposed-api\n getSkuData: function getSkuData() {\n return {\n goodsId: this.goodsId,\n messages: this.getSkuMessages(),\n selectedNum: this.selectedNum,\n cartMessages: this.getSkuCartMessages(),\n selectedSkuComb: this.selectedSkuComb\n };\n },\n // 当 popup 完全打开后执行\n onOpened: function onOpened() {\n this.centerInitialSku();\n },\n centerInitialSku: function centerInitialSku() {\n var _this5 = this;\n\n (this.$refs.skuRows || []).forEach(function (it) {\n var _ref = it.skuRow || {},\n k_s = _ref.k_s;\n\n it.centerItem(_this5.initialSku[k_s]);\n });\n }\n },\n render: function render() {\n var _this6 = this;\n\n var h = arguments[0];\n\n if (this.isSkuEmpty) {\n return;\n }\n\n var sku = this.sku,\n goods = this.goods,\n price = this.price,\n lazyLoad = this.lazyLoad,\n originPrice = this.originPrice,\n skuEventBus = this.skuEventBus,\n selectedSku = this.selectedSku,\n selectedProp = this.selectedProp,\n selectedNum = this.selectedNum,\n stepperTitle = this.stepperTitle,\n selectedSkuComb = this.selectedSkuComb,\n showHeaderImage = this.showHeaderImage;\n var slotsProps = {\n price: price,\n originPrice: originPrice,\n selectedNum: selectedNum,\n skuEventBus: skuEventBus,\n selectedSku: selectedSku,\n selectedSkuComb: selectedSkuComb\n };\n\n var slots = function slots(name) {\n return _this6.slots(name, slotsProps);\n };\n\n var Header = slots('sku-header') || h(components_SkuHeader, {\n \"attrs\": {\n \"sku\": sku,\n \"goods\": goods,\n \"skuEventBus\": skuEventBus,\n \"selectedSku\": selectedSku,\n \"showHeaderImage\": showHeaderImage\n }\n }, [h(\"template\", {\n \"slot\": \"sku-header-image-extra\"\n }, [slots('sku-header-image-extra')]), slots('sku-header-price') || h(\"div\", {\n \"class\": \"van-sku__goods-price\"\n }, [h(\"span\", {\n \"class\": \"van-sku__price-symbol\"\n }, [\"\\uFFE5\"]), h(\"span\", {\n \"class\": \"van-sku__price-num\"\n }, [price]), this.priceTag && h(\"span\", {\n \"class\": \"van-sku__price-tag\"\n }, [this.priceTag])]), slots('sku-header-origin-price') || originPrice && h(SkuHeaderItem, [Sku_t('originPrice'), \" \\uFFE5\", originPrice]), !this.hideStock && h(SkuHeaderItem, [h(\"span\", {\n \"class\": \"van-sku__stock\"\n }, [this.stockText])]), this.hasSkuOrAttr && !this.hideSelectedText && h(SkuHeaderItem, [this.selectedText]), slots('sku-header-extra')]);\n var Group = slots('sku-group') || this.hasSkuOrAttr && h(\"div\", {\n \"class\": this.skuGroupClass\n }, [this.skuTree.map(function (skuTreeItem) {\n return h(SkuRow, {\n \"attrs\": {\n \"skuRow\": skuTreeItem\n },\n \"ref\": \"skuRows\",\n \"refInFor\": true\n }, [skuTreeItem.v.map(function (skuValue) {\n return h(SkuRowItem, {\n \"attrs\": {\n \"skuList\": sku.list,\n \"lazyLoad\": lazyLoad,\n \"skuValue\": skuValue,\n \"skuKeyStr\": skuTreeItem.k_s,\n \"selectedSku\": selectedSku,\n \"skuEventBus\": skuEventBus,\n \"largeImageMode\": skuTreeItem.largeImageMode\n }\n });\n })]);\n }), this.propList.map(function (skuTreeItem) {\n return h(SkuRow, {\n \"attrs\": {\n \"skuRow\": skuTreeItem\n }\n }, [skuTreeItem.v.map(function (skuValue) {\n return h(SkuRowPropItem, {\n \"attrs\": {\n \"skuValue\": skuValue,\n \"skuKeyStr\": skuTreeItem.k_id + '',\n \"selectedProp\": selectedProp,\n \"skuEventBus\": skuEventBus,\n \"multiple\": skuTreeItem.is_multiple\n }\n });\n })]);\n })]);\n var Stepper = slots('sku-stepper') || h(SkuStepper, {\n \"ref\": \"skuStepper\",\n \"attrs\": {\n \"stock\": this.stock,\n \"quota\": this.quota,\n \"quotaUsed\": this.quotaUsed,\n \"startSaleNum\": this.startSaleNum,\n \"skuEventBus\": skuEventBus,\n \"selectedNum\": selectedNum,\n \"stepperTitle\": stepperTitle,\n \"skuStockNum\": sku.stock_num,\n \"disableStepperInput\": this.disableStepperInput,\n \"customStepperConfig\": this.customStepperConfig,\n \"hideQuotaText\": this.hideQuotaText\n },\n \"on\": {\n \"change\": function change(event) {\n _this6.$emit('stepper-change', event);\n }\n }\n });\n var Messages = slots('sku-messages') || h(SkuMessages, {\n \"ref\": \"skuMessages\",\n \"attrs\": {\n \"goodsId\": this.goodsId,\n \"messageConfig\": this.messageConfig,\n \"messages\": sku.messages\n }\n });\n var Actions = slots('sku-actions') || h(components_SkuActions, {\n \"attrs\": {\n \"buyText\": this.buyText,\n \"skuEventBus\": skuEventBus,\n \"addCartText\": this.addCartText,\n \"showAddCartBtn\": this.showAddCartBtn\n }\n });\n return h(popup, {\n \"attrs\": {\n \"round\": true,\n \"closeable\": true,\n \"position\": \"bottom\",\n \"getContainer\": this.getContainer,\n \"closeOnClickOverlay\": this.closeOnClickOverlay,\n \"safeAreaInsetBottom\": this.safeAreaInsetBottom\n },\n \"class\": \"van-sku-container\",\n \"on\": {\n \"opened\": this.onOpened\n },\n \"model\": {\n value: _this6.show,\n callback: function callback($$v) {\n _this6.show = $$v;\n }\n }\n }, [Header, h(\"div\", {\n \"class\": \"van-sku-body\",\n \"style\": this.bodyStyle\n }, [slots('sku-body-top'), Group, slots('extra-sku-group'), Stepper, Messages]), slots('sku-actions-top'), Actions]);\n }\n}));\n// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/vant/es/sku/index.js\n// Utils\n\n\n // Components\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nlocale[\"a\" /* default */].add(lang);\nSku.SkuActions = components_SkuActions;\nSku.SkuHeader = components_SkuHeader;\nSku.SkuHeaderItem = SkuHeaderItem;\nSku.SkuMessages = SkuMessages;\nSku.SkuStepper = SkuStepper;\nSku.SkuRow = SkuRow;\nSku.SkuRowItem = SkuRowItem;\nSku.SkuRowPropItem = SkuRowPropItem;\nSku.skuHelper = sku_helper;\nSku.skuConstants = constants;\n/* harmony default export */ var es_sku = (Sku);\n// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/vant/es/slider/index.js\n\n\n\n\n\nvar slider__createNamespace = Object(utils[\"b\" /* createNamespace */])('slider'),\n slider_createComponent = slider__createNamespace[0],\n slider_bem = slider__createNamespace[1];\n\n/* harmony default export */ var slider = (slider_createComponent({\n mixins: [TouchMixin, FieldMixin],\n props: {\n disabled: Boolean,\n vertical: Boolean,\n barHeight: [Number, String],\n buttonSize: [Number, String],\n activeColor: String,\n inactiveColor: String,\n min: {\n type: [Number, String],\n default: 0\n },\n max: {\n type: [Number, String],\n default: 100\n },\n step: {\n type: [Number, String],\n default: 1\n },\n value: {\n type: Number,\n default: 0\n }\n },\n data: function data() {\n return {\n dragStatus: ''\n };\n },\n computed: {\n range: function range() {\n return this.max - this.min;\n },\n buttonStyle: function buttonStyle() {\n if (this.buttonSize) {\n var size = Object(utils[\"a\" /* addUnit */])(this.buttonSize);\n return {\n width: size,\n height: size\n };\n }\n }\n },\n created: function created() {\n // format initial value\n this.updateValue(this.value);\n },\n mounted: function mounted() {\n this.bindTouchEvent(this.$refs.wrapper);\n },\n methods: {\n onTouchStart: function onTouchStart(event) {\n if (this.disabled) {\n return;\n }\n\n this.touchStart(event);\n this.startValue = this.format(this.value);\n this.dragStatus = 'start';\n },\n onTouchMove: function onTouchMove(event) {\n if (this.disabled) {\n return;\n }\n\n if (this.dragStatus === 'start') {\n this.$emit('drag-start');\n }\n\n preventDefault(event, true);\n this.touchMove(event);\n this.dragStatus = 'draging';\n var rect = this.$el.getBoundingClientRect();\n var delta = this.vertical ? this.deltaY : this.deltaX;\n var total = this.vertical ? rect.height : rect.width;\n var diff = delta / total * this.range;\n this.newValue = this.startValue + diff;\n this.updateValue(this.newValue);\n },\n onTouchEnd: function onTouchEnd() {\n if (this.disabled) {\n return;\n }\n\n if (this.dragStatus === 'draging') {\n this.updateValue(this.newValue, true);\n this.$emit('drag-end');\n }\n\n this.dragStatus = '';\n },\n onClick: function onClick(event) {\n event.stopPropagation();\n if (this.disabled) return;\n var rect = this.$el.getBoundingClientRect();\n var delta = this.vertical ? event.clientY - rect.top : event.clientX - rect.left;\n var total = this.vertical ? rect.height : rect.width;\n var value = +this.min + delta / total * this.range;\n this.startValue = this.value;\n this.updateValue(value, true);\n },\n updateValue: function updateValue(value, end) {\n value = this.format(value);\n\n if (value !== this.value) {\n this.$emit('input', value);\n }\n\n if (end && value !== this.startValue) {\n this.$emit('change', value);\n }\n },\n format: function format(value) {\n return Math.round(Math.max(this.min, Math.min(value, this.max)) / this.step) * this.step;\n }\n },\n render: function render() {\n var _wrapperStyle, _barStyle;\n\n var h = arguments[0];\n var vertical = this.vertical;\n var mainAxis = vertical ? 'height' : 'width';\n var crossAxis = vertical ? 'width' : 'height';\n var wrapperStyle = (_wrapperStyle = {\n background: this.inactiveColor\n }, _wrapperStyle[crossAxis] = Object(utils[\"a\" /* addUnit */])(this.barHeight), _wrapperStyle);\n var barStyle = (_barStyle = {}, _barStyle[mainAxis] = (this.value - this.min) * 100 / this.range + \"%\", _barStyle.background = this.activeColor, _barStyle);\n\n if (this.dragStatus) {\n barStyle.transition = 'none';\n }\n\n return h(\"div\", {\n \"style\": wrapperStyle,\n \"class\": slider_bem({\n disabled: this.disabled,\n vertical: vertical\n }),\n \"on\": {\n \"click\": this.onClick\n }\n }, [h(\"div\", {\n \"class\": slider_bem('bar'),\n \"style\": barStyle\n }, [h(\"div\", {\n \"ref\": \"wrapper\",\n \"attrs\": {\n \"role\": \"slider\",\n \"tabindex\": this.disabled ? -1 : 0,\n \"aria-valuemin\": this.min,\n \"aria-valuenow\": this.value,\n \"aria-valuemax\": this.max,\n \"aria-orientation\": this.vertical ? 'vertical' : 'horizontal'\n },\n \"class\": slider_bem('button-wrapper')\n }, [this.slots('button') || h(\"div\", {\n \"class\": slider_bem('button'),\n \"style\": this.buttonStyle\n })])])]);\n }\n}));\n// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/vant/es/step/index.js\n\n\n\n\n\nvar step__createNamespace = Object(utils[\"b\" /* createNamespace */])('step'),\n step_createComponent = step__createNamespace[0],\n step_bem = step__createNamespace[1];\n\n/* harmony default export */ var es_step = (step_createComponent({\n mixins: [ChildrenMixin('vanSteps')],\n computed: {\n status: function status() {\n if (this.index < this.parent.active) {\n return 'finish';\n }\n\n if (this.index === +this.parent.active) {\n return 'process';\n }\n },\n active: function active() {\n return this.status === 'process';\n },\n lineStyle: function lineStyle() {\n if (this.status === 'finish') {\n return {\n background: this.parent.activeColor\n };\n }\n\n return {\n background: this.parent.inactiveColor\n };\n },\n titleStyle: function titleStyle() {\n if (this.active) {\n return {\n color: this.parent.activeColor\n };\n }\n\n if (!this.status) {\n return {\n color: this.parent.inactiveColor\n };\n }\n }\n },\n methods: {\n genCircle: function genCircle() {\n var h = this.$createElement;\n var _this$parent = this.parent,\n activeIcon = _this$parent.activeIcon,\n activeColor = _this$parent.activeColor,\n inactiveIcon = _this$parent.inactiveIcon;\n\n if (this.active) {\n return this.slots('active-icon') || h(es_icon, {\n \"class\": step_bem('icon', 'active'),\n \"attrs\": {\n \"name\": activeIcon,\n \"color\": activeColor\n }\n });\n }\n\n var inactiveIconSlot = this.slots('inactive-icon');\n\n if (inactiveIcon || inactiveIconSlot) {\n return inactiveIconSlot || h(es_icon, {\n \"class\": step_bem('icon'),\n \"attrs\": {\n \"name\": inactiveIcon\n }\n });\n }\n\n return h(\"i\", {\n \"class\": step_bem('circle'),\n \"style\": this.lineStyle\n });\n },\n onClickStep: function onClickStep() {\n this.parent.$emit('click-step', this.index);\n }\n },\n render: function render() {\n var _ref;\n\n var h = arguments[0];\n var status = this.status,\n active = this.active;\n var direction = this.parent.direction;\n return h(\"div\", {\n \"class\": [BORDER, step_bem([direction, (_ref = {}, _ref[status] = status, _ref)])]\n }, [h(\"div\", {\n \"class\": step_bem('title', {\n active: active\n }),\n \"style\": this.titleStyle,\n \"on\": {\n \"click\": this.onClickStep\n }\n }, [this.slots()]), h(\"div\", {\n \"class\": step_bem('circle-container'),\n \"on\": {\n \"click\": this.onClickStep\n }\n }, [this.genCircle()]), h(\"div\", {\n \"class\": step_bem('line'),\n \"style\": this.lineStyle\n })]);\n }\n}));\n// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/vant/es/steps/index.js\n\n\n\nvar steps__createNamespace = Object(utils[\"b\" /* createNamespace */])('steps'),\n steps_createComponent = steps__createNamespace[0],\n steps_bem = steps__createNamespace[1];\n\n/* harmony default export */ var steps = (steps_createComponent({\n mixins: [ParentMixin('vanSteps')],\n props: {\n activeColor: String,\n inactiveIcon: String,\n inactiveColor: String,\n active: {\n type: [Number, String],\n default: 0\n },\n direction: {\n type: String,\n default: 'horizontal'\n },\n activeIcon: {\n type: String,\n default: 'checked'\n }\n },\n render: function render() {\n var h = arguments[0];\n return h(\"div\", {\n \"class\": steps_bem([this.direction])\n }, [h(\"div\", {\n \"class\": steps_bem('items')\n }, [this.slots()])]);\n }\n}));\n// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/vant/es/submit-bar/index.js\n\n// Utils\n\n // Components\n\n\n // Types\n\nvar submit_bar__createNamespace = Object(utils[\"b\" /* createNamespace */])('submit-bar'),\n submit_bar_createComponent = submit_bar__createNamespace[0],\n submit_bar_bem = submit_bar__createNamespace[1],\n submit_bar_t = submit_bar__createNamespace[2];\n\nfunction SubmitBar(h, props, slots, ctx) {\n var tip = props.tip,\n price = props.price,\n tipIcon = props.tipIcon;\n\n function Text() {\n if (typeof price === 'number') {\n var priceArr = (price / 100).toFixed(props.decimalLength).split('.');\n var decimalStr = props.decimalLength ? \".\" + priceArr[1] : '';\n return h(\"div\", {\n \"style\": {\n textAlign: props.textAlign ? props.textAlign : ''\n },\n \"class\": submit_bar_bem('text')\n }, [h(\"span\", [props.label || submit_bar_t('label')]), h(\"span\", {\n \"class\": submit_bar_bem('price')\n }, [props.currency, h(\"span\", {\n \"class\": submit_bar_bem('price', 'integer')\n }, [priceArr[0]]), decimalStr]), props.suffixLabel && h(\"span\", {\n \"class\": submit_bar_bem('suffix-label')\n }, [props.suffixLabel])]);\n }\n }\n\n function Tip() {\n if (slots.tip || tip) {\n return h(\"div\", {\n \"class\": submit_bar_bem('tip')\n }, [tipIcon && h(es_icon, {\n \"class\": submit_bar_bem('tip-icon'),\n \"attrs\": {\n \"name\": tipIcon\n }\n }), tip && h(\"span\", {\n \"class\": submit_bar_bem('tip-text')\n }, [tip]), slots.tip && slots.tip()]);\n }\n }\n\n return h(\"div\", helper_default()([{\n \"class\": submit_bar_bem({\n unfit: !props.safeAreaInsetBottom\n })\n }, inherit(ctx)]), [slots.top && slots.top(), Tip(), h(\"div\", {\n \"class\": submit_bar_bem('bar')\n }, [slots.default && slots.default(), Text(), h(es_button, {\n \"attrs\": {\n \"round\": true,\n \"type\": props.buttonType,\n \"color\": props.buttonColor,\n \"loading\": props.loading,\n \"disabled\": props.disabled,\n \"text\": props.loading ? '' : props.buttonText\n },\n \"class\": submit_bar_bem('button', props.buttonType),\n \"on\": {\n \"click\": function click() {\n functional_emit(ctx, 'submit');\n }\n }\n })])]);\n}\n\nSubmitBar.props = {\n tip: String,\n label: String,\n price: Number,\n tipIcon: String,\n loading: Boolean,\n disabled: Boolean,\n textAlign: String,\n buttonText: String,\n buttonColor: String,\n suffixLabel: String,\n safeAreaInsetBottom: {\n type: Boolean,\n default: true\n },\n decimalLength: {\n type: [Number, String],\n default: 2\n },\n currency: {\n type: String,\n default: '¥'\n },\n buttonType: {\n type: String,\n default: 'danger'\n }\n};\n/* harmony default export */ var submit_bar = (submit_bar_createComponent(SubmitBar));\n// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/vant/es/swipe-cell/index.js\n// Utils\n\n\n // Mixins\n\n\n\n\nvar swipe_cell__createNamespace = Object(utils[\"b\" /* createNamespace */])('swipe-cell'),\n swipe_cell_createComponent = swipe_cell__createNamespace[0],\n swipe_cell_bem = swipe_cell__createNamespace[1];\n\nvar THRESHOLD = 0.15;\n/* harmony default export */ var swipe_cell = (swipe_cell_createComponent({\n mixins: [TouchMixin, click_outside_ClickOutsideMixin({\n event: 'touchstart',\n method: 'onClick'\n })],\n props: {\n // @deprecated\n // should be removed in next major version, use beforeClose instead\n onClose: Function,\n disabled: Boolean,\n leftWidth: [Number, String],\n rightWidth: [Number, String],\n beforeClose: Function,\n stopPropagation: Boolean,\n name: {\n type: [Number, String],\n default: ''\n }\n },\n data: function data() {\n return {\n offset: 0,\n dragging: false\n };\n },\n computed: {\n computedLeftWidth: function computedLeftWidth() {\n return +this.leftWidth || this.getWidthByRef('left');\n },\n computedRightWidth: function computedRightWidth() {\n return +this.rightWidth || this.getWidthByRef('right');\n }\n },\n mounted: function mounted() {\n this.bindTouchEvent(this.$el);\n },\n methods: {\n getWidthByRef: function getWidthByRef(ref) {\n if (this.$refs[ref]) {\n var rect = this.$refs[ref].getBoundingClientRect();\n return rect.width;\n }\n\n return 0;\n },\n // @exposed-api\n open: function open(position) {\n var offset = position === 'left' ? this.computedLeftWidth : -this.computedRightWidth;\n this.opened = true;\n this.offset = offset;\n this.$emit('open', {\n position: position,\n name: this.name,\n // @deprecated\n // should be removed in next major version\n detail: this.name\n });\n },\n // @exposed-api\n close: function close(position) {\n this.offset = 0;\n\n if (this.opened) {\n this.opened = false;\n this.$emit('close', {\n position: position,\n name: this.name\n });\n }\n },\n onTouchStart: function onTouchStart(event) {\n if (this.disabled) {\n return;\n }\n\n this.startOffset = this.offset;\n this.touchStart(event);\n },\n onTouchMove: function onTouchMove(event) {\n if (this.disabled) {\n return;\n }\n\n this.touchMove(event);\n\n if (this.direction === 'horizontal') {\n this.dragging = true;\n this.lockClick = true;\n var isPrevent = !this.opened || this.deltaX * this.startOffset < 0;\n\n if (isPrevent) {\n preventDefault(event, this.stopPropagation);\n }\n\n this.offset = range(this.deltaX + this.startOffset, -this.computedRightWidth, this.computedLeftWidth);\n }\n },\n onTouchEnd: function onTouchEnd() {\n var _this = this;\n\n if (this.disabled) {\n return;\n }\n\n if (this.dragging) {\n this.toggle(this.offset > 0 ? 'left' : 'right');\n this.dragging = false; // compatible with desktop scenario\n\n setTimeout(function () {\n _this.lockClick = false;\n }, 0);\n }\n },\n toggle: function toggle(direction) {\n var offset = Math.abs(this.offset);\n var threshold = this.opened ? 1 - THRESHOLD : THRESHOLD;\n var computedLeftWidth = this.computedLeftWidth,\n computedRightWidth = this.computedRightWidth;\n\n if (computedRightWidth && direction === 'right' && offset > computedRightWidth * threshold) {\n this.open('right');\n } else if (computedLeftWidth && direction === 'left' && offset > computedLeftWidth * threshold) {\n this.open('left');\n } else {\n this.close();\n }\n },\n onClick: function onClick(position) {\n if (position === void 0) {\n position = 'outside';\n }\n\n this.$emit('click', position);\n\n if (this.opened && !this.lockClick) {\n if (this.beforeClose) {\n this.beforeClose({\n position: position,\n name: this.name,\n instance: this\n });\n } else if (this.onClose) {\n this.onClose(position, this, {\n name: this.name\n });\n } else {\n this.close(position);\n }\n }\n },\n getClickHandler: function getClickHandler(position, stop) {\n var _this2 = this;\n\n return function (event) {\n if (stop) {\n event.stopPropagation();\n }\n\n _this2.onClick(position);\n };\n },\n genLeftPart: function genLeftPart() {\n var h = this.$createElement;\n var content = this.slots('left');\n\n if (content) {\n return h(\"div\", {\n \"ref\": \"left\",\n \"class\": swipe_cell_bem('left'),\n \"on\": {\n \"click\": this.getClickHandler('left', true)\n }\n }, [content]);\n }\n },\n genRightPart: function genRightPart() {\n var h = this.$createElement;\n var content = this.slots('right');\n\n if (content) {\n return h(\"div\", {\n \"ref\": \"right\",\n \"class\": swipe_cell_bem('right'),\n \"on\": {\n \"click\": this.getClickHandler('right', true)\n }\n }, [content]);\n }\n }\n },\n render: function render() {\n var h = arguments[0];\n var wrapperStyle = {\n transform: \"translate3d(\" + this.offset + \"px, 0, 0)\",\n transitionDuration: this.dragging ? '0s' : '.6s'\n };\n return h(\"div\", {\n \"class\": swipe_cell_bem(),\n \"on\": {\n \"click\": this.getClickHandler('cell')\n }\n }, [h(\"div\", {\n \"class\": swipe_cell_bem('wrapper'),\n \"style\": wrapperStyle\n }, [this.genLeftPart(), this.slots(), this.genRightPart()])]);\n }\n}));\n// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/vant/es/tabbar/index.js\n\n\n\n\nvar tabbar__createNamespace = Object(utils[\"b\" /* createNamespace */])('tabbar'),\n tabbar_createComponent = tabbar__createNamespace[0],\n tabbar_bem = tabbar__createNamespace[1];\n\n/* harmony default export */ var tabbar = (tabbar_createComponent({\n mixins: [ParentMixin('vanTabbar')],\n props: {\n route: Boolean,\n zIndex: [Number, String],\n placeholder: Boolean,\n activeColor: String,\n inactiveColor: String,\n value: {\n type: [Number, String],\n default: 0\n },\n border: {\n type: Boolean,\n default: true\n },\n fixed: {\n type: Boolean,\n default: true\n },\n safeAreaInsetBottom: {\n type: Boolean,\n default: null\n }\n },\n data: function data() {\n return {\n height: null\n };\n },\n computed: {\n fit: function fit() {\n if (this.safeAreaInsetBottom !== null) {\n return this.safeAreaInsetBottom;\n } // enable safe-area-inset-bottom by default when fixed\n\n\n return this.fixed;\n }\n },\n watch: {\n value: 'setActiveItem',\n children: 'setActiveItem'\n },\n mounted: function mounted() {\n if (this.placeholder && this.fixed) {\n this.height = this.$refs.tabbar.getBoundingClientRect().height;\n }\n },\n methods: {\n setActiveItem: function setActiveItem() {\n var _this = this;\n\n this.children.forEach(function (item, index) {\n item.active = (item.name || index) === _this.value;\n });\n },\n onChange: function onChange(active) {\n if (active !== this.value) {\n this.$emit('input', active);\n this.$emit('change', active);\n }\n },\n genTabbar: function genTabbar() {\n var _ref;\n\n var h = this.$createElement;\n return h(\"div\", {\n \"ref\": \"tabbar\",\n \"style\": {\n zIndex: this.zIndex\n },\n \"class\": [(_ref = {}, _ref[BORDER_TOP_BOTTOM] = this.border, _ref), tabbar_bem({\n unfit: !this.fit,\n fixed: this.fixed\n })]\n }, [this.slots()]);\n }\n },\n render: function render() {\n var h = arguments[0];\n\n if (this.placeholder && this.fixed) {\n return h(\"div\", {\n \"class\": tabbar_bem('placeholder'),\n \"style\": {\n height: this.height + \"px\"\n }\n }, [this.genTabbar()]);\n }\n\n return this.genTabbar();\n }\n}));\n// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/vant/es/tabbar-item/index.js\n\n// Utils\n\n // Mixins\n\n // Components\n\n\n\n\nvar tabbar_item__createNamespace = Object(utils[\"b\" /* createNamespace */])('tabbar-item'),\n tabbar_item_createComponent = tabbar_item__createNamespace[0],\n tabbar_item_bem = tabbar_item__createNamespace[1];\n\n/* harmony default export */ var tabbar_item = (tabbar_item_createComponent({\n mixins: [ChildrenMixin('vanTabbar')],\n props: _extends({}, routeProps, {\n dot: Boolean,\n icon: String,\n name: [Number, String],\n info: [Number, String],\n badge: [Number, String],\n iconPrefix: String\n }),\n data: function data() {\n return {\n active: false\n };\n },\n computed: {\n routeActive: function routeActive() {\n var to = this.to,\n $route = this.$route;\n\n if (to && $route) {\n var config = Object(utils[\"g\" /* isObject */])(to) ? to : {\n path: to\n };\n var pathMatched = config.path === $route.path;\n var nameMatched = Object(utils[\"e\" /* isDef */])(config.name) && config.name === $route.name;\n return pathMatched || nameMatched;\n }\n }\n },\n methods: {\n onClick: function onClick(event) {\n this.parent.onChange(this.name || this.index);\n this.$emit('click', event);\n route(this.$router, this);\n },\n genIcon: function genIcon(active) {\n var h = this.$createElement;\n var slot = this.slots('icon', {\n active: active\n });\n\n if (slot) {\n return slot;\n }\n\n if (this.icon) {\n return h(es_icon, {\n \"attrs\": {\n \"name\": this.icon,\n \"classPrefix\": this.iconPrefix\n }\n });\n }\n }\n },\n render: function render() {\n var h = arguments[0];\n var active = this.parent.route ? this.routeActive : this.active;\n var color = this.parent[active ? 'activeColor' : 'inactiveColor'];\n return h(\"div\", {\n \"class\": tabbar_item_bem({\n active: active\n }),\n \"style\": {\n color: color\n },\n \"on\": {\n \"click\": this.onClick\n }\n }, [h(\"div\", {\n \"class\": tabbar_item_bem('icon')\n }, [this.genIcon(active), h(es_info, {\n \"attrs\": {\n \"dot\": this.dot,\n \"info\": Object(utils[\"e\" /* isDef */])(this.badge) ? this.badge : this.info\n }\n })]), h(\"div\", {\n \"class\": tabbar_item_bem('text')\n }, [this.slots('default', {\n active: active\n })])]);\n }\n}));\n// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/vant/es/tree-select/index.js\n\n// Utils\n\n // Components\n\n\n\n // Types\n\nvar tree_select__createNamespace = Object(utils[\"b\" /* createNamespace */])('tree-select'),\n tree_select_createComponent = tree_select__createNamespace[0],\n tree_select_bem = tree_select__createNamespace[1];\n\nfunction TreeSelect(h, props, slots, ctx) {\n var items = props.items,\n height = props.height,\n activeId = props.activeId,\n selectedIcon = props.selectedIcon,\n mainActiveIndex = props.mainActiveIndex;\n var selectedItem = items[+mainActiveIndex] || {};\n var subItems = selectedItem.children || [];\n var isMultiple = Array.isArray(activeId);\n\n function isActiveItem(id) {\n return isMultiple ? activeId.indexOf(id) !== -1 : activeId === id;\n }\n\n var Navs = items.map(function (item) {\n return h(sidebar_item, {\n \"attrs\": {\n \"dot\": item.dot,\n \"info\": Object(utils[\"e\" /* isDef */])(item.badge) ? item.badge : item.info,\n \"title\": item.text,\n \"disabled\": item.disabled\n },\n \"class\": [tree_select_bem('nav-item'), item.className]\n });\n });\n\n function Content() {\n if (slots.content) {\n return slots.content();\n }\n\n return subItems.map(function (item) {\n return h(\"div\", {\n \"key\": item.id,\n \"class\": ['van-ellipsis', tree_select_bem('item', {\n active: isActiveItem(item.id),\n disabled: item.disabled\n })],\n \"on\": {\n \"click\": function click() {\n if (!item.disabled) {\n var newActiveId = item.id;\n\n if (isMultiple) {\n newActiveId = activeId.slice();\n var index = newActiveId.indexOf(item.id);\n\n if (index !== -1) {\n newActiveId.splice(index, 1);\n } else if (newActiveId.length < props.max) {\n newActiveId.push(item.id);\n }\n }\n\n functional_emit(ctx, 'update:active-id', newActiveId);\n functional_emit(ctx, 'click-item', item); // compatible with legacy usage, should be removed in next major version\n\n functional_emit(ctx, 'itemclick', item);\n }\n }\n }\n }, [item.text, isActiveItem(item.id) && h(es_icon, {\n \"attrs\": {\n \"name\": selectedIcon\n },\n \"class\": tree_select_bem('selected')\n })]);\n });\n }\n\n return h(\"div\", helper_default()([{\n \"class\": tree_select_bem(),\n \"style\": {\n height: Object(utils[\"a\" /* addUnit */])(height)\n }\n }, inherit(ctx)]), [h(sidebar, {\n \"class\": tree_select_bem('nav'),\n \"attrs\": {\n \"activeKey\": mainActiveIndex\n },\n \"on\": {\n \"change\": function change(index) {\n functional_emit(ctx, 'update:main-active-index', index);\n functional_emit(ctx, 'click-nav', index); // compatible with legacy usage, should be removed in next major version\n\n functional_emit(ctx, 'navclick', index);\n }\n }\n }, [Navs]), h(\"div\", {\n \"class\": tree_select_bem('content')\n }, [Content()])]);\n}\n\nTreeSelect.props = {\n max: {\n type: [Number, String],\n default: Infinity\n },\n items: {\n type: Array,\n default: function _default() {\n return [];\n }\n },\n height: {\n type: [Number, String],\n default: 300\n },\n activeId: {\n type: [Number, String, Array],\n default: 0\n },\n selectedIcon: {\n type: String,\n default: 'success'\n },\n mainActiveIndex: {\n type: [Number, String],\n default: 0\n }\n};\n/* harmony default export */ var tree_select = (tree_select_createComponent(TreeSelect));\n// CONCATENATED MODULE: ./node_modules/vant/es/index.js\n/* unused harmony export install */\n/* unused harmony export version */\n/* unused concated harmony import ActionSheet */\n/* concated harmony reexport */__webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, false, function() { return action_sheet; });\n/* unused concated harmony import AddressEdit */\n/* concated harmony reexport */__webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, false, function() { return address_edit; });\n/* unused concated harmony import AddressList */\n/* concated harmony reexport */__webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, false, function() { return address_list; });\n/* unused concated harmony import Area */\n/* concated harmony reexport */__webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, false, function() { return es_area; });\n/* concated harmony reexport */__webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, \"a\", function() { return es_button; });\n/* unused concated harmony import Calendar */\n/* concated harmony reexport */__webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, false, function() { return calendar; });\n/* unused concated harmony import Card */\n/* concated harmony reexport */__webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, false, function() { return card; });\n/* unused concated harmony import Cell */\n/* concated harmony reexport */__webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, false, function() { return cell; });\n/* unused concated harmony import CellGroup */\n/* concated harmony reexport */__webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, false, function() { return cell_group; });\n/* unused concated harmony import Checkbox */\n/* concated harmony reexport */__webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, false, function() { return es_checkbox; });\n/* unused concated harmony import CheckboxGroup */\n/* concated harmony reexport */__webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, false, function() { return checkbox_group; });\n/* unused concated harmony import Circle */\n/* concated harmony reexport */__webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, false, function() { return circle; });\n/* unused concated harmony import Col */\n/* concated harmony reexport */__webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, false, function() { return col; });\n/* unused concated harmony import Collapse */\n/* concated harmony reexport */__webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, false, function() { return collapse; });\n/* unused concated harmony import CollapseItem */\n/* concated harmony reexport */__webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, false, function() { return collapse_item; });\n/* unused concated harmony import ContactCard */\n/* concated harmony reexport */__webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, false, function() { return contact_card; });\n/* unused concated harmony import ContactEdit */\n/* concated harmony reexport */__webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, false, function() { return contact_edit; });\n/* unused concated harmony import ContactList */\n/* concated harmony reexport */__webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, false, function() { return contact_list; });\n/* unused concated harmony import CountDown */\n/* concated harmony reexport */__webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, false, function() { return count_down; });\n/* unused concated harmony import Coupon */\n/* concated harmony reexport */__webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, false, function() { return es_coupon; });\n/* unused concated harmony import CouponCell */\n/* concated harmony reexport */__webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, false, function() { return coupon_cell; });\n/* unused concated harmony import CouponList */\n/* concated harmony reexport */__webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, false, function() { return coupon_list; });\n/* unused concated harmony import DatetimePicker */\n/* concated harmony reexport */__webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, false, function() { return datetime_picker; });\n/* concated harmony reexport */__webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, \"b\", function() { return dialog; });\n/* unused concated harmony import Divider */\n/* concated harmony reexport */__webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, false, function() { return divider; });\n/* unused concated harmony import DropdownItem */\n/* concated harmony reexport */__webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, false, function() { return dropdown_item; });\n/* unused concated harmony import DropdownMenu */\n/* concated harmony reexport */__webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, false, function() { return dropdown_menu; });\n/* unused concated harmony import Empty */\n/* concated harmony reexport */__webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, false, function() { return empty; });\n/* concated harmony reexport */__webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, \"c\", function() { return es_field; });\n/* unused concated harmony import Form */\n/* concated harmony reexport */__webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, false, function() { return es_form; });\n/* unused concated harmony import GoodsAction */\n/* concated harmony reexport */__webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, false, function() { return goods_action; });\n/* unused concated harmony import GoodsActionButton */\n/* concated harmony reexport */__webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, false, function() { return goods_action_button; });\n/* unused concated harmony import GoodsActionIcon */\n/* concated harmony reexport */__webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, false, function() { return goods_action_icon; });\n/* unused concated harmony import Grid */\n/* concated harmony reexport */__webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, false, function() { return grid; });\n/* unused concated harmony import GridItem */\n/* concated harmony reexport */__webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, false, function() { return grid_item; });\n/* concated harmony reexport */__webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, \"d\", function() { return es_icon; });\n/* unused concated harmony import Image */\n/* concated harmony reexport */__webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, false, function() { return es_image; });\n/* concated harmony reexport */__webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, \"e\", function() { return image_preview; });\n/* unused concated harmony import IndexAnchor */\n/* concated harmony reexport */__webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, false, function() { return index_anchor; });\n/* unused concated harmony import IndexBar */\n/* concated harmony reexport */__webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, false, function() { return index_bar; });\n/* unused concated harmony import Info */\n/* concated harmony reexport */__webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, false, function() { return es_info; });\n/* unused concated harmony import Lazyload */\n/* concated harmony reexport */__webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, false, function() { return lazyload; });\n/* unused concated harmony import List */\n/* concated harmony reexport */__webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, false, function() { return es_list; });\n/* unused concated harmony import Loading */\n/* concated harmony reexport */__webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, false, function() { return es_loading; });\n/* unused concated harmony import Locale */\n/* concated harmony reexport */__webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, false, function() { return locale[\"a\" /* default */]; });\n/* unused concated harmony import NavBar */\n/* concated harmony reexport */__webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, false, function() { return nav_bar; });\n/* unused concated harmony import NoticeBar */\n/* concated harmony reexport */__webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, false, function() { return notice_bar; });\n/* unused concated harmony import Notify */\n/* concated harmony reexport */__webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, false, function() { return notify; });\n/* unused concated harmony import NumberKeyboard */\n/* concated harmony reexport */__webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, false, function() { return number_keyboard; });\n/* unused concated harmony import Overlay */\n/* concated harmony reexport */__webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, false, function() { return es_overlay; });\n/* unused concated harmony import Pagination */\n/* concated harmony reexport */__webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, false, function() { return pagination; });\n/* unused concated harmony import Panel */\n/* concated harmony reexport */__webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, false, function() { return panel; });\n/* unused concated harmony import PasswordInput */\n/* concated harmony reexport */__webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, false, function() { return password_input; });\n/* unused concated harmony import Picker */\n/* concated harmony reexport */__webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, false, function() { return picker; });\n/* concated harmony reexport */__webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, \"f\", function() { return popup; });\n/* unused concated harmony import Progress */\n/* concated harmony reexport */__webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, false, function() { return es_progress; });\n/* unused concated harmony import PullRefresh */\n/* concated harmony reexport */__webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, false, function() { return pull_refresh; });\n/* unused concated harmony import Radio */\n/* concated harmony reexport */__webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, false, function() { return es_radio; });\n/* unused concated harmony import RadioGroup */\n/* concated harmony reexport */__webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, false, function() { return radio_group; });\n/* unused concated harmony import Rate */\n/* concated harmony reexport */__webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, false, function() { return es_rate; });\n/* unused concated harmony import Row */\n/* concated harmony reexport */__webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, false, function() { return row; });\n/* unused concated harmony import Search */\n/* concated harmony reexport */__webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, false, function() { return search; });\n/* unused concated harmony import ShareSheet */\n/* concated harmony reexport */__webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, false, function() { return share_sheet; });\n/* unused concated harmony import Sidebar */\n/* concated harmony reexport */__webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, false, function() { return sidebar; });\n/* unused concated harmony import SidebarItem */\n/* concated harmony reexport */__webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, false, function() { return sidebar_item; });\n/* unused concated harmony import Skeleton */\n/* concated harmony reexport */__webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, false, function() { return skeleton; });\n/* unused concated harmony import Sku */\n/* concated harmony reexport */__webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, false, function() { return es_sku; });\n/* unused concated harmony import Slider */\n/* concated harmony reexport */__webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, false, function() { return slider; });\n/* unused concated harmony import Step */\n/* concated harmony reexport */__webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, false, function() { return es_step; });\n/* unused concated harmony import Stepper */\n/* concated harmony reexport */__webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, false, function() { return stepper; });\n/* unused concated harmony import Steps */\n/* concated harmony reexport */__webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, false, function() { return steps; });\n/* unused concated harmony import Sticky */\n/* concated harmony reexport */__webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, false, function() { return es_sticky; });\n/* unused concated harmony import SubmitBar */\n/* concated harmony reexport */__webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, false, function() { return submit_bar; });\n/* unused concated harmony import Swipe */\n/* concated harmony reexport */__webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, false, function() { return swipe; });\n/* unused concated harmony import SwipeCell */\n/* concated harmony reexport */__webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, false, function() { return swipe_cell; });\n/* unused concated harmony import SwipeItem */\n/* concated harmony reexport */__webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, false, function() { return swipe_item; });\n/* unused concated harmony import Switch */\n/* concated harmony reexport */__webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, false, function() { return es_switch; });\n/* unused concated harmony import SwitchCell */\n/* concated harmony reexport */__webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, false, function() { return switch_cell; });\n/* unused concated harmony import Tab */\n/* concated harmony reexport */__webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, false, function() { return tab; });\n/* unused concated harmony import Tabbar */\n/* concated harmony reexport */__webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, false, function() { return tabbar; });\n/* unused concated harmony import TabbarItem */\n/* concated harmony reexport */__webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, false, function() { return tabbar_item; });\n/* unused concated harmony import Tabs */\n/* concated harmony reexport */__webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, false, function() { return tabs; });\n/* unused concated harmony import Tag */\n/* concated harmony reexport */__webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, false, function() { return es_tag; });\n/* concated harmony reexport */__webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, \"g\", function() { return es_toast; });\n/* unused concated harmony import TreeSelect */\n/* concated harmony reexport */__webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, false, function() { return tree_select; });\n/* concated harmony reexport */__webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, \"h\", function() { return uploader; });\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\nvar version = '2.9.2';\n\nfunction install(Vue) {\n var components = [action_sheet, address_edit, address_list, es_area, es_button, calendar, card, cell, cell_group, es_checkbox, checkbox_group, circle, col, collapse, collapse_item, contact_card, contact_edit, contact_list, count_down, es_coupon, coupon_cell, coupon_list, datetime_picker, dialog, divider, dropdown_item, dropdown_menu, empty, es_field, es_form, goods_action, goods_action_button, goods_action_icon, grid, grid_item, es_icon, es_image, image_preview, index_anchor, index_bar, es_info, es_list, es_loading, locale[\"a\" /* default */], nav_bar, notice_bar, notify, number_keyboard, es_overlay, pagination, panel, password_input, picker, popup, es_progress, pull_refresh, es_radio, radio_group, es_rate, row, search, share_sheet, sidebar, sidebar_item, skeleton, es_sku, slider, es_step, stepper, steps, es_sticky, submit_bar, swipe, swipe_cell, swipe_item, es_switch, switch_cell, tab, tabbar, tabbar_item, tabs, es_tag, es_toast, tree_select, uploader];\n components.forEach(function (item) {\n if (item.install) {\n Vue.use(item);\n } else if (item.name) {\n Vue.component(item.name, item);\n }\n });\n}\n\nif (typeof window !== 'undefined' && window.Vue) {\n install(window.Vue);\n}\n\n\n/* harmony default export */ var es = ({\n install: install,\n version: version\n});\n\n/***/ }),\n\n/***/ \"FeBl\":\n/***/ (function(module, exports) {\n\nvar core = module.exports = { version: '2.6.11' };\nif (typeof __e == 'number') __e = core; // eslint-disable-line no-undef\n\n\n/***/ }),\n\n/***/ \"FtD3\":\n/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {\n\n\"use strict\";\n\n\nvar enhanceError = __webpack_require__(\"t8qj\");\n\n/**\n * Create an Error with the specified message, config, error code, and response.\n *\n * @param {string} message The error message.\n * @param {Object} config The config.\n * @param {string} [code] The error code (for example, 'ECONNABORTED').\n @ @param {Object} [response] The response.\n * @returns {Error} The created error.\n */\nmodule.exports = function createError(message, config, code, response) {\n var error = new Error(message);\n return enhanceError(error, config, code, response);\n};\n\n\n/***/ }),\n\n/***/ \"GHBc\":\n/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {\n\n\"use strict\";\n\n\nvar utils = __webpack_require__(\"cGG2\");\n\nmodule.exports = (\n utils.isStandardBrowserEnv() ?\n\n // Standard browser envs have full support of the APIs needed to test\n // whether the request URL is of the same origin as current location.\n (function standardBrowserEnv() {\n var msie = /(msie|trident)/i.test(navigator.userAgent);\n var urlParsingNode = document.createElement('a');\n var originURL;\n\n /**\n * Parse a URL to discover it's components\n *\n * @param {String} url The URL to be parsed\n * @returns {Object}\n */\n function resolveURL(url) {\n var href = url;\n\n if (msie) {\n // IE needs attribute set twice to normalize properties\n urlParsingNode.setAttribute('href', href);\n href = urlParsingNode.href;\n }\n\n urlParsingNode.setAttribute('href', href);\n\n // urlParsingNode provides the UrlUtils interface - http://url.spec.whatwg.org/#urlutils\n return {\n href: urlParsingNode.href,\n protocol: urlParsingNode.protocol ? urlParsingNode.protocol.replace(/:$/, '') : '',\n host: urlParsingNode.host,\n search: urlParsingNode.search ? urlParsingNode.search.replace(/^\\?/, '') : '',\n hash: urlParsingNode.hash ? urlParsingNode.hash.replace(/^#/, '') : '',\n hostname: urlParsingNode.hostname,\n port: urlParsingNode.port,\n pathname: (urlParsingNode.pathname.charAt(0) === '/') ?\n urlParsingNode.pathname :\n '/' + urlParsingNode.pathname\n };\n }\n\n originURL = resolveURL(window.location.href);\n\n /**\n * Determine if a URL shares the same origin as the current location\n *\n * @param {String} requestURL The URL to test\n * @returns {boolean} True if URL shares the same origin, otherwise false\n */\n return function isURLSameOrigin(requestURL) {\n var parsed = (utils.isString(requestURL)) ? resolveURL(requestURL) : requestURL;\n return (parsed.protocol === originURL.protocol &&\n parsed.host === originURL.host);\n };\n })() :\n\n // Non standard browser envs (web workers, react-native) lack needed support.\n (function nonStandardBrowserEnv() {\n return function isURLSameOrigin() {\n return true;\n };\n })()\n);\n\n\n/***/ }),\n\n/***/ \"Ibhu\":\n/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {\n\nvar has = __webpack_require__(\"D2L2\");\nvar toIObject = __webpack_require__(\"TcQ7\");\nvar arrayIndexOf = __webpack_require__(\"vFc/\")(false);\nvar IE_PROTO = __webpack_require__(\"ax3d\")('IE_PROTO');\n\nmodule.exports = function (object, names) {\n var O = toIObject(object);\n var i = 0;\n var result = [];\n var key;\n for (key in O) if (key != IE_PROTO) has(O, key) && result.push(key);\n // Don't enum bug & hidden keys\n while (names.length > i) if (has(O, key = names[i++])) {\n ~arrayIndexOf(result, key) || result.push(key);\n }\n return result;\n};\n\n\n/***/ }),\n\n/***/ \"JP+z\":\n/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {\n\n\"use strict\";\n\n\nmodule.exports = function bind(fn, thisArg) {\n return function wrap() {\n var args = new Array(arguments.length);\n for (var i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {\n args[i] = arguments[i];\n }\n return fn.apply(thisArg, args);\n };\n};\n\n\n/***/ }),\n\n/***/ \"JkZY\":\n/***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {\n\n\"use strict\";\n/* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__libs_dom__ = __webpack_require__(\"te2A\");\n\n\nvar BODY_CLASS_NAME = 'vux-modal-open';\nvar CONTAINER_CLASS_NAME = 'vux-modal-open-for-container';\nvar VUX_VIEW_BOX_ELEMENT = '#vux_view_box_body';\n\n/* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__[\"a\"] = ({\n methods: {\n // some plugin may be imported before configPlugin, so we cannot get gloal config when component is created\n getLayout: function getLayout() {\n if (typeof window !== 'undefined') {\n if (window.VUX_CONFIG && window.VUX_CONFIG.$layout === 'VIEW_BOX') {\n return 'VIEW_BOX';\n }\n }\n return '';\n },\n addModalClassName: function addModalClassName() {\n if (typeof this.shouldPreventScroll === 'function' && this.shouldPreventScroll()) {\n return;\n }\n if (this.getLayout() === 'VIEW_BOX') {\n __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__libs_dom__[\"a\" /* default */].addClass(document.body, BODY_CLASS_NAME);\n __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__libs_dom__[\"a\" /* default */].addClass(document.querySelector(VUX_VIEW_BOX_ELEMENT), CONTAINER_CLASS_NAME);\n }\n },\n removeModalClassName: function removeModalClassName() {\n if (this.getLayout() === 'VIEW_BOX') {\n __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__libs_dom__[\"a\" /* default */].removeClass(document.body, BODY_CLASS_NAME);\n __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__libs_dom__[\"a\" /* default */].removeClass(document.querySelector(VUX_VIEW_BOX_ELEMENT), CONTAINER_CLASS_NAME);\n }\n }\n },\n beforeDestroy: function beforeDestroy() {\n this.removeModalClassName();\n },\n deactivated: function deactivated() {\n this.removeModalClassName();\n }\n});\n\n/***/ }),\n\n/***/ \"KCLY\":\n/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {\n\n\"use strict\";\n/* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */(function(process) {\n\nvar utils = __webpack_require__(\"cGG2\");\nvar normalizeHeaderName = __webpack_require__(\"5VQ+\");\n\nvar PROTECTION_PREFIX = /^\\)\\]\\}',?\\n/;\nvar DEFAULT_CONTENT_TYPE = {\n 'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'\n};\n\nfunction setContentTypeIfUnset(headers, value) {\n if (!utils.isUndefined(headers) && utils.isUndefined(headers['Content-Type'])) {\n headers['Content-Type'] = value;\n }\n}\n\nfunction getDefaultAdapter() {\n var adapter;\n if (typeof XMLHttpRequest !== 'undefined') {\n // For browsers use XHR adapter\n adapter = __webpack_require__(\"7GwW\");\n } else if (typeof process !== 'undefined') {\n // For node use HTTP adapter\n adapter = __webpack_require__(\"7GwW\");\n }\n return adapter;\n}\n\nvar defaults = {\n adapter: getDefaultAdapter(),\n\n transformRequest: [function transformRequest(data, headers) {\n normalizeHeaderName(headers, 'Content-Type');\n if (utils.isFormData(data) ||\n utils.isArrayBuffer(data) ||\n utils.isStream(data) ||\n utils.isFile(data) ||\n utils.isBlob(data)\n ) {\n return data;\n }\n if (utils.isArrayBufferView(data)) {\n return data.buffer;\n }\n if (utils.isURLSearchParams(data)) {\n setContentTypeIfUnset(headers, 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=utf-8');\n return data.toString();\n }\n if (utils.isObject(data)) {\n setContentTypeIfUnset(headers, 'application/json;charset=utf-8');\n return JSON.stringify(data);\n }\n return data;\n }],\n\n transformResponse: [function transformResponse(data) {\n /*eslint no-param-reassign:0*/\n if (typeof data === 'string') {\n data = data.replace(PROTECTION_PREFIX, '');\n try {\n data = JSON.parse(data);\n } catch (e) { /* Ignore */ }\n }\n return data;\n }],\n\n timeout: 0,\n\n xsrfCookieName: 'XSRF-TOKEN',\n xsrfHeaderName: 'X-XSRF-TOKEN',\n\n maxContentLength: -1,\n\n validateStatus: function validateStatus(status) {\n return status >= 200 && status < 300;\n }\n};\n\ndefaults.headers = {\n common: {\n 'Accept': 'application/json, text/plain, */*'\n }\n};\n\nutils.forEach(['delete', 'get', 'head'], function forEachMehtodNoData(method) {\n defaults.headers[method] = {};\n});\n\nutils.forEach(['post', 'put', 'patch'], function forEachMethodWithData(method) {\n defaults.headers[method] = utils.merge(DEFAULT_CONTENT_TYPE);\n});\n\nmodule.exports = defaults;\n\n/* WEBPACK VAR INJECTION */}.call(exports, __webpack_require__(\"W2nU\")))\n\n/***/ }),\n\n/***/ \"Kh4W\":\n/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {\n\nexports.f = __webpack_require__(\"dSzd\");\n\n\n/***/ }),\n\n/***/ \"L42u\":\n/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {\n\nvar ctx = __webpack_require__(\"+ZMJ\");\nvar invoke = __webpack_require__(\"knuC\");\nvar html = __webpack_require__(\"RPLV\");\nvar cel = __webpack_require__(\"ON07\");\nvar global = __webpack_require__(\"7KvD\");\nvar process = global.process;\nvar setTask = global.setImmediate;\nvar clearTask = global.clearImmediate;\nvar MessageChannel = global.MessageChannel;\nvar Dispatch = global.Dispatch;\nvar counter = 0;\nvar queue = {};\nvar ONREADYSTATECHANGE = 'onreadystatechange';\nvar defer, channel, port;\nvar run = function () {\n var id = +this;\n // eslint-disable-next-line no-prototype-builtins\n if (queue.hasOwnProperty(id)) {\n var fn = queue[id];\n delete queue[id];\n fn();\n }\n};\nvar listener = function (event) {\n run.call(event.data);\n};\n// Node.js 0.9+ & IE10+ has setImmediate, otherwise:\nif (!setTask || !clearTask) {\n setTask = function setImmediate(fn) {\n var args = [];\n var i = 1;\n while (arguments.length > i) args.push(arguments[i++]);\n queue[++counter] = function () {\n // eslint-disable-next-line no-new-func\n invoke(typeof fn == 'function' ? fn : Function(fn), args);\n };\n defer(counter);\n return counter;\n };\n clearTask = function clearImmediate(id) {\n delete queue[id];\n };\n // Node.js 0.8-\n if (__webpack_require__(\"R9M2\")(process) == 'process') {\n defer = function (id) {\n process.nextTick(ctx(run, id, 1));\n };\n // Sphere (JS game engine) Dispatch API\n } else if (Dispatch && Dispatch.now) {\n defer = function (id) {\n Dispatch.now(ctx(run, id, 1));\n };\n // Browsers with MessageChannel, includes WebWorkers\n } else if (MessageChannel) {\n channel = new MessageChannel();\n port = channel.port2;\n channel.port1.onmessage = listener;\n defer = ctx(port.postMessage, port, 1);\n // Browsers with postMessage, skip WebWorkers\n // IE8 has postMessage, but it's sync & typeof its postMessage is 'object'\n } else if (global.addEventListener && typeof postMessage == 'function' && !global.importScripts) {\n defer = function (id) {\n global.postMessage(id + '', '*');\n };\n global.addEventListener('message', listener, false);\n // IE8-\n } else if (ONREADYSTATECHANGE in cel('script')) {\n defer = function (id) {\n html.appendChild(cel('script'))[ONREADYSTATECHANGE] = function () {\n html.removeChild(this);\n run.call(id);\n };\n };\n // Rest old browsers\n } else {\n defer = function (id) {\n setTimeout(ctx(run, id, 1), 0);\n };\n }\n}\nmodule.exports = {\n set: setTask,\n clear: clearTask\n};\n\n\n/***/ }),\n\n/***/ \"LKZe\":\n/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {\n\nvar pIE = __webpack_require__(\"NpIQ\");\nvar createDesc = __webpack_require__(\"X8DO\");\nvar toIObject = __webpack_require__(\"TcQ7\");\nvar toPrimitive = __webpack_require__(\"MmMw\");\nvar has = __webpack_require__(\"D2L2\");\nvar IE8_DOM_DEFINE = __webpack_require__(\"SfB7\");\nvar gOPD = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor;\n\nexports.f = __webpack_require__(\"+E39\") ? gOPD : function getOwnPropertyDescriptor(O, P) {\n O = toIObject(O);\n P = toPrimitive(P, true);\n if (IE8_DOM_DEFINE) try {\n return gOPD(O, P);\n } catch (e) { /* empty */ }\n if (has(O, P)) return createDesc(!pIE.f.call(O, P), O[P]);\n};\n\n\n/***/ }),\n\n/***/ \"M10M\":\n/***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {\n\n\"use strict\";\nvar ua = navigator.userAgent;\n\nvar isAndroid = /(Android);?[\\s/]+([\\d.]+)?/.test(ua);\nvar isIpad = /(iPad).*OS\\s([\\d_]+)/.test(ua);\nvar isIpod = /(iPod)(.*OS\\s([\\d_]+))?/.test(ua);\nvar isIphone = !isIpad && /(iPhone\\sOS)\\s([\\d_]+)/.test(ua);\nvar isWechat = /micromessenger/i.test(ua);\nvar isAlipay = /alipayclient/i.test(ua);\n\nvar plugin = function plugin(Vue) {\n // Vue.$device will be removed\n if (!Vue.$device || !Vue.device) {\n Vue.$device = Vue.device = {\n isAndroid: isAndroid,\n isIpad: isIpad,\n isIpod: isIpod,\n isIphone: isIphone,\n isWechat: isWechat,\n isAlipay: isAlipay\n };\n }\n Vue.mixin({\n created: function created() {\n this.$device = {\n isAndroid: isAndroid,\n isIpad: isIpad,\n isIpod: isIpod,\n isIphone: isIphone,\n isWechat: isWechat,\n isAlipay: isAlipay\n };\n }\n });\n};\n\n/* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__[\"a\"] = (plugin);\n\n/***/ }),\n\n/***/ \"M6a0\":\n/***/ (function(module, exports) {\n\n\n\n/***/ }),\n\n/***/ \"MHRi\":\n/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {\n\n__webpack_require__(\"XqYu\");\n__webpack_require__(\"k86u\");\n__webpack_require__(\"j7dL\");\n__webpack_require__(\"9fCr\");\n__webpack_require__(\"+ed2\");\n__webpack_require__(\"9NA7\");\n__webpack_require__(\"0Udj\");\n__webpack_require__(\"YAYC\");\n\n/***/ }),\n\n/***/ \"MU5D\":\n/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {\n\n// fallback for non-array-like ES3 and non-enumerable old V8 strings\nvar cof = __webpack_require__(\"R9M2\");\n// eslint-disable-next-line no-prototype-builtins\nmodule.exports = Object('z').propertyIsEnumerable(0) ? Object : function (it) {\n return cof(it) == 'String' ? it.split('') : Object(it);\n};\n\n\n/***/ }),\n\n/***/ \"Mhyx\":\n/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {\n\n// check on default Array iterator\nvar Iterators = __webpack_require__(\"/bQp\");\nvar ITERATOR = __webpack_require__(\"dSzd\")('iterator');\nvar ArrayProto = Array.prototype;\n\nmodule.exports = function (it) {\n return it !== undefined && (Iterators.Array === it || ArrayProto[ITERATOR] === it);\n};\n\n\n/***/ }),\n\n/***/ \"MmMw\":\n/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {\n\n// 7.1.1 ToPrimitive(input [, PreferredType])\nvar isObject = __webpack_require__(\"EqjI\");\n// instead of the ES6 spec version, we didn't implement @@toPrimitive case\n// and the second argument - flag - preferred type is a string\nmodule.exports = function (it, S) {\n if (!isObject(it)) return it;\n var fn, val;\n if (S && typeof (fn = it.toString) == 'function' && !isObject(val = fn.call(it))) return val;\n if (typeof (fn = it.valueOf) == 'function' && !isObject(val = fn.call(it))) return val;\n if (!S && typeof (fn = it.toString) == 'function' && !isObject(val = fn.call(it))) return val;\n throw TypeError(\"Can't convert object to primitive value\");\n};\n\n\n/***/ }),\n\n/***/ \"NWt+\":\n/***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) {\n\nvar ctx = __webpack_require__(\"+ZMJ\");\nvar call = __webpack_require__(\"msXi\");\nvar isArrayIter = __webpack_require__(\"Mhyx\");\nvar anObject = __webpack_require__(\"77Pl\");\nvar toLength = __webpack_require__(\"QRG4\");\nvar getIterFn = __webpack_require__(\"3fs2\");\nvar BREAK = {};\nvar RETURN = {};\nvar exports = module.exports = function (iterable, entries, fn, that, ITERATOR) {\n var iterFn = ITERATOR ? function () { return iterable; } : getIterFn(iterable);\n var f = ctx(fn, that, entries ? 2 : 1);\n var index = 0;\n var length, step, iterator, result;\n if (typeof iterFn != 'function') throw TypeError(iterable + ' is not iterable!');\n // fast case for arrays with default iterator\n if (isArrayIter(iterFn)) for (length = toLength(iterable.length); length > index; index++) {\n result = entries ? f(anObject(step = iterable[index])[0], step[1]) : f(iterable[index]);\n if (result === BREAK || result === RETURN) return result;\n } else for (iterator = iterFn.call(iterable); !(step = iterator.next()).done;) {\n result = call(iterator, f, step.value, entries);\n if (result === BREAK || result === RETURN) return result;\n }\n};\nexports.BREAK = BREAK;\nexports.RETURN = RETURN;\n\n\n/***/ }),\n\n/***/ \"NXWw\":\n/***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {\n\n\"use strict\";\n/* unused harmony export install */\n/* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0_babel_runtime_core_js_object_assign__ = __webpack_require__(\"woOf\");\n/* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0_babel_runtime_core_js_object_assign___default = __webpack_require__.n(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0_babel_runtime_core_js_object_assign__);\n/* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1_babel_runtime_helpers_typeof__ = __webpack_require__(\"pFYg\");\n/* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1_babel_runtime_helpers_typeof___default = __webpack_require__.n(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1_babel_runtime_helpers_typeof__);\n/* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__components_confirm__ = __webpack_require__(\"62KO\");\n/* harmony import */ var __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__libs_plugin_helper__ = __webpack_require__(\"+Ixu\");\n\n\n\n\n\nvar $vm = void 0;\n\nvar plugin = {\n install: function install(vue) {\n var options = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : {};\n\n var Confirm = vue.extend(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_2__components_confirm__[\"a\" /* default */]);\n\n if (!$vm) {\n $vm = new Confirm({\n el: document.createElement('div'),\n propsData: {\n title: ''\n }\n });\n document.body.appendChild($vm.$el);\n }\n\n var confirm = {\n show: function show(options) {\n if ((typeof options === 'undefined' ? 'undefined' : __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1_babel_runtime_helpers_typeof___default()(options)) === 'object') {\n Object(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_3__libs_plugin_helper__[\"a\" /* mergeOptions */])($vm, options);\n }\n if ((typeof options === 'undefined' ? 'undefined' : __WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1_babel_runtime_helpers_typeof___default()(options)) === 'object' && (options.onShow || options.onHide)) {\n options.onShow && options.onShow();\n }\n this.$watcher && this.$watcher();\n this.$watcher = $vm.$watch('showValue', function (val) {\n if (!val && options && options.onHide) {\n options.onHide();\n }\n });\n\n $vm.$off('on-cancel');\n $vm.$off('on-confirm');\n\n $vm.$on('on-cancel', function () {\n options && options.onCancel && options.onCancel();\n });\n $vm.$on('on-confirm', function (msg) {\n options && options.onConfirm && options.onConfirm(msg);\n });\n $vm.showValue = true;\n },\n setInputValue: function setInputValue(val) {\n vue.nextTick(function () {\n setTimeout(function () {\n $vm.setInputValue(val);\n }, 10);\n });\n },\n prompt: function prompt(placeholder, options) {\n this.show(__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0_babel_runtime_core_js_object_assign___default()({}, options, {\n placeholder: placeholder,\n showInput: true\n }));\n },\n hide: function hide() {\n $vm.showValue = false;\n },\n isVisible: function isVisible() {\n return $vm.showValue;\n }\n };\n\n // all Vux's plugins are included in this.$vux\n if (!vue.$vux) {\n vue.$vux = {\n confirm: confirm\n };\n } else {\n vue.$vux.confirm = confirm;\n }\n\n vue.mixin({\n created: function created() {\n this.$vux = vue.$vux;\n }\n });\n }\n};\n\n/* harmony default export */ __webpack_exports__[\"a\"] = (plugin);\nvar install = plugin.install;\n\n/***/ }),\n\n/***/ \"NYxO\":\n/***/ (function(module, __webpack_exports__, __webpack_require__) {\n\n\"use strict\";\n/* unused harmony export Store */\n/* unused harmony export install */\n/* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, \"c\", function() { return mapState; });\n/* unused harmony export mapMutations */\n/* harmony export (binding) */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, \"b\", function() { return mapGetters; });\n/* unused harmony export mapActions */\n/* unused harmony export createNamespacedHelpers */\n/**\n * vuex v2.5.0\n * (c) 2017 Evan You\n * @license MIT\n */\nvar applyMixin = function (Vue) {\n var version = Number(Vue.version.split('.')[0]);\n\n if (version >= 2) {\n Vue.mixin({ beforeCreate: vuexInit });\n } else {\n // override init and inject vuex init procedure\n // for 1.x backwards compatibility.\n var _init = Vue.prototype._init;\n Vue.prototype._init = function (options) {\n if ( options === void 0 ) options = {};\n\n options.init = options.init\n ? [vuexInit].concat(options.init)\n : vuexInit;\n _init.call(this, options);\n };\n }\n\n /**\n * Vuex init hook, injected into each instances init hooks list.\n */\n\n function vuexInit () {\n var options = this.$options;\n // store injection\n if (options.store) {\n this.$store = typeof options.store === 'function'\n ? options.store()\n : options.store;\n } else if (options.parent && options.parent.$store) {\n this.$store = options.parent.$store;\n }\n }\n};\n\nvar devtoolHook =\n typeof window !== 'undefined' &&\n window.__VUE_DEVTOOLS_GLOBAL_HOOK__;\n\nfunction devtoolPlugin (store) {\n if (!devtoolHook) { return }\n\n store._devtoolHook = devtoolHook;\n\n devtoolHook.emit('vuex:init', store);\n\n devtoolHook.on('vuex:travel-to-state', function (targetState) {\n store.replaceState(targetState);\n });\n\n store.subscribe(function (mutation, state) {\n devtoolHook.emit('vuex:mutation', mutation, state);\n });\n}\n\n/**\n * Get the first item that pass the test\n * by second argument function\n *\n * @param {Array} list\n * @param {Function} f\n * @return {*}\n */\n/**\n * Deep copy the given object considering circular structure.\n * This function caches all nested objects and its copies.\n * If it detects circular structure, use cached copy to avoid infinite loop.\n *\n * @param {*} obj\n * @param {Array